How I Met Alice Clayton – A Guest Post by Nina Bocci @ninabocci @Alice_Clayton

I’ve been following Nina Bocci and Alice Clayton via social media for several years and always wondered how this dynamic duo met and plotted their soon to be released book Roman Crazy.

Curious?  Here’s the scoop.

How I met Alice Clayton: A Lifelong Friendship

Guest Post by Nina Bocci


Way, way, way back in 2008, I got a message on from Feathersmmmm and it said something to the effect of, “Hey, I love your fic. It’s really funny. How about you read mine.”


It’s true, Alice and I were a part of the Twilight fandom and to be honest, not only are we not embarrassed by it, we’re forever grateful to Stephenie Meyer for the fade to black and for sending tons of us to ficland to find some dirty bits.


After those first few messages, a lifelong friendship was born. We talked every day. Emailed a gazillion times a week and we texted a ridiculous amount. The conversations were about everything, Twilight, Rob Pattinson, Peter Facinelli, why older dudes are better/worse, politics, food, pets and books. Lots and lots of books. It really didn’t matter what the topic was because we had a ton in common.


What’s funny, is that we didn’t physically in person meet until 2014 when we took a leap of faith and met for the first time. Not just met though, we decided to stay a full week up at The Mohonk Mountain House, Sleepy Hollow and NYC. It could have been a hot mess. We were both worried about what it would mean if we met and hated each other in person. It would have been devastating. This was solid friendship and it would have really just effing sucked.


Thankfully, within the first few minutes of me picking her up at LaGuardia, we knew that we would be lifelong friends. We spent the week researching and plotting and then planned a Disney World trip with our other two besties, Christina and Lauren AKA Christina Lauren. From there, we’ve had dozens of trips in just a short span of time and we’ve collectively left our mark on everywhere we’ve visited. Disney World, Disney Land, London, NYC, Chicago, San Francisco, and a dozen other spots. We’re hoping for a #CaptainHooker trip to Italia in 2017 ; )


I had someone tell me once that friends that you meet on the internet don’t last but, we’re here to tell you that not only can/do they last but that you can find your BFF hetero-lifemate online 😉


Thank you Nina for taking the time to write this guest post for my blog.  I’m glad you and Alice have become such wonderful friends.  I am excited and can’t wait to get my hands on Roman Crazy.


Be sure to add Roman Crazy to your TBR!

Available –  September 13, 2016

roman crazy cover




Avery Bardot steps off the plane in Rome, looking for a fresh start. She’s left behind a soon-to-be ex-husband in Boston and plans to spend the summer with her best friend Daisy, licking her wounds—and perhaps a gelato or two. But when her American-expat friend throws her a welcome party on her first night, Avery’s thrown for a loop when she sees a man she never thought she’d see again: Italian architect Marcello Bianchi.

Marcello was the man—the one who got away. And now her past is colliding with her present, a present where she should be mourning the loss of her marriage and—hey, that fettuccine is delicious! And so is Marcello…

Slipping easily into the good life of summertime in Rome, Avery spends her days exploring a city that makes art historians swoon, and her nights swooning over her unexpected what was old is new again romance. It’s heady, it’s fevered, it’s wanton, and it’s crazy. But could this really be her new life? Or is it just a temporary reprieve before returning to the land of twin-set cardigans and crustless sandwiches?

A celebration of great friendship, passionate romance, and wonderful food, Roman Crazy is a lighthearted story of second chances and living life to the fullest.


About Nina Bocci 

nina bocci


 Nina Bocci is a novelist, publicist, eternal optimist, unabashed lipgloss enthusiast, constant apologist, and a hopeless romanticist. She has too many college degrees that she’s not using, and a Lego addiction that she blames on her son.






About Alice Clayton 

ALICE CLAYTON worked in the cosmetics industry for over a decade before picking up a pen (read laptop).

She enjoys gardening but not weeding, baking but not cleaning up, and finally convinced her long-time boyfriend to marry her.

Now, about that Bernese Mountain dog.






What’s In The Author’s Bag? Kyra Davis reveals…. @_KyraDavis

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Ever wondered what’s inside your favorite author’s bag/purse/backpack?  Do they carry books, their iPads, coupons, inspirational pictures, etc.?

Kyra Davis revealed the contents of her purse for all to see and explained why she carries them.

Kyra Davis bag

Okay, from left to right:

1) I always carry a compact mirror, because in the age of camera phones you never know when you have to check to see if there’s spinach in your teeth.

2) I have my wallet for obvious reasons.

3) My phone that has my entire life on it from my schedule to my pictures to my music, ebooks, so on and so forth. I carry floss (see #1 for why)

4) La Mer lip balm, the best lip balm on EARTH

5) Nars lipstick in Tanganyka

6) Chanel Gossimer lipgloss in Scintillantes for when I want a little shine

7) L’Ocitane hand cream so my hands only age three times faster than my face, rather than ten times faster.

8) Allergy meds because you never know when a wind will pick up, blow some pollen in your face and drive you into sinus-pressure hell.

9) Hiding under my mirror is my Advil, for those times when the allergy meds aren’t enough to stave off a sinus headache.

10) Under all of it is a packet of kleenex because my allergies are the bane of my existence. It’s really very sad.


Kyra pic



Thank you Kyra for participating!

~Susi – Reading and Writing Between the Wines Blog


Kyra Davis has a new release out this week.

Just One Lie

Amazon Paperback:
B&N Paperback:

just one lie banner for blog post

Check out her series and start reading today!

Follow Kyra On Social Media

kyra davis




What’s In The Author’s Bag? Debra Anastasia reveals it all… @Debra_Anastasia

what's in the author's bag banner for blog

Have you ever wondered what your favorite authors carry around in their bags?

Well, this new segment on my blog will answer that question.

Here’s what Debra Anastasia carries in her purse.

  debra anastasia image


Debra Anastasia revealed the contents of her purse for all to see and explained why she carries them.

Wallet: Has a book of stamps, all the necessary documents like my rabies shot records and whatnot.

List: Four crumpled up lists of things to buy at the store, because in my mind there is just sheer white noise and I’m very susceptible to store displays and shiny things. I need a guideline.

ID Tag: a crappy picture of me on a sparkly clip.  I don’t even need it anymore.

Little tissues. For the noses of my people.

Mints: For when my mouth tastes like ass.

Two glasses wipes. For glasses.

Two pairs of reading glasses. For the wipes.

Blister block stick. That’s sexy.

A maxi pad with a fucking face on it. Jesus.  maxi puppet

My best bro bracelet from Helena Hunting. Like Chandler and Joey? She’s Joey and I’m Chandler. She is always wearing hers and mine is always close, but not necessarily on. I’m sort of like a wild animal and I like to be unadorned. But then, when I have to be fancy I have my bracelet. This is too much information. I love my bro-celet. And my bro. Helena.

Two lips balms that ironically, Helena made for me. One from Fire Down Below and one from Poughkeepsie. They taste amazing so I snuck two into my bag at my last signing.

One single peanut (Always have to have a nut in my sack I guess.)

Random store bonus rewards cards -all with a broken hole punch from falling off my keys.

Two barrettes. See the bro-celet description.

One lipstick, Smashbox Infrared. This color is bad ass. And I wear it if I forget to wear my bra. Draws attention away from the nipples.

2 safety pins from my costume design months earlier this year.

1 dehydrated French fry tip.

3.2 pounds of loose change at the bottom.

Business cards.

1 purse hanger fancy thing for when you don’t want to put your adorable bag on the floor.

1 blue Sharpie

My ginormous iMattress (iPhone 6 plus) with a glittery case. I just got this after using the living shit out of my 4s.

Look at that! Half a stick of lifesavers. For when my meds give me dry mouth and I’m on the road and can’t drink water because we will have to take too many pee breaks.

Prescription: For toothpaste from the kids’ doc. I need to get that filled.


I knew you’d find one of those adorable maxi pads in there.  🙂

Thank you Debra for letting your fans/readers into your purse.  I knew the contents of your purse would be interesting.

xx ~Susi

You can stalk, I mean follow Debra on Social Media.  She truly is one of the best authors to follow.

Author Links





Be sure to read her books too!

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fire down below WITH WORDS