What’s in the Author’s Bag? Featuring @ninabocci #RomanCrazy

what's in the author's bag banner for blogHave you ever wondered what’s inside your favorite author’s bag/purse/backpack?  Do they carry books, their iPads, coupons, inspirational pictures, etc.?

Nina Bocci  co author of ROMAN CRAZY (Psst…. available tomorrow)  revealed the contents of her purse for all to see and explained why she carries them.






At any given time, I have no less than 3 lip glosses in my purse. Lancome Juicy Tubes – Spring Fling is my summer fave. I also have a serious problem with Sephora.

Deodorant – full size. Those travel ones are for babies. If you know me, you know I always have it with me and apply it 5,202,948,985 times a day #crazypants

Read of the day – depending on how much time I have to sit and read, I usually have a paperback and my iPad with the Nook app loaded up.

Pens – I’m a pen snob. I need very fine points because I’m crazypants but I need to have a good super fine point with me at all times.

Erin Condren planner – because I would honestly forget my head if it wasn’t attached!

Perfume – I have some sort of psycho sensitive nose and any kind of yucky smell drives me nuts. Hello, NYC subway grates. I carry some sort of small perfume with me. This is Jo Malone, which I LOVE

Headphones – Because I like to listen to podcasts when I walk to the school to get my son. (These clearly aren’t the ones I use every day because they’re neat and still pristinely packaged. The others are a wadded up mess LOL

Lotion – It puts the lotion on the skin.

So there you have it.  I knew there would lip gloss in your purse as well as your Erin Condren Planner.  I love mine and take it everywhere I go too.

Thank you for letting readers into your bag.  And, congrats on your book, Roman Crazy, which will be out tomorrow. You and Alice rock!

Readers will absolutely love it.  I did. Oh…. Marcelo!

You can read my review tomorrow.


roman crazy cover

Buy Links:

Amazon: http://amzn.to/1WeM3f9

BN: http://bit.ly/1m1OfIr

iBooks: http://apple.co/1Tltl2Q

Audible: http://adbl.co/2bMbDdx

IndieBound:  http://bit.ly/1QHcneR

BAM: http://bit.ly/1SwqYdq

Goodreads: http://bit.ly/1Pc2W2W


Find Nina  and Alice on Social Media:









How I Met Alice Clayton – A Guest Post by Nina Bocci @ninabocci @Alice_Clayton

I’ve been following Nina Bocci and Alice Clayton via social media for several years and always wondered how this dynamic duo met and plotted their soon to be released book Roman Crazy.

Curious?  Here’s the scoop.

How I met Alice Clayton: A Lifelong Friendship

Guest Post by Nina Bocci


Way, way, way back in 2008, I got a message on FF.net from Feathersmmmm and it said something to the effect of, “Hey, I love your fic. It’s really funny. How about you read mine.”


It’s true, Alice and I were a part of the Twilight fandom and to be honest, not only are we not embarrassed by it, we’re forever grateful to Stephenie Meyer for the fade to black and for sending tons of us to ficland to find some dirty bits.


After those first few messages, a lifelong friendship was born. We talked every day. Emailed a gazillion times a week and we texted a ridiculous amount. The conversations were about everything, Twilight, Rob Pattinson, Peter Facinelli, why older dudes are better/worse, politics, food, pets and books. Lots and lots of books. It really didn’t matter what the topic was because we had a ton in common.


What’s funny, is that we didn’t physically in person meet until 2014 when we took a leap of faith and met for the first time. Not just met though, we decided to stay a full week up at The Mohonk Mountain House, Sleepy Hollow and NYC. It could have been a hot mess. We were both worried about what it would mean if we met and hated each other in person. It would have been devastating. This was solid friendship and it would have really just effing sucked.


Thankfully, within the first few minutes of me picking her up at LaGuardia, we knew that we would be lifelong friends. We spent the week researching and plotting and then planned a Disney World trip with our other two besties, Christina and Lauren AKA Christina Lauren. From there, we’ve had dozens of trips in just a short span of time and we’ve collectively left our mark on everywhere we’ve visited. Disney World, Disney Land, London, NYC, Chicago, San Francisco, and a dozen other spots. We’re hoping for a #CaptainHooker trip to Italia in 2017 ; )


I had someone tell me once that friends that you meet on the internet don’t last but, we’re here to tell you that not only can/do they last but that you can find your BFF hetero-lifemate online 😉


Thank you Nina for taking the time to write this guest post for my blog.  I’m glad you and Alice have become such wonderful friends.  I am excited and can’t wait to get my hands on Roman Crazy.


Be sure to add Roman Crazy to your TBR!

Available –  September 13, 2016

roman crazy cover




Avery Bardot steps off the plane in Rome, looking for a fresh start. She’s left behind a soon-to-be ex-husband in Boston and plans to spend the summer with her best friend Daisy, licking her wounds—and perhaps a gelato or two. But when her American-expat friend throws her a welcome party on her first night, Avery’s thrown for a loop when she sees a man she never thought she’d see again: Italian architect Marcello Bianchi.

Marcello was the man—the one who got away. And now her past is colliding with her present, a present where she should be mourning the loss of her marriage and—hey, that fettuccine is delicious! And so is Marcello…

Slipping easily into the good life of summertime in Rome, Avery spends her days exploring a city that makes art historians swoon, and her nights swooning over her unexpected what was old is new again romance. It’s heady, it’s fevered, it’s wanton, and it’s crazy. But could this really be her new life? Or is it just a temporary reprieve before returning to the land of twin-set cardigans and crustless sandwiches?

A celebration of great friendship, passionate romance, and wonderful food, Roman Crazy is a lighthearted story of second chances and living life to the fullest.


About Nina Bocci 

nina bocci


 Nina Bocci is a novelist, publicist, eternal optimist, unabashed lipgloss enthusiast, constant apologist, and a hopeless romanticist. She has too many college degrees that she’s not using, and a Lego addiction that she blames on her son.






About Alice Clayton 

ALICE CLAYTON worked in the cosmetics industry for over a decade before picking up a pen (read laptop).

She enjoys gardening but not weeding, baking but not cleaning up, and finally convinced her long-time boyfriend to marry her.

Now, about that Bernese Mountain dog.






Guest Review: Doghouse, A Gin & Tonic Mystery by L.A. Kornetsky @LAGilman

guest post pic

Cristina Reviews Doghouse by L.A. Kornetsky

Doghouse cover complete

Cristina’s Review

I will start by confessing that I am an animal lover, plus, a volunteer with an animal rescue in my city.  When Doghouse by L.A. Koernetsky crossed my path I was excited when I read what it was about.  Everything I liked in one story! One of my favorite genres mixed with passion for cats and dogs! I was not disappointed.  This book really is a “good bone to chew”! You do not need to have read the previous books to enjoy this latest book in the series. Although you will probably want to when you are done! That’s what’s happened to me. The characters hook you from the moment you start reading. You meet two amateur detectives, Toni Tonica and Ginny Mallard, amateur detectives who mix their wits and charm to find the truth behind the rumor, or was it true? (I’ll leave it to you to find out!) Both have the indirect help of their pets, Georgie, a sharpie and Penny, a cat. The plot kept me intrigued and I now I can’t wait to read the other two books in the Gin & Tonic mystery series.

 I give this book 5 Woofs!

Be sure to add this book/series to your TBR list today!


Praise for the third Gin & Tonic Mystery, Doghouse:

“Infamously nosy Ginny Mallard may be unlicensed as an investigator, but she has begun to make a name for herself as the unofficial champion of the tongue-tied.  In the third installment of L.A. Kornetsky’s Gin & Tonic Mystery series, Doghouse finds Ginny getting herself tied up in a possible underground dogfighting ring.  With help from her bartender friend Teddy Tonica, his tabby cat and Ginny’s Shar Pei puppy, they have to figure out what’s going on before someone else gets hurt.”

—Cat Fancy Magazine, November 2014 issue


“Human and animal characters are equally appealing.  A thoroughly enjoyable read.”  I Love a Mystery


Doghouse is a crafty mystery with engaging characters and countless unknowns…L.A. Kornetsky makes mysteries inventively delightful, and Doghouse entertains with wit and cleverness.”  Single Titles


“I recommend it to those that really like animals and cozy mysteries.”  Books and Things


“The third Gin & Tonic “researchtigations” is an appealing anthropomorphist amateur sleuth enhanced by life in a cheerful neighborhood bar. The lead humans and their animal owners remain fresh leads while the case proves bloody in the ring and the bar.”  The Mystery Gazette


“Sniffing out clues…L.A. Kornetsky brings back Ginny Mallard and her bartender friend Teddy Tonica, along with Ginny’s pet shar-pei puppy and Teddy’s tabby cat, for their third outing in Doghouse.”  Library Journal


Praise for the second Gin & Tonic Mystery, Fixed:

“[Fixed] is the second foray into the lives of a very unlikely pair of investigators; unlikely and a whole lot of fun…Collared was the first title that introduced this extremely fun ‘family and friends’ grouping, and the author has come back with a sequel that will truly make Gin & Tonic a well-known duo! Very light-hearted, this is a great book. Any reader who likes the ‘cozy’ avenue will love this mystery, with a little bit of cat and dog language thrown in for fun.”  Suspense Magazine


Praise for the first Gin & Tonic Mystery, Collared:

“The plot moves quickly, enhanced by smart dialog and good characterizations…Recommended for purchase where pet mysteries are popular.”  Library Journal


Summary of Doghouse:

Amateur sleuths Ginny Mallard and Teddy Tonica and their furry partners prove in L.A. Kornetsky’s DOGHOUSE (Pocket Books; July 22, 2014; $7.99) that twelve legs are better than four when it comes to solving a risky new case in the third novel from the “entertaining” (Library Journal) Gin & Tonic mystery series.  At her favorite Seattle bar, professional concierge Ginny Mallard can always count on a perfectly mixed gimlet and a friendly welcome for her shar-pei, Georgie, from resident cat, Penny.  On this visit, Ginny gets an unexpected bonus.  One of the regulars asks her and her sometime partner, bartender Teddy Tonica, to save an old friend who’s facing eviction.  This is no simple landlord spat.  Rumors abound of an underground dogfighting ring on the premises—a crime guaranteed to get Gin’s hackles up. Gin and Teddy want to believe the old man is innocent of all charges, thought a new piece of evidence suggests otherwise.  Penny and Georgie keep their noses to the ground as they help their humans investigate the vicious animal rights case.  But the truth is buried deep, and digging it up will unearth dangerous complications for owners and animals alike.


About the Author:

L.A. Kornetsky is the author of two previous Gin & Tonic mysteries.  She lives in New York City with two cats and a time-share dog, and also writes fantasy under the name Laura Anne Gilman.  She welcomes visitors to www.lauraannegilman.net, @LAGilman and Facebook: L-A-Kornetsky. 

 Thank you Cristina for your Guest Review.



No Weddings Blog Tour + Guest Post + Giveaway by @KatBastion @Stone Bastion @No_Weddings

Blog Tour – No Weddings by Kat and Stone Bastion

Guest Post and Giveaway

no wedding blog tour banner



Award-winning author Kat Bastion teams with her husband, Stone Bastion, in this first book in the No Weddings Series about Cade Michaelson, a successful man with his sights set on a new venture in business, and Hannah Martin, the woman who makes it personal.

I think I have my act together as a successful bar owner, my master’s degree within reach, and a list of no-strings-attached women warming my bed. Turns out, I don’t.

Hannah believes she has safeguarded her wounded heart by shunning men and focusing on her new baking business. The thing is, she hasn’t.

When my three sisters and I form an event-planning business with Hannah as our baker, I have no idea how my life is about to change. As Hannah and I work closely together, the attraction between us becomes irresistible. And complicated. I’ve promised my sisters I wouldn’t mix business with pleasure. But I’ve never been one to follow the rules.

Guest Post


Here is a fantastic Guest Post on Co-Authoring.  Thanks to Kat and Stone for sharing!


Top 10 of Co-Authoring as Husband and Wife



What are our Top 10 of co-authoring as husband and wife?

  1. Laughter. Daily. Tons of hilarious moments make the writing process a blast.
  2. Healthy debates. One of us often felt strongly about something like a scene or marketing step. Great decisions were made when we fought for things we believed in.
  3. Creative banter. Knocking ideas around makes for fantastic improv scene creation.
  4. Teamwork. Writing is typically a solitary endeavor. The support of a writing partner in all areas, from writing and editing to promotion and administrative, is powerful.
  5. Demystifying Mars and Venus. We learn more about each other and the differences between men and women as we develop our characters.
  6. Sex scenes. Ummm… Yeah.
  7. Spending time together. Gone are the days where writing separates us. Now it brings us together.
  8. Splitting up and teaming up. Two minds can edit and blog post or write and send emails simultaneously. We also loved tackling various aspects like editing together, each bringing a valued opinion to decision making.
  9. Creativity 24/7. We can create anywhere and everywhere. Our iPhone Notes is well used.
  10. Keeping balance. We give each other gentle reminder to turn off the book thoughts. We write hard. Then we unplug and play hard.



During No Weddings release week, digital copies are only $0.99 and signed.


Blog Tour Giveaway – Win a $25 Giftcard & a signed copy of No Weddingsgiveaway 1

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Buy Links:


Barnes and Noble


Add on Goodreads

 You can read my 5 star review here.




Kat & Stone Bastion  Bio:
Award-winning and bestselling romance author Kat Bastion has teamed up with her husband Stone Bastion to create the new contemporary romance series No Weddings.
A few factoids about the writing team…
Kat enjoys her chocolate rich and dark, her music edgy and soul-filling, and her vacations exotic with toes dug into the sand. And she’s wildly, madly, deeply in love with Stone.
Stone likes pounding the trails on a mountain bike, vibrating the sound system with rock music, and down time spent on a stand up paddleboard. And he loves Kat wildly, madly, deeply…and then some.
Together, they’re having a blast bringing fun-filled romantic stories to life and hope you’ll join them in the exciting adventure.
Kat’s first published work, Utterly Loved, was a twentieth anniversary gift of love poems to Stone that they decided to share with the world to benefit charity. Net proceeds from Utterly Loved, and a portion of net proceeds from all their books, go toward charities involved in the fight against human trafficking.
Kat and Stone live amid the beautiful Sonoran Desert of Arizona.

Visit their blog at www.talktotheshoe.com, website at www.katbastion.com, &

their Twitter accounts https://twitter.com/KatBastion and https://twitter.com/StoneBastion for more information.
Keep informed about new releases by joining their Email Subscription list.


no weddings banner



Wake Me… Poetry by Lauren

This poem is sure to get your morning started off right.

Welcome Lauren, my guest poet.



devour me pic

Devour Me 


Wake me with your kisses

your warmth

your fire.

Devour me with your passion

so intense 

full of desire.

Make by body quiver.

Make me glow in delight.

Waking up to you,

eternal bliss.

by Lauren

Guest Post – Mina Vaughn – Blog Tour – How To Reprimand Your Rock Star @MinaVaughn

Guest Post by Mina Vaughn – Blog Tour

 How To Reprimand Your Rock Star

how to reprimand your rockstar

Thank you Mina for this awesome guest post.  I love athletes!  Yes, baseball pants are sexy too. ~Susi


Guest Post: The Allure of the Athlete

By Mina Vaughn


Whether or not you read romance, you have to agree: athletes are hot. I’ve always loved the image of sweaty, muscled men battling it out on some type of field. Hockey players, soccer players, baseball players, all and each have a special place in my heart. And damn, baseball uniform pants are pretty much the sexiest uniform ever, amirite?


But let’s talk about female athletes for a minute. I’ve rarely seen any in romance before, so when I thought of who would be a perfect match for my submissive rock star, Keaton Lowe, instantly I thought I’d love to write a female athlete.


Female athletes rock. Whether it’s kick-ass tennis players like Anna Kournikova and the Williams sisters, or Olympic skiers or volleyball players or lacrosse players, sporty chicks are hot and deserve their place in the romance world. When I thought about Thea, the heroine from How to Reprimand Your Rock Star, I really wanted to write about the college experience and what her sexual awakening as a domme would be like. To me, the pinnacle of women in college sports is of course the prolific UConn Huskies. They are a force of nature. Even if you don’t follow college basketball, you know that the UConn women are champs.


I think having a very fit Domme makes sense. She’s going to be using her body for both pleasure and possibly punishment, so I think Thea’s workouts will help her with that. I also think she’s intimidating, being a tall young woman. But she’s also young, naïve and really beautiful. I don’t think Dommes all need to be scary and intimidating, but I wanted Thea to have many facets to her.


I also think we live in a world where women play more sports than they used to, and I think this is a population that ought to be represented in romance. I want people to be able to cheer for Thea, not just for conquering Keaton, but in her own right as a basketball phenom.


Keaton’s turned on by Thea’s fire—the way she takes him down a peg, the way her face blushes when she’s angry, and her dominance on the court and off. The notion of a sexy heartbreaker of a rock star needing someone like Thea, a headstrong firebrand who doesn’t care who he is, was a huge turn-on for me. I love the fact that Keaton is worshipped by millions, but Thea doesn’t care. She’s got her head in the game and her eyes on the prize. Heroines who have personal stakes and goals outside of love interests are always my favorite, so I tried to make Thea strong in that respect. I hope people agree!


Let’s hear it for the boys and girls of the court, the field, and the rink! So, who are your favorite sexy athletes, and why?


Thanks for having me!


About the Author

mina vaughn picMina Vaughn

Kink with a wink! Mina Vaughn is an international woman of mystery and a shoe whore with a heart of gold. When she’s not writing her unique brand of fun smut, she’s plundering Sephora for any pin up girl makeup she can find. Mina’s debut novel, an erotic comedy entitled How to Discipline Your Vampire is about a punishment-seeking vampire who meets a quirky Domme with a serious role play fetish, available now from Simon and Schuster’s Pocket Star. How to Reprimand Your Rock Star, a sexy New Adult contemporary romance about a basketball phenom and a world-famous rocker, arrives Summer 2014.  How to Punish Your Playboy arrives Spring 2015.

a34a9-twitterbuttonTwitter:  @minavaughn


Buy Links  How to Reprimand Your Rock Star:

Amazon: http://amzn.to/19541oN

Barnes and Noble: http://bit.ly/1j9kvRn

Other Formats: http://books.simonandschuster.com/How-to-Reprimand-Your-Rock-Star/Mina-Vaughn/9781476770239


Goodreads! http://bit.ly/1bWIpM6