New Release – The Panty Whisperer – Volume 6 by Sloane Howell @sloanehowell

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Author Sloane Howell

Release date 28 July 2015

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Has Joel finally met his match?

This is a follow up novella to the first five short stories in The Panty Whisperer serial.

Have you ever been pushed to the edge, and then over it? Have you ever had your toes cramp and your head shoot to the sky, trying to log every touch, every feeling in your memory, to reenact every situation later in the shower, or underneath your cool bed sheets? Have you ever had someone own your mind, penetrating every single one of your sexual fantasies, unable to shake free of them?

The thought of me will be a thirst you can’t quench, an itch you just can’t scratch, a drug that you cannot have. Every time you run your fingers down over your body, longing for that unattainable feeling I gave you, that warm sensation shooting into your toes, that complete surrender of all inhibition, aching for me to have you just one more time, I’ll be there, inside your mind…

My name is Joel Hannover and I am the panty whisperer. Some men are good at business, some gifted at mathematics–I’m good at making women come, hard. It’s a gift I’ve possessed my entire life. If there was a girl nobody could bed, I was the first to get there. I always get there. I work as an accounting software consultant. That’s a fancy way of saying I’m a salesman. Accounting departments are full of women, dressed conservatively, presumed to live boring, mundane lives. Nothing could be further from the truth. These women are unique, sexual creatures, yearning for someone to take them to their breaking point and beyond.

How will Joel cope with Quinn’s rejection?  You’ll have to read to find out…


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Sloane Howell is a writer of erotic fiction.  She lives in the Midwest U.S. with her husband and two children.

Sloane’s Links

Facebook | Twitter | Website Goodreads

What’s In The Author’s Bag? Kyra Davis reveals…. @_KyraDavis

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Ever wondered what’s inside your favorite author’s bag/purse/backpack?  Do they carry books, their iPads, coupons, inspirational pictures, etc.?

Kyra Davis revealed the contents of her purse for all to see and explained why she carries them.

Kyra Davis bag

Okay, from left to right:

1) I always carry a compact mirror, because in the age of camera phones you never know when you have to check to see if there’s spinach in your teeth.

2) I have my wallet for obvious reasons.

3) My phone that has my entire life on it from my schedule to my pictures to my music, ebooks, so on and so forth. I carry floss (see #1 for why)

4) La Mer lip balm, the best lip balm on EARTH

5) Nars lipstick in Tanganyka

6) Chanel Gossimer lipgloss in Scintillantes for when I want a little shine

7) L’Ocitane hand cream so my hands only age three times faster than my face, rather than ten times faster.

8) Allergy meds because you never know when a wind will pick up, blow some pollen in your face and drive you into sinus-pressure hell.

9) Hiding under my mirror is my Advil, for those times when the allergy meds aren’t enough to stave off a sinus headache.

10) Under all of it is a packet of kleenex because my allergies are the bane of my existence. It’s really very sad.


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Thank you Kyra for participating!

~Susi – Reading and Writing Between the Wines Blog


Kyra Davis has a new release out this week.

Just One Lie

Amazon Paperback:
B&N Paperback:

just one lie banner for blog post

Check out her series and start reading today!

Follow Kyra On Social Media

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