Will by @KerryHeavens – Release Day Blitz @Jennw23


Will by Kerry Heavens

Series: Not Your Average British Romance, Book 2
Release Date November 1st, 2016
Genre Contemporary romance



Will Middleton has no clue how much I want him.
He looks at me like I’m an angel,
And all I can think about is how he would look tied to my bed.

He’s the perfect gentleman.
Amazing considering he’s related to The Spencer Ryan.
He is everything Spencer is not. Sensitive, considerate, and unassumingly handsome.
I’d like to show him that’s a good thing.
But he broke my heart once,
and I don’t know if I can let him do it again.

Mags Goldsmith is a beautiful, confident heiress and she seems to want me.
Although she really shouldn’t. I’m not what she needs.
She’s a goddess. And when I say goddess,
I mean erotica writing siren, who knows more than one use for a riding crop

Everything I thought I knew about her has been rewritten,
And now she’s got me tied up in knots.
She’s everything I’ve ever wanted and more,
I just have to prove I’m worthy.

This is not your average British romance.
It’s a tale of second chances, strap-ons, and of course sex oranges,
All bound up and tied to a bedroom door.

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Stay tuned for my review later this week!


Buy Links:

Amazon US: http://amzn.to/2fcQZQa
Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/2f8G2Rh
FREE on Kindle Unlimited!

Check out Spencer, Book 1 in the Series:

Amazon US: http://amzn.to/2dH6iFN
Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/2e4N7RP
iBooks: http://apple.co/2d3H1nP
Nook: http://bit.ly/2dSOK7G
Kobo: http://bit.ly/2dEVLbI


About the Author:

Sparkle, kink and all things ink. That’s what Kerry Heavens is made of.
Writing smutty, sometimes funny romance, with a touch of kink.
Real characters and best friends you wish you had.
A little ink thrown in here and there.
HEAs guaranteed.

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Cover Reveal -Will by @KerryHeavens


Will by Kerry Heavens

Series: Not Your Average British Romance, Book 2
Release Date November 1st, 2016
Genre Contemporary romance



Will Middleton has no clue how much I want him.
He looks at me like I’m an angel,
And all I can think about is how he would look tied to my bed.

He’s the perfect gentleman.
Amazing considering he’s related to The Spencer Ryan.
He is everything Spencer is not. Sensitive, considerate, and unassumingly handsome.
I’d like to show him that’s a good thing.
But he broke my heart once,
and I don’t know if I can let him do it again.

Mags Goldsmith is a beautiful, confident heiress and she seems to want me.
Although she really shouldn’t. I’m not what she needs.
She’s a goddess. And when I say goddess,
I mean erotica writing siren, who knows more than one use for a riding crop

Everything I thought I knew about her has been rewritten,
And now she’s got me tied up in knots.
She’s everything I’ve ever wanted and more,
I just have to prove I’m worthy.

This is not your average British romance.
It’s a tale of second chances, strap-ons, and of course sex oranges,
All bound up and tied to a bedroom door.

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Willblurbteasershort (1).jpg

Check out Spencer, Book 1 in the Series:

Amazon US: http://amzn.to/2dH6iFN
Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/2e4N7RP
iBooks: http://apple.co/2d3H1nP
Nook: http://bit.ly/2dSOK7G
Kobo: http://bit.ly/2dEVLbI

About the Author:

Sparkle, kink and all things ink. That’s what Kerry Heavens is made of.
Writing smutty, sometimes funny romance, with a touch of kink.
Real characters and best friends you wish you had.
A little ink thrown in here and there.
HEAs guaranteed.

Connect with Kerry:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kerryheavensauthor/
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2dQ4yWw
Goodreads: http://bit.ly/2dLpvCY
Website: http://www.kerryheavens.com/

Blog Tour – Review & Giveaway – Spencer by Kerry Heavens @KerryHeavens

Spencer Blog Tour Banner





@TheSpencerRyan exudes confidence,
I mean, have you seen him???
His dark good looks and tattooed muscled perfection are too much.
He’s hot. Lickably hot.
And he has a way with words that leaves me breathless.
But cocky doesn’t even cover it,
this guy is so arrogant you have to fight back.
But God he’s so lickable!
The thing is though,
he looks like sex but he’ll taste like jackass.

@OMGJazzyP is a sexy, annoying ball of rage in fuck-me heels
and she hates me.
Although her nipples would tend to disagree.
It’s a deadly combination.
She’s a princess.
And when I say princess, I mean intolerable, spoiled brat with a tiara.
Sure she’s got that curvaceous goddess thing going on,
but that mouth of hers…
God it needs something in it to shut it up.

This is not your average British romance.
It’s a tale of high heels, hot tattooed bad boys and
sex oranges, all wrapped up in a coating of chocolate.
It’s ‘love’ in a social media world,
where not everyone is who they seem
and where some people’s bios should carry a warning.

My Review

I’d like to start off this review with a congratulations to Kerry.  Spencer is skyrocketing on Amazon.  Congrats!!! Well deserved!

congratulations- gif fil

Kerry Heavens writes “real” and her latest book Spencer takes readers on the real adventures of Spencer and Jazz. two characters you will love.

In this story, Kerry creatively uses the social media platform Twitter as the means of communication between her characters.  Well done!  This story was unique, well thought out and brilliantly written. (I bet research for it was fun too.)

The characters, and I loved all of them are “real” which is what I love so much about Kerry’s writing.  You can imagine these characters and relate to them in the real world.  For me, that is something I enjoy when reading, that connection with the characters.

In this brilliantly written story, we meet Spencer.  Oh… Spencer.  He is hot, cocky and fun to read about.  Jazz has seen him before but it isn’t until her best friend Mags decides to do some investigating/stalking that his name and Twitter account are discovered.  Mags starts up a conversation with this arrogant guy on Twitter including Jazz.  The rest is ….. Well, here’s the part where I will tell you that you have to read the book.

For those of you familiar to Twitter, you know that you can hide behind any AVI of your choice.  Spencer, the perpetual selfie guy doesn’t hide, he enjoys the attention he gets from his followers.  Jazz uses her sexy shoes as her AVI.  Still curious?

Jazz has a sudden career change and as a result spends her summer with her best friend Mags in her posh home.  The “real” story happens there.  One of my favorite scenes happens in the downstairs bathroom.  Classic!  Kerry, you made me laugh so hard!

Both Jazz and Spencer are career minded and I liked that about them.  While different, I saw many things in common between these two making them another couple in my favorite couples list.

Jazz has her own talent which flourishes in this story.  It was great to see how that tied into this story.

Mags and Will are two supporting characters that I would love to read more about as well.  I do hope they get their own story.

This is a story that involves humor, sexy DM messages, steamy scenes, love and friendship all in a perfectly written package. Written through both of their POV’s adds to this amazing read.

I read this book in one sitting and enjoyed every single moment.  There was a “Danny” moment that brought out an extra smile.

Read and you will see that there is definitely more to Spencer than just those sexy selfies.  What is that saying?  “Appearances can be deceiving.” Aesop.

I highly recommend this book and know that you too will love it!

I gave this book 5 sparkling stars!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

5 stars





Spencer Excerpt 1


The sight and smell that greets me is just the same as it was yesterday. Bowls and utensils everywhere; and an incredible smell of chocolate and trays with neat lines of rolled truffles. Except today, I notice it. How did I miss all this crap yesterday, chocolate usually comes above everything!

Oh, but yesterday I was on a mission.

Drooling, I head around the counter and pick up a ball of chocolate from one of the trays, savouring it as the flavours explode in my mouth. Dark chocolate with some kind of boozy fruit flavour. God, it’s good.

And she did this?

She’s dangerous.

A woman who looks like her, thinks like her, wears those shoes, gives me shit and makes stuff like this, is a danger.

If I had a heart, I’d be falling in love.

I come to a big bowl of soft looking chocolate goo with a spatula sitting in it. I dip my finger in the gooey goodness and lift it to my mouth.

Holy hell! That is fucking amazing. It’s ginger and dark chocolate with some alcohol. Damn. I want to put my face in the bowl. I glance around, then shrug. Lifting the spatula out, with a decent scoop, I lean against the counter and take a good long lick.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” she barks as she comes into the kitchen.

“Just having a taste, Princess,” I reply, turning to let her see me take another lick.

She storms over, trying to grab the spatula out of my hand. Good luck with that sweetheart, this is me and chocolate. You ain’t getting it back.

“You can’t just wander in here whenever you feel like it.”

“The door was open.”

“Give that back!” she demands, catching hold of it. For a second we both pull at it, but then I see an opportunity and let go. Chocolate splatters her face, neck and chest and stops her dead in her tracks.

I choke on a laugh.

She looks at me, mouth open, “You did that on purpose!”

I shrug.

She glances down at the mess on her chest and my eyes follow, locking in on her begging nipples, visible through her dress. She looks embarrassed.

“It’s ok, Princess, I know they like me even if you don’t. Happens whenever I’m around.”

“It does not!”


I step closer. She backs off, but I catch her arm and pull her close.

“What are you doing?” she gasps.

“I don’t waste chocolate,” I reply softly and then lean in and swipe my tongue over her temple.

She wriggles, but it’s a weak effort. “Get off me,” she demands.

“Hold still, Princess, it’s all over you.” I take another lick at her cheek and move down to her neck.

“Ok, that’s enough,” she snaps, her breath catching in her throat as I suck in her earlobe.

I lick her neck just below her ear even though there’s no chocolate there and the way her head falls slightly back in surrender makes me swallow hard. “It’s never enough,” I murmur.

What the fuck?

I shake the sappy shit out of my head before I grow a vagina, and pluck the spatula out of her hand, painting a trail down her cleavage. Dropping the spatula on the floor, I grab her by the arse and lift her so that I can lick it all off. She yelps and struggles and I plonk her down on the kitchen counter, leaning forward and feasting on the stripe I painted between her breasts. Her dress is ruined, shame, I quite liked it.






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Kerry Heavens

Terrible wife

Mediocre mother

Appalling housewife

Fashion graduate

Wedding co-ordinator

Sex toy salesperson

Shop manager


Font collector

Romance addict

Fancier of nice men

Ok, fancier of almost all men

Awesome cupcake baker

Incessant singer

Film buff



Facebook / Twitter / Website

Release Day Blitz – Spencer by Kerry Heavens @KerryHeavens


I’m thrilled to share this new release with you today.  You will love Spencer! 

Enjoy the excerpt and stay tuned for my full review next week.  




@TheSpencerRyan exudes confidence,
I mean, have you seen him???
His dark good looks and tattooed muscled perfection are too much.
He’s hot. Lickably hot.
And he has a way with words that leaves me breathless.
But cocky doesn’t even cover it,
this guy is so arrogant you have to fight back.
But God he’s so lickable!
The thing is though,
he looks like sex but he’ll taste like jackass.

@OMGJazzyP is a sexy, annoying ball of rage in fuck-me heels
and she hates me.
Although her nipples would tend to disagree.
It’s a deadly combination.
She’s a princess.
And when I say princess, I mean intolerable, spoiled brat with a tiara.
Sure she’s got that curvaceous goddess thing going on,
but that mouth of hers…
God it needs something in it to shut it up.

This is not your average British romance.
It’s a tale of high heels, hot tattooed bad boys and
sex oranges, all wrapped up in a coating of chocolate.
It’s ‘love’ in a social media world,
where not everyone is who they seem
and where some people’s bios should carry a warning.


Spencer Excerpt 1


He growls, moving closer, putting his beer on the table. “You don’t know me.” He’s right in front of me now.

He smells amazing.


“I don’t want to know you.”

He lets out a clipped laugh. “Liar.”

“You arrogant piece of shit!” I raise my hand to slap his smug face, but he catches my wrist and pins it against the wall above my head. He leans into me until I can feel his breath against my cheek. It sends unwelcome shivers down my spine. I hate him and I hate what he does to me.

My breathing is rapid, but so is his.

“Why do you have to be so fucking irritating?” he hisses, through clenched teeth.

“You bring out the best in me. Now get the fuck off me before I hurt you.”

He sneers. “That, I’d love to see, Princess.”

“Try me,” I dare him, turning my face ever so slightly to look in his eyes. I want him to see how angry I am, to see that I really can’t stand him. Unfortunately, he is looking at my lips, why is he looking at my lips? Just then his eyes flick up, and for a second, I see just a hint of confusion, before his lips crush against mine with such force an involuntary moan escapes.

His tongue forces its way into my mouth and begins exacting its revenge on mine for the nasty things I’ve said.

What the fuck is happening? I hate him, but my God I want to fuck him. This is so bad. I need to stop this now. His hand is still pinning my wrist to the wall, so with my other hand I shove at his shoulder, he breaks contact with my mouth for a second grabbing my other wrist and pinning it along with the first in one strong hand.

“What do you think you’re doing?” I gasp, fighting to breathe. I badly want to fight him, but I need to feel him.

“Figuring this out,” he murmurs as his mouth begins to travel to my neck. He bites my earlobe and I cry out. Pleasure and pain, passion and fury, surge through me and I start to fight.

Yanking at my hands held securely in his firm grip, I can’t help another moan as his hot, breathless kisses work their way down my neck. His free hand snakes into my top and yanks down the cup of my bra.

“Figuring what out?” I pant. “I hate you and you hate me, it’s perfectly easy to understand. Ah!” His fingers pinch my nipple hard.

“If you hate me, why are you panting like a dog in heat?” he says as he sinks his teeth into the soft skin of my neck and bites hard enough to leave a mark.

“Fuck!” I growl, the pain just increases the damned pleasure. I fucking hate my body for its betrayal. “Don’t flatter yourself,” I spit. His head dips lower and my top is lifted

up, then his mouth is on my nipple. At this point I’m screwed; my nipples are my weakness. I moan loudly and lose myself for a second in the sensation. He bites down and I cry out. Then realisation floods back in. I wriggle to get out of his grasp again, but he holds me tighter. His hand stills my hips and I freeze as it slides around my arse and up, under my skirt. I try again to get free of him as his busy hand pushes my skirt up around my waist.

“Why fight me?” His fingers travel around my thigh.

“Why? Because I hate you, that’s why.”

“You want me, you can’t deny it.”

“In your dreams,” I start to protest, but his fingers find their way to the front of my knickers and slip inside. All the air leaves my body as his fingers slide across my clit and then sink inside.

“Liar!” he purrs, working his fingers.

I whimper. I’ve never been so turned on, or so at odds with myself. “If you hated me,” he pulls his hand away, leaving me to sag with disappointment, “you wouldn’t be this wet.” His fingers force their way into my mouth, coated with my need.

This display of dominance has a shiver running through me, and without thinking, I suck at his fingers and groan.

He smirks. “Face it, Princess, you want me.”

I do.



I don’t.

He lets his fingers slip from my mouth and stares at me with a look of triumph, like he has me right where he wants me.

“You’re a pig,” I whisper, “you make me sick.”

“Yeah?” he challenges.

“Yeah,” I breathe.

Then, he presses himself against me.

Ho-ly fuck.


Spencer Buy The Book









Kerry Heavens

Terrible wife

Mediocre mother

Appalling housewife

Fashion graduate

Wedding co-ordinator

Sex toy salesperson

Shop manager


Font collector

Romance addict

Fancier of nice men

Ok, fancier of almost all men

Awesome cupcake baker

Incessant singer

Film buff



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Cover Reveal – Spencer by Kerry Heavens @KerryHeavens

Cover Reveal

Spencer by Kerry Heavens

I am thrilled to share this cover with you today!

I can’t wait to meet Spencer on May 7th.

Yeah, he’s delicious isn’t he?

Check it out!




Releasing May 7, 2015


@TheSpencerRyan exudes confidence,

I mean, have you seen him???

His dark good looks and tattooed muscled perfection are too much.

He’s hot. Lickably hot.

And he has a way with words that leaves me breathless.

But cocky doesn’t even cover it,

this guy is so arrogant you have to fight back.

But God he’s so lickable!

The thing is though,

he looks like sex but he’ll taste like jackass.


@OMGJazzyP is a sexy, annoying ball of rage in fuck-me heels

and she hates me.

Although her nipples would tend to disagree.

It’s a deadly combination.

She’s a princess.

And when I say princess, I mean intolerable, spoiled brat with a tiara.

Sure she’s got that curvaceous goddess thing going on,

but that mouth of hers…

God it needs something in it to shut it up.



This is not your average British romance.

It’s a tale of high heels, hot tattooed bad boys and

sex oranges, all wrapped up in a coating of chocolate.

It’s ‘love’ in a social media world,

where not everyone is who they seem

and where some people’s bios should carry a warning.


Add Spencer to your TBR list!  


Books by this Author

just human



Still Human



About the Author

Kerry Heavens

‘I am what I am,’ as the song goes. ‘I don’t want praise, I don’t want pity. I bang my own drum, some think its a noise, I think its pretty. So what if I love each sparkle and each bangle. why not see things from a different angle? Your life is a shame ’til you can shout out, I am what I am.”

So here goes…I’m Kerry, I live with my family outside London. I am married to the love of my life and we have two amazing, beautiful children and a nutball Boston terrier, called Betty.

I graduated from the Surrey Institute of Art and Design with a degree in Fashion. I realised straight away that the industry wasn’t for me, so I’ve been creatively frustrated ever since. I have tried a bit of everything to satisfy my need for a creative outlet. Nothing keeps me happy for long. Until I discovered writing. Writing a book has always been a dream, but I had no clue where to start. Then one day, parking my car at the supermarket, Liv & Danny came to me like a thunderbolt. I don’t know where they came from, but I raced home and started making them real. Now I have two books to publish and lots more ideas to work on.

I am extremely prone to crushes on boys in books…on trains, in the street, wherever. From my early infatuation with Patrick Swayze in Dirty Dancing and Tom Cruise in Cocktail, to my recent obessions with book-boyfriends like Christian Grey, Travis Maddox and Kellan Kyle, I have always been the same. For the time it takes me to read a book I have an intense love affair with the characters, sometimes they stay with me for a week, sometimes its for life. Sometimes I feel like I will need therapy to cope with the fact that they are not real and will never be mine! Even though I am devoted to my husband, I’ll never change, not as long as brilliant, creative writers keep giving me deeply flawed, yet perfect men to love…
I hope, I dream, that these are the types of characters I can one day create to be obsessed over.

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