What’s In The Author’s Bag? Debra Anastasia reveals it all… @Debra_Anastasia

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Have you ever wondered what your favorite authors carry around in their bags?

Well, this new segment on my blog will answer that question.

Here’s what Debra Anastasia carries in her purse.

  debra anastasia image


Debra Anastasia revealed the contents of her purse for all to see and explained why she carries them.

Wallet: Has a book of stamps, all the necessary documents like my rabies shot records and whatnot.

List: Four crumpled up lists of things to buy at the store, because in my mind there is just sheer white noise and I’m very susceptible to store displays and shiny things. I need a guideline.

ID Tag: a crappy picture of me on a sparkly clip.  I don’t even need it anymore.

Little tissues. For the noses of my people.

Mints: For when my mouth tastes like ass.

Two glasses wipes. For glasses.

Two pairs of reading glasses. For the wipes.

Blister block stick. That’s sexy.

A maxi pad with a fucking face on it. Jesus.  maxi puppet

My best bro bracelet from Helena Hunting. Like Chandler and Joey? She’s Joey and I’m Chandler. She is always wearing hers and mine is always close, but not necessarily on. I’m sort of like a wild animal and I like to be unadorned. But then, when I have to be fancy I have my bracelet. This is too much information. I love my bro-celet. And my bro. Helena.

Two lips balms that ironically, Helena made for me. One from Fire Down Below and one from Poughkeepsie. They taste amazing so I snuck two into my bag at my last signing.

One single peanut (Always have to have a nut in my sack I guess.)

Random store bonus rewards cards -all with a broken hole punch from falling off my keys.

Two barrettes. See the bro-celet description.

One lipstick, Smashbox Infrared. This color is bad ass. And I wear it if I forget to wear my bra. Draws attention away from the nipples.

2 safety pins from my costume design months earlier this year.

1 dehydrated French fry tip.

3.2 pounds of loose change at the bottom.

Business cards.

1 purse hanger fancy thing for when you don’t want to put your adorable bag on the floor.

1 blue Sharpie

My ginormous iMattress (iPhone 6 plus) with a glittery case. I just got this after using the living shit out of my 4s.

Look at that! Half a stick of lifesavers. For when my meds give me dry mouth and I’m on the road and can’t drink water because we will have to take too many pee breaks.

Prescription: For toothpaste from the kids’ doc. I need to get that filled.


I knew you’d find one of those adorable maxi pads in there.  🙂

Thank you Debra for letting your fans/readers into your purse.  I knew the contents of your purse would be interesting.

xx ~Susi

You can stalk, I mean follow Debra on Social Media.  She truly is one of the best authors to follow.

Author Links


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Debra-Anastasia/429939037076457?fref=ts

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Debra_Anastasia

Instagram: https://instagram.com/debra_anastasia/

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Debra-Anastasia/e/B0051BO7I4

Be sure to read her books too!

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fire down below WITH WORDS

Susi Reviews Saving Poughkeepsie by Debra Anastasia @Debra_Anastasia

Susi Reviews – Saving Poughkeepsie

by Debra Anastasia65543-blak2band2bwhite2bsavingpoughkeepsie_cover_v3

Saving Poughkeepsie 

Debra Anastasia

Add Saving Poughkeepsie to: Goodreads

 Buy from: Amazon  | Barnes and Noble

Beckett Taylor’s quest to be a better man has brought Eve Hart back into his
life, but sometimes it feels like they’re bound together with barbed
wire. Though he longs to love her without causing pain, the wreckage of
their past continues to crash down around them.
Yet with the
help of this brothers—and for his brothers—Beckett won’t stop trying.
He’s determined to make them all a family, to make a life they want to
live, and to make Poughkeepsie a place that’s safe to live it.

He can feel their futures balanced precariously on his shoulders: Blake
and Livia and their children, Cole and Kyle and the new baby they’ve
just brought home, and Eve…always Eve. He wants their dreams to be real.
But murderers don’t just get Happily Ever After handed to them. They
have to wrench it away from Satan himself.

Good thing Beckett is prepared to do just that.

After all, saving Poughkeepsie is the only way his story ends.

Prepare your heart and your head for a wild ride in this final installment of
the Poughkeepsie Brotherhood series. Debra Anastasia does not disappoint
as she weaves the last chapter of a story that blends true love,
turbulent emotions, and life’s harsh realities into an uplifting tale
that calls to the good in each of us.

Continue reading

Release Day ~ Excerpts and Giveaway ~ Saving Poughkeepsie by Debra Anastasia @Debra_Anastasia

 Happy Saturday!

This is what you should be reading today!

Happy Release Day to Debra Anastasia.

Saving Poughkeepsie is live!



Saving Poughkeepsie 

Debra Anastasia

Add Saving Poughkeepsie to: Goodreads

On 11/22 Buy from: Amazon  | Barnes and Noble

Beckett Taylor’s quest to be a better man has brought Eve Hart back into his
life, but sometimes it feels like they’re bound together with barbed
wire. Though he longs to love her without causing pain, the wreckage of
their past continues to crash down around them.
Yet with the
help of this brothers—and for his brothers—Beckett won’t stop trying.
He’s determined to make them all a family, to make a life they want to
live, and to make Poughkeepsie a place that’s safe to live it.

He can feel their futures balanced precariously on his shoulders: Blake
and Livia and their children, Cole and Kyle and the new baby they’ve
just brought home, and Eve…always Eve. He wants their dreams to be real.
But murderers don’t just get Happily Ever After handed to them. They
have to wrench it away from Satan himself.

Good thing Beckett is prepared to do just that.

After all, saving Poughkeepsie is the only way his story ends.

Prepare your heart and your head for a wild ride in this final installment of
the Poughkeepsie Brotherhood series. Debra Anastasia does not disappoint
as she weaves the last chapter of a story that blends true love,
turbulent emotions, and life’s harsh realities into an uplifting tale
that calls to the good in each of us.

Continue reading