Author Spotlight – Interview with Ann Marie Walker & Amy K. Rogers @annmarie_walker @amy_krogers

author interview banner

I am excited to share this interview with you today.  Thank you to Ann Marie Walker and Amy K. Rogers, authors of The Chasing Fire Series.  This is one series I highly recommend.  So, if you haven’t read it yet, get to it.  You will love it!  And, you will love Hudson D. Chase as well.  (winks)  The buy links are located at the end of the post.


My trip to Chicago over the summer was fantastic and one of the reasons I enjoyed it so much was because I got to visit many of the places mentioned in Remind Me, Release Me and the newly released Reclaim Me by Ann Marie Walker and Amy K. Rogers.  As a reader, I love visiting places my favorite characters have had memorable scenes in.  As I explored the city, I thought of some questions for this dynamic writing duo.  These questions sparked this interview.  Enjoy!


Susi:  I immediately noticed Hudson News when I landed at the Chicago O’Hare airport.  Of course, I blurted out the name Hudson and my husband told me to be quiet.   How did you come up with Hudson as the name for your delicious male protagonist? Chase?

hudson news image



Ann Marie: Choosing a character name is always hard but when you have to factor in two author’s opinions it’s even more difficult. After all, you can’t be writing a steamy scene about a character with the same name as an ex or a family member. We wanted our leading man to have a strong, two syllable first name and when we came across the name Hudson we both just knew it was right.

Amy: It was a while before we landed on a name. So for a while he was called Mr. Enigmatic or Mr. E. Finally, Hudson let us know what his name was and it seemed to fit. However, I do have a thing for strong and unique male names.


Susi:  I visited the famous Palmolive Building during one of my walking tours.  I stood in the entrance and even took a picture.  I would have gone in had it not been for a fussy man at my side.  Why did you choose this location as Hudson’s home?

palmolive building 2

Ann Marie: As the Chicagoan, it fell to me to choose locations for the books. Hudson’s residence was a no brainer. The Palmolive Building is not only one of the few locations in the city where no street address is needed, it was the original home of Playboy Headquarters as well as the location of the very first Playboy Club. When the building converted to residences, the three story penthouse was purchased by actor Vince Vaughn who restored Hugh Hefner’s office to its original condition.

Amy: Ann Marie and I also investigated the building as well. Okay, we may have stalked and tried to bribe our way in by making friends with the doorman. The building seemed perfect from the start. It’s strong, dark, and architecturally beautiful. Kind of starting to sound like our leading man himself.


Susi: Out of all of the cities, why was Chicago selected as the main setting for this series?

chicago skyline

Ann Marie: So many books are set in New York, and we wanted to do something different. I started tossing out Chicago settings and Amy was hooked.

Amy: Exactly what Ann Marie said. We wanted a completely different setting. Oh yeah, I love the city!


Susi:  Why was the name Alessandra Sinclair chosen?  I recall a street named St. Clair near my hotel and wondered if this had anything to do with “Sinclair.”

Ann Marie: Just a coincidence. We mainly wanted a name that could sound slightly pretentious while at the same time offered a nickname that reflected the girl she was with Hudson.


Susi:  I know the inspiration for Hudson was David Gandy.  And, sigh…. he is simply perfect.  

david gandy wow







Who was the inspiration for Allie?

For Harper?  For Nick?

Amy: We knew what Allie looked and to us she was an older Esti Ginzburg. However many of our readers have suggested Blake Lively. As for Harper, we clearly saw her as a feisty red head so Jane Levy seemed to fit her perfectly. For Nick we have a clear picture, literally, of the model. But we have no idea who he is.


 blake livelyjane levy


Susi:  Psst… I think I may have found Nick.  What do you think?

marlon teixera



Susi:  With so many amazing places to drink and dine, what made Tavern on Rush your location of choice for Allie and Harper to enjoy drink?  For the record, I had dinner there and it was a delicious experience.

tavern on rush



Ann Marie: I have always loved the bar at Tavern and with the cozy VIP area and the fabulous cocktails, it seemed the perfect location for Allie & Harper’s night out. Side note: The owners of Tavern hosted the REMIND ME launch party in April, even serving mini sucker punches in honor of the event!

Susi: Did you visit all of the places when writing the series?  Somehow I can picture Ann Marie jotting down details for the books.

Amy: Ann Marie sent me picture, after picture of every single location we mention in the books, which really gave me a clear picture of the venues. When I went out there after we have finished writing the first book we did what we now call the “Remind Me” Tour and I visited them all. It was a blast. Did I just date myself by using the word blast?


Susi:  Now for some questions on the writing process.  Had you written before, solo or as duo?

How do the two of you write?  I imagine lots of back and forth via email.  Did you outline the story first or just write?

Ann Marie: Amy and I spend a lot of time on the phone talking through ideas and brainstorming. When we write it’s in google docs so we can make changes and leave comments. Since we divide up the chapters, me writing Allie’s and Amy writing Hudson’s, we need to outline so we both know where the story is going…but don’t even get Amy started on my excel spreadsheets! haha.


Susi:  What obstacles did you encounter when writing this series?

Amy: For me the biggest challenge was time. I don’t think I’m alone with many authors who juggle careers (day jobs), family, kids and life.


Susi:  Did you ever imagine the series would be such a success?

Ann Marie: We have been overwhelmed by the response to Hudson and Allie’s story. From the tweets and facebook posts from all over the world, to the role play accounts and the fan sites, to the amazing support of bloggers like yourself, we are unbelievably grateful.


Susi:  When did you decide to become writers?

Ann Marie: I’ve always loved writing and worked for a newspaper a lifetime ago, but the idea to write a novel took root about seven years ago.

Amy: I’ve been writing since I was a kid, then even as an adult working on my craft as a screenwriter. I didn’t seriously consider writing a novel until Ann Marie said ‘Hey, let’s write a book.’ and I said ‘Okay.’


Susi:  Do you have a special time to write or how is your day structured?

Ann Marie: I’m more of a binge writer. Some authors can divide up their day but for me it’s more “all or nothing”.

Amy: For me it’s when I can, so many weekends I spend at my computer. And I’m much more of a method writer, I let the characters talk to me and guide me.


Susi:  Do you aim for a set amount of words/pages per day?

Ann Marie: Not really. I’m not much of a “sprinter”. I tend to write and edit as I go so while my daily word count might be low by some standards, it rarely requires a second pass.

Amy: I’m a write and don’t look back type. I let what’s happening in the scene/chapter guide me.


Susi:  What is the hardest thing about writing?

Ann Marie: Interruptions of daily life. Once I get into a groove, I hate being pulled out of it for laundry or cooking. Let’s just say that deadlines mean take out menus and dirty socks.

Amy: Interruptions of just life in general, especially when you’ve hit a wicked awesome groove.


Susi:  What is the easiest thing about writing?

Ann Marie: Plotting, at least with Amy. We love to play “what if” with our characters, especially over lemon drop martinis.

Amy:Plotting by far is the easiest. Ann Marie and I get going and it’s game on.


Susi:  How long did it take you to write each book?

Ann Marie:We wrote the first book at a slower pace but after the series sold we had delivery deadlines so book 2 & 3 were written in about 3 months each.


Susi:   Who are your favorite authors?

Ann Marie: Sylvia Day. Not only for her writing but for her overall career as well as the support she gives other authors and the way she interacts with her fans.

Amy: J.R. Ward “The Warden”. Her characters are magnificently developed, each with their own personality, even down to her “evil” characters. However, besides her writing she really takes the time to connect with her readers on a daily basis. And Like Ann Marie, I’m also an admirer of Sylvia Day.


Susi:  What book/s are you reading at present?

Ann Marie: I hate to admit it but I haven’t read a book in months! My kindle is packed with fabulous books but between the writing deadlines and launching 3 books in 6 months there hasn’t been much time.

Amy: Likewise, I haven’t read in way too long. My kindle is jammed with a TBR pile, but there hasn’t been much time.

Susi:  Is there another series in the works?

Ann Marie: We just might have a few surprises up our sleeves…stay tuned 🙂


Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule ladies for this blog interview.

I am certainly looking forward to reading more of your writing in the future.

~Susi – Reading and Writing Between the Wines Blog  @read_wine_blog

About the Authors

Though thousands of miles apart, Ann Marie Walker and Amy K. Rogers are in constant contact, plotting story lines and chatting about their love of alpha males, lemon drop martinis and British supermodel, David Gandy. You can find them on twitter as @AnnMarie_Walker and @Amy_KRogers. 



Amy K. Rogers

Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads


Ann Marie Walker

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

Start the Chasing Fire Series Today!



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release me



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Virtual Tour- Review and Giveaway – Reclaim Me (Chasing Fire #3) by @AnnMarie_Walker & @Amy_KRogers @TastyBookTours

Enter to Win the
Ultimate Chasing Fire Prize Pack!
Chasing Fire #3
Ann Marie Walker & Amy K. Rogers
Releasing October 20th, 2015
Berkley Intermix
As the heart-pounding Chasing Fire trilogy concludes, a dangerous entanglement leaves Hudson and Allie wondering
how much they’re willing to risk for the love they can’t live without…
There’salmost nothing Alessandra Sinclair wouldn’t do for Hudson Chase. He was her
first love, and she’s determined that he’ll be her last. But when the terrible
truth Hudson has been hiding comes to light, Allie finds herself caught in a
deadly game of cat and mouse with a man from her past who’s determined to use
what he knows to ruin Hudson. Now, the only way to save the man she loves may
be to lose him forever…
Hudson has always known that the secrets he keeps could be his downfall, but he never
expected them to put Allie’s life in danger as well. It’s time for him to come
clean–before everything he’s ever wanted is destroyed…
Includes previews of REMIND ME and RELEASE ME, the first two books of the Chasing Fire trilogy.
Praise for the Chasing Fire trilogy

“Exceptional…Seriously sexy and
sinfully steamy. Can’t wait for more from this writing duo!”–New York
Times bestselling author Tara Sue Me

“Walker and Rogers strike the
perfect balance between blistering physical desire and heartfelt
connections…”–RT Book Review  
Buy Now
Check out the Complete First Chapter Exclusively at

I love to read trilogies and The Chasing Fire Trilogy immediately skyrocketed to the top of my 2015 favorite books list. You see Ann Marie and Amy created this amazing series that captivated me from the very start.  Their muse or inspiration for their male protagonist Hudson, was David Gandy.  Enough said. Wow! I’m a Gandy girl and I will tell you, he is the perfect Hudson.   Trust me, this is a series I am sure you will love.

Reclaim Me is the final book in this trilogy. This book picks up where the last book leaves you, hanging and full of angst.  Alessandra and Hudson are in France.  Harper, Allie’s best friend has flown to meet her there.  And, the arrogant French ass Julian is back with his own agenda for Allie and Hudson.

Once back in Chicago, Allie and Hudson have plenty to deal with.  Julian is making sure Allie complies with his plan.  Many revelations are made along the way.  Lets just say, life becomes more complicated for Allie and Hudson.  (no spoilers)

Allie wants to protect Hudson and Nick while Hudson wants to protect Allie.

Hudson continues to be the commanding alpha male I love so much while still showing a lighter and more humorous side.  Look out for some fun and sexy text messages along the way too. Hudson also knows how to romance his lady.  Yes, Hudson even dabbles in poetry. He will stop at nothing to show his love for Allie.

One of the reasons why I enjoyed this book so much is because all of the secondary characters stand out.  We learn more about them and ultimately love them more.  They truly play important roles in Hudson and Allie’s lives. They help to make this story complete.

Nick, Hudson’s brother is on the right track.  And, if you made the same prediction I made in Release Me, you’ll be thrilled to learn more about his personal/love life in this book.  His relationship with Hudson is stronger as well.  I loved the sibling bonding, especially a certain bow tie scene.  I’d love to read more about Nick in another book. (Please)

Collin, Allie’s assistant proves to be a great friend too.  He’s always had Allie’s back and turns out to be an invaluable and trustworthy employee as well.

Harper, the bff.  She’s sassy and full of life. I’ve always loved her and I was excited to see how her personal life unfolded as well. Let’s just say, Harper and Allie have similar taste in men.

(As an Ian Somerhalder fan, I loved the bar scene. Just saying. 🙂 )

Prepare yourself for a thrill ride through Chicago.  You’ll find adventure,  love, angst, humor, hope, romance, revelations from the past, friendship, an adorable puppy, and lots and lots of steamy sex in this final book.

Will Allie and Hudson find their happily ever after?

reclaim me teaser 1

Writing this review was bittersweet and difficult.  I didn’t want Hudson and Allie’s story to end and at the same time, I wanted to share the story with you.  But, I can’t spoil it.  You will have to get the book/series and read for yourself.  You won’t be disappointed.

I loved all of the books in this series. However, Reclaim Me is my favorite. The intensity of their love, their passion and unwavering pursuit for a happy ending makes this such a spectacular read.

So if you haven’t started this series, one click it today.  Happy reading!


I gave this book 5 steamy stars!

5 stars

I received and ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.


Stay tuned for another post later this week with my favorite lines.




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Though thousands of miles apart, Ann Marie Walker and Amy K. Rogers are in constant contact, plotting story lines and chatting about their love of alpha males, lemon drop martinis and British supermodel, David Gandy. You can find them on twitter as @AnnMarie_Walker and @Amy_KRogers. 
Amy K. Rogers


Ann Marie Walker
Start the Chasing Fire Series Today!
Available Now


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Tuesday Teaser -Reclaim Me (Chasing Fire #3) by @AnnMarie_Walker and @Amy_KRogers @TastyBookTours

Tuesday Teaser

Chasing Fire #3
Ann Marie Walker & Amy K. Rogers
Releasing October 20th, 2015
Berkley Intermix
As the heart-pounding Chasing Fire trilogy concludes, a dangerous entanglement leaves Hudson and Allie wondering
how much they’re willing to risk for the love they can’t live without…
There’s almost nothing Alessandra Sinclair wouldn’t do for Hudson Chase. He was her
first love, and she’s determined that he’ll be her last. But when the terrible
truth Hudson has been hiding comes to light, Allie finds herself caught in a
deadly game of cat and mouse with a man from her past who’s determined to use
what he knows to ruin Hudson. Now, the only way to save the man she loves may
be to lose him forever…
Hudson has always known that the secrets he keeps could be his downfall, but he never
expected them to put Allie’s life in danger as well. It’s time for him to come
clean–before everything he’s ever wanted is destroyed…
Includes previews of REMIND ME and
RELEASE ME, the first two books of the Chasing Fire trilogy.
Praise for the Chasing Fire trilogy

“Exceptional…Seriously sexy and
sinfully steamy. Can’t wait for more from this writing duo!”–New York
Times bestselling author Tara Sue Me

“Walker and Rogers strike the
perfect balance between blistering physical desire and heartfelt
connections…”–RT Book Review  
Pre-Order Now

Hudson stood with his back to her, his phone pressed to his ear as he stared out across the river to the lake, barely visible through the gray January fog. His tall, muscular frame filled the window of the small office, dominating the space just as he did the world below them. Nearly all of Chicago seemed his for the taking, and yet he’d made it clear that the only thing he wanted was her. And the attraction was more than just physical. It was an inexplicable pull they’d both felt from the very start, a yearning so strong it not only defied the odds, but logic and reason as well. With everything that hung in the balance, the two of them needed to keep their distance. Yet no matter what new development had brought him there, and what risk he was taking, there was no denying the thrill that shot through her just from being in the same room with him

Check out the Complete First Chapter Exclusively at


Though thousands of miles apart, Ann Marie Walker and Amy K. Rogers are in constant contact, plotting story lines
and chatting about their love of alpha males, lemon drop martinis and British supermodel, David Gandy.
You can find them on twitter as @AnnMarie_Walker and @Amy_KRogers. 
Amy K. Rogers


Ann Marie Walker
Start the Chasing Fire Series Now
Available Now


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Hudson D. Chase (RP) reviews Release Me by Ann Marie Walker & Amy K. Rogers @AnnMarie_Walker @Amy_KRogers @HudsonDChase

Here’s a special Friday treat for The Chasing Fire Series Fans.

Hudson D. Chase (RP) reviews

Release Me

by Ann Marie Walker and Amy K. Rogers

(A Male Review)4b7b9-releaseme_final_hires

Chasing Fire #2
Ann Marie Walker & Amy K. Rogers

The second in the “seriously sexy and sinfully steamy”* Chasing Fire series, about a pain too deep to forgive and a passion too hot to forget…

Alessandra Sinclair knows that Hudson Chase is the last man she should want. The boy from the wrong side of the tracks has grown into a man who would do anything to get ahead, even if it means breaking Allie’s heart. But whenever she’s near him, the attraction between them is undeniable. And now that they’re working together, keeping her distance from Hudson is almost as impossible as keeping her feelings in check…

Hudson already lost Allie once and he refuses to lose her again. He’s determined to use their new business partnership to rekindle the spark he knows is still there. Only the closer he gets to winning her over, the clearer it becomes there are still secrets that could tear them apart for good…


Hudson’s Review

david gandy gif 1

As the Chief Financial Officer of Chase Industries I am used to being in the public eye. Press and media attention for my business dealings, as well as my personal life, are unfortunately part of daily life. I pay an eminent team of public relations specialists and lawyers to spin what is reported about me to maximize its effectiveness to my benefit. It is all about control, and I never lack control. It is a quite different experience to have the intimate details of your life recounted by others. I reluctantly had to accept that the story of the most profound events of my life would be told to millions across the globe. Naturally I had to be hyper critical.

After reading Remind Me by the immensely talented duo of Ann Marie Walker and Amy K. Rogers, I must admit that my initial worries and reservations were unwarranted. When I read how authentically they retold my story I knew that these ladies were going to engage the readers in a way no other author of the current romantic genre had. The way they described the events as they unfolded transported you in a way that made you feel as if you were standing in the room with me and Allie, or rather next to the motorcycle, if you will.

I was eagerly anticipating the release of book 2, Release Me, to see the continuation of this personal and romantic evolution Alessandra and I went on. I thought it was extraordinarily brilliant and very accurate. I was reminded of when I had no choice but to watch Allie go through the most painful time of her life from afar because she wanted nothing to do with me. I didn’t blame her, I knew I royally screwed up by not telling her I was the one rapidly acquiring shares of Ingram Media. She desperately wanted to hate me, especially when I proposed the idea of us both being interim co-CEOs, but I saw that look in her eyes still lingering. The look that first took my breath away 10 years ago and more recently during the month we had spent together.

Thanks to a chance meeting I had with Harper one evening, she convinced Allie that I may not be the asshole she wanted to believe I was. What ensued was two people who were both craving the love that always seemed to elude them. Every year around Christmas Allie and I still put up the pyramid we bought when we visited the ChristKindle Market for the first time together. I adore reliving that memory. Being there with her was the first time in my life I felt totally and utterly happy just being someone’s boyfriend. I didn’t need the security of knowing I was one of the richest men in the world or one of the most powerful. My business acumen was irrelevant. I was in the uncharted waters of being Alessandra Sinclair’s boyfriend and I loved it. We began to heal each other by building memories neither of us had ever been offered. I was forced to remember the struggles of my upbringing and Allie forced to remember how her whole life had been about and empty existence that her parents made sure looked perfect from the outside. We spent our first Christmas together with the people who mattered most to us, Harper and Nick. Allie made that the most incredible holiday of my life. Just her being there made it special, but seeing all she did made it magical.

Our journey then extended with our first international trip together. With every passing moment I fell more and more in love with her. From Venice to Verona and even on that damn Orient Express with the steward who always ruined our mood, it was all perfect. Then my fists involuntarily clench and I seethe over what happened next. I cannot bring myself to talk about it, but you will see when you read it and I expect you will see my confusion, rage and heartache is justified.

What Ms. Walker and Ms. Rogers captured frighteningly well is the wild, unbridled and raw sexual chemistry. From what can only be described as Allie hate fucking me in an elevator, to our reunion dinner, to making passionate love, to raw animalist fucking on the train, we cannot control our lust and constant need for each other. I dare you to ever decorate a cookie with frosting after reading this book and not get instantly turned on by the memory. I certainly do and without apology. When I have to warn the love of my life, “It’s not going to be gentle.” and her response is “do it.” you know you are in for a wild fucking ride. Pun very much intended.

A deeply personal aspect of my story that is also told is the journey I take with my younger brother Nick. You see a side of me that no one has ever seen before. In my attempts at helping Nick gain and maintain sobriety you get to witness two siblings who have both a spoken and unspoken understanding of each other. You are reminded of my protective nature and how important it is to do right by him now since I still feel like I let him down many years ago.

Release Me is by far and away one of the best pieces of literature in the modern adult romance genre. I can see why you would think I am biased considering it is my life story, but even more reason for you to trust me. If it was anything less than stellar I would not recommend it. You will feel every range of emotion while reading this book and you will constantly shift who you are rooting for as the story progresses. Most importantly this book will reaffirm people’s belief in love. In a world with so much madness, depression and anxiety Release Me shows us it is ok to hope for a better tomorrow. It allows us to believe in healing, kindness and good winning out over evil. There is still a long way to go in completing Allie’s and my story, but I promise you that you won’t regret coming along for the ride, be it on a my motorcycle or the Orient Express.

Hudson D. Chase


5 stars from Hudson!

david gandy gif 2

Thank you Hudson RP for your review and contribution to this blog post.  ~Susi

Buy Now

Though thousands of miles apart, Ann
Marie Walker and Amy K. Rogers are in constant contact, plotting story lines
and chatting about their love of alpha males, lemon drop martinis and British
supermodel, David Gandy. You can find them on twitter as @AnnMarie_Walker and


 amy k rogers image

Amy K. Rogers

Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads


Ann Marie Walker

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads



Haven’t Joined the #HudsonChasers?


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BOOK BLAST – Remind Me by @AnnMarie_Walker & @ Amy_KRogers @TastyBookTours

Have you met Hudson Chase?
Chasing Fire #1
Ann Marie Walker & Amy K. Rogers
Released  April 21st, 2015
Berkley Intermix
First in a tantalizing new trilogy about reigniting a forbidden desire from long
As heiress to a media empire Alessandra Sinclair was raised to put family obligations first. But
everything changes the night her first love walks back into her life and turns
her whole world upside down. Haunted by the memories of a secret romance with a
boy from the wrong side of the tracks, she can’t seem to get Hudson Chase out
of her mind. Once again torn between two worlds, Allie must decide how much
she’s willing to risk to have the love she’s always longed for.
Ten years is a long time to wait, but billionaire Hudson Chase didn’t become CEO
of one of the country’s fastest growing companies by giving up on what he
wants. Now that he’s got Allie in his sights again, he’s determined to make her
regret breaking his heart. And this time, he’s going to make damn sure he’s not
so easy to forget.Includes a preview of Release Me book
two of the Chasing Fire trilogy.
Praise for the Chasing Fire trilogy

“Exceptional…Seriously sexy and
sinfully steamy. Can’t wait for more from this writing duo!”–New York
Times bestselling author Tara Sue Me
“Walker and Rogers strike the
perfect balance between blistering physical desire and heartfelt
connections…”–RT Book Review  

You can read my 5 star review here!

Join the #HudsonChasersBuy Now
Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Kobo | GooglePlay

Allie wrapped the sheet around her and climbed out of bed. A pair of French doors led to a small balcony, and when she opened them she discovered Hudson sitting on the driveway below her. On a Harley. Wearing leather.

Her mouth went dry. Up until then she’d only seen him dressed like a CEO in custom suits or cashmere sweaters. But now he looked like a bad boy from the wrong side of town. Her skin warmed at the sight of him; from his motorcycle boots to his faded jeans to his black leather jacket. She knew she was gawking, but she couldn’t help it. Below her, straddling that sleek black and chrome machine, was the boy she once knew. Only now he was powerful, in control, and if possible, ten times hotter. It was like Hudson Chase 2.0.

He cut the engine and smiled up at her. “Good morning, sleepy head.”

“Good morning.” Allie dropped her chin and tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear. For some reason, she found herself feeling incredibly shy. Perhaps it was being outside in her current state of undress, or perhaps it was their night of raw, uninhibited sex. She felt her face flush just thinking about the things he’d done to her the night before; things she’d like him to do again. She cleared her throat and tried her best to keep her voice level. “So that’s the bike I keep hearing about?”

“The very one.” He shifted the motorcycle back to engage the kickstand and climbed off. “Get dressed. We’re going for a ride.”

A thrill shot through her. “Be right down.”

Allie hurried back into the house, quickly changing into jeans and a lightweight sweater. She brushed her teeth and pulled her hair into a haphazard ponytail before grabbing her leather jacket and flying down the stairs. She was going for a ride on Hudson Chase’s Harley! When she reached the gravel drive she found Hudson leaning against the bike seat with a helmet in his hands. “I was beginning to wonder if you were ever going to wake up.”

“Must be all the fresh air.”

He raised a brow as he straightened and stepped away from the bike.

“Well, I would have been up earlier if you hadn’t kept me up all night.”

“I clearly remember being given specific instructions.” He drew her against him and let his hand glide over the curve of her ass, holding her tight as his hips rolled against hers. “Don’t stop, Hudson. Oh God, don’t stop.”

Heat pooled between her legs as her traitorous body responded to his despite her embarrassment over her wanton behavior. Placing both hands on his chest, she gave him a playful shove. “Well, you can stop now.”

Hudson chuckled. “Here,” he said, handing Allie the helmet. “Put this on.”

Allie took the helmet from him and eyed it skeptically. “I don’t think it will fit over my ponytail.”

“It’s not up for debate. But you might be more comfortable with your hair down.” He reached up and gently tugged the hair tie loose, letting her long blond curls cascade around her shoulders. His knuckles brushed her cheek. “You look beautiful.”

His touch ignited her skin. She looked up at him from beneath her lashes and began to wonder if they’d make it back in the house, let alone on a bike ride. If he wanted to take her right there on the gravel, she’d probably let him.


Though thousands of miles apart, Ann
Marie Walker and Amy K. Rogers are in constant contact, plotting story lines
and chatting about their love of alpha males, lemon drop martinis and British
supermodel, David Gandy.
You can find them on Twitter as @AnnMarie_Walker and @Amy_KRogers. 
Amy K. Rogers


Ann Marie Walker

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Pre-Order the rest of the Chasing Fire Series Now
Releasing July 21st, 2015
Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Kobo | GooglePlay
Releasing October 21st, 2015

COVER REVEAL – Reclaim Me by @AnnMarie_Walker & @Amy_KRogers @TastyBookTours


Coming Soon to Your E-Reader…..
The Highly Anticipated conclusion 
of the Chasing Fire Series
Chasing Fire #3
Ann Marie Walker & Amy K. Rogers
Releasing October 21st, 2015
Berkley Intermix
As the heart-pounding Chasing Fire trilogy concludes, a dangerous entanglement leaves Hudson and
Allie wondering how much they’re willing to risk for the love they can’t live without…
There’s almost nothing Alessandra Sinclair wouldn’t do for Hudson Chase. He was her
first love, and she’s determined that he’ll be her last. But when the terrible
truth Hudson has been hiding comes to light, Allie finds herself caught in a
deadly game of cat and mouse with a man from her past who’s determined to use
what he knows to ruin Hudson. Now, the only way to save the man she loves may
be to lose him forever…
Hudson has always known that the secrets he keeps could be his downfall, but he never
expected them to put Allie’s life in danger as well. It’s time for him to come
clean–before everything he’s ever wanted is destroyed…
Includes previews of REMIND ME and
RELEASE ME, the first two books of the Chasing Fire trilogy.
Praise for the Chasing Fire trilogy

“Exceptional…Seriously sexy and
sinfully steamy. Can’t wait for more from this writing duo!”–New York
Times bestselling author Tara Sue Me
“Walker and Rogers strike the
perfect balance between blistering physical desire and heartfelt
connections…”–RT Book Review  
Pre-Order Now
Though thousands of miles apart, Ann
Marie Walker and Amy K. Rogers are in constant contact, plotting story lines
and chatting about their love of alpha males, lemon drop martinis and British
supermodel, David Gandy. You can find them on twitter as @AnnMarie_Walker and @Amy_KRogers. 
Amy K. Rogers


Ann Marie Walker

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Releasing July 21st, 2015
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