Release Day Blitz – Review & Giveaway – Wayward Son by @MichelleYDay @ProdigalSon_1

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway

Wayward Son Book 3 of The Jensen Family Series

by Michelle Day

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Gavin Jensen’s world has been turned upside down.

Grieving and with only a tenuous hold on his temper, he is taken from everything he has ever known.
Full of anger for the man who ruined everything, he wants to hate him.

But this chance Gavin has been given, it’s a clean slate. All his previous indiscretions have been left behind, buried with his mother. Paul Jensen is becoming the father he knew he could be, his son just needs to let go of the past.

But when Gavin grabs a hold of life, his actions ignite a chain of events that could leave him shattered.

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My Review

Wayward Son, the third book in The Jensen Family Series does not disappoint and was a most enjoyable read for me.  This story continues where Father and Son, book 2 leaves off.  Gavin, Paul’s son is the main protagonist in this book.  Wayward Son is his story and just like his father Paul, Gavin is quite the character.  You could say he is a chip off the old block.  Gavin is however, different from his father in some ways. and that’s exactly what I enjoyed most about him.  He’s not predictable. Gavin did inherit endearing qualities from his dad and as you read, you to will be pleased to see how his character develops.

You will find humor in this book.  After all, Gavin is 18 years old.  His college days make for funny and intense moments.  Beautiful girls such as Angel and Kiera become part of his life but I won’t tell you too much about them because I am trying to keep this review spoiler free.

Novak, (Luke) is also another important character in this book.  You may remember him. He is the best friend Gavin grew up with. He is the brother from another mother who has been an integral part of his life since he was born.  His role, the voice of reason for Gavin was perfectly written.  They are more like brothers than best friends.

All of the characters from The Jensen/Paloma family are back and that made this third book complete.  I love being able to keep up with the characters from previous books.

Paul and his new bride Suzanne share a loving and passionate relationship in this book.  Suzanne makes an understanding and outstanding step-mother for Gavin. She continues to be my favorite out of Paul’s women.  She is a lovely woman who keeps it all together.  And of course, Paul is….well…Paul, just more mature.  Michelle keeps him true to his younger cheeky character from the previous books.

There are many reasons why I enjoyed Wayward Son so much.  One is Michelle’s choice of cars for her characters. Well, what can I say? I like cars. I was taken back to my younger years with Gavin’s Supra.  Additionally, Gavin’s personality and taste are unique.  I did mention that he’s not predictable.

Gavin is a talented young man.  His many talents and lifestyle make him the talk of his college, especially to Quinn, a character who immediately clashes with him.  You’ll read all about his adventures and love this young man just as much as I do.

Of course, just like his father, Gavin loves women. So, prepare yourself and enjoy reading all about Paul’s son.

Thank you Michelle for writing about this family I love so much.  Your unique characters along with a brilliant plot and writing hooked me from the start and I look forward to reading more.   I am ready for book 4.

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I gave this book 5 stars!

5 stars



Enter to win one complete set of this series.  The winner will receive an eBook of Prodigal Son, Father & Son and Wayward Son.

Leave a comment on this post to enter.  One lucky winner will be selected via on Friday at noon (EST) and will be notified via email.

No purchase necessary to win.  Enter and Good luck!


  Previous Books in this series

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Father & Son Book 2


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Susi Interviews – Michelle Day, Author @MichelleYDay

Susi Interviews Michelle Day, Author

Prodigal Son, Father & Son, Cain’s Way


I love interviewing my favorite authors.  For today’s author interview, I bring you Michelle Day, author of Prodigal Son, Father & Son and Cain’s Way.


Susi:  How long have you been writing?

Michelle:  I started the first draft of Prodigal Son at age fifteen. As I’m now in my forties, that’s quite some time.

Susi:    When did your passion for writing begin?

Michelle: At secondary school. I was one of the few who enjoyed writing essays.

Susi:  What is your favorite genre to write?

Michelle: I would have to say that depends on where my head is at. I thoroughly enjoyed writing Cain’s Way but I equally love the Jensens.

Susi:  What books are you currently working on?

Michelle: I am working on book 3 of the Jensen Family Series which will be called Wayward Son and I’m also penning the second Tate Pack Novella which is called Loren’s Salvation. I’ve also just unearthed something that I started back in 2012. It’s another change of direction for me and it’s called Switch. I will concentrate a little more on that one once Wayward Son and Loren’s Salvation are out.

Susi:  Wow, You are a busy woman.  When do you write?  Any specific routines?

Michelle:  I have to be in a certain mindset to write and my characters need to be talking to me. I can write almost anywhere and don’t mind distractions, just don’t try to read over my shoulder. That’s a major irritation for me.

Susi:  When not writing, what are your hobbies or interests?

Michelle:  I read. A lot. I’ll read anything. I also like to research things which may happen to my characters and can get very involved in that.

Susi:  What inspires you to write?  Music, a muse?

Michelle:  I always have music going. Certain tracks will inspire scenes or character traits. I also find it useful to have a muse. It’s always good to have something nice to look at.

Susi:  Who were your muses for the Prodigal Son and Father & Son characters?

Michelle:  For Paul, of course, Bernardo Velasco and for Gavin,  Taylor Kitsch. I am still working on a muse for Matt. I can see him in my minds eye but he’s yet to take a physical form.

Susi:  Who was your muse for Cain’s Way?

Michelle:  Cain came to me in the shower with his description. I would have trouble putting a face to his character but once the picture was found that is on the cover, I knew that he was Cain.

Susi:  How long does it generally take you to write a book?

Michelle:  That depends on the book. Cain took one month which is a record for me. Father and Son took two years. I’m currently on a roll and being productive so I’d say typically for a full length novel, somewhere between nine to twelve months.

Susi:  Describe a typical writing day for Michelle Day.

Michelle:  Each day is different. Some days I will write all day. Others, I’ll write for an hour and be done with it. I do always start by going back over what was written the previous day and trying to pick up any spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors before I start to write again.

Susi:  Do you have any advice to offer to any indie authors?

Michelle:  Keep at it. It’s not always easy and I’ve felt like giving up especially as sales are low but I love my characters and have faith in them. I think as long as you believe in what you write, you will find your niche and with it an audience.

Susi:  Your biggest mistake as a writer? If any?

Michelle:  Not asking for help. I still don’t like to and as a result, I don’t know many people in the book world.


Rapid Fire


Pet Peeve:  the your /you’re error

First thing you notice about a person:  Eyes on meeting. Bum as they walk away.

Hidden talents:   I don’t think I have any.

Currently Reading:  Conviction. Nicole Edwards

Fave drink:   Lime milkshake

Fave TV Show:  Currently, Poldark

Fave Book: Black Beauty is a story that will always stay with me.

Fave Movie:  Fast and Furious franchise


Any parting words from the author…

Watch this space, I have plenty of things planned for the Jensens. Can you imagine Paul with grandchildren?


Oh…  Wow! I can’t wait for more Paul.  As a grandfather, oh my!

Thank you Michelle for taking time from your busy schedule for this interview.  Happy Writing!


Reading and Writing Between the Wines Blog


Books by Michelle Day

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 Prodigal Son


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Father & Son


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Connect with Michelle Day







Susi Interviews Paul from Father & Son by Michelle Day @ProdigalSon_1

Susi Interviews Paul Jensen from Father & Son by Michelle Day.

**This interview does contain some spoilers.  So, if you haven’t read the second book in the series, read that first.  

father and son cover michelle day

Susi: Thank you Paul for agreeing to this interview after so many years.  The last time we met you were a cheeky incorrigible teen.

Paul:  Hello Susi, looking beautiful as always.

Susi:  I’m glad to see you have grown into a gorgeous man.

Paul:  I have to do my bit to keep the scenery looking good don’t I?

 Susi:  *giggles*  Oh you are doing a fine job.

Your story in Father & Son was amazing.  I really did enjoy reading it.

Paul:  I’m glad to hear that. It was quite a journey. I had a lot of growing up to do. Indeed.

Susi:  You had many goals, one of them was to retire by the age of 30. Do you think that goal is attainable?

Paul:   Yes, I can retire at any time. Whether or not I am willing to relinquish control is another matter entirely.

 Susi:  What plans does Paul have after that?

Paul:  You may remember that I promised my father I would take everything. I am still working on that.

 Susi:  I can see you have fine taste.

Paul:  Always.

Susi:  Your clothing and watch are a giveaway. Who can you thank for your exquisite taste? I bet the lovely Monica had something to do with that.  How is your lovely mother?

Paul:  Mum is responsible for my watch, nice isn’t it? I have developed a taste for handmade suits and shirts, they just sit so much nicer on my body than off the rack. Mum does have an excellent sense of style so it would be safe to say that she has been a heavy influence in the way I dress.

 Susi:  The last time I saw you, you were about to embark in fatherhood.  How has fatherhood changed you?

Paul:  That’s actually a tough question. I don’t think it has changed me much. I’ve always been aware of my responsibilities. I make sure to provide well for my children but I have a lot of guilt over not spending very much time with them.

Susi:  I read about all of those women in your life.  Any regrets?

Paul:  Regrets about women? No. Never. Each has changed me in small ways, made me want to be a better man,

Susi:  If you could go back and change your past, would you?

Paul:   I might change a few things.

Susi:  What would you do differently?

Paul:  I would perhaps try not be quite so antagonistic towards my father but I doubt that would last for long. I would certainly be a better father to my children than I have been and their mother would have been Suzanne.

Susi:  Has your relationship with your father improved?  Not at all. We barely speak. Has becoming a grandfather softened him? His connection with my son surprises me. I’m not particularly comfortable with it but I think Gavin will get to know him in ways I never could and he enjoys my father’s company so I am happy for it to continue.

Susi:  You were quite generous with the women in your life.  Is the older Paul the same way?

Paul:  When I could afford to be generous as a young man, I was. That hasn’t changed. The only thing I am selfish with is my time but I am working to change that.

Susi:  I bet Suzie loves your generosity.

Paul:   I do like to lavish her with gifts and she does look good in diamonds. I haven’t heard her protest yet.

Susi:  Is Suzie a jealous woman?  You are a looker for sure.  I am sure women throw themselves at you.

Paul:   I would say she doesn’t display jealousy in the traditional sense but I am sure I give her cause for it at times. However, I have committed to her. I waited far too long to be with her to mess it up. It’s funny, I thought my wedding ring would act as a deterrent but it’s more like a magnet. Perhaps it makes me a challenge. I love women but you do mystify me still. Something tells me you like it that way.

Susi:  Hmm… Your role as a father is an important one. Are you close to your children today?

Paul:   I am close to my daughter, probably because she had more of my time. My relationship with my son is one that needs constant work and adjustments on both our parts. You will read more about that in the next book.

Susi:  I am looking forward to that book.  Please tell Michelle to hurry up.

I bet Marissa has you eating out of the palm of her hand.

Paul:   *smiles* Of course.

Susi:  The role of a stepmother isn’t easy.  Is Suzie prepared for this challenge? How is she handling it?

Paul:  The role was sort of thrust upon her wasn’t it? I suppose I didn’t actually give it a second thought, my focus was elsewhere at the time and perhaps I just expected her to step in to the role without question but knowing my Suzie the way I do, she’ll excel at it. She’s an incredibly giving woman and I am sure she will handle my children and me without even breaking a nail.

Susi:  How are your siblings Matt and Tessa?

Paul:  They are very well. I’ll let them know you were asking.

Susi:  You did get yourself into lots of mischief with Matt.

Paul:  Good times.

Susi:  Will we get more of their story in the next book?

Paul:  You will find out more about them, I am unsure if that will happen in the next book.

Susi:  Is there a special lady in Matt’s life?

Paul:  Matt will find his lady in a most unexpected place.

Susi:  Special man for Tessa?

Paul:  Yes, Tessa also finds the love of her life.

Susi:  My interview wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t ask you about Uncle John.  I remember meeting him at our last interview. I recall him being quite the handsome Spaniard.  How is he?  I hope Michelle plans on giving us more of his story in the next book as well.  He has played a significant role in your life.  Is it safe to say you look up to him?

Paul:  John is well. He’s being kept busy with the shoe factory but he still finds time to… shall we say let his hair down so to speak. He’s not showing any signs of running out of steam yet. He may be my uncle but he has played such a significant role in my life that I would say he’s more like a father to me. He and I are certainly kindred spirits.

Susi:  You haven’t been married too long to Suzie.  How is married life?

Paul:   I should have been married to her longer but married life is great. She is everything I look for in a woman and she certainly keeps me on my toes.

Susi:  One word to describe Gavin:

Paul:  Misunderstood

Susi:  One word to describe Marissa:

Paul:  Spoiled


Susi:  Valentine’s Day is coming up.  Do you have any special plans with Suzie? ( I won’t tell)

Paul:  I have been told not to plan anything. She tells me she has something in mind for me, should be interesting but I have a gift for her, it’s something every Jensen over the age of twenty-one has and yes, there are diamonds.


Susi:  Finally, will Paul Jensen ever board a plane and come to Miami so I can interview him here?

Paul:  Stranger things have happened.He he.

Susi:  Just drink some wine and close your eyes.  The flight will be over before you know it.


Rapid Fire for this Older Paul


Next car: I love my cars and although I could afford one for each day of the month, I tend to hang on to the ones I have. Having said that, I have recently purchased a Jaguar XF

Next watch: I love my Rolex and won’t be changing it any time soon.

Tiffany or Cartier? Tiffany for her. Cartier for me.

Favorite drink: Besides a good old cuppa? Brandy.

Your next vacation? I’m too busy to take a break but I think somewhere hot would be nice. Perhaps Tahiti, just because I like the name.

Still sporting the black boxers? Yes, when I am not going commando.

One word to describe Paul: You say, one word? That’s tough. If you had asked me in my younger days I would have laughed and told you there is no one word that can describe me. I’m too many great things to be just one word. But although I believe I’m still all those things, the value I place on them has changed. So I’ll give you one word.. see how much I’ve grown? That one word is the thing I’ve always been driven to be, in business, in love, in life. And I’m finally there. Accomplished.


Susi:  Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions. It was great to interview you again.    I am sure fans of Prodigal Son and Father & Son will be thrilled to learn more about you.

Paul:  Thank you Susi. I enjoy talking to you.


So there you have it.  Go ahead and one click this wonderful series by Michelle Day.  Meet Paul and fall in love with this bad boy.  🙂


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One Year Blogiversary – Giveaway eBooks and Paperbacks – Prodigal Son and Father & Son by Michelle Day @prodigalson_1

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 Giveaway x 2!! 

Enter to win an eBook set of both

Prodigal Son and Father & Son by Michelle Day!

And, enter to win a signed paperback set of both books too. 


Giveaway (International)

1.  One lucky winner will win an eBook set of both Prodigal Son and Father & Son by Michelle Day. And, One lucky winner will win the signed paperback set of Prodigal Son and Father & Son.

2.  Leave a comment on this blog post answering the following question:

Who is your favorite book boyfriend?

3.  The winner will be selected via on Thursday 12/11 at 9 am and will be notified via email. No purchase necessary to win.

Good luck!

 Thank you Michelle Day for being part of my blogiversary celebration.  ~Susi

Prodigal Son Book One

MICHAEL JENSEN knows from the second MONICA PALOMA challenges him at the summer ball that he has to have her. Tall, handsome blond haired and blue eyed only child and heir to the Jensen fortune, he is used to getting what he wants by any means possible and is as shocked when she resists his usual tried and tested methods as he is to his actual attraction to her. He tended to be attracted to stick thin blond haired, blue eyed girls with the intent of keeping the Jensen gene pool alive and kicking when the time came to breed. Monica’s dark eyes, hair and curvaceous figure captured his imagination and wetted his appetite. His sights set firmly on her; he wouldn’t stop until she wore his wedding ring and took his last name.
Of Spanish decent, Monica lives at home with her parents and older brother. Strong willed but kind and loving, she detests the way her classmate Michael Jensen treats women as if they were mere playthings put on this earth solely for his amusement and is appalled that she finds herself attracted to him, even more startling had been the glint in his eyes when she stood up to him, looked him squarely in the eyes whilst putting him firmly in his place. While his efforts to capture her attention after the ball amused her, she steeled herself against the thoughtful gifts that arrived on her doorstep with regularity, if he wanted her as much as he professed, he’d damn well have to work harder to get her.
By the end of the following summer, the unlikely pair are married and expecting their first child. TESSA JENSEN is born, the apple of her father’s eye if only for the fact that her appearance made her every bit a Jensen. Michael proved himself an attentive husband and father, surprising both his parents and hers with his loving manner towards his wife and daughter.
Two and a half years on after a difficult pregnancy which put her on bed rest, Monica gave birth to twin boys MATTHEW and PAUL. Both boys were healthy, taking characteristics and colouring from each parent. Although Michael was in raptures that he now had sons and professed his love for his wife and the beautiful, blond haired baby that was Matthew, his joy soon turned sour when he turned his attention to the younger of the twins.
Having taken on his mothers’ colouring of olive skin and dark hair, Paul was nothing like the son Michael had expected his wife to produce, his dislike for the darker baby only heightened by the fact that he would squall each and every time Michael approached his crib. It was only a matter of hours after the birth that Michael announced his rejection of the child based solely on the fact that he wasn’t a true Jensen due to his colouring. After only four years of marriage, where his children were concerned Michael returned to being the stubborn, hard headed man he had been at school and Monica knew she had a battle on her hands.
She didn’t count on the battle being a lifelong thing for as Paul grew he began to exhibit her own stubborn nature and would challenge his father at every available instance leading to violent clashes between the pair.
Monica guided her children through their childhood and was proud of them as they progressed into adulthood. All three showed kind and thoughtful tendencies and although Tessa had given her relatively few problems, her sons Matthew and Paul more than made up for it. Her sons were stunning in appearance and used their looks to their full advantage with Matthew being the more subtle of the two, she only ever got to hear of Paul’s exploits which would put him directly in the firing line of his father’s temper.
Not one to back down and severely lacking the skills to bring his better judgement into play, Paul used the legendary Jensen temper to full advantage against the man he considered his sperm donor and would proceed to do things that put him firmly in the public’s eye. His affair with his teacher and the subsequent pregnancy was the straw that broke the camel’s back in forcing Monica to step back from her position of keeping the peace between father and son. As much as she loved him, where the teacher and pregnancy were concerned, Paul was on his own.



Father & Son Book Two

What has happened to Paul Jensen?
Paul is growing up fast. Taking steps to secure his financial future for himself and those around him, he struggles to do the same with the emotional side of his life. There’s only one woman he really wants. He just has to be man enough to step up and prove to her how much he’s changed.

About the Author- Michelle Day

Follow Paul on Twitter:  @ProdigalSon_1


Michelle Day on Facebook:


Thank you Michelle for the giveaway!  ~Susi

** GIVEAWAY** Father & Son and Prodigal Son by Michelle Day @ProdigalSon_1


5 eBook copies of Prodigal Son and Father & Son are up for grabs.

Five lucky winners will win a set of both eBooks.

Father & Son released yesterday.

 You must read Prodigal Son first as it is the continuation of Paul’s story.

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Giveaway Rules

1.  Leave a comment on this post.  Why do you want to win this set?

2.  5 Winners will be selected on Monday 11/24 at noon.

3. Spread the word and re-tweet and share this post on Social Media.

4.  Winners will be chosen via and will be notified via email. No purchase necessary to win.

5. Good luck and Happy Reading!


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Father & Son by Michelle Day Release Day Excerpt @ProdigalSon_1

Enjoy an excerpt from Father & Son by Michelle Day

father and son cover michelle day


What has happened to Paul Jensen?

He’s growing up fast, handling the challenges of his situation with the skill of a man twice his age.

He will never fit in, why should he? He’s special. Now it’s time to show the world.

With his unstoppable ambition he is taking steps to secure his financial future for himself and those around him but he struggles to do the same with the emotional side of his life.

There’s only one woman he really wants. He just has to be man enough to step up and prove to her how much he’s changed.


Leaning forward, Suzanne slid an embossed card across the table towards them “An invite to my twenty first.” She told them before scrambling on to the seat and hugging a very happy and completely inebriated Matt. “Happy Birthday Matty.” She kissed his cheek and ruffled his hair before turning to Paul. Grasping his hands, she pressed her lips to each of his cheeks in turn. “Happy Birthday Paul.”

“Thank you Suzie.” He murmured, his thumbs stroking the backs of her hands, he desperately wanted to cup her face in his hands and plant his mouth firmly over hers.

“I’m glad we can be friends.” She spoke, turning his blood to ice. Pulling his hands from hers, he reached for a glass and downed a shot, never taking his eyes from her.

“Yeah, right.”

Knowing she’d upset him but also knowing that the words had needed to be spoken, she backed away and went to join Tessa as she waited in the lobby. Faye grasped her chance now with both hands, having wished Matt a happy birthday and receiving a sleepy smile and a rather unexpected grope of her backside, she moved to Paul.

Sitting boldly on his lap, she grabbed a shot glass and emptied the liquid into her mouth before grasping his face and planting her mouth over his. His lips parted willingly under hers, their tongues dancing as they shared the shot and it was his turn to groan as he traced his hands up her sides.

The clearing of a throat brought them back to reality and as they parted Paul mused, not for the first time, that he could have an awful lot of fun with Faye. “Your taxi is here.” Jez told her and Paul saw that he had used his body to shield that little charade from his sister and former lover. Shooting a grateful glance at the bar manager, he moved to get up as Faye vacated her seat on his lap but soon sat back down when Jez shook his head and escorted the flushed girl to the door.

Returning to the table and now joined by the rest of the staff, the Jensen boys were again wished a very Happy Birthday as the staff helped to deplete the shots in front of them before heading to their homes.

“Come on boys, time you got some sleep.” Jez beckoned for them to follow him.

“You’re letting us stay here?” Paul questioned as he helped Matt cannon ball off the walls on the way up the stairs.

“Yep, I figured he’s far too far gone to go home.” He gestured to Matt.

Paul nodded in agreement, then stopped moving altogether, “Wait a sec, if I stay here it means I’m not even going to get laid on my birthday and I had serious fuck me vibes coming from Faye.”

“You had serious fuck me vibes coming from just about every girl in the club dude but you are working tomorrow in case you’ve forgotten so I’m protecting my investment.” Jez told him.

“In case I forget to tell you later, you’re an asshole.” Paul griped.

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Father & Son by Michelle Day Release Day Blitz & Review @ProdigalSon_1

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What has happened to Paul Jensen?
Paul is growing up fast. Taking steps to secure his financial future for himself and those around him, he struggles to do the same with the emotional side of his life. There’s only one woman he really wants. He just has to be man enough to step up and prove to her how much he’s changed.

My Review

Michelle Day has done it again.  Father & Son is the brilliant continuation of the life of Paul Jensen, the incorrigible young man from Prodigal Son, her first book in this series. Get ready to follow Paul from the moment he gets his biggest news throughout his adulthood.  The story continues right where Prodigal Son leaves off so you won’t miss a beat.

The Jensen/Paloma family members are back.  Matt, his twin brother makes several appearances in this book that will leave you stunned.  (You’ve been warned) Put it this way, Matt and Paul get into mischievous situations.  His older sister Tessa learns more about her younger brother than she may care to.   Michael, his father crosses paths with Paul as well. (No spoilers)  Uncle John is back. (I like him)  This sexy Spaniard is always there to support and back Paul up when needed. Finally, Monica, his mother, shows her elegance and grace while always supporting her son.

Carmen, the infamous teacher continues to be a part of Paul’s life.  I want to dislike her,  but I can’t say I do.  Suzie, the one and only, holds a special place in Paul’s heart.  Her appearances throughout his life continue to prove the chemistry between them is still volatile.  Paul and Suzie have a special connection.  However, getting Suzie proves to be quite a difficult task for Paul.

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Paul has grown up and is ambitious in all aspects of his life.  This is one the traits I loved the most about him.  Even at such a young age, Paul has set high standards and goals for his future.  His business savvy skills earn him the respect of others.  Along the way, Paul grows into an even more handsome gentleman, one that women can’t seem to resist.

Don’t worry, Paul doesn’t disappoint any of the women he meets along the way and most certainly won’t disappoint you.  If you loved him in the first book, watch out, he gets better with age.

There are unexpected moments in this book and all of them complete this story.  Paul most definitely proves to be more than expected and really has a heart of gold.  His generosity is another quality I admire.  Again, Paul is quite the character.

This series has a special place in my reader/blogger heart.  My first review as a newbie blogger was of Prodigal Son.  I’ve been following Paul, his character ever since.  “You see Paul, you were my first.”  🙂

Congrats to Michelle on another fantastic book.  I really enjoyed this book and highly recommend it. I look forward to reading book 3.


I gave this book 5 stars!

5 stars

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Father & Son Pre-Order and Prodigal Son Flashback @ProdigalSon_1 by Michelle Day

November is flying by and in just 14 more days you will have your hands on Paul N. Jensen again.

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In case you haven’t met this bad boy, I’ve decided to introduce him to you.

Paul is the main character in Prodigal Son, Book 1 of The Jensen Family Series written by Michelle Day. Book 2, Father & Son will be released on November 20, 2014.  The story of Paul continues.  Let me just say, I’ve read the ARC and loved it.  Paul gets better with age.

father and son cover michelle day

Release Day – November 20, 2014

 Synopsis – Father & Son

What has happened to Paul Jensen? Paul is growing up fast. Taking steps to secure his financial future for himself and those around him, he struggles to do the same with the emotional side of his life. There’s only one woman he really wants. He just has to be man enough to step up and prove to her how much he’s changed.

Here is my review for Prodigal Son as well as my interview with Paul.  (thanks to Bookish Temptations)

I think you will enjoy reading this series.  If you haven’t read Prodigal Son, you must. Read it before Father & Son is released.

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Synopsis – Prodigal Son

Paul Jensen’s problems started the day he was born.  The image of his mother, unlike his twin and older sister, he never quite fit the Jensen family mold.  A difficult baby, a problem child and a troublesome teen, Paul was the quintessential black sheep.  His father’s abusive disapproval and rejection doesn’t bring him down.  It only serves to turn him into a willful, and incredibly determined young man.  With his mother’s Latin looks and the charm British prince, he is a danger to women everywhere. Paul Jensen won’t take no for an answer and his rebellion is about to get really out of control.

 Buy Links

Prodigal Son

Father & Son (pre-order)


 #Bloggers- You can sign up for the Father & Son Release Day Launch here too.

Keep up with the Author –  Michelle Day

Follow Paul on Twitter.

Follow Michelle Day on Facebook.

Which Songs Remind You of Books or Characters?

Are there songs that make you think of certain books or characters when you hear them?


The first song I heard when I got in the car today was Sex On Fire by Kings of Leon.  I immediately thought of Christian Grey. Oh Mr. Grey,  I think it is time to reread The Fifty Shades of Grey Series by E.L. James.






Whenever I listen to Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls I have Remington Tate from Real, Mine and Remy by Katy Evans on my mind. It is such a perfect song for such a fantastic series.






My mother was recently humming Besame Mucho” and my thoughts immediately went to Professor Gabriel Emerson from my favorite trilogy: Gabriel’s Inferno, Gabriel’s Rapture and Gabriel’s Redemption by Sylvain Reynard







The song Say Something by Christina Aguilera and A Great Big World makes me think of how much I love Donovan Hart in A Gentleman’s Affair and A Gentleman’s Secret by A.J. LynnI can’t wait to read more of his fascinating male point of view.

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Pour Some Sugar on Me by Def Leppard takes me back to the sexy Cash Davenport in Down to You (The Bad Boys Series) by Michelle Leighton.

down to you


There are other songs that also remind me of characters.  While the author may not have used songs in their book, certain songs fit the personalities of those loved characters.

One such character I love is Paul Jensen from Prodigal Son by Michelle Day.  Bad to The Bone by George Thorogood pretty much summarizes the cheeky Paul.

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Well, these are just some of my favorites.  

Which songs remind you of any of the characters in books you have read?

Share your songs in the comments.  Name the character, the book and the author.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!







A Valentine from Paul Jensen, Prodigal Son

I am thrilled to have received this Valentine Post from Paul Jensen, one of my favorite book boyfriends. (I can’t tell him where he stands in ranking, it might just go to his head.) He wrote this for all of his Tweethearts.  
What? Wait… You haven’t met him yet?  You need to get your hands on Prodigal Son by Michelle Day.  You will see, Paul is not your average book boyfriend.
A Valentine from Paul   valentine hearts in sizes  valentine 3 hearts

My darling Tweethearts,

I try to tell you in little ways that I appreciate you by telling you stories, making you laugh but, do you have any idea what it is you do for me?

You worry about me and can tell that I’m not myself. You ask how I am and are interested in the reply. I genuinely have the best followers on Twitter. You laugh with me and make me laugh in return. You have got me where I am, I will not forget that. It hasn’t been easy but you have been by my side, rooting for me, supporting me.

I wanted to send you this message for Valentine’s Day. I absolutely adore each and every one of you. You make my day in so many ways. I enjoy tweeting with you, laughing with you, crying with you. It’s all part of who we are as people and as our other selves on twitter. I class you as my friends, my family. Together we are strong. Without you I am nothing.

Thank you for being you.

Paul.  xx

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Thank you Paul for your thoughtful gesture.  Wishing you a Happy Valentine’s Day.  I hope you get lots and lots of chocolate, your favorite.
chocolate valentine