My Favorite Lines- Dream Cast and Giveaway for One Funeral by @KatBastion and @StoneBastion

My Favorite Lines & Dream Cast 

One Funeral by Kat and Stone Bastion

One Funeral, Book 2 in the No Weddings Series is live.  I had a chance to read this gem and review it prior to the release.  One Funeral is a 5 star read that I highly recommend.  Just like No Weddings, Book 1, this book is simply perfect.  I fell in love with the characters in the first book, but Cade… he totally won me over in this book.  You can read my 5 star review here.

one funeral cover

One Funeral Synopsis:

The stakes climb higher in this second book in the No Weddings Series for Hannah Martin, a woman restrained by her past, and Cade Michaelson, the man who could help set her free.

I’m drawn to Cade as he charms his way into more of my life and offers me something I truly haven’t ever had: a friend. Yet his humor, patience, and drop-dead sexiness take my breath away, and I know my heart is at risk. I want to move forward but am terrified I can’t.

Cade seems to have it together from his own devastating heartache. His subtle actions, however, suggest a different story. And even though he says he wants more, I wonder if he’s able to trust in our developing relationship.

As we navigate through our tangled feelings, we vow to take it slow. Yet no matter how careful we try to be, things between us intensify—and there’s nothing we can do, or want to do, to stop it.

But the biggest question remains: Is chemistry enough to move beyond the past and toward a future together?

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Release Day Launch ~ One Funeral by Kat and Stone Bastion @KatBastion @StoneBastion @No_Weddings

One Funeral RDL Banner

It’s the release day for One Funeral the second book in Kat and Stone Bastion’s No Weddings Series. There is a special price for the release AND you can get the digital copy signed for a limited time!!! So check it out and make sure to enter the awesome giveaway!! 🙂


 one funeral cover


One Funeral Synopsis:

The stakes climb higher in this second book in the No Weddings Series for Hannah Martin, a woman restrained by her past, and Cade Michaelson, the man who could help set her free.

I’m drawn to Cade as he charms his way into more of my life and offers me something I truly haven’t ever had: a friend. Yet his humor, patience, and drop-dead sexiness take my breath away, and I know my heart is at risk. I want to move forward but am terrified I can’t.

Cade seems to have it together from his own devastating heartache. His subtle actions, however, suggest a different story. And even though he says he wants more, I wonder if he’s able to trust in our developing relationship.

As we navigate through our tangled feelings, we vow to take it slow. Yet no matter how careful we try to be, things between us intensify—and there’s nothing we can do, or want to do, to stop it.

But the biggest question remains: Is chemistry enough to move beyond the past and toward a future together?



Scorching (explicit) sex scenes. Fire extinguisher highly recommended.

*** The No Weddings Series Release Dates ***

No Weddings ~ Sep 8th One Funeral ~ Sep 29th Two Bar Mitzvahs ~ Oct 20th Three Christmases ~ Nov 17th

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Buy Links:

Amazon | Barnes and Noble | One Funeral Goodreads

No Weddings Buy Links:

Amazon | B&N

Exclusive Excerpt:

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Susi Reviews One Funeral by Kat and Stone Bastion (No Weddings #2) @KatBastion @StoneBastion @No_Weddings

One Funeral (No Weddings #2)

by Kat and Stone Bastion 


one funeral cover


The stakes climb higher in this second book in the No Weddings Series for Hannah Martin, a woman restrained by her past, and Cade Michaelson, the man who could help set her free.

I’m drawn to Cade as he charms his way into more of my life and offers me something I truly haven’t ever had: a friend. Yet his humor, patience, and drop-dead sexiness take my breath away, and I know my heart is at risk. I want to move forward but am terrified I can’t.

Cade seems to have it together from his own devastating heartache. His subtle actions, however, suggest a different story. And even though he says he wants more, I wonder if he’s able to trust in our developing relationship.

As we navigate through our tangled feelings, we vow to take it slow. Yet no matter how careful we try to be, things between us intensify—and there’s nothing we can do, or want to do, to stop it.

But the biggest question remains: Is chemistry enough to move beyond the past and toward a future together?

My Review

I am thrilled to share this next review!   I recently finished reading One Funeral (No Weddings #2) by the dynamic duo Kat and Stone Bastion.  I absolutely floved this book!

One Funeral picks up right where No Weddings ends.  I love it when authors continue their stories this way.  I couldn’t wait to read more about Hannah and Cade.  In One Funeral, Hannah and Cade are still working out their previous relationship woes.  Both have been heartbroken in the past and are slowly learning to trust and love again.  Their attraction and slow courtship in this book steamed up my tablet for sure.

Their chemistry is evident in No Weddings and as you will read, becomes combustible in One Funeral.  I think this is what I loved the most about this book.  You see, I have enjoyed the pace.  Kat and Stone have done a brilliant job of keeping the reader hooked on their story. This slow progression of Hannah and Cade’s relationship was exceptionally written.

No Weddings was written in Cades POV and it was perfect.   Now, we get to read Hannah’s POV,  which I found to be quite refreshing.  I guess you could say that I was reading/living vicariously through Hannah in this book.  I was also her greatest cheerleader.

Additionally, I love how Hannah and Cade’s routine, established in No Weddings continues.  It was an important part of that story for Hannah and continues in this book as well.  The moments at Cade’s house for dinner with his friends, time at his sisters’ home, as well as those early moments in the bake shop play a significant part in their slow courting.

Their party planning continues and you will enjoy reading about their latest events in One Funeral.  Just wait until you attend the funeral with Hannah and Cade, it is quite a funeral.

Cade… what can I say?  I absolutely love him!  He is sexy, has a witty and dirty mouth and well… has other important assets you will discover once you read.  All of those qualities make him an awesome character in this series.  I loved their “non-dating” in this story as well as how Cade slowly revealed and demonstrated his feelings for Hannah.  He continues to mentor Hannah with his business skills and earns his MBA too.

Cade’s sisters and his friends continue to nourish their “non-dating” in this book. And, even Cade’s parents make their appearance as well.

I was thrilled to read that Hannah got to make her famous cake she was experimenting with in No Weddings.  Look out for the dragon cake.

Are there any love scenes in this book?  Ahhh…. yeah!  And, all I can say is you will totally love Cade even more. Whoa…..

One Funeral was an exceptional read and one that I highly recommend.   I am looking forward to reading the next book in this series, Two Bar Mitzvahs.  I am hooked!

I gave this book 5 brilliant stars!

Stay tuned for another post on release day featuring my favorite lines from this book and my cast for this book series.  I have a feeling you will enjoy that post.

I received and ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.


Pre-order One Funeral today!

5 stars


Buy Links

No Weddings

One Funeral

Two Bar Mitzvahs

Three Christmases (link coming soon)



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About the Authors

KAT AND STONE SHOE PICKat & Stone Bastion  Bio:
Award-winning and bestselling romance author Kat Bastion has teamed up with her husband Stone Bastion to create the new contemporary romance series No Weddings.
A few factoids about the writing team…
Kat enjoys her chocolate rich and dark, her music edgy and soul-filling, and her vacations exotic with toes dug into the sand. And she’s wildly, madly, deeply in love with Stone.
Stone likes pounding the trails on a mountain bike, vibrating the sound system with rock music, and down time spent on a stand up paddleboard. And he loves Kat wildly, madly, deeply…and then some.
Together, they’re having a blast bringing fun-filled romantic stories to life and hope you’ll join them in the exciting adventure.
Kat’s first published work, Utterly Loved, was a twentieth anniversary gift of love poems to Stone that they decided to share with the world to benefit charity. Net proceeds from Utterly Loved, and a portion of net proceeds from all their books, go toward charities involved in the fight against human trafficking.
Kat and Stone live amid the beautiful Sonoran Desert of Arizona.

Visit their blog at, website at, &

their Twitter accounts and for more information.
Keep informed about new releases by joining their Email Subscription list.



4 COVERS REVEALED ~ EXCERPT ~ GIVEAWAY – The No Weddings Series by @KatBastion and @StoneBastion


By Kat and Stone Bastion

Here it is!  I am thrilled to finally get to post this.  This is one series I am looking forward to reading. Four Covers – Wow!  Aren’t they gorgeous?

No Wedding CR

Title: No Wedding Series Author: Kat Bastion with Stone Bastion Genre: Contemporary Romance Cover designer: Sarah Hansen at Okay Creations Photographer: Mandy Hollis Photography Models: Steven Preston and Brittany Brescia   1-NoWeddings_Cover About No Weddings (Release Date Sep 8): Award-winning author Kat Bastion teams with her husband, Stone Bastion, in this first book in the No Weddings Series about Cade Michaelson, a successful man with his sights set on a new venture in business, and Hannah Martin, the woman who makes it personal. I think I have my act together as a successful bar owner, my master’s degree within reach, and a list of no-strings-attached women warming my bed. Turns out, I don’t. Hannah believes she has safeguarded her wounded heart by shunning men and focusing on her new baking business. The thing is, she hasn’t. When my three sisters and I start a new event-planning business with Hannah as our baker, I have no idea how my life is about to change. As Hannah and I work closely together, the attraction between us becomes irresistible. And complicated. I’ve promised my sisters I wouldn’t mix business with pleasure. But I’ve never been one to follow the rules.

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  2-OneFuneral_Cover About One Funeral (Release Date Sep 29): The stakes climb higher in this second book in the No Weddings Series for Hannah Martin, a woman restrained by her past, and Cade Michaelson, the man who could help set her free. I’m drawn to Cade as he charms his way into more of my life and offers me something I truly haven’t ever had: a friend. Yet his humor, patience, and drop-dead sexiness take my breath away, and I know my heart is at risk. I want to move forward but am terrified I can’t. Cade seems to have it together from his own devastating heartache. His subtle actions, however, suggest a different story. And even though he says he wants more, I wonder if he’s able to trust in our developing relationship. As we navigate through our tangled feelings, we vow to take it slow. Yet no matter how careful we try to be, things between us intensify—and there’s nothing we can do, or want to do, to stop it. But the biggest question remains: Is chemistry enough to move beyond the past and toward a future together?

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  3-TwoBM_Cover About Two Bar Mitzvahs (Release Date Oct 20): Summer heats up in this third book in the No Weddings Series, where Cade Michaelson strives to balance his and Hannah Martin’s new relationship with the growing demands of his financial success. Waiting for Hannah has been the best and worst kind of torture. Now I can claim her as mine. We believe we’re done with the past and can move forward together. Hannah grows stronger than ever as she trusts in me—trusts in us. And when obstacles appear, she shows a surprising fierceness that rivals my own. However, all is not perfect in paradise. Things get chaotic while I try to juggle multiple businesses, an ex from hell, and a girlfriend I’d do anything to keep. And in the middle of the whirlwind, I recklessly think I can handle everything. But when all the madness is over, will I have everything I want—will I still have Hannah?

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4-ThreeXMas_Cover About Three Christmases (Release Date Nov 17): As the holiday season approaches in this fourth book in the No Weddings Series, Cade Michaelson strives to be better at balancing work and love, and Hannah Martin’s growing ability to trust is put to the test. Lust and friendship brought us together, but with the increasing demands of my two businesses, Hannah’s thriving bakery, and our successful event-planning company, stability becomes my focus. Then a once-in-a-lifetime career opportunity takes me to the West Coast, and everything goes into a tailspin. Laughter, love, and excitement fill our lives, but Cade refuses to settle into the wonderful bliss we’ve found—he wants spectacular fireworks and an unshakable foundation. Driven like no one I’ve ever met, Cade insists a dream job across the country will be better for our future together, but I worry about whether we can survive the present apart. When intimate time diminishes…and lives get more hectic… Will a little bit of faith be all that it takes? Or will the sacrifice to get there be too great?

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  Exclusive Excerpt: Thank you for reading and sharing the first exclusive excerpt of No Weddings, where Cade and Hannah experience a heated moment…   When we reached her door, she slammed into it, and with my hand attached to her death grip, I crashed into her. Breaking free of her hold, I tempered my impact by shooting my arms up onto the doorframe. She stilled, her key halfway into the lock. We were pressed against each other in a compromising position, and it struck us both. I dropped my head down, resting my head against the windowpane, unable to move—only able to breathe. And her delicate scent wafted up. Tropical. Enticing. I closed my eyes, fighting the urge to stay. And losing. She swallowed. I heard it. I felt her turn around and drop the platter to her side as it brushed my hip. I opened my eyes to find hers closed as she pressed her soft body up against me. She inhaled deeply, and her body shuddered. “Cade, I…” She opened her greenish eyes with those little flecks of gold in them. Uncertainty washed across her expression. I exhaled but didn’t move. This was so off-limits. But the fact that I couldn’t have her suddenly made me want her all the more. “Fuck.” I pulled away. Shook my head. Cold air flooded between us, breaking the spell we’d both fallen under when we hadn’t been paying attention. Hannah looked surprised, like she couldn’t believe I’d rejected her like that. “I can’t, Hannah.” She nodded furiously, like she agreed. But I could tell as her expression hardened and she turned to slide the key into the lock with a shaking hand that she struggled with her emotions. I put my hands on her shoulders, stopping her from pushing in through the now-open door. “Hannah, it’s not you. Trust me, it’s not. I’m…” Fighting my attraction had been difficult enough. Knowing she also felt the pull made our working together dangerous. I needed her help to keep our dealings purely professional. Her voice trembled. “You want me? You feel it too? I…” Ah, fuck. Hearing her repeat my thoughts made this excruciating. Figures. The first girl who challenged my mind, in addition to physically attracting me, would be the one I couldn’t pursue. Damned “no doing the help” rule. I exhaled, counting to five. “Yeah, but I…we…can’t. Not only would it be a really bad idea, based on past experience, I promised my sisters. It’s as good as a sworn blood oath.” I ground out the words, shocked I could form coherent sentences with my blood flooding much farther south from my brain cells. I clenched my fists, digging my nails into my palms while I eased back, putting a good couple of feet between us. In desperation, I vowed to maintain said safe minimum distance at all times. Slowly, she turned to face me again. Confident, proud, a woman now in charge of herself, body and mind, Hannah nodded. “I promise too. No matter our attraction, we keep it strictly business.” I blew out a fast breath through tight lips. “Good. With you and me both working on that, it’ll be a lot easier.” A slow smile crept onto her face, a devilish gleam sparking in her eyes. “Oh? You mean if I didn’t play along, things could get difficult for you?” My face fell. She wouldn’t. Would she? She placed a palm on my chest, smiling sweetly. “It’s okay, Cade. I promise not to tease you…too much.”


About the Authors: Shoe and Boot Photo Award-winning and bestselling romance author Kat Bastion has teamed up with her husband Stone Bastion to create the new contemporary romance series No Weddings. A few factoids about the writing team… Kat enjoys her chocolate rich and dark, her music edgy and soul-filling, and her vacations exotic with toes dug into the sand. And she’s wildly, madly, deeply in love with Stone. Stone likes pounding the trails on a mountain bike, vibrating the sound system with rock music, and down time spent on a stand up paddleboard. And he loves Kat wildly, madly, deeply…and then some. Together, they’re having a blast bringing fun-filled romantic stories to life and hope you’ll join them in the exciting adventure. Kat’s first published work, Utterly Loved, was a twentieth anniversary gift of love poems to Stone that they decided to share with the world to benefit charity. Net proceeds from Utterly Loved, and a portion of net proceeds from all their books, go toward charities involved in the fight against human trafficking.

Kat and Stone live amid the beautiful Sonoran Desert of Arizona. Visit their blog at, website at, and their Twitter accounts at and for more information.


Twitter | Stone’s Twitter | Goodreads | Facebook

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