Release Day Blitz – Marley A Carnage Novel by Lesley Jones @LesleyKJones



Release Day – Marley (A Carnage Novel) by Lesley Jones

I’m excited to share this post and read this novel!  One click it today!

Marley cover reveal



Marley: A Carnage Novel Book Summary

From the author of Carnage 1&2, comes this follow up novel. Marley tells the story of Carnage from Marley Layton’s POV. It will give you the missing years. Marley is a companion novel to Carnage 1&2 and both of those books should be read first.

Want to know what really happened in that hotel room in Paris?

Want to know if the rumours of Marley, Sean and their sexploits were true?

We got to watch Georgia fall apart but what was Sean going through in those four years they were separated?

Marley will give you the answers but he might just break your heart along the way.

“‘So, they want me to write a book? They want to know about my band, my life, my loves and my losses. But they have no idea what they’re asking for. If I give them what they want, they’ll get so much more than the sex and drugs and the rock and roll they’re expecting. They’ll get the secrets that I’ve kept for so long, they’ll get an insight into the person I really am, or at least was. They think they know my story, they know nothing.

If I do this, if I write honestly and give them the ugly truth, people will get hurt. People that I love, people that have already suffered in the worst possible ways.

Do I do this, or do I walk away? Taking my secrets to the grave.”

Marley is an adult contemporary romance. It contains content suitable only for grownups with an open mind. There are scenes of group sex which include m/f/m a little bit of f/m/m and even some f/f/f/m/m/f/f/f. There is drinking and drug taking involved. A lot of swearing, some Essex slang and some very high emotion. Please don’t complain after reading this book that you weren’t warned.

And yes, of course you’ll need tissues

Buy Links

Marley 1


Marley 2


Marley 3


Marley 4

Carnage: The story of us Book Summary
I love him, from the instant I set eyes on him when I was just 11 years old I have loved him and nothing will ever change that, he owns me, he owns my heart and he owns my body and no matter how many lies are told, no matter how many people conspire to keep us apart, despite the fame and the distance, we will find a way.
“Georgia Rae, when we made love you used to cry”… He waits for me to sing my bit. I try to swallow down a sob but I just end up singing through it…
“I said I love you like the stars above, I’ll love you till I die”
Carnage, an edgy coming of age love story that breaks all the rules and transcends the decades. Georgia and Sean’s story will stay with you long after you read the final word.
An emotional, smoking hot, gut wrenching read.



Carnage 2: The story of me Book Summary

When your world, your life and all of your hopes and dreams for the future are ripped out from under you, how do you go on?
Death without dying is not only the most painful kind of death, it’s also the most painful kind of life and I don’t know if I’m strong enough to live it.
I spend my lonely days and nights trying to make sense of what my life has become. Do I have the strength to move forward into the light, or should I just let the darkness take me?
I’m Georgia Rae Layton McCarthy and this is the story of me, just me.
I’m no longer a part of an us, it’s just me.
By myself.


Lesley Jones Biography

Lesley was born and grew up in Essex, just outside of London, England but moved with her family to Australia in 2006 and now lives close to the city of Melbourne. As well as writing, Lesley is an avid reader and also enjoys watching a game of football- the round ball version- while sipping on a glass of wine, during her down time. Despite now living in Aus, she is still an Essex girl at heart and remains partial to her waxing, tinting, sculpting and shellac routines. Lesley is a huge fan of social media and can often be found chatting to her readers in her various groups. She is a sucker for a reality TV show, with TOWIE being her obvious favourite.

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Cover Reveal & Teaser- Made by J.M. Darhower @JMDarhower

I am a huge fan of J.M. Darhower.  Sempre and Sempre Redemption have a very special place in my heart.  I am thrilled to share her new cover for her latest book, Made, as well as her two novellas Friends and Forever to be released the same day. Enjoy!

Made Cover JM Darhower


MADE: A Sempre Novel

by J.M. Darhower

This is a prequel spin-off of the Forever Series

Release Date: October 27, 2014


Made Cover & back cover JM Darhower




Corrado Moretti.


The world knows the notorious Kevlar Killer, but few have ever seen what lies beneath his armor. The abused child. The neglected teenager. The broken man. He always did whatever he had to do in order to survive.


It’s kill or be killed.


Throughout his life, he has been there in the shadows, a witness to everything from beginning to end. Bound by loyalty and honor, there’s only one thing he would sacrifice it all for: family.


Never get close. Never get attached. It’s a lesson that has been brutally pounded into him since childhood, but they’re words the DeMarcos make it difficult for him to follow. Through them he finds love and grieves loss, realizing the world isn’t quite as black and white as it’s made out to be.







The low groan on the first floor roused Corrado from sleep. His eyes snapped open, suddenly alert, as the relentless noise seemed to echo through the house. A window. He often slept with them open a crack to let the air circulate, but someone shoved one open the whole way.

His heart thumped wildly in his chest as he reached onto his bedside stand and grabbed his gun. He habitually checked it, ensuring it was still loaded, and jumped out of bed. There was no time to waste getting dressed; he crept down the hallway in his plaid boxers, his bare feet lightly touching the floor, making not a sound.

The second he made it downstairs, a breeze struck him from the living room. A few steps later he appeared in the doorway, pointing his gun at the form halfway through the window. He flipped off the safety as his finger lightly touched the trigger. Two seconds. Two seconds were all it would take to blow them away.

A pair of wide brown eyes instantly met Corrado’s. “Whoa, there, big guy.”

Just as fast as he’d aimed, prepared to kill whoever was breaking into his house, he lowered the gun. “Dammit, Celia!”

“Nice to see you, too.” She swung both legs inside but remained perched on the windowsill. “You weren’t really going to shoot me, were you?”

“Yes,” he said, no hesitation. “I was.”

“Well, I’m lucky you didn’t.”

“Lucky?” Corrado stared at her with disbelief. “I would’ve shot you, Celia. Two more seconds and I would’ve killed you. And then your father… your father would’ve killed me.”

“Yeah, he probably would’ve.”

“There’s no probably about it. He would’ve mutilated me. You… you wouldn’t have felt a thing. But me…” He shuddered just thinking about it. “What are you doing here? Are you in some kind of trouble?”

“I wanted to talk to you.”

Corrado gaped at her. “You broke into my house to talk?”

“Well, I would’ve called, but I don’t have your number.” Celia stood and strolled around the darkened living room, glancing at his belongings. “Besides, something tells me you’re not the talking-on-the-phone type.”


Two Novellas will also be available on October 27th. They will be free eBooks.  I can’t wait to read these!

Forever A Sempre Novella



One moment.

One wrong choice.

That was all it took to destroy a friendship.

*takes place before Sempre*




With a three year old.

‘Nuff said.

*takes place after Sempre: Redemption*

About the Author:


J.M. Darhower is the USA Today bestselling author of books about the hottest hitmen and the women who find some hope in them. She lives in a tiny town in rural North Carolina, where she churns out more words than will ever see the light of day. She has a deep passion for politics and speaking out against human trafficking, and when she isn’t writing (or fangirling) she’s usually ranting about those things. Chronic crimper with a vulgar mouth, she admits to having a Twitter addiction. You can usually find her there.



Author’s links:



