Susi Reviews A Gentleman’s Fate by A.J. Linn @AuthorAJLinnHub

Susi Reviews

A Gentleman’s Fate by A.J. Linn


agf cover aj linn

The story continues for the handsome reformed Malibu playboy, Donovan Hart, in this, the fourth and final installment of A Gentleman’s Series. Donovan, a hotel and adult club owner, decided that it was time to file away his players card in search of the elusive one, in the first book in the series, A Gentleman’s Affair. He was certain that he had found that in interior designer, Scarlett Montgomery, but Scarlett had a past, and that past would soon threaten their perfect union. How far will he go to fight for his Unico Vero Amore?

Beware of unexpected twists and heartbreaking turns. Just when you think you know what’s next, you will probably be wrong.



AGF teaser 2

My Review

AJ Linn, I can honestly say that your characters and your books have become some of my favorites. Your series is one of those that I have thoroughly enjoyed and continue to recommend to my reader friends.  Donovan made my list of all time favorite book boyfriends for so many reasons.  Honestly, reading this last book in this series was bittersweet. The anticipation was well worth it.  Your book was amazing and the plot/twists were totally unexpected.

I have to start off by mentioning to those reading this review that you must read all of the books in this series first.  A Gentleman’s Affair cannot be read as a standalone.  It is important to know Donovan as well as the other significant characters in this series to thoroughly understand this final installment.

This final books begins with Donovan and Scarlett, the woman of his dreams, his love.  A perfect setting, a perfect plan and wait…. I was instantly surprised and shocked. I couldn’t believe what happened.

Before I even had a chance to process what had transpired, Donovan’s father enters the picture and his revelation surprises me as well.  Seriously, I found myself suffering while reading and wondering if I had misunderstood what I had just read.

Just when I thought I knew what was going on, more twists and turns came up.

After some deeps breaths, I continued reading.  Donovan heads back to Las Vegas, to Pisa, his hotel.  Patrice his assistant joins him as well as several of his workers from La Fuga.  Their support for Donovan made me smile.  They were his team,  the ones that helped him through the darkness.

Patrice becomes an important character in this book.  Her patience and time spent with Donovan in this book made me smile.  I really like her and after reading more about her in this book, she became an important female in this book.   Fortunately, Donovan and his father reconcile their differences. Still, Donovan decides on staying in Vegas and opening a new club there.  He has his life planned out.  His hotel Pisa is symbolic and he is determined to make his mark there as well.

Back to love. Scarlett and Donovan may have had their misunderstandings but Donovan, being the loving man he is, decides on doing the right thing. Once again,  What just happened? (no spoilers)  Reading this book was heartbreaking.  OMG!

You will find love, misunderstanding, forgiveness, grief and joy in this book.  AJ took me on a roller coaster of emotions.  As for the ending… well, honestly, it made me smile.  🙂

All in all, A Gentleman’s Fate is brilliantly written.  AJ has a style of his own and one that I admire as a reader. His writing is simple yet powerful. He includes funny moments to balance out those serious moments as well.   This book was unpredictable just like our fate.

Writing this review was difficult because I want to tell you all about the book.   But, I won’t.  You will have to read it for yourself.

I will end with this, “AJ,  I need more.  Please!”

I gave this book 5 stars.

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

5 stars



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Summary of The Gentleman’s Series – All Four Books

In A Gentleman’s Affair, (volume 1) we met the handsome Malibu playboy, Donovan Hart, the entitled, notorious heartbreaker, who would rather spend his days on the beach than in the office. He had his pick of the most beautiful women in Malibu, and had no intention of settling down. But tragic events would change all that and force him to make serious changes in his life. Donovan goes from player to entrepreneur overnight, and finding love…surprisingly… becomes a high priority. That, and opening the first adult club in Malibu.

aga good reads

A Gentleman’s Affair (Book 1)

Print – Amazon

Print – Amazon UK

eBook – Smashwords

eBook – iTunes

eBook – Barnes & Noble

In A Gentleman’s Secret, (volume 2) Donovan’s story continues, as he faces more challenges when it comes to affairs of the heart, opens a new hotel in Las Vegas, and discovers that his girl may have even more secrets to keep than he does. Will love endure?

A Gentleman's Secret- Front RGB

A Gentleman’s Secret (Book 2)

Print – Amazon

Print – Amazon UK

eBook – Smashwords

eBook – iTunes

eBook – Barnes & Noble

A Gentleman’s Memoir (volume 3) is a flashback of Donovan’s life. This prequel gives you an intimate look into his past and takes you on his journey into the adult world where anything goes…and it usuallydoes.

AGM- Front Cover RGB

A Gentleman’s Memoir (Book 3)

Print – Amazon

Print – Amazon UK

eBook – Smashwords

eBook – iTunes

eBook – Barnes & Noble



About the Author

A.J. Linn published his debut novel, A Gentleman’s Affair, Volume 1 of The Gentleman’s Series, in May, 2013.

Since that time, he has continued protagonist Donovan Hart’s story in A Gentleman’s Secret, published in December, 2013, and revealed Donovan’s earlier life in a prequel, A Gentleman’s Memoir, a novella published in August, 2014.

The series quickly became very popular with fans of his RP/character blog, which he’d been writing for almost a year. He credits those fans with this series, since they were the ones who encouraged him to “write a book” and dedicated the books to them.

With his unique voice and writing style, the popularity of the series began to grow, despite the promotion and marketing challenges facing a self-published indie author.

In an original and creative idea, he gave his readers the opportunity to submit “characters” for A Gentleman’s Secret and A Gentleman’s Memoir, which he crafted into the story. The results were intriguing and sometimes hilarious, as he paid the ultimate compliment to his fans and readers…making their characters part of Donovan’s story.

While having full-time job and a very busy life make finding time to write a challenge at times, his readers are in agreement that he has done a fantastic job: four books in two years is quite an accomplishment.

The paperback editions of the series can be found on Amazon. The ebooks are available on Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, and iTunes.


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Review – A Gentleman’s Memoir by A.J. Linn @FuckedUpFifty @GentlemansHub

Susi Reviews

A Gentleman’s Memoir by A.J. Linn


Here is one review I am super excited to share.  I was lucky to get my hands on A Gentleman’s Memoir by A.J. Linn  last week while I was on vacation and I have to tell you, I loved it.

AGM book cover



You may already know Donovan Hart from A Gentleman’s Affair and A Gentleman’s Secret. Here is your chance to get to know him a bit more personally…more, behind the scenes, or under the sheets, as I like to say. In A Gentleman’s Memoir, you will get a glimpse into his past. You will see Donovan tackle loss, love, heartbreak, and sexual exploration. You see him grow from a directionless, 25-year-old, entitled, partying, beach bum and well-known Malibu ladies’ man into a man who decides to take on the world…or at least, La Fuga. Spanning seven years of his life, from the death of his beloved mother, to his relationship with Danielle Hughes -aka cheating whore- to the sexual escapades that go beyond even his wildest imagination. A Gentleman’s Memoir, written in Donovan’s own words, may just shock you. Possibly as much as it did him.


My Review

I first discovered A.J. Linn last summer when I read his first book A Gentleman’s Affair.  I immediately fell in love with his writing style.  You see, I love to read books written in the male point of view.  His writing style is bold, refreshing, humorous, and sexy as hell.  And, I met Donovan Hart.  Need I say more?  Donovan was quickly added to my list of book boyfriends.  A couple of months later, A Gentleman’s Secret was released and once again, AJ did not disappoint with another fantastic sexy read.

Today, I am happy to share my review for his third and most anticipated book A Gentleman’s Memoir.  What can I say? I loved it.  This third book takes you back in time to Donovan’s early years.  Many questions about characters in the first two novels are answered in this memoir.  I loved reading about a younger Donovan in this book. Tragedy changed Donovan’s life and this memoir tells the tale of his life after that.

In his first two books, Donovan mentions Danielle, the ex girlfriend.  Well, I didn’t particularly like her then.  This book helped me confirm why I didn’t like her to begin with. As Donovan sets out to maintain and properly run La Fuga, his hotel, new staff members, several that are mentioned in the previous books emerge.  I enjoyed getting the back story on them and how they came to be.  This memoir will take you back in time, year by year to where and how it all began for the sexy Donovan Hart.  Those unanswered questions you may have had after reading the first two books will be answered in an enjoyable, witty and well written memoir in Donovan’s entertaining point of view.

My favorite part of this book, learning about how Donovan started his club and his “participation” in it.  But, I digress…. (I just had to)

AJ, I am a fan and I love how you incorporated your readers/fans in this book as well.  I look forward to reading more of your writing soon. Your writing style is unique and memorable.

I gave this book 5 sexy stars and highly recommend it.

5 stars




Other Books in The Gentleman’s Series

A Gentleman’s Affair:

Cover photo, A Gentleman's Affair by author AJ Linn

Donovan Hart is handsome, wealthy, successful, and single. While his single status has always been something he’s coveted, enjoyed, and exploited, now his attitude is changing. The former Malibu playboy has been set up, fixed up, felt up and is now fed up. At the age of 32, he is ready to settle down and find the girl of his dreams. Can he escape his sordid past and move forward, or will it keep him from finding his unico vero amore, his one true love? Unlucky in love in the past, he begins his search, filled with humor, heartbreak, and hope…for the one.

A Gentleman’s Secret:

Cover Photo - A Gentleman's Secret by AJ Linn

Donovan Hart has finally found his unico vero amore’ in the beautiful Scarlett Montgomery, but the question remains…will he be able keep her? Will his secret be too much for her to handle, or…will hers be too much for him to handle? A Gentleman’s Secret is an unpredictable ride full of twists and turns that will keep you guessing until the very end. Two people, desperate to escape the sins of their past, hoping to find the one thing that has been missing…Love. But is love really enough to conquer all?

Buying Links ~ The Gentleman’s Series

New Release! Book 3: A Gentleman’s Memoir (the prequel, may be read as a standalone or as a wonderful complement to the rest of the series)

Book 1: A Gentleman’s Affair

AmazonUS (print) AmazonUK (print) Smashwords (eBook – all formats)
iTunes Lulu Barnes&Noble (Nook)

Book 2: A Gentleman’s Secret

AmazonUS (print) AmazonUK (print) Nook (Barnes & Noble)
Smashwords (eBook) Lulu iTunes


Book 3:  A Gentleman’s Memoir



About the Author

Author AJ Linn began writing as a fanfiction blogger on Twitter as @FuckedUpFifty_ with an incredible FSOG blog written from Christian Grey’s point of view ( At the encouragement of his followers, he decided to write a novel and Donovan Hart, the charming, handsome, sexy protagonist of The Gentleman’s Series was brought to life.

His first novel, A Gentleman’s Affair, was published in May, 2013…even as he was writing his second novel, A Gentleman’s Secret, which was published in December, 2013. His unique style and boundless creativity have produced a series of books that will hang in readers’ memories forever. His latest, A Gentleman’s Memoir, a novella, published in August, 2014, is a prequel to the first novel, and will give readers an in-depth look at Donovan’s past, adding even more to the story of Donovan Hart.

After the release of A Gentleman’s Memoir, he plans to take a long, well-deserved break, and with the upcoming Fifty Shades of Grey movie in 2015, he will be re-visiting that series again on his blog.

We haven’t heard the last of AJ Linn.

Stay Connected and follow A.J. Linn on Social Media

Twitter (@FuckedUpFifty_) Twitter Hub (@GentlemansHub)
Facebook Author Page Tumblr Hub WordPress Blog (Christian Grey POV)

Release Day Blast and Giveaway – A Gentleman’s Memoir by A.J. Lynn @FuckedUpFifty @GentlemansHub

One of my most anticipated books is finally here!


New release banner for A Gentleman's Memoir by AJ Linn

Title: A Gentleman’s Memoir

Author: A. J. Linn

Release Date: August 11, 2014


Book Cover Photo - A Gentleman's Memoir by author AJ LinnYou may already know Donovan Hart from A Gentleman’s Affair and A Gentleman’s Secret. Here is your chance to get to know him a bit more personally, more…behind the scenes, or under the sheets, as I like to say.

In A Gentleman’s Memoir, you will get a glimpse into his past. You will see Donovan tackle loss, love, heartbreak, and sexual exploration. You see him grow from a directionless, 25-year-old, entitled, partying, beach bum and well-known Malibu ladies’ man into a man who decides to take on the world…or at least, La Fuga.

Spanning seven years of his life, from the death of his beloved mother, to his relationship with Danielle Hughes -aka cheating whore- to the sexual escapades that go beyond even his wildest imagination, A Gentleman’s Memoir, written in Donovan’s own words, may just shock you.

Possibly just as much as it did him.

Photo edit with a quote from A Gentleman's Memoir by AJ Linn


No shortage of wild, wet, and more-than-willing participants fill the dark, smoky adult club that Mike and Russ dragged me to. Dragged may be too strong of a word, I went willingly. True, this would be my first experience in a club like this, and I even surprised myself at just how much I enjoyed everything about it…

The large wooden stage at the front of the club would soon become the platform for the uninhibited, the exhibitionist, and at times, as I quickly found out, the perverse. Play parties, as they were commonly referred to in these adult clubs, were the main attraction.

Sex acts in this public forum were the norm for most here, but for me, the closest I ever got to sex in public was a lifeguard tower or backseat of a car. Amateur stuff to this crowd. I was about to enter into a world that some have only heard about, and certainly never talked about. Most have probably said, ‘No way, I’d never do that!’ But hey…don’t knock it if you’ve never tried it.

I wouldn’t take the stage on that first night, but it wouldn’t be long before I did. Trust me when I say that I had to work my way up to that, but when I did finally decide to grace a stage with my presence, it would turn out to be the most exhilarating, titillating moment of my life, and I would quickly become addicted. Addicted to the eyes that were watching with such intent. Addicted to the rush that I never knew would come with the act of exhibitionism. Just plain addicted.

A photo quote from A Gentleman's Memoir by AJ Linn

Add A Gentleman’s Memoir to Goodreads!

About the Author

Author AJ Linn began writing as a fanfiction blogger on Twitter as @FuckedUpFifty_ with an incredible FSOG blog written from Christian Grey’s point of view ( At the encouragement of his followers, he decided to write a novel and Donovan Hart, the charming, handsome, sexy protagonist of The Gentleman’s Series was brought to life.

His first novel, A Gentleman’s Affair, was published in May, 2013…even as he was writing his second novel, A Gentleman’s Secret, which was published in December, 2013. His unique style and boundless creativity have produced a series of books that will hang in readers’ memories forever. His latest, A Gentleman’s Memoir, a novella, published in August, 2014, is a prequel to the first novel, and will give readers an in-depth look at Donovan’s past, adding even more to the story of Donovan Hart.

After the release of A Gentleman’s Memoir, he plans to take a long, well-deserved break, and with the upcoming Fifty Shades of Grey movie in 2015, he will be re-visiting that series again on his blog.

We haven’t heard the last of AJ Linn.

Photo edit with quotes from 5-star reviews of A Gentleman's Memoir by author AJ Linn

Connect with A. J. Linn via Social Media

Twitter (@FuckedUpFifty_) Twitter Hub (@GentlemansHub)
Facebook Author Page Tumblr Hub WordPress Blog (Christian Grey POV)

Other Books in The Gentleman’s Series

A Gentleman’s Affair:

Cover photo, A Gentleman's Affair by author AJ Linn

Donovan Hart is handsome, wealthy, successful, and single. While his single status has always been something he’s coveted, enjoyed, and exploited, now his attitude is changing. The former Malibu playboy has been set up, fixed up, felt up and is now fed up. At the age of 32, he is ready to settle down and find the girl of his dreams. Can he escape his sordid past and move forward, or will it keep him from finding his unico vero amore, his one true love? Unlucky in love in the past, he begins his search, filled with humor, heartbreak, and hope…for the one.

A Gentleman’s Secret:

Cover Photo - A Gentleman's Secret by AJ Linn

Donovan Hart has finally found his unico vero amore’ in the beautiful Scarlett Montgomery, but the question remains…will he be able keep her? Will his secret be too much for her to handle, or…will hers be too much for him to handle? A Gentleman’s Secret is an unpredictable ride full of twists and turns that will keep you guessing until the very end. Two people, desperate to escape the sins of their past, hoping to find the one thing that has been missing…Love. But is love really enough to conquer all?

Buying Links ~ The Gentleman’s Series

New Release! Book 3: A Gentleman’s Memoir (the prequel, may be read as a standalone or as a wonderful complement to the rest of the series)

Book 1: A Gentleman’s Affair

AmazonUS (print) AmazonUK (print) Smashwords (eBook – all formats)
iTunes Lulu Barnes&Noble (Nook)

Book 2: A Gentleman’s Secret

AmazonUS (print) AmazonUK (print) Nook (Barnes & Noble)
Smashwords (eBook) Lulu iTunes


Book 3:  A Gentleman’s Memoir


Click here for a chance to win The Gentleman’s Series trilogy (eBooks):

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Photo of a scene from A Gentleman's Memoir by author AJ Linn

Stay tuned for my review of A Gentleman’s Memoir!  It is coming up later. 🙂

Review: A Gentleman’s Secret by A.J. Linn

A Gentleman’s Secret by A.J. Linn

Book 2 in the Gentleman’s Series by A.J. Linn


Donovan Hart has finally found his unico vero amore’ in the beautiful Scarlett Montgomery, but the question remains…will he be able keep her?

Will his secret be too much for her to handle, or…will hers be too much for him to handle?

A Gentleman’s Secret is an unpredictable ride full of twists and turns that will keep you guessing until the very end.

Two people desperate to escape the sins of their past, hoping to find the one thing that has been missing…Love.
But, is love really enough to conquer all?

My Review

A Gentleman’s Secret picks up right where the first book ends.  I loved that I was able to continue following Donovan on his journey of love and dreams without any interruptions in the story.  Having surpassed the final events in A Gentleman’s Affair, this story is a little different.  Donovan and Scarlett both have secrets to reveal and in the process, the story and their lives encounter twists, turns and even an unexpected surprise from Donovan’s father.

Donovan continues to be the sexy, witty bachelor I fell in love with in AGA.  In this book, we see a more lovable side to him.   Seriously, what is there not to love? We also see a different side to his father, which was a pleasant surprise.  The beautiful Scarlett brings out Donovan’s best. Just like in AGA, his inner dialogue makes this story from his POV so much fun to read.

We finally get to visit his club, with Scarlett.  His secrets and his past lie in this club.  Scarlett’s past is also introduced in this story.  It seems they both have things to put behind them.  It is also understandable why they have been keeping their past out of their present.

I felt a range of emotions when reading this story.  I experienced angst, happiness, love and even laughed out loud several times.  This book just like AGA is brilliantly written.  It is a fantastic read that I recommend to all.

I am a fan of A.J. Linn and look forward to his next book. What surprises does he have in store for us? I cannot wait for more Donovan and Scarlett.

I gave this book 5 stars!

More of my favorite Lines/Inner Dialogue

“Alright, baby girl.” I smirk as I break away with a shit-eating grin across my face. “I really hate to break this up, but I don’t think this is the right time and place for the huge boner that you’ve now given me.”

Who knew that all it would take was the offer of a shopping trip? Are women actually that easy to please? I am now taking notes…

Scarlett lets out a gasp, then rather orgasmic-sounding moan as she holds up a pair of crystal-adorned slingback Manolos, which I will now and forever refer to as Moanolos.

“Well Scarlett, I’m no saint. You must be figuring that out by now.”

“You, Scarlett. You are what I love,” I reply, shaking my head. “Don’t you get that by now?”

“I’m ready…and it took my mom’s accident for me to come to the realization that we have no way of knowing if we will get another tomorrow, so if you want to do something, you just do it.”

“No buts. Everything is going to be alright, I promise.” I pull her into my arms, reassuring her that  I’m here, and that I’m not going anywhere. We sit silently in a tight embrace for a few moments, and then I pull back, looking into her eyes with intent.

“This is how rich fuckers handle things, got it?”

“You should have trusted me. You should have known that I would have done anything for you…That I still would.”

I have become that boyfriend…correction…fiance, again…re-fianced, as it were, that carries the bags. But I digress, because, fuck it. She is happy, and I am rich.

Stay up to date on A.J.Linn’s writing by following The Gentleman’s Hub.

Follow A.J.Linn on Twitter and on  Tumbler

Review: A Gentleman’s Affair by A.J. Linn

aga 2

A Gentleman’s Affair by A.J.Linn

Donovan Hart is handsome, wealthy, successful, and single. While his single status has always been something he’s coveted, enjoyed, and exploited, now his attitude is changing. The former Malibu playboy has been set up, fixed up, felt up and is now fed up. At the age of 32, he is ready to settle down and find the girl of his dreams. Can he escape his sordid past and move forward, or will it keep him from finding his unico vero amore, his one true love? Unlucky in love in the past, he begins his search, filled with humor, heartbreak, and hope…for the one.

My Review

Reading books written in the male point of view are becoming my favorites.  A Gentleman’s Affair by A.J. Linn is the story of the sexy bachelor Donovan Hart told through his point of view.  I must say, getting inside the mind of this eligible bachelor makes this story a funny, witty and sexy read.

So tell me, who doesn’t love a handsome wealthy bachelor?  I for one love them.  Add food and wine to his list of interests, and he is a real winner to me.  Donovan, well, he fits that description and has it all in my eyes which is why I loved reading his story.

This story is written in a way that the reader follows Donovan’s dating as well as business ventures.  His dating adventures turned out to be some of my favorite parts of the book.   Now that Donovan is finally ready to find “the one” perfect woman, finding her proves to be quite entertaining.  You too will laugh at his dates/encounters with women.

I also love a man with goals and dreams.  Donovan, already successful is working on his dream, his new hotel in Vegas.  Accomplishing his dream is important and the reader participates in this journey as well.  I enjoyed the right amount of balance in his personal and business life as he narrates his story.

While Donovan’s dating adventures may not have resulted in finding “the one” a certain woman working for him captures his attention.  His own rules about dating people he works with poses a problem.  After spending some time with her on the business side of his life, he realizes he is interested in her.  “I will not admit it, but I am interested.  Fuck my rules. Rules are made to be broken. “ Donovan, gotta love him, breaks his own rule.

Scarlett, the woman who has captured his eye is beautiful, witty and sexy. She changes Donovan’s life.  Their chemistry is obvious. They are flirty and fun and are perfect for each other.  While both Scarlett and Donovan keep unknown secrets from each other, their relationship flourishes.

In the end of this first book, Donovan’s secret is still unknown and neither is Scarlett’s past.  Donovan is finally ready to confess his feelings. I’ll leave it at that, no spoilers here. You will have to read it for yourself.

Fortunately, book 2,  A Gentleman’s Secret (review coming soon) is available already so you can get right to reading it and discover their secrets/past and what happens to Donovan and Scarlett.

I recommend this book.  I enjoyed reading the inner dialogue and the story of this flirty, sexy and witty guy as he experienced it and I am sure you will too.

I gave this book 5 stars.

 Some of my favorite Lines/Inner Dialogue

Most of the girls were very good in bed…very bad out of it. I want it all, I suppose.  The whole package. The mother of my children. The love that my parents shared during their marriage. I have gone from playboy to romantic seeker of love. Who knew that it could happen to me?


I have now decided that dating and searching for “the one” will probably be the death of me.


Whoever tries to tell you that men are more sexually driven than women is extremely delusional. Women clearly have it all over us men, and they are in my opinion filthier, and naughtier than God, species.  The are just—usually? —more discrete about it. Not that I’m complaining. I do like that about them.  This… is just odd. 


I must admit that the thought of seeing her always seems to bring a shit-eating grin to my face. I know, I know. The fucking rule. Maybe I’ll take her off the job so that I can date her.


“Steaks sound good to me,” I choke the words out, still stunned by the wink from the hot girl that I’m doing business with and am not allowed to flirt with…Ugh.

I should have titled this chapter “Ugh.”


Her eyes scan the diner then stop on mine. We have what is known as a “moment.” I have never had one of those before. I have heard about them though. I have to admit that it was actually pretty cool.


The things that a real gentleman will do… to impress the right girl.


“Well, I appreciate your honesty, but your past is really none of my business.  Everyone has a few secrets.” I certainly do…

Old Donovan would throw her down on the bed and ravish away. New Donovan wants everything, and I do mean everything, to be different.


“Time for dessert, baby girl.”

“Yes, baby. I’m the whipped cream and you are the cherry.” “All I want to hear from that mouth is you moaning.”


My mind is exploding with good stuff this morning. Maybe it’s due to Scarlett and her expert oral techniques, or maybe…just maybe, it’s because I have finally found the girl of my dreams.

Follow The Gentleman’s Hub on Twitter for more news and updates on A.J. Linn‘s books.