Teaser Thursday – Flame by Erin Noelle @authorenoelle @InkSlingerPR

Teaser Thursday- Enjoy!

Releasing August 6th


I’m soaring.
After years of hard work and determination, I am exactly where I want to be in life. As the top ranked Freestyle Motocross rider in the world, I have more money than I could ever dream of spending and gorgeous women throwing themselves at me in every city I land. I have everything I could ever want.
Everything except her.
While in Breckenridge for my best friend’s wedding, I was introduced to Dakota Shavell, a friend of the bride-to-be, and from the moment our blue gazes met, sparks flew.
What I initially intended to be a single steamy night together turned into a scorching two week road trip to New Orleans with a sassy-mouthed blonde. Being between her legs gave me a bigger adrenaline rush than I’d ever gotten from flying through the air while straddling a bike.
It was supposed to just be fun, a good time. I planned to walk away unchanged.
But it was more. Feelings I never intended to have got involved, and I’ll never be the same.
Yet, I still walked away.
Except now I’m injured and my outlook has changed. Priorities have become clear.
And I’m going back to reclaim her…to show her that together we can make the fire between us burst into flames.
***Though Flame is the second book in the Fire on the Mountain Series, it is an interconnected stand alone novel***

Erin Noelle is a Texas native, where she lives with her husband and two young daughters. While earning her degree in History at the University of Houston, she rediscovered her love for reading that was first instilled by her grandmother when she was a young child.

A lover of happily-ever-afters, both historical and current, Erin is an avid reader of all romance novels. Her titles published include the Book Boyfriend Series, the Dusk ‘Til Dawn Series, Translucent, Conspire — co-authored with SE Hall, Surviving Us, MILF: Wrong Kind of Love and Spark.

Her books have been a part of the USA Today Bestselling list and the Amazon and Barnes & Noble overall Top 100.

Tuesday Teaser – Release Me by Ann Marie Walker and Amy K. Rogers @AnnMarie_Walker @Amy_KRogers @TastyBookTours

Enjoy another teaser for Release Me.

 Coming Soon! 7/21/15

Chasing Fire #2
Ann Marie Walker & Amy K. Rogers
Releasing July 21st, 2015

The second in the “seriously sexy and sinfully steamy”* Chasing Fire series, about a pain too deep to forgive and a passion too hot to forget…

Alessandra Sinclair knows that Hudson Chase is the last man she should want. The boy from the wrong side of the tracks has grown into a man who would do anything to get ahead, even if it means breaking Allie’s heart. But whenever she’s near him, the attraction between them is undeniable. And now that they’re working together, keeping her distance from Hudson is almost as impossible as keeping her feelings in check…

Hudson already lost Allie once and he refuses to lose her again. He’s determined to use their new business partnership to rekindle the spark he knows is still there. Only the closer he gets to winning her over, the clearer it becomes there are still secrets that could tear them apart for good…


Hudson’s eyes flared. “Taunting me?” he asked. But he didn’t wait for an answer. Instead he lurched forward in a few powerful strides, palming the back of the couch with his free hand and leaping over it.


With her heart pounding, Allie took off in the only available direction. When she reached the stairs, Hudson was right behind her, taking them two at a time. She gasped as his fingers grazed her hip before dropping to catch her ankle.

He yanked her down as he prowled up her body, his hips surging against her backside as he lowered his mouth to her ear. “I’ve caught you, baby.” He buried his hand in her hair and pulled her head to the side. She moaned when his lips found the spot on her neck that never failed to drive her wild. Pleasure shot through her as he sucked on the sensitive skin and she writhed beneath him. “Now, what shall I do to you?”

Allie’s lips parted on a raged breath. “Whatever you want.”

Join the Read-a-long
Though thousands of miles apart, Ann
Marie Walker and Amy K. Rogers are in constant contact, plotting story lines
and chatting about their love of alpha males, lemon drop martinis and British
supermodel, David Gandy. You can find them on twitter as @AnnMarie_Walker and
Amy K. Rogers
Ann Marie Walker

Teaser Thursday – Flame by Erin Noelle @authorenoelle

Teaser Thursday

Flame by Erin Noelle

Coming soon

FlamecoverI’m soaring.After years of hard work and determination, I am exactly where I want to be in life. As the top ranked Freestyle Motocross rider in the world, I have more money than I could ever dream of spending and gorgeous women throwing themselves at me in every city I land. I have everything I could ever want.Everything except her.While in Breckenridge for my best friend’s wedding, I was introduced to Dakota Shavell, a friend of the bride-to-be, and from the moment our blue gazes met, sparks flew.What I initially intended to be a single steamy night together turned into a scorching two week road trip to New Orleans with a sassy-mouthed blonde. Being between her legs gave me a bigger adrenaline rush than I’d ever gotten from flying through the air while straddling a bike.It was supposed to just be fun, a good time. I planned to walk away unchanged.But it was more. Feelings I never intended to have got involved, and I’ll never be the same.Yet, I still walked away.Except now I’m injured and my outlook has changed. Priorities have become clear.And I’m going back to reclaim her…to show her that together we can make the fire between us burst into flames.

I’m failing.
My younger brother is getting worse, and my job – my duty – is to help him at all costs. We’ve
tried everything modern medicine has to offer and nothing works.
Deciding to turn to unconventional treatments, we end up at Fire-on-the-Mountain, a holistic
resort deep in the Rockies.
In our search for medical marijuana, I find beautiful, free-spirited Hudson Shavell – a girl who
may not only hold the key to heal my brother, but to fix me as well. Even
though I can’t afford distractions right now, she’s all I can think about. All
that I want.
It’s funny how everything can change with one little SPARK.
***Though Spark is the first book in the Fire on the Mountain Series, it is a stand alone novel***


***Intended for mature audiences only***

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Erin Noelle is a Texas native, where she lives with her husband and two young daughters. While earning her degree in History at the University of Houston, she rediscovered her love for reading that was first instilled by her grandmother when she was a young child.

A lover of happily-ever-afters, both historical and current, Erin is an avid reader of all romance novels.Her titles published include the Book Boyfriend Series, the Dusk ‘Til Dawn Series, Translucent, Conspire — co-authored with SE Hall, Surviving Us, MILF: Wrong Kind of Love and Spark.

Her books have been a part of the USA Today Bestselling list and the Amazon and Barnes & Noble overall Top 100.

COVER REVEAL – The Espionage Effect by Kat & Stone Bastion @KatBastion @StoneBastion

I am thrilled to bring you the cover reveal for Kat & Stone Bastion’s THE ESPIONAGE EFFECT!

THE ESPIONAGE EFFECT is a standalone, full-length, action-adventure romance filled with plenty of the sexual tension, deep emotion, and scorching scenes the Bastions are known for.

This sexy action-adventure romance releases July 14th!

The Espionage Effect cover

Do you like romance a little more erotic, edgy, darker, filled with action-adventure, toned with mystery, complete with a twist…or two?

If so…

Be sure to preorder your copy today!
Amazon * KOBO * iBooks

Release Date: July 14th, 2015

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Cover Designer: Sarah Hansen, Okay Creations

About The Espionage Effect:

When desire sets you free…control is a matter of perception.

I’m Devin Hill.

Darkness taints my soul.

I’m suffocating. Drowning.

The sweet promise of air? Pure illusion.

Tested as a genius at age seven, I hide my emotions, become what they expect…bury my secrets. At nineteen, I trudge toward a predestined path, blinders on, heart safeguarded.

Until I dare to be wild.

Until Alec Marquez crashes into my world.

Until all that follows redefines everything I’ve ever known.

What happens when you stumble into a world of spies…and discover you belong there?

The Espionage Effect - The Blindfold Pic Quote


“Do you remember their love?” An odd question, even to my ears, but I needed to know.

He didn’t reply right away, only briefly paused, then continued typing.

I didn’t release the photograph. Didn’t turn around. Entranced to a level I couldn’t resist or deny, I remained rooted to the spot on his bamboo office floor, clinging to a fragment of someone else’s joyous life, stuck in my admiration for those who’d been able to defy the choking darkness of the world for its breath of light.

The keyboard clicking ended entirely. But I barely noticed.

My heart pounded in my ears as I gripped the frame, thumbs slipped into place on the perfect silver surface. My fingerprints might as well have marred the perfect picture. Its image marked me. Indelibly.

How had one two-dimensional image branded my heart so fast?

On a shaky exhale, it hit me. It hadn’t. The delicate aging photograph hadn’t been the one thing, it had been the last thing, the proverbial straw on the camel’s back—the catalyst to the fractures spider-webbing through an armored façade I’d so carefully constructed finally shattering apart, blowing to dust the once impenetrable fortress walls I’d imprisoned myself within.

“I remember.” His voice slid over my senses, warm and soft. His heat came up behind me, wrapping around me as his strong hands ran down my arms, then covered my hands as they still clutched the frame.

For the first time in my life, I finally stood without my armor. Terrified, yet convinced I needed to take the leap of faith even if I died from the fall, I leaned back into his strength.

And he held me. As I began to shake, gripped the frame tighter for fear of dropping it, he simply held me.

“Their laughter is the greatest memory; I can still hear its echo in my head, feel its presence in the middle of the night.”

An aching pang thumped from behind my ribcage. That he would be lonely in the darkness too, seek the memory of what he’d once had to lull him to sleep.

I’d done the opposite. “I can’t remember mine.” My voice croaked. Hands trembling uncontrollably, I clattered the bottom metal corners of the frame down onto the perfectly polished surface before I dropped it. “Their love, I mean.” I sucked in a ragged breath as my arms drew against my middle. I hugged myself, trying to hold in the pain that I’d never let myself feel.

His arms followed, covering mine. A cramp burned at the base of my throat, and I closed my eyes, pinching back hot tears, afraid of losing myself to the scathing onslaught of feelings. As my breathing grew shallow, Alec tightened his hold, wordlessly providing his protection from the unseen threat.

The Espionage Effect - Sensual Kiss Pic Quote

The Espionage Effect - Sculpted Back Teaser Pic

The Espionage Effect - Passion on Bed Teaser Pic

The Espionage Effect - Kiss in Surf Teaser Pic

About Kat & Stone Bastion:

Shoe and Boot PhotoKat Bastion won several awards for her bestselling debut novel Forged in Dreams and Magick.

Kat and Stone Bastion’s bestselling first novel No Weddings and the No Weddings series were named Best of 2014 by multiple romance review blogs.

When not defining love and redemption through scribed words, they enjoy spending their time mountain biking and hiking in the beautiful Sonoran Desert of Arizona.

Be sure to follow Kat & Stone’s social media pages to keep informed:
Facebook | TalkToTheShoe Blog | Kat’s Twitter | Stone’s Twitter

P.S. ~ Have you joined their new-release list?

One lucky subscriber will win an eBook of their choice from their backlist AND a $10 Amazon or B&N Gift Card each time they send out a preorder or new-release announcement.

Sign up for their Email Subscription list here: http://www.katbastion.com/email-subscription/

(They solemnly promise to email only a handful of times a year to announce preorders and new releases.)

Enter Kat & Stone’s Giveaway!

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COVER REVEAL – Wayward Son by Michelle Day @MichelleYDay @ProdigalSon_1

I’m excited to share this cover with you today!  I’ve read Wayward Son and know that you will love it as much as I do.  Enjoy!  My full review will be posted on release day.


Wayward Son Book 3 of The Jensen Family Series

by Michelle Day

Book Releases June 11, 2015
wayward son cover michelle day

Gavin Jensen’s world has been turned upside down.

Grieving and with only a tenuous hold on his temper, he is taken from everything he has ever known.
Full of anger for the man who ruined everything, he wants to hate him.

But this chance Gavin has been given, it’s a clean slate. All his previous indiscretions have been left behind, buried with his mother. Paul Jensen is becoming the father he knew he could be, his son just needs to let go of the past.

But when Gavin grabs a hold of life, his actions ignite a chain of events that could leave him shattered.

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  Previous Books in this series

prodigal sonProdigal Son Book 1


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father and son cover michelle day

Father & Son Book 2


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Michelle Day’s Social Media

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Cover Reveal – Quiet Country by Colbie Kay


Cover Reveal

 “Quiet Country” by Colbie Kay




“Quiet Country”


By Colbie Kay


Release Date: 8.28.15


Cover Photo: Shutter
Stock & Dollar Photo Club


Cover Design: Jersey Girl Graphics





Bear is the Enforcer for the Satan’s
Sinners. Coming from a


troubled past he lives his life day to day.


He loves his money, women,


and most of all the club. To him that was
all that mattered,


until he met her. Bear always gets what he


wants now he’s set out to get her.


Will he be able to break her walls and win




Jacey’s a doctor with secrets. She has her


life planned out, but Bear goes against it
all. She


set out to find the truth about her past.


When her plan falls apart will she let


pick up the pieces?




You met them in City Lights now find out


what happened in their story.


This book can be read as a standalone with
an HEA.



About the Author


Colbie Kay is from Kansas.
She is married with 3 children.
By day she works in a nursing facility and by
night she writes.
She has always been an avid reader who enjoyed a good story,
but was too nervous to take the next step into the world of
 writing. With the
support from family & friends Colbie
decided to explore the world of
With the courage from others and the excitement
of her stories
she hit publish on her
 debut book in March 2015.














Amazon Author Page


Cover Reveal – The Shadow by Sylvain Reynard @sylvainreynard @ninabocci


THE SHADOW (Book 2 , The Florentine Series)

by Sylvain Reynard

 Coming February 2, 2016

the shadow sr




New York Times bestselling author Sylvain Reynard presents the hotly

anticipated, intoxicating follow-up to The Raven…

Raven Wood’s vampyre prince has returned, pledging his love and promising

justice for every wrong done to her. In the wake of their reunion, Raven is faced

with a terrible decision—allow the Prince to wreak vengeance against the

demons of her past, or persuade him to stay his hand. But there is far more at

stake than Raven’s heart…

A shadow has fallen over the city of Florence. Ispettor Batelli will not rest until he

uncovers Raven’s connection to the theft of the priceless art from the Uffizi

Gallery. And while the Prince hunts a traitor who sabotages him at every turn, he

finds himself the target of the vampyres’ mortal enemy.

As he wages a war on two fronts, he will need to keep his love for Raven secret,
or risk exposing his greatest weakness…



Buy Links


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Stay Up to Date and Follow Sylvain Reynard on Social Media




What’s In The Author’s Bag? Ann Marie Walker reveals… @AnnMarie_Walker

what's in the author's bag banner for blog



Have you ever wondered what your favorite authors carry around in their bags?

Ann Marie Walker revealed the contents of her purse for all to see and explained why she carries them.

Continue reading

Cover Reveal – Sweet on Wilde by Fabiola Francisco @AuthorFabiola



Sweet on Wilde

Fabiola Francisco

Contemporary Romance

Release Date: June 7, 2015



Eight months ago, I made a deal with my best friend. This wasn’t your typical pact. No, we had to take a different route. The deal was that if we were still single by fall, we would join online dating. Yes…now I am that girl. Just me, though, because she met a guy and saved herself from the awkwardness of dating people you meet via the Internet.

Cheesy pick up lines.

Inappropriate messages.

Disaster dates.

I don’t want to be “Savannah, profile 8713,” but a pinky promise is a promise you keep. What I wasn’t counting on was meeting a guy at the local bar.

So what happens when you decide to open yourself up to new opportunities? You might just cross paths with someone who makes you believe in love. Parker Wilde brought out the best in me and understood the worst, but when an amazing opportunity presents itself and our lives take different directions, is being sweet on Wilde enough for us?



Sweet on Wilde Trail Kiss

Sweet on Wilde kiss


Connect with Fabiola Francisco here:

Website: http://www.authorfabiolafrancisco.wordpress.com


a34a9-twitterbuttonTwitter: http://www.twitter.com/authorfabiola

IG: @authorfabiola

Tsu: http://www.tsu.co/FabiolaFrancisco

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/fabifrancisco/

Cover Reveal – Blue Genes by Sydney Jamesson @SydneyJamesson @JennW23

Blue Genes FINAL cover

Title: Blue Genes (The Story of Us Series #1)

Author: Sydney Jamesson

Publication Date: June 2, 2015

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Cover Design: The eBook Designer


Peacock Feathers



Take the plunge with Beth Parker and be ready to fall headfirst Into the blue …

“I promise. Wherever you are, Beth, I will always be with you,” ~ Ayden Stone

Blue Genes is the continuation of the bestselling trilogy, The Story of Us.

Handsome, media magnate, Ayden Stone came into Beth Parker’s life like a bolt out of the blue, introducing her to an extravagant lifestyle filled with promises, new experiences and sensual pleasures. Possessed by love, they have fulfilled a childhood dream to be man and wife, believing nothing can come between them ‘until death us do part.’

Having been tortured by tragic events involving angels and demons from their past, these star-crossed lovers are ready to start a new chapter in their lives. Now, family comes first.

But which family?

Time is running out! Difficult decisions must be made that will stretch their fated bond to its very limit. Unforeseen enemies are conspiring and about to test the very foundation of their relationship: trust.

Blue Genes is an emotional, adult fairy-tale that transcends the ordinary: a sensual, suspense filled story overflowing with love, laughter and a longing for a happy ever after.

But sometimes, longing just isn’t enough …

Peacock Feathers

Blue Genes Secrets Teaser 2

Sydney is giving away an ARC-A-WEEK in her fan page until Blue Genes releases June 2nd. You can join here: http://on.fb.me/1dsDc7e

Peacock Feathers

Blue Genes Teaser Paris

Pre-order Blue Genes


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Discover The Story of Us Trilogy Now For Only 99¢!

(May 1st – May 5th)



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