#Sale – Salvation by Stephanie John @StephJohnWrites


First Time On Sale!

Author Stephanie John has put Salvation, Book 1 in the Heal Me Series on sale

for a limited time for the special price of $0.99/£0.99!

Title: Salvation

Author: Stephanie John

Genre: Adult Contemporary Romance

Series: The Heal Me Series, Book 1

Sale Dates: 24th – 29th September

Amazon Universal Sale Link

Photo of the cover of Salvation, a contemporary romance novel by Stephanie John

A chance meeting turned my world inside out.

Intelligent, sexy, and rich. With a dash of roguish charm and a cocksure smile, Nathan Blake is the ultimate fantasy. He can have any woman he wants with only a glance.

And he wants me.

My past has left me broken and humiliated, wary of men like him. I cut myself off from the pain, moving thousands of miles away to escape every reminder, determined to start anew.

Ive been second best before. It isn’t happening again.

One kiss and I’m caught under his spell, drawn to him with every breath I take.

I can’t resist.

The passion that explodes between us becomes an intense connection neither of us thought we’d share.

Or need.

The suffering inside me reflects his – a pain I know he feels, but can’t bring himself to reveal.

I have no idea his love can heal me – that mine can heal him…

if only I can let down my guard for him and trust.


Reviewers Say…

Move aside Gideon Cross! You are NO MATCH for Nate Blake! He’s freaking amazing and so delectable. Kara and Nate’s chemistry is undeniable. I love their playful banter and the sexual tension is immensely felt. I could go on and on about this book, and I will say that 5 stars doesn’t cut it for this one. It deserves as many stars as I can find. Do yourself a favor and read this story! You WILL NOT be disappointed. Steph John is headed to stardom! You have a fan for life! I can’t wait to see what’s next.”

Stephanie Allen, Sinfully Sweet Promotions

This book was so good. Well, good doesn’t start to describe this book! Let’s see- superior, superb, outstanding, exemplary, umm- it was just plain HOT! Exquisitely Hot! There that is how I want to describe this debut book by Stephanie John, Exquisitely Hot. Salvation, isn’t your normal office romance, or your normal billionaire, alpha male takes his woman, kind of book, it is so much more. John amazes me, with her writing skill, she writes with a level of complexity that matches seasoned authors. There was no detail too small for her and her story flowed seamlessly. Her characters were rich in description and I don’t think I ever fell in love with the male lead quite so fast. What I really liked about this story itself, it was unique. It was a billionaire guy, falling in love with an office staff with one look basically. That part is one in a million, but she really made it different. She made this billionaire different. Stephanie John made me LOVE Nate in this book.

DayReader Reviews

Stephanie John has a genuine talent for bringing stories and characters to life and taking the reader along on an effortless ride to pure pleasure. And when I say pure pleasure – your heart will pound as their love heats up. One particular scene at the beach house will rank among the most erotic and powerful expressions of love that I have ever read.
This book deserves more than five stars – it deserves a heaven full of them – because that is where you’ll think you’ve been when you’ve finished Salvation. I can’t wait for the next chapter … and the next … and the next. Don’t deny yourself one of the truly outstanding contemporary romances of 2015.

Passionate Reads

About the Author

Steph-newLogoMost days, you’ll find Stephanie John on a yacht, wearing a very skimpy bikini, drinking champagne, eating chocolate and never gaining weight. When she isn’t asleep and dreaming, in real life you’re more likely to find her at the school gates, wearing whatever she dragged on that morning, drinking copious amounts of coffee. She still eats chocolate, though — everyone has their vices, right? Somehow, amidst the chaos of full-time mummy duties, she manages to write. Contemporary romance has always been her favourite genre to read for as long as she can remember (age-appropriate, of course).

Never in a million years did it occur to her to write one of her own. Now, she couldn’t imagine doing anything else.

Salvation is her debut book, released in March 2015 to outstanding five star reviews.

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Release Day Blitz-Review & Giveaway – Salvation by Stephanie John @StephJohnWrites

// Photo Banner featuring the cover of Salvation, a contemporary romance novel by author Stephanie John

Photo of the cover of the contemporary romance novel, Salvation, by author Stephanie John

Title: Salvation

Author: Stephanie John

Genre: Adult Contemporary Romance

Series: The Heal Me Series, Book 1




Green on green manA chance meeting turned my world inside out.

Intelligent, sexy, and rich. With a dash of roguish charm and a cocksure smile, Nathan Blake is the ultimate fantasy. He can have any woman he wants with only a glance.

And he wants me.

My past has left me broken and humiliated, wary of men like him. I cut myself off from the pain, moving thousands of miles away to escape every reminder, determined to start anew.

I’ve been second best before. It isn’t happening again.

One kiss and I’m caught under his spell, drawn to him with every breath I take.

I can’t resist.

The passion that explodes between us becomes an intense connection neither of us thought we’d share.

Or need.

The suffering inside me reflects his – a pain I know he feels, but can’t bring himself to reveal.

I have no idea his love can heal me – that mine can heal him…

…if only I can let down my guard for him and trust.

Photo quote from Salvation, a contemporary adult romance by Steph John


First of all, congratulations Stephanie on a brilliant debut!  There are so many things I loved about your book especially the theme,  a second chance on love.  Your characters as well as your story were well written and very real.  I love it when I can read a book and connect with characters the way I did in Salvation.  Kara is beautiful, independent, but yet reserved due to past heartache.  Nate, her boss, is handsome, powerful, rich and also reserved in his own way.  Both have endured some type of pain in the past.  Together they discover the power of love.

Throughout the book, the characters learn about each other and grow.  Nate is Kara’s boss.  Kara dismisses his advances at first knowing that work relationships can be devastating. But, Kara gives in and finally goes out with Nate.  I loved that Nate was so blown away by Kara.  Kara truly rocked his world.

I can’t say enough about Mai, Kara’s friend.  She was funny, a great friend and most of all her biggest supporter.  You will love her as you read more about her.

The detailed descriptions in this book are another reason I enjoyed it so much.  I pictured this story scene by scene.   The sexy banter between Nate and Kara was fun making them so likable.  These characters were truly enjoyable to read about.

I cannot end my review without discussing the sex scenes.  Wow!  There are plenty of exquisitely written scenes in this book.  Nate is the quite the guy. You’ll see what I mean.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and look forward to the next book in the series.  I was left making my own predictions about Kara and Nate’s future. They are a couple I am definitely cheering for.  I hope it’s available soon.

5 stars

I gave this book 5 stars! A fantastic debut!

I received an ARC in exchange for a review.


When I joined him, he was leaning against the sink staring at the wall, his features twisted in annoyance. “It’s important to me,” I encouraged, setting his empty bottle on the counter beside him. I pressed a hand to his shoulder. “I want to know all about you like you do me.”

“Yeah,” he scoffed, shrugging me off, “except you won’t let me in either.” The ferocity of him tossing the plates into the sink with a crash panicked me. My ears began to ring with the sound of my heart thudding in my chest. Nate glanced sideways, his face set. “You’re keeping secrets, too.”

I winced at the harsh truth of his words. What right did I have, asking him to open up when I couldn’t do it myself?

“Kara.” His fingertips drifted over my cheekbone. I jumped, taken aback by the veneration in his touch and the gentleness of his voice. “I don’t want to argue, to spoil an idyllic couple of days.”

I hated seeing him like this, so lost and bewildered, out of control. It went against so much of what I treasured about him. Yet it gave me comfort to know he wasn’t just an ideal high on a pedestal, completely out of reach. Nate was human, and he was here, with me.

I stepped closer and rubbed his arm. His eyes were mesmerising, the pupils almost fully dilated. My breath caught when I saw the depth of his feelings swimming in them as he stared back at me. The tiny tick of his jaw pulsed as he gritted his teeth. “I’m trying to do right by you. Trying my utmost to shelter you.”

My body tensed. “From what?”

Nate caressed my face, seeking and finding strength the way I did from him. His eyes were fretful and undecided. God, what had happened to make him behave so out of character?

I wrapped my arms around him and pressed my cheek to his chest. His heart pounded frantically. His shower gel still lingered on me, and mine on his skin. The two scents, woody and almond merged together, giving me an inevitable sense of calm and assurance. “What happened in New York?”

Photo quote from the contemporary romance novel, Salvation, by Stephanie John

Order Links

You do not want to miss this novel … or deny yourself your next book boyfriend. So why wait? Order Salvation today!

Amazon US Amazon UK Amazon AU

About Stephanie

Avatar photo representing author Stephanie JohnMost days, you’ll find Stephanie John on a yacht, wearing a very skimpy bikini, drinking champagne, eating chocolate and never gaining weight. When she isn’t asleep and dreaming, in real life you’re more likely to find her at the school gates, wearing whatever she dragged on that morning, drinking copious amounts of coffee. She still eats chocolate, though — everyone has their vices, right? Somehow, amidst the chaos of full-time mummy duties, she manages to write. Contemporary romance has always been her favourite genre to read for as long as she can remember (age-appropriate, of course).

Never in a million years did it occur to her to write one of her own. Now, she couldn’t imagine doing anything else.


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A photo collage of a man and woman with the cover of the contemporary romance novel, Salvation, by author Stephanie John

Cover Reveal – Excerpt & Giveaway – Salvation by Stephanie John @StephJohnWrites

Photo Banner for the Cover Reveal of Salvation, a contemporary adult romance by Stephanie John

Title: Salvation

Author: Stephanie John

Genre: Adult Contemporary Romance

Series: The Heal Me Series, Book 1

Photo of the cover of the contemporary romance novel, Salvation, by author Stephanie John


A chance meeting turned my world inside out.

Intelligent, sexy, and rich. With a dash of roguish charm and a cocksure smile, Nathan Blake is the ultimate fantasy. He can have any woman he wants with only a glance.

And he wants me.

My past has left me broken and humiliated, wary of men like him. I cut myself off from the pain, moving thousands of miles away to escape every reminder, determined to start anew.

I’ve been second best before. It isn’t happening again.

One kiss and I’m caught under his spell, drawn to him with every breath I take.

I can’t resist.

The passion that explodes between us becomes an intense connection

neither of us thought we’d share. Or need.

The suffering inside me reflects his – a pain I know he feels, but can’t bring himself to reveal.

I have no idea his love can heal me – that mine can heal him…

…if only I can let down my guard for him and trust.


Nate prowled behind me, his body heat making mine hum with anticipation as I blindly awaited his next move. He stroked a finger lazily down my bare back, scattering goosebumps across my flesh. “So creamy and soft,” he murmured. “I’ve longed to taste your skin for weeks.” His lips grazed my shoulder, working up to my ear and whispered, “But I imagine you knew that already.” My breathing shallowed, my body swaying as Nate played this tantalising game of seduction. The straps of my dress fell down my arms, his hands leaving a trail of fire on my skin as he eased it off. His breath hitched. “No underwear?” “No bra,” I corrected. He eased the dress over my hips and down my body, and tossed it to the side. “Your legs are spectacular.” His breath tickled the back of my knee. Warm hands and soft lips mapped their way leisurely up my thighs until Nate regained a standing position. Taking both my hands, he wrapped them around the back of his neck and deliberately trailed fingertips down my arms, making my skin tingle. “Feel what you do to me, Kara?” he rasped, both hands splaying above and below my navel, urging me flush against him. His erection strained against his fly, pushing against my arse. Unable to respond coherently, I whimpered and nodded. Realising Nate was so hot for me was enlightening. I arched my back, moving both hands to his hair. “So incredibly sexy.” His thumb skimmed the lace top of my panties, then he slipped his hand inside, moving down until his finger found my clit. My body jolted and I gasped. “I can’t wait to bury myself inside you.”

Collage featuring depictions of a scene from Salvation, a contemporary romance novel by author Stephanie John.

Pre-Order Links!

You do not want to miss this novel … or deny yourself your next book boyfriend. So why wait? Pre-Order Salvation today! And the best part? It’s ON SALE until Release Day!

Amazon US ($0.99) Amazon UK (£0.99) Amazon AU ($1.27)


Win one of 3 eBooks of Salvation!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

About the Author

Avatar photo representing author Stephanie JohnMost days, you’ll find Stephanie John on a yacht, wearing a very skimpy bikini, drinking champagne, eating chocolate and never gaining weight. When she isn’t asleep and dreaming, in real life you’re more likely to find her at the school gates, wearing whatever she dragged on that morning, drinking copious amounts of coffee. She still eats chocolate, though — everyone has their vices, right? Somehow, amidst the chaos of full-time mummy duties, she manages to write. Contemporary romance has always been her favourite genre to read for as long as she can remember (age-appropriate, of course).

Never in a million years did it occur to her to write one of her own. Now, she couldn’t imagine doing anything else.


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A photo quote from Salvation, a contemporary adult romance novel by author Stephanie John