Release Day Blitz – Review – Excerpt & Giveaway – There You Stand by Christina Lee @Christina_Lee04

there you stand release day blitz banner

There You Stand

by Christina Lee
there you stand christina lee cover


Tattoo artist Cory Easton has worked long enough at Raw Ink to know, just by looking at a dude, what his body art reveals, what makes him tick, what even makes him scared. Until he meets the quiet and remote Jude York—so unreadable, so unreachable, and so unlike anyone else, he can’t help but arouse Cory’s curiosity.

As captivating and complex as his ink, Jude is a mystery—and Cory’s falling fast and hard under his spell. Against his better judgment to steer clear.

The rumors of Jude’s past overshadow him—whispers of prison and an unmentionable secret that’s kept him in the protective shadows of a local motorcycle club. As Cory probes deeper, he wonders how much he really wants to know. Especially since Jude has awakened something inside him that has been buried too long—and has him feeling completely alive for the first time in forever…

there you stand teaser 2


Chopper, get your ass back here!”

While he was distracted, I silently moved toward him, hoping to grab hold of that leash. But just as I approached, he took off again, following that same squirrel who’d taken a leap to the next large maple.

I was out of breath and now beyond frustrated. I shoved my hand in my hoodie, my fingers closing on a sturdy dog cookie.

When I looked up again, Chopper was headed straight for the skate park. Shit.

“Chopper, goddamn it,” I called in some last-ditch effort. “You don’t listen for shit.”

Unexpectedly, Jude York neared the cement barrier at the entrance to the bowl. His board clenched in his fist, he seemed to be assessing the situation as the large dog charged nearer.

He left his skateboard on the concrete walkway and stepped into the lawn. He squatted down in the grass, made eye contact with Chopper, and the dog changed course to sail directly toward him. What the hell was that about?

Some type of deep whistle emitted from Jude’s lips and instead of slamming into his chest, Chopper came to a sudden halt beside him. Like Jude was a damn dog whisperer or something. His strong fingers grabbed hold of his collar and he reached down to mutter something in the dog’s ear. Chopper sat down in the grass. Actually fucking sat down—I had never been able to get him to do that.

I became motionless as I watched them, even though Ace was eager to inch closer. At least one animal heeded my command. I wondered what it was about Jude that compelled Chopper to run toward him. I mean, I got the appeal, so maybe it was just pure animal instinct.

The muscles in Jude’s forearm flexed as he stroked Chopper’s head and the dog’s tongue hung out in a happy pant. The little fucker.

As I walked closer to Chopper, Jude’s eyes lifted to mine. And for the first time I saw an array of other emotions alight in them. The most blatant being amusement, as if his irises contained a flicker of light. His lips tilted at the corners in an almost imperceptible smile and he looked so dazzling right then. As he held my gaze for the first time ever, something tightened like a fist inside my chest.

Shit, he was stunning. In that exotic kind of way. His hair was a mass of short blond dreadlocks, his skin inked mainly in black, and his eyes were the most gorgeous light green I’d ever seen—almost like cellophane. And now those same eyes locked on mine and held steady.

there you stand teaser 3

 Susi’s Review


First of all I would like to begin my review with a congratulations to Christina Lee for writing this book.  It is wonderful to read stories about the real world around us.  Your m/m story brings out the real love that is shared by two people no matter what their gender is.  I began reading this book and wasn’t sure how the story would unfold but quickly realized that your story drew me in and hooked me in the same way that a heterosexual romance story would.  I truly loved your characters and watching them get to know each other was both tender and special.

Cory and Jude are truly a fantastic couple and you brought them to life in a well written story that not only made me smile, but cry happy tears for them. You also included dogs! 🙂 I am a dog lover and I enjoyed how they had special roles in this heartwarming story.

Cory is the talker and a tattoo artist. Jude is the skater and is more reserved.   It was wonderful to see each one of them coming out of their shells for each other.  Cory’s past is both emotionally and physically painful.  In contrast,  Jude’s past is mysterious just like him.  Their pasts make their day to day more difficult but ultimately not impossible.

Now as far as romance and sexually intimacy is concerned, Christina did a phenomenal job writing those scenes. Their lust and love was real and you described every emotion perfectly.

There You Stand is a book I have been recommending to my friends since I read it via NetGalley.  It it one of those books I know I will read again because Cory and Judes’s story is so special.

Around the time I read the ARC, a video emerged on social media and I thought this picture from that video was perfect to go along with this review.

“Two humans sharing love and that is all that should ever matter.”


love is love x ray pic


I gave this book 5 stars!

I received an ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

5 stars


there you stand covers banner

All of You (bk1) Between Breaths

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Before You Break (bk 2) Between Breaths

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Whisper To Me (bk 3) Between Breaths

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Promise Me This (bk 4) Between Breaths

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There You Stand (bk 5) Between Breaths

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 Christina Lee, Authorchristina lee pic

Mother, wife, reader, dreamer. Christina lives in the Midwest with her husband and son–her two favorite guys.

She’s addicted to lip gloss and salted caramel everything. She believes in true love and kissing, so writing romance novels has become a dream job.

Author of the Between Breaths series from Penguin. ALL OF YOU, BEFORE YOU BREAK, WHISPER TO ME and PROMISE ME THIS available now. Book five in the series, THERE YOU STAND, coming in April, 2015.

Also, her Adult Contemporary Romance, TWO OF HEARTS is releasing on May 5th, 2015.

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads


One Winner to receive the following:  $10 gift card to the book retailer of their choice = An ARC of my adult romance releasing May 5th, TWO OF HEARTS, and some Between Breaths swag mailed.

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Release Day Blitz-Review & Giveaway – Salvation by Stephanie John @StephJohnWrites

// Photo Banner featuring the cover of Salvation, a contemporary romance novel by author Stephanie John

Photo of the cover of the contemporary romance novel, Salvation, by author Stephanie John

Title: Salvation

Author: Stephanie John

Genre: Adult Contemporary Romance

Series: The Heal Me Series, Book 1




Green on green manA chance meeting turned my world inside out.

Intelligent, sexy, and rich. With a dash of roguish charm and a cocksure smile, Nathan Blake is the ultimate fantasy. He can have any woman he wants with only a glance.

And he wants me.

My past has left me broken and humiliated, wary of men like him. I cut myself off from the pain, moving thousands of miles away to escape every reminder, determined to start anew.

I’ve been second best before. It isn’t happening again.

One kiss and I’m caught under his spell, drawn to him with every breath I take.

I can’t resist.

The passion that explodes between us becomes an intense connection neither of us thought we’d share.

Or need.

The suffering inside me reflects his – a pain I know he feels, but can’t bring himself to reveal.

I have no idea his love can heal me – that mine can heal him…

…if only I can let down my guard for him and trust.

Photo quote from Salvation, a contemporary adult romance by Steph John


First of all, congratulations Stephanie on a brilliant debut!  There are so many things I loved about your book especially the theme,  a second chance on love.  Your characters as well as your story were well written and very real.  I love it when I can read a book and connect with characters the way I did in Salvation.  Kara is beautiful, independent, but yet reserved due to past heartache.  Nate, her boss, is handsome, powerful, rich and also reserved in his own way.  Both have endured some type of pain in the past.  Together they discover the power of love.

Throughout the book, the characters learn about each other and grow.  Nate is Kara’s boss.  Kara dismisses his advances at first knowing that work relationships can be devastating. But, Kara gives in and finally goes out with Nate.  I loved that Nate was so blown away by Kara.  Kara truly rocked his world.

I can’t say enough about Mai, Kara’s friend.  She was funny, a great friend and most of all her biggest supporter.  You will love her as you read more about her.

The detailed descriptions in this book are another reason I enjoyed it so much.  I pictured this story scene by scene.   The sexy banter between Nate and Kara was fun making them so likable.  These characters were truly enjoyable to read about.

I cannot end my review without discussing the sex scenes.  Wow!  There are plenty of exquisitely written scenes in this book.  Nate is the quite the guy. You’ll see what I mean.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and look forward to the next book in the series.  I was left making my own predictions about Kara and Nate’s future. They are a couple I am definitely cheering for.  I hope it’s available soon.

5 stars

I gave this book 5 stars! A fantastic debut!

I received an ARC in exchange for a review.


When I joined him, he was leaning against the sink staring at the wall, his features twisted in annoyance. “It’s important to me,” I encouraged, setting his empty bottle on the counter beside him. I pressed a hand to his shoulder. “I want to know all about you like you do me.”

“Yeah,” he scoffed, shrugging me off, “except you won’t let me in either.” The ferocity of him tossing the plates into the sink with a crash panicked me. My ears began to ring with the sound of my heart thudding in my chest. Nate glanced sideways, his face set. “You’re keeping secrets, too.”

I winced at the harsh truth of his words. What right did I have, asking him to open up when I couldn’t do it myself?

“Kara.” His fingertips drifted over my cheekbone. I jumped, taken aback by the veneration in his touch and the gentleness of his voice. “I don’t want to argue, to spoil an idyllic couple of days.”

I hated seeing him like this, so lost and bewildered, out of control. It went against so much of what I treasured about him. Yet it gave me comfort to know he wasn’t just an ideal high on a pedestal, completely out of reach. Nate was human, and he was here, with me.

I stepped closer and rubbed his arm. His eyes were mesmerising, the pupils almost fully dilated. My breath caught when I saw the depth of his feelings swimming in them as he stared back at me. The tiny tick of his jaw pulsed as he gritted his teeth. “I’m trying to do right by you. Trying my utmost to shelter you.”

My body tensed. “From what?”

Nate caressed my face, seeking and finding strength the way I did from him. His eyes were fretful and undecided. God, what had happened to make him behave so out of character?

I wrapped my arms around him and pressed my cheek to his chest. His heart pounded frantically. His shower gel still lingered on me, and mine on his skin. The two scents, woody and almond merged together, giving me an inevitable sense of calm and assurance. “What happened in New York?”

Photo quote from the contemporary romance novel, Salvation, by Stephanie John

Order Links

You do not want to miss this novel … or deny yourself your next book boyfriend. So why wait? Order Salvation today!

Amazon US Amazon UK Amazon AU

About Stephanie

Avatar photo representing author Stephanie JohnMost days, you’ll find Stephanie John on a yacht, wearing a very skimpy bikini, drinking champagne, eating chocolate and never gaining weight. When she isn’t asleep and dreaming, in real life you’re more likely to find her at the school gates, wearing whatever she dragged on that morning, drinking copious amounts of coffee. She still eats chocolate, though — everyone has their vices, right? Somehow, amidst the chaos of full-time mummy duties, she manages to write. Contemporary romance has always been her favourite genre to read for as long as she can remember (age-appropriate, of course).

Never in a million years did it occur to her to write one of her own. Now, she couldn’t imagine doing anything else.


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A photo collage of a man and woman with the cover of the contemporary romance novel, Salvation, by author Stephanie John

Release Blitz – Beautifully Unbroken by D.M. Brittle @DMBrittleAuthor

Beautifully Unbroken by D.M. Brittle – Release Day Blitz.




B-Unbroken-FrontTitle: Beautifully Unbroken

Author: D. M. Brittle

Release Date: Friday, November 28, 2014

Genre: Erotic Romance (Sexual Situations, for readers 18+)

Formats: Paperback and Kindle


All Jo Summers wants in her life is to be happy. But her previous relationship led her to believe that happiness doesn’t exist without pain. Building a wall around herself, she refuses to let any man get close enough to break her down; that is, until Blake Mackenzie walks into her life. She is drawn to him immediately and finds him too hard to resist even though she knows she should.

When Blake finds out about Jo’s past, he makes it his mission to fix her and prove that happiness does exist without pain. Their journey isn’t without struggle, however, as Jo tries to walk away time and time again. But eventually she learns that it’s finally time to stop running and face her fears head-on.

**Reader Advisory: Sexual Content**

Beautfully Unbroken-1

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Beautifully Unbroken 3

About the Author

Author Donna BrittleD. M. Brittle has always been a true believer in love at first sight, fairy-tales and happy ever afters. Although they don’t always exist in real life, she believes that there is no better way to get lost in those fantasies than in a good book. When Donna isn’t writing she is working part-time while looking out for her two princesses and being a good wife to her husband of 14 years.

Beautifully Unbroken-2

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Father & Son by Michelle Day Release Day Blitz & Review @ProdigalSon_1

father & son release day banner for blog posts

father and son cover michelle day

What has happened to Paul Jensen?
Paul is growing up fast. Taking steps to secure his financial future for himself and those around him, he struggles to do the same with the emotional side of his life. There’s only one woman he really wants. He just has to be man enough to step up and prove to her how much he’s changed.

My Review

Michelle Day has done it again.  Father & Son is the brilliant continuation of the life of Paul Jensen, the incorrigible young man from Prodigal Son, her first book in this series. Get ready to follow Paul from the moment he gets his biggest news throughout his adulthood.  The story continues right where Prodigal Son leaves off so you won’t miss a beat.

The Jensen/Paloma family members are back.  Matt, his twin brother makes several appearances in this book that will leave you stunned.  (You’ve been warned) Put it this way, Matt and Paul get into mischievous situations.  His older sister Tessa learns more about her younger brother than she may care to.   Michael, his father crosses paths with Paul as well. (No spoilers)  Uncle John is back. (I like him)  This sexy Spaniard is always there to support and back Paul up when needed. Finally, Monica, his mother, shows her elegance and grace while always supporting her son.

Carmen, the infamous teacher continues to be a part of Paul’s life.  I want to dislike her,  but I can’t say I do.  Suzie, the one and only, holds a special place in Paul’s heart.  Her appearances throughout his life continue to prove the chemistry between them is still volatile.  Paul and Suzie have a special connection.  However, getting Suzie proves to be quite a difficult task for Paul.

father and son for pic quote 2 with quotes

Paul has grown up and is ambitious in all aspects of his life.  This is one the traits I loved the most about him.  Even at such a young age, Paul has set high standards and goals for his future.  His business savvy skills earn him the respect of others.  Along the way, Paul grows into an even more handsome gentleman, one that women can’t seem to resist.

Don’t worry, Paul doesn’t disappoint any of the women he meets along the way and most certainly won’t disappoint you.  If you loved him in the first book, watch out, he gets better with age.

There are unexpected moments in this book and all of them complete this story.  Paul most definitely proves to be more than expected and really has a heart of gold.  His generosity is another quality I admire.  Again, Paul is quite the character.

This series has a special place in my reader/blogger heart.  My first review as a newbie blogger was of Prodigal Son.  I’ve been following Paul, his character ever since.  “You see Paul, you were my first.”  🙂

Congrats to Michelle on another fantastic book.  I really enjoyed this book and highly recommend it. I look forward to reading book 3.


I gave this book 5 stars!

5 stars

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Free To Try by C.W. Nightly – Release Day Blast and Giveaway – @cwnightly

Happy Friday!  Here is a new release!  Be sure to add this new book to your TBR.


Title: Free to Try

Author: C. W. Nightly

Release Date: November 7, 2014

Blitz Hosted By: C. W. Nightly & Passionate Promotions

Photo of the book cover for Free to Try, an erotic romance novel by debut author Crystal Nightly

~ Synopsis ~

Mercy hasn’t had an easy life and has just escaped her sadistic and sociopathic ex-boyfriend Alex. Fearing the repercussions she’ll face if he finds her, she flees Florida leaving behind everything and everyone in exchange for a new beginning.

Aiden lost his submissive and fiancée one year ago to a random act of violence. Adrift, he believes seeing the criminals brought to justice is what he needs to start living again.

When Mercy Winters shows up at Aiden’s company, sent by the temp agency to fill a receptionist position, their instant attraction has sparks flying, surprising them both. While Aiden is prepared to hold on to the first woman to turn his head over the last year, Mercy would just as well run in the other direction.

After Aiden manipulates the circumstances of her employment Mercy has no choice but to confide in her hot new boss. Aiden’s more than willing to help with ANYTHING she needs, while Mercy is more than willing to give up her body in order to experience the intense pleasure only Aiden can provide. But in return he wants everything, body, heart and soul. Can she even consider his offer and keep one step ahead of Alex?

Intimate photo of a man and woman embracing

~ Excerpts ~

The window behind her gave a spectacular view. How appropriate he thought, to be a full moon tonight, the apex of one of nature’s unstoppable cycles. More or less fifteen days ago the new moon was born to culminate in the spectacle tonight. Light spilled into the ink like darkness, guiding the way, holding out a glitter of hope for those unfortunate enough to find themselves in night’s somber embrace. For him, Mercy was that light.


Reluctant to leave the room he turned, the candles still burning in his lair needed tending to. With a glance back over his shoulder at her resting form he knew he was falling hard for Mercy Winters, harder than he thought possible. Her submission under the circumstances… her trust… so fucking sweet. A shocking realization hit him, he would go to any length to keep this woman safe, to make sure she never had to run again. What did that say about his feelings? Doubt crept in, was it even possible? After only a week? The tightness in his chest said yes, his mind wasn’t so sure. He’d already bound her to him by his collar, and had taken her bareback marking her as his with his seed, but this feeling, this one now felt very close to love. His hand rubbed at his chest subconsciously, he didn’t know how to mark her with that.

Candles Burning

The words scorched her, rekindling the desire simmering beneath her skin hotter than ever. His detailing the possession of each part of her body, and his intention to devour and claim, to worship and cherish, melted the protection she carefully erected around her heart. She wanted the connection with him now, for him to take from her everything she offered, to lose herself to the blistering pleasure only he showed her.


~ About the Author ~

cwBorn and raised in Montreal, Canada, C. W. still calls Montreal home, surrounded and supported by her husband, five children and Siamese cat. She has always loved reading, but only recently began indulging in writing herself. She also enjoys the smell of spring rain and walking through the first snowfalls of December at night, especially when the snow is crunchy. Her message to readers?

“Nothing beats revisiting a good story where the characters are like old friends.”


“Everyone is entitled to their own happily ever after.”

~ Social Media Links ~

Twitter (@cwnightly)

~ Buying Links ~


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Father & Son Pre-Order and Prodigal Son Flashback @ProdigalSon_1 by Michelle Day

November is flying by and in just 14 more days you will have your hands on Paul N. Jensen again.

ps paul for blog

In case you haven’t met this bad boy, I’ve decided to introduce him to you.

Paul is the main character in Prodigal Son, Book 1 of The Jensen Family Series written by Michelle Day. Book 2, Father & Son will be released on November 20, 2014.  The story of Paul continues.  Let me just say, I’ve read the ARC and loved it.  Paul gets better with age.

father and son cover michelle day

Release Day – November 20, 2014

 Synopsis – Father & Son

What has happened to Paul Jensen? Paul is growing up fast. Taking steps to secure his financial future for himself and those around him, he struggles to do the same with the emotional side of his life. There’s only one woman he really wants. He just has to be man enough to step up and prove to her how much he’s changed.

Here is my review for Prodigal Son as well as my interview with Paul.  (thanks to Bookish Temptations)

I think you will enjoy reading this series.  If you haven’t read Prodigal Son, you must. Read it before Father & Son is released.

ps updated cover

Synopsis – Prodigal Son

Paul Jensen’s problems started the day he was born.  The image of his mother, unlike his twin and older sister, he never quite fit the Jensen family mold.  A difficult baby, a problem child and a troublesome teen, Paul was the quintessential black sheep.  His father’s abusive disapproval and rejection doesn’t bring him down.  It only serves to turn him into a willful, and incredibly determined young man.  With his mother’s Latin looks and the charm British prince, he is a danger to women everywhere. Paul Jensen won’t take no for an answer and his rebellion is about to get really out of control.

 Buy Links

Prodigal Son

Father & Son (pre-order)


 #Bloggers- You can sign up for the Father & Son Release Day Launch here too.

Keep up with the Author –  Michelle Day

Follow Paul on Twitter.

Follow Michelle Day on Facebook.

ROGUE by Katy Evans @authorkatyevans – RELEASE DAY BLITZ @ninabocci

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The fourth story in the new adult series that began with the New York Times bestseller Real, featuring Brooke’s best friend, Melanie, and the ROGUE she can’t resist.

Greyson King…
My boyfriend. My friend. My protector. He’s the reason I wake up every morning with a smile on my face, and the reason I fall asleep limp, worn out, and aching for his warm arms around me. When we make love, he says my name like it means something. Like I mean something.
His name is Greyson King, but his alias is Zero.
There’s zero trace of him, he has zero past, and now I know that with him, I will have zero future.
He may leave no trace of him anywhere, but his imprint is in me, in my very soul–and I hate that a mere look at him commands the beat of my heart. The temperature of my body.
I’ve looked for love my entire life. I’ve waited for the butterflies, the rainbows…
Instead I’m in a free fall of emotions and there’s no one to catch me but the one man I should be running away from. The one man I thought was my prince charming.
Except this prince charming went rogue.
Greyson will stop at nothing to make me be with him. He’ll let no one stand in our way, will allow no one to threaten me, and maybe this is what scares me most of all…
What will my rogue do to keep me?


rogue release day blitz 2





Here’s a Snippet. Enjoy!Rogue cover

“Bastard,” I mumble. “You ruined my whole week, you fucking bastard. I bet you’re fucking some triple-D blonde right now and her triplets all at the same time, aren’t you? You’re not even a two-timer, you’re like a three-timer, liar, feeding me an I’ll-take-you-to-the-movies fucking line. I swear I was fine until you came back like you “got” me, like you “got” me even if I looked like a hungover mess. God, I can’t believe myself!”

I kick the tub as if it’s the tub’s fault, then yell, “OUCH!”

Scowling, I walk into the bedroom, grab my sleep clothes, pad outside to my living room/kitchen combo to grab some ice cream, slide on my Princess Bride DVD and turn on the TV. A couple of pounds of fat, here we go. I plop down and a vibration buzzes across the couch. I scowl and feel around for my phone. I find it way in between the two couch cushions, pull it out, and set it aside for a scoop of ice cream. I almost choke on it when I see a text I hadn’t noticed before.

Be home tonight.

What? My stomach vaults. I read who the text is from and suddenly I want to throw my phone into a WALL. Greyson. I scowl at it and throw it down to the couch and start pacing. I’m not going to answer him. Why would I? He seemed in no hurry to talk to me before, and now he orders me? Like an all mighty king? No thanks. I’ll pass on our second date, thank you.

But I check and notice the text was sent hours ago. I tell myself I am not going to respond, I will wait a gazillion days like he did. I set the phone aside and put a big spoonful of ice cream in my mouth, letting it melt on my tongue, but my stomach is squirming and now I can’t watch the TV, I can only stare at my phone and suck on the spoon. Then I bury the spoon in the tub and grab my phone, squeeze my eyes shut and type.

I’m home but that doesn’t mean I’m staying home. Just depends . . .

On? comes the reply, and quickly.

Whoa, was he waiting, with phone in hand, to answer? It seems like he was.

I wait one full minute. Trembling. Type: On who’s visiting

I don’t mean that as an invite. I mean it as in: I’d hightail it out of here if he set foot in my building. But his answer is lightning fast and my heart starts pounding as it keeps staring back at me.

Crap! I have to leave. I have to leave; I can’t see him! I can’t be this easy! A line must be drawn. He’s already shown what our night together meant to him, and I won’t let myself be devalued by him or any other moron again.

I should leave before he arrives, or when he does, yell through the door, without opening it even an inch, and tell him that I’m NOT INTERESTED! You stood me up, you didn’t get in touch soon enough, I am not your booty call, have a good life!

Yeah. That sounds right.

Determined, I head over to close the living room blinds. When I glance out the window and reach for the string I see a dark sports car pull over and a man in black step out of the driver’s seat. He looks up toward my window and all my systems stop when our eyes lock, hold, recognize. My insides go into chaos mode. A strange excitement makes my knees knock.

Fuck me, it’s really him.

What is he doing here? What does he want?

He heads into the building and I turn to face my closed door, panicking because I haven’t changed, I didn’t change. I’m in my pj’s, if hardly that.

Noticing the pint of ice cream still grasped in my hand, I run to shove it back into the freezer, spoon and all. I start pacing around in circles, trying to come up with a new plan, but unable to think for shit. I consider telling my building guard not to let him in, but I hear the ring of the elevator and realize the guard must have recognized the motherfucker from when he brought me home last week.

Deciding not to delay the inevitable, I swing the door open as he steps out of the elevator. He looks straight at me and his gaze drills into me, making a hole straight in my thoughts. One of my neighbors and her husband pass along the hall toward their door.

“Well, hello there, Melanie. A little chilly out.” She gestures to the white silk shorts and near-transparent camisole I’m wearing in complete disapproval and continues on.

Greyson follows behind her and fills up the space one foot away from my threshold with muscle and beauty and testosterone and, I swear, god, I swear, he’s as lethal as a nuclear bomb. My knees, oh, my knees. My heart. My eyes. My body feels both light as a feather and heavy as a tank. How can this be? He’s so stunning I can’t even move. Or blink, or hardly stand; I’m leaning on the door frame.

I’m fully sober. Something I might regret. He’s no longer blurred by the rain, by vodka, or by my stupid illusions of prince charming.

The man standing at my door is very real, very big, very tan, and his smile is very, very charming. There is no word for the way he stands there, his eyes dark and glimmering, his cheekbones hard and his jaw smoothly shaven, his mouth so beautiful, tipped up mischievously at the corners. His suit is perfect, playboy perfect, and his tousled hair run with wayward streaks of copper that makes me want to rake my fingers straight through. And he’s here, looking at me as if waiting for me to let him in. A memory of the morning he brought me home flashes through me. Where I felt sore because of the way he’d loved me all night. The little mark behind my ear that I found the next morning.

Hanging on to my every instinct of self-preservation, I hold the door only halfway open when he catches it in one big powerful hand.

“Invite me in,” he says softly, holding the door in his firm grip.

“My car doesn’t need a tune-up, it’s fine, but thanks for checking in on it,” I say, pushing it closed with more effort.

He shoves the door open and strides inside, and I’m frustrated over my inability to keep him out. Now he’s inside and he shuts the door like he owns my place, then he studies it with a sweep of narrowed eyes. “This building has a laundry chute?”

That’s your line?”

He crosses the room and pulls the rest of the blinds shut, then he performs an insanely quick check of my place with a sweep of his gaze that makes my insides turn over.

It’s almost like he’s making sure there is no other man here.

He can’t possibly be jealous, can he?

And now . . . now that he seems assured no one is here but me, he starts walking over to me and looking at my mouth, and I’m walking away because every instinct of self-preservation in me tells me to walk away.

“You’re here. Why are you here all of a sudden? Some other date canceled on you last minute?” I demand.

“I have a date I’d like to schedule with you.” His eyebrows pull low over those brilliant hawklike eyes. “You’re not nearly as excited to see me as I’d hoped.”

“Maybe I thought you were a drunken hallucination. Maybe I hoped you were.”

I hit the back of my kitchen island and he locks me in with his arms, his eyes almost desperate and hungry. Then he cups my face and sets his mouth to mine, like he thinks—mistakenly—I belong to him.

“I’m not,” he says, softly, then he kisses me again, so deeply I lose my train of thought until he speaks against my mouth again. “A hallucination. And if you need me to, I’ll spend all night reminding you of what it feels like to have my tongue and my cock buried deep in you and how much you liked it.”

He leans over as if to kiss me again. My voice trembles as I turn my head. “Don’t, Greyson.”

“I don’t like that word, ‘don’t,’” he rasps against my cheek. “But I do like you saying Greyson.”

He tips my head around with the tip of one finger and stares at me like he loves the look of me. I lift one of his arms and he lets me, and I start easing away again, free of him, but not free of his stare. The first night he just kept staring at my eyes like he couldn’t tear his gaze free, but now, now he’s seeing all of me. I’m wearing shorts and a camisole yet my body starts heating as his eyes rake me up and down.

“I gave you a chance and you blew it,” I breathe.

“I want another one.”


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About the Author

Katy Evans
My Life in 8 Words: “Hectic, wonderful, complete; everything I ever wanted.”

Katy Evans grew up with books and book-boyfriends until she found a real sexy boyfriend to love. They married and are now hard at work on their own happily ever after. Katy loves her family and friends, and she also loves reading, walking, baking, and being consumed by her characters until she reaches “The End.” Which is, hopefully, only the beginning…

Follow Katy Evans on ​Social Media

Release Day Blitz- The Prisoner by Rachael Wade @rachaelwade




The Prisoner by Rachael Wade

Series: The Replacement #1.5

Genres: Contemporary, New Adult

Release date: July 26th



The Replacement will be free 1 day only on release day!


My name is Christian Walker, and Elise Duchamp is my drug of choice.

No matter how hard I try to break the habit, it’s a lost cause. Okay, maybe I haven’t really tried to quit this particular habit. All I can think about is owning her. Making her mine. Can you really blame me? With that sinful body, luscious mouth, and wicked tongue, she’s every man’s dream, and she knows it.

No one is immune to her charm, not even me, a man who has everything—a beautiful wife, an office with a view, and more money than most people can spend in one lifetime. Only I know how to make her toes curl. Only I know her body better than the other men she screws in her free time. None of them can compare to me.

But the joke is on me. I’m the prisoner.

The one who will never compare to him. The one man who makes me see red. His name is stored in her cell phone. It’s the first one she calls out to, the first one she cries for when all hell breaks loose. Ryder Jacobson.

The name makes me cringe.

She loves him, and I love her. In my own way, I always will. But the bad guy doesn’t always belong with the bad girl. Sometimes the bad girl needs a good man to believe in her, to give her that final push toward ultimate transformation. I wish I was that good man. That I could be her happily ever after. I guess that’s the thing about prisoners, though. They’re left alone with their torment, and in the end, they have no one to blame but themselves.


The Replacement by Rachael Wade

Series: The Replacement #1

Publication date: January 27th 2014

Genres: Contemporary, New Adult


*Contains sexually explicit content and mature subject matter, including language and elements of abuse.*

A gritty New Adult drama about a young woman’s self-destructive quest to find purpose, self-worth, and love in a broken world.

My name is Elise Duchamp. I’m twenty-three years old and I’m known as the town whore.

No, not the kind who exchanges sexual favors for money. The other kind. The kind who gives it all away for free, whenever and however she likes. I am that girl. The one everyone whispers about and the one none of the girls seem to like, because all of their boyfriends either want to sleep with me or already have. Promiscuity is my thing—the kind that slowly, violently turns my insides black, but gives me something I need.

All things considered, I’m not completely reckless. I’m safe, and contrary to popular opinion, I do have a heart. I live in a world of careless choices, and with those choices come careless people. I cannot judge them, because I am one of them. I too bow down to the altar of the self-serving. I am not a good friend. I am not and never could be anyone’s girlfriend. I’m convinced any goodness in me shriveled up and died long ago.

But I am a replacement. That is something I know how to be, and this is a story of the lengths I’d go to in order to keep it that way.





About the Author

Rachael Wade is the Amazon bestselling author of The Preservation Series, The Resistance Trilogy, and the upcoming sci-fi series, The Keepers Trilogy. When she’s not writing, she’s busy learning French, watching too many movies, and learning how to protect animals and the environment. Visit her at and, or come chat with her on Twitter via @RachaelWade


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