Nuts by Alice Clayton is live. Happy Release Day! @alice_clayton #ShowMeYourNuts

Happy Release Day!

Nuts by Alice Clayton is live!

Full review and giveaway coming up tomorrow!  Stay tuned!

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nuts cover


The New York Times bestselling author of Wallbanger and Rusty Nailed is back with Nuts, the first in a brand new series set in New York’s beautiful Hudson Valley.

Roxie Callahan is a private chef to some of Hollywood’s wealthiest, and nastiest, calorie-counting wives. After a dairy disaster implodes her carefully crafted career in one fell ploop, she finds herself back home in upstate New York, bailing out her hippie mother and running the family diner.

When gorgeous local farmer Leo Maxwell delivers her a lovely bunch of organic walnuts, Roxie wonders if a summer back home isn’t such a bad idea after all. Leo is heavily involved in the sustainable slow food movement, and he likes to take his time. In all things. Roxie is determined to head back to the west coast as soon as summer ends, but will the pull of lazy fireflies and her very own Almanzo Wilder be enough to keep her home for good?

Salty. Spicy. Sweet. Nuts. Go on, grab a handful.

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Raven’s Undoing by N.D. White – New Release – Giveaway – Teaser @nickyd_white

Release photo banner for Raven's Undoing, a romantic thriller by author N. D. White, featuring a photo of the cover against a backdrop of a tree graphic

Title: Raven’s Undoing

Author: N. D. White

Series: Snowhaven, Book 2 (Conclusion)

Genre: Contemporary Adult Romance, Suspense, Thriller

“Tantalizingly Twisted…”

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In this sequel to Raven’s Innocence, we follow Raven Pierce to the jolting conclusion of her story as she tries to make sense of events that seem inexplicable. Working to put the past behind her and heal from Grant Alexander’s devastating disappearance, Raven finds comfort in her new and promising relationship with an uncomplicated and chivalrous man. But before she is able to completely overcome her heartbreak over Grant, the past catches up with her bringing new challenges and more dark secrets.

In this conclusion, we discover if Raven is willing to sacrifice her innocence by betraying her own morals and values and surrender herself to the past, or if all the lies, deception, and poisonous truths have catastrophic consequences for Raven, as she finds herself once again fighting for love in a confusing and dark terrain.

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Photo teaser and a quote depicting a scene from Raven's Undoing, a romantic thriller by N. D. White

Photo teaser depicting a scene and a quote from Raven's Undoing, a new novel by N. D. White

Photo and quote depicting a scene from Raven's Undoing, a romantic thriller by N. D. White


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Nicky grew up in a small town in the Midwest, where she still resides. She has her Masters in Industrial/Organizational Psychology. She works part of the time in Kansas City and the other part in her hometown. Juggling between family, work, and writing, she stays very busy; never a dull moment. Writing has always been a passion and talent of hers. Her mother was also a writer, but of poetry. Nicky has written her fair share of poems, but the idea of writing a novel is what truly pulled at her heart-strings. She started writing Raven’s Innocence last fall, which launched June 27th. Raven’s Undoing concludes the story of Raven & Grant – but there’s more to follow as Nicky enters her writing cave again!



Photo depicting one of a young man, one of the lead characters in Raven's Undoing, by N. D. White


Cover of Raven's Innocence, a romantic thriller by author N. D. WhiteRaven Pierce vowed to escape the hot and humid climate of Missouri and never look back. After completing her graduate program, she drags her sun-loving, winter-hating best friend to start a new life in Minnesota with its cold crisp air and blankets of snow. Raven’s main focus is her new career and truly establishing her own identity. The last thing she intends to do as she is building a new life is to fall in love. As her luck would have it, one evening a minor accident sends Mr. Tall-Dark-and-Handsome to her rescue. What starts out as the perfect relationship begins to turn challenging when tragedy strikes and pulls her grief-stricken boyfriend into a dark and unpredictable frame of mind. As a psychologist, it is Raven’s job to help her patients navigate through their own emotional journeys and she’s very good at it. However, when it comes to her own life, her feelings for this new man combined with the unforeseen affliction leave her feeling frustrated and emotionally exhausted. Raven finds herself fighting for love in an unfamiliar, confusing, and sometimes dark terrain.

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Photo display of the books in the Snowhaven Series, by N. D. White


Release Day Blitz – Finding Us by Debra Presley @Debra_Presley_

Congrats to Debra on her debut, Finding Us!



Release Day Blitz


Book Title: Finding Us (A Nucci Securities Novel)
Author: Debra Presley
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: July 31, 2015
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions

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Book Blurb

Pop star Abby Murphy is living every girl’s dream. She has fame, fortune, and a handsome boyfriend, a guitar player named Sean. That changes the night she finds him in the arms of another woman. Hurt and betrayed, Abby ends their relationship. But Sean won’t accept the breakup, and she soon learns that he’s had a hidden agenda all along. Overnight, Sean transforms from loving boyfriend to dangerous adversary, and Abby no longer knows who she can trust among her friends and family.

Abby turns to her bodyguard, Danny Nucci, a man who will do everything in his power to keep her safe. But when Abby realizes her feelings for Danny run much deeper than she thought, she refuses to give in to her attraction in order to preserve her new found independence as well as protect Danny from Sean’s machinations.

When Abby finally finds the strength to reclaim her life and acknowledge her growing love for Danny, will she be able to let him in? And will Danny be able to overcome his own demons to be the man she needs him to be? Or will she be forced to let him go forever?



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Meet the Author

DebraPresleyButton.4Debra is a native New Yorker who made her escape to the suburbs. She often returns to her hometown to visit her favorite deli for a bagel with butter, because there’s no better bagel than a New York bagel. When not in search of bagels, Debra spends her time running Book Enthusiast Promotions, an online promotions company that helps indie authors spread the word about their books. She’s also the owner of The Book Enthusiast blog.

She started writing lyrics in her wall-to-wall NKOTB bedroom at the tender age of thirteen while dreaming of the day she’d become Mrs. Jordan Knight. That dream never came to fruition, but she has continued to write. Now she’s working on her first novel.

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Susi Reviews The Espionage Effect by @KatBastion and @StoneBastion

THE ESPIONAGE EFFECT is a standalone, full-length, action-adventure romance filled with plenty of the sexual tension, deep emotion, and scorching scenes the Bastions are known for.

The Espionage Effect cover

Do you like romance a little more erotic, edgy, darker, filled with action-adventure, toned with mystery, complete with a twist…or two?

If so…

Be sure to order your copy today!

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About The Espionage Effect:

When desire sets you free…control is a matter of perception.

I’m Devin Hill.

Darkness taints my soul.

I’m suffocating. Drowning.

The sweet promise of air? Pure illusion.

Tested as a genius at age seven, I hide my emotions, become what they expect…bury my secrets. At nineteen, I trudge toward a predestined path, blinders on, heart safeguarded.

Until I dare to be wild.

Until Alec Marquez crashes into my world.

Until all that follows redefines everything I’ve ever known.

What happens when you stumble into a world of spies…and discover you belong there?

My Review

If you are looking for an exceptionally well written, sensual and emotional thriller, then The Espionage Effect is the book for you.

Kat and Stone have done it again but this time, they’ve turned up the heat and thrill factor leaving readers in awe.

For starters, I was immediately invested in this story. You see I loved the unique characters. Devin is the beautiful, quiet, reserved, brilliant college student. When I say brilliant, I actually mean gifted. She’s been studying astrophysics and nuclear physics. Fun is definitely something she needs. Her past is also something that haunts her and keeps her fine tuned to her surroundings proving to be useful later on.

In this story, Devin is accompanied by her friend Anna, the yang to her yin. Anna is the wild or what some would call “fun” one of the pair. Their vacation to Mexico is just what Devin needs, a time to disconnect, relax and have an adventure.

Enter Alec. Oh… Mr. Alec Marquez is the one character I can’t wait to talk about. He is the hot blooded and gorgeous Spaniard Devin bumps into during her stay at the resort. To be honest, I have a weakness for this type of man and I’m glad Devin does too.  You will love him once you meet him and discover all of his talents and abilities. #sexybookboyfriend

The setting of this story is spectacular as well. Flawless writing and exquisite details make the story totally come alive in the mind of the reader. Kat and Stone have the ability to make their words turn into beautiful images and I enjoyed every single word.

Now, I really wasn’t’ expecting to be taken on the thrill ride I experienced in this story. Wow! This story is full of surprises both for the reader as well as for Devin, the female protagonist in this story. Devin’s years of study prove to have prepared her for the thrill she’s been seeking and Alec is the man to help take her on her wildest adventures.

This thriller was emotional as well. I was able to connect and understand what Devin was feeling and preparing herself for. Together with Alec, Devin discovered what it was like to fully come alive.

Of course, I did mention this book was sensual. The sex, intense, erotic, and again, exquisitely and tastefully written. There is the perfect amount of heat to melt through your eReader.

Prepare yourself for a wild ride as you enter the world of romantic suspense and spies. Join Devin, Alec, Anna and the full cast for a five star adventure.

I gave this book 5 stars. I highly recommend it. Be sure to add it to your TBR today.

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

About Kat & Stone Bastion:

Shoe and Boot PhotoKat Bastion won several awards for her bestselling debut novel Forged in Dreams and Magick.

Kat and Stone Bastion’s bestselling first novel No Weddings and the No Weddings series were named Best of 2014 by multiple romance review blogs.

When not defining love and redemption through scribed words, they enjoy spending their time mountain biking and hiking in the beautiful Sonoran Desert of Arizona.

Be sure to follow Kat & Stone’s social media pages to keep informed:
Facebook | TalkToTheShoe Blog | Kat’s Twitter | Stone’s Twitter

P.S. ~ Have you joined their new-release list?

One lucky subscriber will win an eBook of their choice from their backlist AND a $10 Amazon or B&N Gift Card each time they send out a preorder or new-release announcement.

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(They solemnly promise to email only a handful of times a year to announce preorders and new releases.)

Release Day – Sinfully Mine by Kendall Ryan @KendallRyan1 @Inkslingerpr


She was forbidden.

I didn’t care.
As my best friend’s little sister, Macey Hale was
off-limits, but the girl was tempting as sin and forbidden as fuck. I wish I
could say that stopped me. I wish I could tell you I behaved like a gentleman.
I didn’t.
When she waltzes back into my life with that same spark I
fell for, looking every bit the beautiful woman I knew she’d grow into, I have
to force myself to remember I’m different from the man she once knew. I’m
colder. Harder. And for good reason.
With my heart on lockdown and my hands aching to touch her,
I set out to prove that I can keep myself in check this time.
No strings. No attachments.
And definitely no falling for her again.
If you love steamy romance, you won’t want to miss this older brother’s best friend romance.
This is book two in the Lessons with the Dom series, following The Gentleman Mentor. Both are
complete standalone novels featuring sexy Dominant men you’re sure to fall in
love with.

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Kendall Ryan is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of contemporary romance novels, including Hard to Love, Unravel Me, Resisting Her and When I Break.

She’s a sassy, yet polite Midwestern girl with a deep love of books, and a slight addiction to lipgloss. She lives in Minneapolis with her adorable husband and two baby sons, and enjoys hiking, being active, and reading.

Visit her at: for the latest book news, and fun extras

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A Gentleman’s Fate by A.J. Linn @ Book Release Tour @FuckedUpFifty_ #AGF @AuthorAJLinnHub

I’m excited to share this new release with you.  A Gentleman’s Fate is A.J. Linn’s latest.  I’m reading it now.  Stay tuned for my review soon.  Book Release Banner Tour_edited-1

Title: A Gentleman’s Fate (Volume 4)

Series: The Gentleman’s Series

Author: A.J. Linn

Genre: Romance

Release Date: June 22, 2015

Cover Design: Dancinee Jennings


The story continues for the handsome reformed Malibu playboy, Donovan Hart, in this, the fourth and final installment of A Gentleman’s Series. Donovan, a hotel and adult club owner, decided that it was time to file away his players card in search of the elusive one, in the first book in the series, A Gentleman’s Affair. He was certain that he had found that in interior designer, Scarlett Montgomery, but Scarlett had a past, and that past would soon threaten their perfect union. How far will he go to fight for his Unico Vero Amore?

Beware of unexpected twists and heartbreaking turns.

Just when you think you know what’s next, you will probably be wrong.

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Click the goodreads button below to add “A Gentleman’s Fate” to your “Want to Read” list.



“Good morning, sire, it’s good to have you back. How was Venice?” Patrice asks as I fly past her desk, walking straight into my office, slamming the door behind me.

But that doesn’t stop her. She barges in with hot coffee, making herself comfortable in the black leather chair near my desk. “Okay, spill it. What’s going on?”

“Not now, Patrice,” I reply dismissively, switching on my computer.

In a daze, my eyes are fixed on the blank screen. I’m trying to avoid the inevitable conversation, and trying even harder to ignore her. She sets the cup down on my desk, softening her voice to almost a whisper, asking once again, “Donovan, what’s going on?”

“Don’t you have work to do?” I snap.

“Yes sir, I suppose I do,” she snaps back defensively as she gets up from her chair, mumbling the word asshole under her breath as she heads towards the door.

“I heard that,” I respond, somehow managing to muster up a slight chuckle. “I apologize, alright? Sit back down.”

“Accepted. Now, are you gonna tell me what’s got you in such a pissy mood?”

“In a nutshell…she did it again.”

“She? She who? Scarlett?”

“Yes, Scarlett.”

And there it is. The look that I was trying so hard to avoid. The poor-Donnie, sad-eyed, frowny-faced look that I know I’ll get every single time that I tell this fucking story. Perhaps I can just handle this in one fell swoop, and have Patrice send out a mass memo describing the details of the nightmare-in-Venice, fucking-kill-me-now debacle.

“I don’t get it, Donovan. She was the one that propo….”

“Please, don’t even say it. I really don’t want to get into this right now. Alright?”

“Sure, okay, Donnie. Can I do anything for you?”

She gets up again to leave, but pauses twice before reaching the door. I can see that she’s searching for the right thing to say. Something…anything…to lighten the mood, to cheer me up, to lessen the blow of what Scarlett has done, now twice…as if anything could. But I just want her to leave.

“You know she loves you, right? Do you want me to talk to her? I’m sure I can…”

I interrupt before she can say anything else. “Not another goddamn word about it, understand? Now, I have work to do.”

“Fine, for now. But you’ll have to talk about it at some point, you know.”

I continue to stare at the still-blank computer screen, waving her away.

Defeated, for now, at last she leaves, closing the door behind her.

The clock on the wall seems to be ticking slower than usual. I’ve been here for three hours, and am finding it impossible to concentrate, especially with my cell going off every ten minutes with calls and text messages from Scarlett. I’m not ready to talk to her, and to be honest, I don’t know if I ever will be. I don’t know if I even care at this point. Although I’m slightly curious, I really have no idea what we have to talk about anymore.

I need to get out of this hotel and clear my head. I knew coming here straight from the airport was probably a mistake, but it seemed like a good idea at the time. Better than sitting in that penthouse, alone, with nothing but the all-too-fresh memories of yet another Scarlett-related nightmare to keep me company.

Placing my cell phone in the top drawer of my desk, I change out of my monkey suit and into the spare set of clothes that I keep in the closet of my office. Stopping by Patrice’s desk on my way out, I let her know that I’m leaving for the rest of the day, and that I don’t want to be bothered, by matter what’s on fire.

“Are you okay?” she asks, still pushing, hoping for some sort of verbal spillage on the details of my Venetian vacation.

“No, but I will be.”


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Summary of The Gentleman’s Series – All Four Books

In A Gentleman’s Affair, (volume 1) we met the handsome Malibu playboy, Donovan Hart, the entitled, notorious heartbreaker, who would rather spend his days on the beach than in the office. He had his pick of the most beautiful women in Malibu, and had no intention of settling down. But tragic events would change all that and force him to make serious changes in his life. Donovan goes from player to entrepreneur overnight, and finding love…surprisingly… becomes a high priority. That, and opening the first adult club in Malibu.

aga good reads

A Gentleman’s Affair (Book 1)

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eBook – Barnes & Noble

In A Gentleman’s Secret, (volume 2) Donovan’s story continues, as he faces more challenges when it comes to affairs of the heart, opens a new hotel in Las Vegas, and discovers that his girl may have even more secrets to keep than he does. Will love endure?

A Gentleman's Secret- Front RGB

A Gentleman’s Secret (Book 2)

Print – Amazon

Print – Amazon UK

eBook – Smashwords

eBook – iTunes

eBook – Barnes & Noble

A Gentleman’s Memoir (volume 3) is a flashback of Donovan’s life. This prequel gives you an intimate look into his past and takes you on his journey into the adult world where anything goes…and it usually does.

AGM- Front Cover RGB

A Gentleman’s Memoir (Book 3)

Print – Amazon

Print – Amazon UK

eBook – Smashwords

eBook – iTunes

eBook – Barnes & Noble

about the author

A.J. Linn published his debut novel, A Gentleman’s Affair, Volume 1 of The Gentleman’s Series, in May, 2013.

Since that time, he has continued protagonist Donovan Hart’s story in A Gentleman’s Secret, published in December, 2013, and revealed Donovan’s earlier life in a prequel, A Gentleman’s Memoir, a novella published in August, 2014.

The series quickly became very popular with fans of his RP/character blog, which he’d been writing for almost a year. He credits those fans with this series, since they were the ones who encouraged him to “write a book” and dedicated the books to them.

With his unique voice and writing style, the popularity of the series began to grow, despite the promotion and marketing challenges facing a self-published indie author.

In an original and creative idea, he gave his readers the opportunity to submit “characters” for A Gentleman’s Secret and A Gentleman’s Memoir, which he crafted into the story. The results were intriguing and sometimes hilarious, as he paid the ultimate compliment to his fans and readers…making their characters part of Donovan’s story.

While having full-time job and a very busy life make finding time to write a challenge at times, his readers are in agreement that he has done a fantastic job: four books in two years is quite an accomplishment.

The paperback editions of the series can be found on Amazon. The ebooks are available on Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, and iTunes.

giveawayEnter this giveaway for a chance to win some amazing books or gift cards. Click on the Rafflecopter picture to enter yourself in the drawing. Good Luck!


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Thank you to all of the bloggers, authors and friends who have helped us promote this book release.

This Book Release Tour has been hosted by Mama Likes To Read Book Blog

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Release Day – Twisted Bond by Emma Hart @EmmaHartAuthor

TwistedBond_highI’m an Italian-Texan woman in a family full of cops. I’m passionate and shoot before I think. You only f*ck with me if you’re stupid.

Photograph cheating spouses. Hand over the evidence. Cash my check.

That was my plan when I returned home to Holly Woods, Texas, and became a private investigator.

Finding the dead body in my dumpster? Yeah… Given the choice, I think I would have opted out of that little discovery, especially since all three of my brothers are cops. And my Italian grandmother is sure the reason I’m single is because of my job.

Of course, my connection to the victim is entirely coincidental. Until I’m hired by her husband to investigate her murder and shoved bang-smack into the path of Detective Drake Nash.

My nemesis, a persistent pain in my ass, and one hell of a sexy son of a bitch.

Shame he still holds a grudge from that time I shot him in the foot twelve years ago, or we could have something. In another life.

So now all I have to do is avoid my nonna’s blind dates, try not to blackmail my brothers into giving me confidential police files, and absolutely do not point my gun at Drake Nash. Or kiss him. Or jump his bones.

All while I hunt down the killer.

Sounds totally simple—until a second body proves that sometimes things that start as coincidences don’t always end up that way…


(Twisted Bond is book one of the Holly Woods Files series and while it does not end in a cliffhanger, it is not a standalone.)



“Why are you here?”
He pulls his ear defenders down. “Out here?”
“Here.” I yank off my ear defenders. “At my parents’ for family dinner. Out here, bugging me. Take your pick. I’ll take a reason for either.”
“Your nonna appears to have taken a real good likin’ to me. If I didn’t know better, I’d say she’s tryna set us up.”
“Clearly, she’s losin’ her mind,” I snap, reloading my gun again before tucking it back into my boot. I fold my arms and meet his eyes. “And out here? Why are you here?”
Nothing. Just silence. Just those goddamned beautiful eyes boring into mine.
“No? Okay.” I walk past him, pushing hair from my face.
“Don’t go out with him again.” His arm shoots out to stop me, and his words hit me hard. “Gio.”
“Since when has it been any of your business what I do?” I face him, narrowing my eyes as our gazes collide. “Last I checked, I’m a single, grown woman, and if I want to go out with someone, I will.”
“He’s not the kind of guy you need.”
“Neither are you,” I reply, running my eyes down his white shirt, which is untucked over his dark-blue jeans. The bottom of his shirt is gaping, allowing me a view of a triangle of tan skin with a smattering of dark hair. I linger there for a moment before pulling my gaze back up. “Yet here we are, having this conversation, you thinkin’ you know what’s best for me.”


DSC_9249By day, New York Times and USA Today bestselling New Adult author Emma Hart dons a cape and calls herself Super Mum to two beautiful little monsters. By night, she drops the cape, pours a glass of whatever she fancies – usually wine – and writes books.

Emma is working on Top Secret projects she will share with her followers and fans at every available opportunity. Naturally, all Top Secret projects involve a dashingly hot guy who likes to forget to wear a shirt, a sprinkling (or several) of hold-onto-your-panties hot scenes, and a whole lotta love.

She likes to be busy – unless busy involves doing the dishes, but that seems to be when all the ideas come to life.

Release Day Blitz – Review & Giveaway – Wayward Son by @MichelleYDay @ProdigalSon_1

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway

Wayward Son Book 3 of The Jensen Family Series

by Michelle Day

wayward son cover michelle day

Gavin Jensen’s world has been turned upside down.

Grieving and with only a tenuous hold on his temper, he is taken from everything he has ever known.
Full of anger for the man who ruined everything, he wants to hate him.

But this chance Gavin has been given, it’s a clean slate. All his previous indiscretions have been left behind, buried with his mother. Paul Jensen is becoming the father he knew he could be, his son just needs to let go of the past.

But when Gavin grabs a hold of life, his actions ignite a chain of events that could leave him shattered.

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My Review

Wayward Son, the third book in The Jensen Family Series does not disappoint and was a most enjoyable read for me.  This story continues where Father and Son, book 2 leaves off.  Gavin, Paul’s son is the main protagonist in this book.  Wayward Son is his story and just like his father Paul, Gavin is quite the character.  You could say he is a chip off the old block.  Gavin is however, different from his father in some ways. and that’s exactly what I enjoyed most about him.  He’s not predictable. Gavin did inherit endearing qualities from his dad and as you read, you to will be pleased to see how his character develops.

You will find humor in this book.  After all, Gavin is 18 years old.  His college days make for funny and intense moments.  Beautiful girls such as Angel and Kiera become part of his life but I won’t tell you too much about them because I am trying to keep this review spoiler free.

Novak, (Luke) is also another important character in this book.  You may remember him. He is the best friend Gavin grew up with. He is the brother from another mother who has been an integral part of his life since he was born.  His role, the voice of reason for Gavin was perfectly written.  They are more like brothers than best friends.

All of the characters from The Jensen/Paloma family are back and that made this third book complete.  I love being able to keep up with the characters from previous books.

Paul and his new bride Suzanne share a loving and passionate relationship in this book.  Suzanne makes an understanding and outstanding step-mother for Gavin. She continues to be my favorite out of Paul’s women.  She is a lovely woman who keeps it all together.  And of course, Paul is….well…Paul, just more mature.  Michelle keeps him true to his younger cheeky character from the previous books.

There are many reasons why I enjoyed Wayward Son so much.  One is Michelle’s choice of cars for her characters. Well, what can I say? I like cars. I was taken back to my younger years with Gavin’s Supra.  Additionally, Gavin’s personality and taste are unique.  I did mention that he’s not predictable.

Gavin is a talented young man.  His many talents and lifestyle make him the talk of his college, especially to Quinn, a character who immediately clashes with him.  You’ll read all about his adventures and love this young man just as much as I do.

Of course, just like his father, Gavin loves women. So, prepare yourself and enjoy reading all about Paul’s son.

Thank you Michelle for writing about this family I love so much.  Your unique characters along with a brilliant plot and writing hooked me from the start and I look forward to reading more.   I am ready for book 4.

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I gave this book 5 stars!

5 stars



Enter to win one complete set of this series.  The winner will receive an eBook of Prodigal Son, Father & Son and Wayward Son.

Leave a comment on this post to enter.  One lucky winner will be selected via on Friday at noon (EST) and will be notified via email.

No purchase necessary to win.  Enter and Good luck!


  Previous Books in this series

prodigal sonProdigal Son Book 1


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Father & Son Book 2


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Release Day Blitz – Review – Excerpt & Giveaway – There You Stand by Christina Lee @Christina_Lee04

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There You Stand

by Christina Lee
there you stand christina lee cover


Tattoo artist Cory Easton has worked long enough at Raw Ink to know, just by looking at a dude, what his body art reveals, what makes him tick, what even makes him scared. Until he meets the quiet and remote Jude York—so unreadable, so unreachable, and so unlike anyone else, he can’t help but arouse Cory’s curiosity.

As captivating and complex as his ink, Jude is a mystery—and Cory’s falling fast and hard under his spell. Against his better judgment to steer clear.

The rumors of Jude’s past overshadow him—whispers of prison and an unmentionable secret that’s kept him in the protective shadows of a local motorcycle club. As Cory probes deeper, he wonders how much he really wants to know. Especially since Jude has awakened something inside him that has been buried too long—and has him feeling completely alive for the first time in forever…

there you stand teaser 2


Chopper, get your ass back here!”

While he was distracted, I silently moved toward him, hoping to grab hold of that leash. But just as I approached, he took off again, following that same squirrel who’d taken a leap to the next large maple.

I was out of breath and now beyond frustrated. I shoved my hand in my hoodie, my fingers closing on a sturdy dog cookie.

When I looked up again, Chopper was headed straight for the skate park. Shit.

“Chopper, goddamn it,” I called in some last-ditch effort. “You don’t listen for shit.”

Unexpectedly, Jude York neared the cement barrier at the entrance to the bowl. His board clenched in his fist, he seemed to be assessing the situation as the large dog charged nearer.

He left his skateboard on the concrete walkway and stepped into the lawn. He squatted down in the grass, made eye contact with Chopper, and the dog changed course to sail directly toward him. What the hell was that about?

Some type of deep whistle emitted from Jude’s lips and instead of slamming into his chest, Chopper came to a sudden halt beside him. Like Jude was a damn dog whisperer or something. His strong fingers grabbed hold of his collar and he reached down to mutter something in the dog’s ear. Chopper sat down in the grass. Actually fucking sat down—I had never been able to get him to do that.

I became motionless as I watched them, even though Ace was eager to inch closer. At least one animal heeded my command. I wondered what it was about Jude that compelled Chopper to run toward him. I mean, I got the appeal, so maybe it was just pure animal instinct.

The muscles in Jude’s forearm flexed as he stroked Chopper’s head and the dog’s tongue hung out in a happy pant. The little fucker.

As I walked closer to Chopper, Jude’s eyes lifted to mine. And for the first time I saw an array of other emotions alight in them. The most blatant being amusement, as if his irises contained a flicker of light. His lips tilted at the corners in an almost imperceptible smile and he looked so dazzling right then. As he held my gaze for the first time ever, something tightened like a fist inside my chest.

Shit, he was stunning. In that exotic kind of way. His hair was a mass of short blond dreadlocks, his skin inked mainly in black, and his eyes were the most gorgeous light green I’d ever seen—almost like cellophane. And now those same eyes locked on mine and held steady.

there you stand teaser 3

 Susi’s Review


First of all I would like to begin my review with a congratulations to Christina Lee for writing this book.  It is wonderful to read stories about the real world around us.  Your m/m story brings out the real love that is shared by two people no matter what their gender is.  I began reading this book and wasn’t sure how the story would unfold but quickly realized that your story drew me in and hooked me in the same way that a heterosexual romance story would.  I truly loved your characters and watching them get to know each other was both tender and special.

Cory and Jude are truly a fantastic couple and you brought them to life in a well written story that not only made me smile, but cry happy tears for them. You also included dogs! 🙂 I am a dog lover and I enjoyed how they had special roles in this heartwarming story.

Cory is the talker and a tattoo artist. Jude is the skater and is more reserved.   It was wonderful to see each one of them coming out of their shells for each other.  Cory’s past is both emotionally and physically painful.  In contrast,  Jude’s past is mysterious just like him.  Their pasts make their day to day more difficult but ultimately not impossible.

Now as far as romance and sexually intimacy is concerned, Christina did a phenomenal job writing those scenes. Their lust and love was real and you described every emotion perfectly.

There You Stand is a book I have been recommending to my friends since I read it via NetGalley.  It it one of those books I know I will read again because Cory and Judes’s story is so special.

Around the time I read the ARC, a video emerged on social media and I thought this picture from that video was perfect to go along with this review.

“Two humans sharing love and that is all that should ever matter.”


love is love x ray pic


I gave this book 5 stars!

I received an ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

5 stars


there you stand covers banner

All of You (bk1) Between Breaths

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Before You Break (bk 2) Between Breaths

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Whisper To Me (bk 3) Between Breaths

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Promise Me This (bk 4) Between Breaths

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There You Stand (bk 5) Between Breaths

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 Christina Lee, Authorchristina lee pic

Mother, wife, reader, dreamer. Christina lives in the Midwest with her husband and son–her two favorite guys.

She’s addicted to lip gloss and salted caramel everything. She believes in true love and kissing, so writing romance novels has become a dream job.

Author of the Between Breaths series from Penguin. ALL OF YOU, BEFORE YOU BREAK, WHISPER TO ME and PROMISE ME THIS available now. Book five in the series, THERE YOU STAND, coming in April, 2015.

Also, her Adult Contemporary Romance, TWO OF HEARTS is releasing on May 5th, 2015.

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One Winner to receive the following:  $10 gift card to the book retailer of their choice = An ARC of my adult romance releasing May 5th, TWO OF HEARTS, and some Between Breaths swag mailed.

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Release Day Launch – Excerpt & Giveaway – Wasted Summer by Cathryn Fox @writercatfox

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We’re having a release day launch for Cathryn Fox’s WASTED SUMMER!! I’m so in love with this amazing NA romance. Cathryn is sharing an excerpt with us and hosting a fantastic giveaway. Be sure to check it out and grab your copy of Wasted Summer today!!

Exclusive Excerpt:

“You okay?” he asked.

She wrapped her arms around herself and stared at the sky. Ryeland followed her gaze and took in the streaks of pink and purple bruising the horizon.

She rubbed her hands over her arms. “Yeah, it’s just, the sun is going down and the temperature is dropping.”

“We could always get in the hot springs.”

“I don’t have a suit.”

“We can wear our clothes.”

“I guess it wouldn’t be the first time you caught me soaking wet and fully dressed.”

“Then I take that as a yes.” He jumped to his feet and pulled her up.

She yelled when he scooped her into his arms and carried her to the edge. “No, I was kidding.” She whacked him and wiggled to get free. Jesus, he wished she wouldn’t wiggle like that. “And we just ate.”

“Don’t care.” He jumped, and she wrapped her arms around his neck to hold on as the warm water enveloped them. She pushed away from him and they both came up sputtering.

Laughing, she swiped her hair off her face and swam away. “You’re crazy.”

“You think?”

“Yeah, I think.”

He moved closer when she stopped swimming, watching the way the water dripped down her face, making her look so sexy, so damn tempting. His cock thickened, need propelling him forward and urging him to act on what he was feeling. Her smile fell and her mouth opened slightly as his gaze dropped to her lips.

He took a breath and let it out slowly as he closed the distance between them, standing so close he could feel the pounding of her heart. “You want to know what I think?”

She stared into his eyes and he could almost hear her brain buzzing. She opened her mouth and closed it again. When she finally spoke, her voice was so soft, so quiet he had to strain to hear it.

“Okay,” she whispered.

With his heart picking up tempo, he ran his thumb over her cheek then cupped her chin. “What I think is I’d like to kiss you.” When she didn’t flinch, he leaned forward and pressed his mouth to hers. His lips moved over hers, reveling in the warmth, the softness.

“Ryeland,” she whispered into his mouth.

“Yeah?” he asked, barely able to think straight as she melted against him. His body tightened, pleasure racing through him.

Her breath grew shallow, her chest rising and falling quickly against his. “What are we doing?”

“We’re kissing.”

“Friends don’t kiss.”

“Friends kiss,” he murmured.

“No, they don’t.”

Breathing hard, he rested his forehead against hers, working to keep his shit together. “Do you want me to stop?” he asked, his voice so tortured he barely recognized it. “If you want me to stop, I will. Just tell me and I will.”

Wasted Summer Synopsis:

WastedSummer_highresWhen Broken meets Beautiful. Melody Spencer has a plan: work hard, stay focused and save enough money to get out of Stone Cliff and the rumors that surround her. Wounded and distrustful, she’s learned the hard way that if a guy is nice to her, it means he’s only after one thing.

Until Ryeland Montgomery cruises back into her resort town, beautifully protective as he insists they get to know each other better.

Ryeland’s future is in the palm of his hands. Problem is it’s the future his hard-nosed father has chosen for him, not the one he wants. Warned by his folks to steer clear of the local girls who will do whatever it takes to escape the sleepy mountain town, he’s always played the good son and kept his distance.

Until he sees Melody, sweet yet tough, standing on the road side, drenched and furious—a girl he knows he has to have.

Soon this unlikely pair find themselves lost in each other, and after a whirlwind summer of passion and pleasure, he vows to protect her from everything and everyone. But when secrets unfold, Melody is forced to make the toughest decision of her life and Ryeland must determine whether he’s wasted the summer on nothing more than a beautiful lie, or if they can move past the deceit and rebuild the wreckage that has become their lives.

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Cathryn Fox Bio:

New York Times and USA today Best selling author, Cathryn is a wife, mom, sister, daughter, and friend. She loves dogs, sunny weather, anything chocolate (she never says no to a brownie) pizza and red wine. She has two teenagers who keep her busy with their never ending activities, and a husband who is convinced he can turn her into a mixed martial arts fan. Cathryn can never find balance in her life, is always trying to find time to go to the gym, can never keep up with emails, Facebook or Twitter and tries to write page-turning books that her readers will love.

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Check out Cathryn’s giveaway!!

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