Twisted by Emma Chase – Excerpt and Pre-Order Links

Have you pre-ordered Twisted by Emma Chase yet?  Well, get to it!

 Here is a sexy excerpt for your enjoyment along with pre-order links.  

Release Date:  March 25, 2014

twisted cover


I close my eyes and let his words wash over me.  Drew has an amazing voice. Calm and soothing – but devilishly seductive at the same time.  He totally could’ve gone into radio.
I press another button.

And this time his tone is teasing.  “Kaate, you’re late. . Tell Delores to pick out her own god damn shoes. You’ve got a boyfriend who’s  sitting in a big, frothy Jacuzzi all by his lonesome. Come home, sweetheart. I’m here waiting for you.”

If only that was true today.

There’s more – some are quick and to the point, some are downright dirty.  And I listen to every single one.  He doesn’t say ‘I love you’ in any of them – but he doesn’t have to.  I hear it in every word. Every time he says my name.

Buy / Pre-Order Links

Simon & Schuster


Barnes & Noble
  • Kobo (not available yet)


Follow Emma on Social Media
Bio- Emma Chase

By day, Emma Chase is a devoted wife and mother of two who resides in a small, rural town in New Jersey. By night she is a keyboard crusader, toiling away the hours to bring her colorful characters and their endless antics to life. She has a long standing love/hate relationship with caffeine.

Emma is an avid reader. Before her children were born she was known to consume whole books in a single day. Writing has also always been a passion and with the 2013 release of her debut romantic comedy, Tangled, the ability to now call herself an author is nothing less than a dream come true.

Cover Reveal – Rogue by Katy Evans

I am super excited to share this amazing cover today.  I know many of us have been anxiously waiting for it.  It is soooo awesome!!!

Rogue by Katy Evans

Release Date: July 29, 2014

Rogue cover



Greyson King…
My boyfriend. My friend. My protector. He’s the reason I wake up every morning with a smile on my face, and the reason I fall asleep limp, worn out, and aching for his warm arms around me. When we make love, he says my name like it means something. Like I mean something.

His name is Greyson King, but his alias is Zero.
There’s zero trace of him, he has zero past, and now I know that with him, I will have zero future.
He may leave no trace of him anywhere, but his imprint is in me, in my very soul—and I hate that a mere look at him commands the beat of my heart. The temperature of my body.
I’ve looked for love my entire life. I’ve waited for the butterflies, the rainbows…
Instead I’m in a free fall of emotions and there’s no one to catch me but the one man I should be running away from. The one man I thought was my prince charming.
Except this prince charming went rogue.
Greyson will stop at nothing to make me be with him. He’ll let no one stand in our way, will allow no one to threaten me, and maybe this is what scares me most of all…

What will my rogue do to keep me?

Pre-order Rogue today!

Have your met Remington yet?  Here are the links to Real, Mine and Remy.  Trust me, you will not be able to put these down!
REAL                   Real
MINEmine katy evans
REMY             Remy
Katy Evans grew up with books and book-boyfriends until she found a real sexy boyfriend to love, married him, and now they are hard at work on their own happily ever after. Katy loves her family and friends, and she also loves reading, walking, baking, and being consumed by her characters until she reaches “The End.” Which is, hopefully, only the beginning…

Throwback Thursday – Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

Today’s Throwback Thursday post takes me back to high school. Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad is a classic.   It was a required reading back then, and still is today.

Honestly, this book was one of those I dreaded. I wasn’t interested in the content of the book. In fact, I managed to skip out of class during the time the teacher was having literary discussions on it.  I do recall buying the Cliff Notes version and yes, I actually passed the exams.  (Thanks Cliff Notes.)  Of course, I did watch the movie at the end of the semester.  Now, many years later, I can see the literary value behind this book. I chose this as my Throwback Thursday read after spotting it on my son’s shelf.

How many of you have read this book?  Did you read the Cliff Notes version?  Did you watch the movie?

heart of darkness

Dark allegory describes the narrator’s journey up the Congo River and his meeting with, and fascination by, Mr. Kurtz, a mysterious personage who dominates the unruly inhabitants of the region. Masterly blend of adventure, character development, psychological penetration. Considered by many Conrad’s finest, most enigmatic story.


Review ~ The Plan by Qwen Salsbury

Day of Employment: 359

11:05 a.m.

Location: Cubicles outside Canon’s office.
Co-workers: Betting on how long Canon’s new PA will last.
Me: No doubts. Ms. Gum-smacker won’t last the day. I need to place my bet.
Manolo Blahnik’s New Fall Shoes: Mine. As soon as Madeline hands over my winnings.

Emma Baker has never spoken a word to Alaric Canon, nor has he to her. But she’s studied him every day across the office tundra for almost a year. Canon is hard and fierce, terrifying and beautiful. He’s also the most stern, unforgiving person Emma has ever seen. Emma’s co-workers run a betting pool for Personal Assistant terminations. There’s a separate pot for the day one leaves without crying. Not likely…Canon made a former Navy SEAL cry.

He has high standards and low tolerance. Everyone knows it. Everyone stays away. Everyone who can, that is. Except Emma. She can’t look away. Alaric Canon is the single most attractive man she’s ever seen. Bar none.

Canon has never noticed her. Not once in almost a year. She’s not even a blip on his radar. But she will be. His radar will be blipless no more.

It is a goal. Emma has a plan.

My Review

For starters, I won this book and was thrilled to read it.  I had read so many comments about it, I couldn’t wait to read it for myself.  I have to say this is a truly unique book.  The writing style was totally different to what I am used to and that is one of the reasons why I really loved it.  The Plan is a funny, witty and sexy story written in a diary/journal like fashion. This diary like style made me look forward to the next day and what would happen to Emma.  I also loved being inside Emma’s head. I loved her plan.  After all, I think all women have had a plan of some sort when it comes to some guy right? Her plan happens to entail getting the attention of her boss, the sexy Alaric Canon with the fine ass. For almost one year, she wanted for him to notice her. All this time, she learned almost everything about him. As a boss, he was a total jerk.  In fact, part of what makes this story funny is the fact that an office pool was started on the time Personal Assistants would last as employees of the awful Alaric. Winners rejoiced and spent their winnings on shoes.  Yeah, something I would do.

The story is written in Emma’s POV and recounts all of the day to day interactions and happenings in her life and in her head.  I love sarcasm and this story is filled with it. The supporting characters, her coworkers, made the story funny as well.  I could totally relate to them.  After all, coworkers spend so much time with you, they often become your biggest supporters.

Emma’s plan, well… plans don’t always turn out the way you expect.  Emma suddenly becomes his PA and finds herself as his 24/7 assistant on a business trip.  Yeah, change of plans right?   She takes on this new role fearing the worst, getting fired.  Without giving too much away, her PA job was not quite what she expected. Both of them came out of their shells and I loved the unexpected.  Alaric, the powerful boss reveals a passive side while Emma takes on a more powerful demeanor.  Their trip was quite interesting.  And, there’s this part about fruits, pineapples to be exact which made me laugh out loud.  Yeah, the men will get that too.

Overall, this story is not your typical office romance.  It is a clever, well written, different read.  There are many laugh out loud moments making it all the more enjoyable.   I highly recommend this book.

I am really looking forward to reading more of Qwen’s writing.

I gave this book 5 stars!

Some of my favorite lines

IT IS A FACT, UNIVERSALLY ACCEPTED, that a single man in possession of a fine ass must be observed like wildlife.

Not to say I no longer have scandalous, wild times now. Example: I routinely spend long, late night hours having as many as four men entertain me in my bed. Men like Fallon, Kimmel, O’Brien, and Letterman.


Ladies and gentlemen, we have blip.

“I will add pineapple juice to your breakfasts,” I say and pat his tie twice, his chest heaving underneath. “Drink it if you ever want that to happen again.”

“Is there anything I need to be doing?” I squeak, Anything besides proving the theory of spontaneous ovulation?

We can’t always be doing this, giving in.  I have been afraid to start. He’s like human Nutella: I’m afraid once I’ve started tasting I won’t be able to stop until I’ve had all of him.

I have been aiming for blips while he has employed state of the art stealth technology. He is the B2 of too-hot bums. Not so much a cyborg, but an aerial strike drone.

“it sounded serious and long term.” He shifts again, clears his throat. “Some guy named Abe.”

“I will have you know there is probably less pineapple at your average luau than in my system at this moment”

About Qwen Salsbury:

Qwen Salsbury was born in Kansas and somehow keeps ending up back there.  Raised on her grandparent’s five acre homestead within the city limits, her imagination was honed during long days of quiet play and spartan access to a TV signal.  Now mother to handsome boys, she strives to ensure they appreciate potential adventures found within the pages of a book, an honest day’s work, and what ingenuity may yield from mundane objects like a string and a cup.  The boys prefer a PS3.

After spending time in corporate America, she returned to school and received a BA in English, Creative Writing and Poetry from Pittsburg State University, the alma mater of Pulitzer Prize winning poet, James Tate.  She worked on a Masters there until going on to receive a juris doctorate from Washburn School of Law.

A seven-time Sigma Tau Delta writing award winner, her fiction and poetry have appeared in literary magazines and have been selected by fiction communities as featured story of the month and year.  Predominantly a writer of romance, her romantic fiction varies from contemporary to historical to fantasy, though often with a humorous slant and poetic undertones.

For reasons she can’t even articulate herself, she decided to start writing fiction again while solo parenting and attending law school (during Constitutional Law class, to be exact.).

Keep up with Qwen Salsbury on Social Media



Via Email

Best closing lines – What are your favorites?

As a teacher, I am always looking for ways to keep my students motivated.  I recently had my students find their favorite closing lines from books they read.  They actually loved this activity and it got some of my reluctant readers to read and participate.  While they compiled their lines, I did too.

Here are some of my favorite closing lines from books. I have decided to mix it up since that is exactly what my library looks like, a little bit of this and a little bit of that. I love all genres.  **Note, if you haven’t read some of the books listed, these closing lines may be spoilers.


I used to dream of medals and championships, and now I dream of a blue-eyed fighter who one day changed my life when he put his lips on mine.

Mine, Katy Evans


Max stepped into his private boat and waved goodbye and sailed back over a year and in and out of weeks and through a day and into the night of his very own room where he found his supper waiting for him—and it was still hot.

Where the Wild Things Are, Maurice Sendak

a beautiful wedding

I looked into his eyes, as full of love and hope as they were the year before, “One down, forever to go,” I whispered back.

A Beautiful Wedding, Jamie McGuire


In the meantime, she would just live.

P.S. I Love You, Cecelia Ahern

bound by wish and mistletoe

You are loved.

Bound by Wish and Mistletoe, Kat Bastion


For a moment, neither of them spoke, and he found himself holding his breath just so he could hear hers.  “I love you, too, ” she whispered.  “Babe,” he said softly. “Yeah.”

Unbeautifully, Madeline Sheehan



So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.

The Great Gatsby, F.Scott Fitzgerald


Oh, my girls, however long you may live, I never can wish you a greater happiness than this.

Little Women, Louisa May Alcott

esperanza rising
It is no wonder that in Spanish, esperanza means “hope.”

Esperanza Rising, Pam Munoz Ryan


Lauren Marie Day, you have come into my life like a whirlwind, you have flipped my world, my thoughts and my heart upside down, you have woken something in me that I thought was long dead, you have brought me back to life, I love you more with every beat of my heart and I cannot and do not want to imagine my life without you in it.  I want to be with you forever, please would you do me the honour of becoming my wife?

Saviour, Lesley Jones


The offing was barred by a black bank of clouds, and the tranquil waterway leading to the utmost ends of the earth flowed sombre under an overcast sky — seemed to lead into the heart of an immense darkness.

Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad

What are some of your favorite closing lines?  Leave a comment.  I’d love to know.


Throwback Thursday – Snoopy and the Red Baron

snoopy and the red baron

For this week’s Throwback Thursday post, I selected Snoopy and The Red Baron by Charles Schultz.  This is another one of those books that I loved to read with my friends when I was in the 3rd grade.  Actually, I remember vividly, the exact location where my teacher kept it on her shelf. She had specific rules about keeping her bookshelf tidy.  (Now I know where I got some of my teacher traits from.)

I came across an article the other day that mentioned the book.  My memories were rekindled.  It is funny how a book can take you back in time to your younger years. Books are truly a portable form of magic. Memories of a time when kids read and played outside floated in my head.  I even recall acting out this book with the boys. Ok, so I had some tomboy moments.  (smirks)

Is there a book or series of books that takes you back in time to your young reader days?

Leave a comment, I’d love to read all about it.

Happy Thursday!


Susi Reviews – Clipped Wings by @HelenaHunting

Clipped Wings by Helena Hunting

clipped wings


An emotional love story that follows the touch-and-go relationship of Hayden and Tenley; two young people who desperately want to love and be loved but are afraid to completely let go of their pasts.

As Hayden and Tenley navigate their newfound but slightly unstable relationship, they want to trust each other, but Hayden is hiding a dark and shameful past that he doesn’t ever want Tenley to find out about. And Tenley has secrets of her own that could make Hayden run away forever. When Tenley asks Hayden to put a beautifully elaborate tattoo across her back, the two form what they thought was an unshakeable bond. But when Tenley’s past shows up on her doorstep, will Hayden stand by her side…or run?

My Review

Where do I begin?  This is one of, if not the best book I have read this year.  Seriously,  I floved it! When I first received the ARC copy, it sat on my nightstand for a couple of days.  I finally read the synopsis and started the book.  Talk about surprise…. I couldn’t put this book down!  Seriously!

First of all, Helena did an amazing job creating her protagonists for this story.  Tenley and Hayden were perfect and well written.  She created characters with real problems and believable pasts.  Tenley, is a graduate student starting her life over again in a new city hoping to escape her traumatic past. Hayden is a tattoo artist who works across the street from Tenley’s place. He also has a traumatic past. From the moment they first see each other, the chemistry and connection is there.  Not only do they share traumatic pasts, they both keep secrets about their past from each other, each for different reasons.

Tenley decides to get a tattoo and there is only one person she wants as her tattoo artist.  This tattoo she wants represents many things to her, and will serve as a cathartic experience.

Hayden, a true tattoo artist, takes his work /art seriously.  He knows that this tattoo will require months to complete due to its complexity.  Their intense chemistry poses a problem due to his policy of client and artist relationship. Their friendship and relationship flourishes.  They soon realize how much they need each other. Their moments together from those at the parlor to those in her apartment are intense.

While Hayden appears to be this bad boy, covered in ink and piercings, a new side of Hayden is revealed, one which made him even more lovable to me.  I kid you not when I say, “I actually had dreams about this book.” Hayden is….well… intense and his character is just one I cannot let go of. Hayden knows that the past Tenley keeps from him must be awful. I love how hard he tries to get her to open up and trust him.

There are so many reasons why I love this book. The story of Tenley and Hayden would be the main reason but there are also many different symbolic and emotional elements that add to my reasons why this book was so complete.  The secondary characters were also well written and they too are so vital in Tenley and Hayden’s life.

Helena, your sex scenes are hot!  Umm… kitchen counter hot!

I really loved how much these two characters craved and needed each other.  I loved Hayden’s protective and OCD side too.

While the story ends with a cliffhanger, don’t fret.  This will give you some time to reread it and get ready for Inked Armor (May 2014) and more of Hayden.

I floved everything about this book!!!

I gave this book 5 steamy stars!

I can’t stop raving about it.

clipped wings on the counter

“Tell me you need this. Tell me you need me.”
“I need you.” We were united in our craving for each other. His desire was just as overwhelming as mine.

hayden 3

Beyond the tattoos and piercings, or because of it–I couldn’t decide which– he was the most beautiful man I’d ever seen.

If you haven’t read the prequel, Cupcakes and Ink by Helena Hunting, go one click it today.

It is definitely worth reading!  Here’s my review.

cupcakes and ink

Inked Armor – May 2014
inked armor

Since Hayden loved cupcakes and I love to bake just like Tenley,  I decided to throw in one of my recipes for Vanilla Cupcakes.  You see, every time I bake now, I think of Hayden.  Enjoy!  


Vanilla Cupcakes:

1/2 cup (113 grams) unsalted butter, room temperature

2/3 cup (130 grams) granulated white sugar

3 large eggs

1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract 

Zest of 1 large lemon (outer yellow skin)

1 1/2 cups (195 grams) all purpose flour

1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/4 cup (60 ml) milk

Vanilla Buttercream Frosting:

2 cups (230 grams) confectioners sugar (icing or powdered sugar), sifted

1/2 cup (113 grams) unsalted butter room temperature

1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

2 tablespoons milk or light cream


Vanilla Cupcakes:

1.  Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (177 degrees C) and line 12 muffin cups with paper liners.

2.  In the bowl of your electric mixer, or with a hand mixer, beat the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Beat in the vanilla extract.

3.  In a separate bowl whisk together the lemon zest, flour, baking powder, and salt.

4.  With the mixer on low speed, alternately add the flour mixture and milk, in three additions, beginning and ending with the flour. Scrape down the sides of the bowl as needed.

5.  Evenly fill the muffin cups with the batter and bake for about 17 -20 minutesor just until set and a toothpick inserted into a cupcake comes out clean. (Always check a few minutes before the stated baking time. Do not over bake or the cupcakes will be dry.) Remove from oven and place on a wire rack to cool. Once the cupcakes have completely cooled, frost with icing. If you want flat topped cupcakes then slice off the dome of each cupcake, with a sharp knife, before frosting. If you want to pipe the frosting, I like to use a large Wilton 1M star decorating tip. Cupcakes are best eaten the same day they are made, but they can be covered and stored for a few days.

Vanilla Buttercream Frosting:

In an electric mixer, or with a hand mixer, cream the butter until smooth and well blended. Add the vanilla extract. With the mixer on low speed, gradually beat in the sugar. Scrape down the sides of the bowl. Add the milk and beat on high speed until frosting is light and fluffy (about 3-4 minutes). Add a little more milk or sugar, 

Makes about 12 cupcakes.


About the Author:  Helena Hunting

Helena Hunting lives on the outskirts of Toronto with her incredibly tolerant family and two moderately intolerant cats. She’s putting her degree in English Lit to good use by writing contemporary erotic romance. She is the author of Clipped Wings, her debut novel, and Inked Armor.


Twitter:  @HelenaHunting

Susi’s Review and Giveaway – Beyond Me by @JenniferProbst (the Sex on the Beach series)




Spring break in Key West with my besties was supposed to be casual fun. But I never expected to meet James Hunt. Sex and frolic? Yes! A relationship? No. But his hot blue eyes and confident manner drew me in. And when he let me see the man behind the mask, I fell hard, foolishly believing there could be a future for us. Of course I never considered our relationship might be based on lies…or that his betrayal could rock my foundation and make me question everything I believed in…


The moment I saw Quinn I knew I had to have her. She hooked me with her cool eyes and don’t touch me attitude. I had it all, money, social status, and looks. I could get any girl I wanted…until her. When my friends challenged me with a bet to get her into bed by the end of the week, I couldn’t pass it up. But sex wasn’t supposed to turn into love. She wasn’t supposed to change me, push me, and make me want more for myself. She wasn’t supposed to wreck me in all ways. And now, if I can’t turn my lies into truth, I just might lose her forever…

My Review

First of all, I am a huge Jennifer Probst fan. Her books are always a perfect blend of awesome characters, exquisite writing, a hint of the unexpected and sexy love scenes too.  Beyond Me, one of the books in this fun and sassy Sex on the Beach Series does not disappoint.  It was amazing!

First of all, Jennifer, thanks for taking me back to Key West for awhile.  As a Floridian, Key West has so much to offer especially to Spring Breakers,  It was the perfect setting for Quinn and James to meet and enjoy their Spring Break together.  I could totally see these two characters as well as their friends in all of the places described in this book.

The characters, Quinn and James were simply perfect.  I loved Quinn’s sweet and reserved personality.  She is definitely a strong and independent woman with much life experience for her young age. James, whoa….   Gorgeous is not enough to describe this sexy and delicious guy.  I totally loved James from the very start.  He is a rich sexy young man who lives on his own.  He has been partying and blowing money all of his life.  You may consider him a playboy when you first meet him.  But, as you get to know him, his unexpected qualities emerge, making him even better if that is possible. (Yes, I would love to have a James for Spring Break too.)

While Quinn and James see Spring Break as a time to hook up, their instant chemistry sears through the pages of this story.  Quinn turns out to be more for James than he expected.  The sex, well, yes, it is totally hot and tastefully written.  I do admit to blushing along the way and enjoying the intensity of their chemistry together.

Their Spring Break encounter teaches both Quinn and James about themselves.  It was a pleasure to read and enjoy how much these two characters wanted and ultimately needed each other.  I think that one of the main reasons that I loved this book so much is because Quinn brings out the best in James (no spoilers, read it to find out what I mean) In fact, they both are good for each other.

This story is written in both character POV’s which I really love.  This writing style is awesome because the reader gets complete insight as to what each character has on their mind.  As a reader, it makes understanding the characters emotions more fun.  And, being inside the male mind is always so entertaining.

Beyond Me is a must read!  I know that you will love reading it as much as I did.  So grab a Sex on the Beach cocktail,  sit back and enjoy this sexy, sassy you just can’t put down book today.

I gave this book 5 sexy stars! 

Get all three books in the series!  

 Keep scrolling for a giveaway!

Beyond Me is part of the Sex on the Beach Series written by three talented authors.

sex on the beach series


Do you want to win a an e-book of Beyond Me by Jennifer Probst?  All you have to do is leave a comment on this post.  This giveaway will run through Friday evening. One lucky winner will be selected by   (No purchase necessary to win)

Good Luck!


About the Author:  Jennifer Probst

Jennifer Probst

Jennifer Probst wrote her first book at twelve years old. She bound it in a folder, read it to her classmates, and hasn’t stopped writing since. She took a short hiatus to get married, get pregnant, buy a house, get pregnant again, pursue a master’s in English Literature, and rescue two shelter dogs. Now she is writing again.

She is the NYT and USA Today bestselling author of The Marriage Bargain. She is published both erotic and sexy contemporary romance with Entangled, Decadent, Red Sage and TWRP. She has also written a children’s book, Buffy and the Carrot, co-written with her twelve year old niece, along with a short story, “A Life Worth Living.” Visit her website for more info!

twitter:  @jenniferprobst

Sex on The Beach Drink Recipe

I just finished reading this awesome book, Beyond Me by Jennifer Probst.  It is one of the books in the Sex on the Beach Series.  (full review tomorrow)


The Sex on the Beach Series

sex on the beach series

This series releases tomorrow. I can’t wait to read the other two books Before You by Jenna Bennet and and Between Us by Jen McLaughlin.  They are next on my TBR.

Three separate novellas. Three different authors.

I thought it would only be right to get in the mood for this series with a drink.  Here is the recipe for a Sex on the Beach Cocktail.


sexonthebeach drinkIngredients

1 1/2 oz vodka

1/2 oz peach schnapps

2 oz cranberry juice

2 oz orange juice

Add vodka and peach schnapps to a highball glass over ice.   Fill with equal measures of cranberry and orange juice.  Stir!

Garnish with a slice of orange.

From My Kitchen ~ Shrimp Creole Recipe

By now, most of you know that I love to cook.  I also love the flavors of the Caribbean.  Today’s recipe is Shrimp Creole Cuban style.  This shrimp dish has Haitian and French influences too.  I serve it with white rice and my favorite vegetables.  When I made it last, I added fried plantains, another family favorite.  It is a quick and delicious dish to make.  Your family will love it!


Shrimp Creole (Cuban style)


2 tablespoons butter

2 tablespoons olive oil

3 garlic cloves, minced

1/4 chopped celery

1/4 cup chopped onion (I prefer yellow onions)

2 large tomatoes, peeled, seeded and chopped

a pinch of red pepper flakes (or more if you like it hot)

1 tablespoon freshly chopped flat leaf parsley

1/4 teaspoon sugar

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper

1 1/2 pounds medium raw shrimp, peeled and deveined

1/2 pound scallops

1/4 cup white wine


1.  In a large saute pan, melt the butter and the olive oil over low heat.

2.  Add the celery, onion, garlic, tomato, pepper flakes, parsley, sugar, salt and black pepper.

3.  Cover and raise the heat to medium low, simmer for 3-5 minutes or until the onion and the celery are tender.

4.  Add the scallops and stir, cover. Cook for about 2 minutes

5.  Add the shrimp, stir and cover.  Cook for about 3 more minutes.    (Shrimp cooks fast)

6.  Add the wine and stir until the liquid comes back to a simmer.

7.  Serve over white rice and with your favorite vegetable sides.


¡Buen Provecho!
