#BookBlitz Excerpt & Giveaway ~ Icing on the Cake by @AnnMarie_Walker

One of my favorite authors has just released another book!  I’m excited to share this excerpt for Icing on the Cake by Ann Marie Walker with you today.  Stay tuned for my full review later this week.

Icing on the Cake

by Ann Marie Walker
Publication Date: January 30, 2018
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iBooks

Notting Hill meets The Prince & Me in Icing on the Cake, the second standalone laugh-out-loud romance in Ann Marie Walker’s Wild Wedding series

Cassandra Miller doesn’t have time for men. She’s far too busy trying to open a cupcake shop with her silent partner and best friend, not to mention catering her brother’s wedding. And let’s face it, it’s not like Prince Charming is going to stroll into the bakery and sweep her off her feet.

Henry has been a prince his entire life but for one wild wedding he wants to be nothing more than an “Average Joe”, or in this instance, “Average Hank”. However, when a case of mistaken identity and a batch of burned cupcakes ends in a night of passion, Cassie and Hank must decide if theirs is a recipe for disaster or the makings of true romance.



His fingers rested on her hips, barely touching her, and yet she felt as though she were melting into his hands. Without thinking, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. She wanted to feel the weight of him against her, to know he was as affected by her as she was him. He pressed against her and she felt the shape of him, hard against her softness, and she couldn’t help but wonder how long he’d been that way, if this perfect man had wanted her this whole time as badly as she’d wanted him.


When he broke their kiss, she was more than ready for whatever came next.


“Come up to my room,” Hank breathed. His lips moved over her jaw and down her throat, leaving a trail of feather light kisses that left her aching for more. “I have a lovely four-poster bed that’s far too big for one.”


His room, his bed. Sex in his bed. She couldn’t pretend she didn’t want one wild night with this handsome stranger, but sex in a bed was so . . . so . . . normal. She’d done normal. And although normal sex was better than no sex, something told her that the man in front of her was offering good sex, and that was something that was long overdue.


Cassie blinked hard. She took a moment to gather her composure, but like her resistance it was currently scattered all over the bakery floor. Hmm, the floor would work just fine.


When she didn’t answer he pulled back, slipping a finger under her chin and lifting her eyes to his once again. “Shall I take that as a yes?”


“Why can’t we just stay here?” Her voice sounded as shaky as the rest of her. But it wasn’t from intimidation or nerves. On the contrary, for the first time in her life Cassie felt strong and fearless and brave. Still, something about this man made her tremble in the most delicious way.


His eyes glowed with a mixture of amusement and lust. “Believe me, luv, I’d like nothing better than to take you right here, against this door.”


Her heart hammered inside her chest. Did he really just say that? And in an accent that was nearly enough to finish her off? Who was this man who had come into her life as if a direct answer to Olivia’s outrageous suggestion? The images her friend had conjured two days prior flooded her senses. Oh yes, that was exactly what she wanted. Right then and there.


Lucky for her, Hank was a bit more aware of their surroundings. “But those windows don’t have any curtains,” he said, nodding over his shoulder. “And I would hate for some random pub-goer to get an eyeful of your beautiful curves as he stumbled home.”


Sex god and a gentleman? This guy was too good to be true.


“Ask me again,” she said.


A momentary frown drifted across his face until realization took hold. He leaned closer and whispered roughly against her ear. “Let’s go up to my room, so I can make you come all night.”


Holy hell, that he didn’t have to offer twice.


About Ann Marie Walker

Ann Marie Walker writes steamy books about sexy boys. She’s a fan of fancy cocktails, anything chocolate, and 80s rom-coms. Her super power is connecting any situation to an episode of Friends and she thinks all coffee cups should be the size of a bowl. If it’s December she can be found watching Love Actually but the rest of the year you can find her at AnnMarieWalker.com where she would be happy to talk to you about alpha males, lemon drop martinis or supermodel David Gandy. Ann Marie attended the University of Notre Dame and currently lives in Chicago.

Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

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#CoverReveal #UncoveringLoveTheWedding by @kaceysheabooks

Title: Uncovering Love: The Wedding
Series: Uncovering Love Book 4
Author: Kacey Shea
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Novella
Release Date: June 30, 2017
Cover Designer: Perfect Pear Creative
Photographer: Wander Aguiar
Cover Model: Steven Dehler
Eleven months ago, Evelyn Harper went undercover to investigate Tate Reynolds as a viable love interest and potential boyfriend for a wealthy client. What began as a temporary job transformed into an exciting new career and more significantly, the love of her life.

Now the two are planning their own walk down the aisle. Except their path is crowded with a few bumps along the way. The urgent investigation of a family matter. A sexy new client. Pregnant bridesmaids, an ex, and a sprinkle of cold feet leaves the couple stumbling toward their big day.

Forever is a long time, but Evie and Tate are determined to get hitched no matter what life throws their way. Will they make it to the wedding or uncover more challenges than a young couple in love can handle?

This novella is the forth book in the Uncovering Love series, and while it can be read as a standalone, it contains major spoilers.

“So, want to confide in your best friend why the most relaxed bride in all of history has suddenly developed a case of jitters?”
“What?” Am I that obvious? Kate’s glare tells me I am. “Fine. I’m nervous. That’s normal.”
“But you’re not an average bride. What gives?”
“I just had this picture in my mind of how the day would go, you know? And it’s not about good weather, though that would be nice, or how extravagant my dress is, even though it’s really the most beautiful thing I’ve ever worn, or if my hair looks perfect, though a good hair day gives a girl confidence to take on the world—”
“It’s . . . I didn’t expect my sister to be sad on my wedding day. But now, with everything going on with Drew, I don’t see how this ends any differently.”
“Oh, Evie.” Kate frowns.
“I know. It’s completely selfish. But it’s an important day, and I wanted those celebrating around us to be happy. You have Jon. Carly has Derek. I’ve always thought my sister and Drew had the perfect marriage. They’re the example of what I’ve always wanted. And now . . .”
“See. This is why weddings are stupid,” Kate offers helpfully.
“What?” I straighten my spine.
“Evie. Your wedding day is just another day.”
It’s all I can do to not roll my eyes. “Tell me how you really feel.”
“I will. It’s a day. It’s an important moment, yes, but it’s only a moment. You and Tate have your entire lives ahead of you. Enjoy your wedding, sure, but don’t stack expectations all around it, because life is out of your control. What’s happening with your sister sucks, but we don’t know the entire story. And even if we never do, it’s out of your control.”
I pick at the edge of my paper napkin. “God, this is so stressful. We should’ve eloped.”
“Don’t you dare!” Kate glares. “I won’t miss my best friend’s wedding. Also, I have to witness you voluntarily wearing heels.”
“About that . . . I’m not.” I cringe because I know her too well.
“What?” she almost screams.
“I bought white Chucks. I’m good.” I shrug, hoping she’ll let my choice of footwear go.
She shakes her head but holds her tongue as Joe returns with a plate of fried appetizers and two giant glasses of soda. As soon as he leaves she pins me with a hard glare. “Now that’s the most upsetting thing you’ve said all night.”
I push the mozzarella closer to her, fried cheese a balm for all things upsetting.
“Kate, it’ll be fine.” I take a bite, chew, and swallow with a grin. “It’s out of your control.”
She picks up a fried zucchini slice and dips it in ranch dressing. “Remember that at your bachelorette party next week. You know what they say about payback.” Her eyes dance with amusement as she fills her mouth with food.


I smile sweetly and pull the plate of food closer to my side of the table. “Is it too late to pick a new maid of honor?” I joke, but I’m thankful to have a friend like Kate. Someone I’ve known more than half my life, and who gets me enough to know a night like this is just what I need. We spend the rest of dinner going through my to-do list. She puts most of my fears to rest, and volunteers to help assemble wedding favors the next day. But even her ever positive, no shit attitude can’t shake the ominous feeling toward my impending nuptials. I don’t have control over what happens with Melissa and Drew, but hell if I won’t do everything I can to uncover the mess of it all.


Kacey Shea is a mom of three, wife, and indie author who resides in sunny Arizona. She enjoys reading and writing romance novels as much as her son loves unicorns, which is a lot.
When she’s not writing you will find her playing taxi cab to her children while belting out her favorite tunes, meeting friends or family for food and to share some laughs, or sweating it out in the gym. Kacey finds that picking up heavy weights repeatedly is good for her mental health as much as it is for the physical.
She has an unhealthy obsession with firefighters. It could be the pants. It could be the fire. It’s just hot. On occasion she has been known to include them, without their knowledge, in her selfies outside the grocery store.

Kacey one day aspires to be a woman hand model in a sexy photo shoot. You know, the woman’s hand raking across the muscular back or six pack stomach of the male fitness model. Yep, that hand.

Until that day comes she will continue writing sexy, flirty romance novels in hopes to bring others joy!

Kacey enjoys interacting with her fans so please feel free to stalk her on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.


#ComingSoon – Thirty Days Part Two by @BTUrruela

Thirty Days, Part Two will be out real soon, next week to be exact!  Here’s a teaser and a reminder to pre-order this gem.  Get to it!


Thirty Days: Part Two (A SwipeDate Novella)

By @BT Urruela

Release Date: May 9, 2017

Cover Design by: Cassy Roop / @Pink Ink Designs by Cassy

Formatted by: @Champagne Formats

Editing by: Jenn Wood / @All About The Edits


—-> Add to TBR: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/34874740-thirty-days—part-two

**RELEASE BLITZ SIGN-UP** – https://goo.gl/forms/iZfMpcu0Tl72UQxA3



A week into his thirty day challenge, Gavin has unexpectedly found himself interested in two women he’s met through the SwipeDate app. As he continues with his best friend Bobby’s twenty-five thousand dollar proposition, he finds himself drawn to both Sami and Megan, each unique and intriguing in her own way. While interest grows with the two of them, he’s becoming increasingly annoyed by the daily first dates, and the disruption they’ve brought to his life.


Despite the annoyance, Gavin finally sees progress in his recovery from mental illness and discovers a hope he hasn’t felt in years. An unexpected run-in with his past will test this newfound hope and threaten to crush the foundation he’s worked so hard to build. Can Gavin find the balance he yearns for, and a woman to love, while the circumstances he’s struggling with are still so fragile and raw?


Find out in Thirty Days: Part Two


Haven’t read Thirty Days: Part One yet? One-click now to catch up!

**Also available on Kindle Unlimited**

Thirty Days: Part One (A SwipeDate Novella)

by BT Urruela

Release Date: February 28, 2017

Cover Design by: Cassy Roop / Pink Ink Designs by Cassy


US: http://a.co/6jWZl9R

CA: http://a.co/4EoJVEs

UK: http://amzn.eu/2FJaEAM

AU: https://goo.gl/bmvkKN

Paperback: http://a.co/6kYuuZ7



Gavin is a struggling writer with a complicated past, who’s reeling from the loss of the only woman he’s ever loved. More than a year after the breakup, he’s still suffering major heartbreak and a serious case of writer’s block. In an attempt to help him out of his funk, Gavin’s best friend and fellow writer, Bobby, sets up an account for him on the new dating app SwipeDate.


After a few unsuccessful dates, Bobby challenges him to thirty more dates in thirty days. If Gavin can complete the challenge, Bobby will give him a check for twenty-five thousand dollars.


Does Gavin have what it takes to complete the challenge? Or will the trials and tribulations of modern dating prove to be too much?


Find out in Thirty Days


Follow BT:

Amazon – Amazon.com/author/bturruela

Facebook – http://bit.ly/1RdUEIa

Twitter – http://bit.ly/1OQE4nD

Website – http://bit.ly/1NCxnVX

Goodreads – http://bit.ly/240cV3h

Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/bturruela/

BT’s Book Battalion – https://www.facebook.com/groups/492513690944840/

 *Join in on the fun & exclusives!*


Author Bio:

BT URRUELA was an infantryman in the US Army from August 2004 until February 2011. At the end of a year long tour to Baghdad, Iraq, his vehicle was hit by two roadside bombs, which took his right leg below the knee and the life of his commander. He was awarded a Purple Heart for his wounds, an Army Commendation Medal, and Combat Infantryman’s Badge. He medically retired from the Army in 2011 and moved to Tampa, FL where he currently works as a Director and Brand Ambassador for VETSports, a veteran community sports nonprofit he co-founded in 2012. He also conducts motivational speeches, works as a cover and fitness model and he’s a personal performance trainer. He co-wrote the novel ‘A Lover’s Lament’ with author KL Grayson in 2015. He released his first solo novel, ‘Into the Nothing’ in June 2016, ‘Wicked Little Words’ with author Stevie J. Cole in October 2016, ‘Alphas & Fairytales: A New Year’s Eve Anthology’ and ‘Into the Blood’ in December 2016 and ‘Thirty Days: Part One’ in February 2017. He lives in Tampa with his dogs, Kiko and Scout, and is writing full-time.


#ThirtyDays #PartTwo #BTUrruela #TeaserTuesday #AddtoTBR #May9 #ComingSoon #MayRelease #TBR #CassyRoop #PinkInkDesigns #AllAboutTheEdits

#ThirtyDaysPartOne #AvailableNow #Gavin #NYC #KU #KindleUnlimited #Paperback

Cover Reveal – Pinpoint by Olivia Luck @AuthorLuck

Happy Wednesday!  I hope you enjoy today’s cover reveal.  Isn’t it gorgeous.  I’m looking forward to reading it.  COVER REVEAL

Pinpoint by Olivia Luck

Book Title: Pinpoint (The Point Series)
Author: Olivia Luck
Genre: New Adult
Release Date:
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions

Goodreads Button with Shadow

book blurb

All my life I followed the rules. I lived under the iron rule of my father and did what was expected of me.

Until now.

I want to live in the big city. Make new friends. Get a great job. Meet a man that makes me swoon. Fall in love.

Sounds straightforward enough, but making my way in a city of six million isn’t as seamless as I’d hoped. And the man is more sour than sweet.

Something’s got to give. And this time it won’t be me.


Pinpoint Teaser 2

Pinpoint Teaser 1

meet the author

Olivia Luck calls Chicago home. She loves traveling with her husband, baking for her parents, and taking walks with her dog. Olivia started writing when she was eight and paused to dabble in various other pursuits like dance and piano. In the end, she always came back to her pen and notebook.

Get in touch with Olivia, she adores emails: olivialuckauthor@gmail.com

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500x500 BEP Square


Cover Reveal – Target On Our Backs (Monster in His Eyes #3) by J.M. Darhower @JMDarhower

I am so excited to share this cover with all of you today.  J.M. Darhower is one of my favorite authors and knowing there is more of Ignazio Vitale made me squeal, for real!  

 target on our backs banner


target on our backs cover

 Target on Our Backs

(Monster in His Eyes #3)
Today Bestselling Author
J.M. Darhower
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: February 23, 2016

The best way to keep your word is never
to give it.
Not long ago, in a chapel in Vegas, I swore to love Karissa
for the rest of my days. But nobody’s promised an infinite number of tomorrows.
Nobody’s promised forever. Sometimes, all we have left is today.
Carpe Diem
Seize the day.
It should’ve been over, we should’ve been happy, but people
are making it hard for me to live in peace. I’ve got so much blood on my hands
they’ll never be clean, and somebody out there seems to want me to pay for it. Happily Ever After always comes at a
cost, one any real man would be willing to pay. But that doesn’t mean I’m just
going to roll over and accept these consequences.
Because when it comes to the woman I love? The life I’ve
fought for?
Nobody is safe.

Book trailer: https://youtu.be/1GbrBp82aZM

target on our backs cover corrected

This is a series I highly recommend.  Be sure to read the first two books right away!

by JM Darhower

amazon logo

by JM Darhower

amazon logo

Follow J.M. Darhower on Social Media




 JM Darhower is the USA Today Bestselling Author of romance novels of all flavors (erotic, suspense, contemporary, paranormal). She lives in a tiny town in the Carolinas with her family, where she churns out more words than will ever see the light of day. She has a deep passion for politics and human rights, and when she isn’t writing she’s usually ranting about those things. Chronic crimper with a vulgar mouth, she admits to having a social media addiction. You can find her there.


The Sweet Spot by Stephanie Evanovich Virtual Tour Excerpt & Giveaway @Tastybooktours @SEEVANOVICH

Enter to Win a


Stephanie Evanovich
Releasing Sept 29th, 2015
Mass Market Paperback
Avon Books/Harper Collins
The amazing Stephanie Evanovich returns with The Sweet Spot, the sizzling story of
everyone’s favorite couple from her New York Times bestseller Big Girl Panties:
hunky professional baseball player Chase Walker and his sassy wife Amanda
When pro baseball player Chase Walker first meets Amanda at her restaurant,
it’s love at first sight. While Amanda can’t help noticing the superstar with
the Greek-god-build, he doesn’t have a chance of getting to first—or any
other—base with her. A successful entrepreneur who’s built her business from
scratch, Amanda doesn’t need a Prince Charming to sweep her off her feet. And a
curvy girl who likes to cook and eat isn’t interested in being around the
catty, stick-thin herd of females chasing Chase and his teammates.But Chase isn’t about to strike out. A man who isn’t interested in playing the
field, he’s a monogamist who wants an independent woman like Amanda. His hopes
rally when she discovers that squeaky-clean Chase has a few sexy and very
secret pre-game rituals that turn the smart, headstrong businesswoman on—and
into his number one fan.

Then a tabloid discovers the truth and turns their spanking good fun into a
late- night punch-line. Is Amanda ready to let loose and swing for the fences?
Or will the pressure of Chase’s stardom force them to call it quits?


“Cold Creek Grill.  How may I help you?”  She answered the phone as if her day was right as rain.  She was a business woman, first and foremost.

“I need a reservation for tonight,” a gravelly voice barked into the phone.  The caller was either on a cell phone with a bad connection or had a mouth full of marbles.

“Of course sir, what time are you looking for?”

“Seven,” he said impatiently and Amanda pictured him running to catch a subway.

“Let me make sure I have that available,” she told him, trying to buy time while she booted up the computer at the podium a few feet away.  She moved the phone to the other side of her head, forgetting it was a war zone and her hair crackled near her ear.

“Trust me, sweetheart, you have a table available.”

“Sir?” She didn’t know what to be more offended by, his use of the word sweetheart or the underlying threat that she better be able to seat him.  And she determined he was just some arrogant blowhard who was sitting with his feet up on his desk overlooking the water and a fat stogy in his mouth.

“A superstar is having dinner at your restaurant; you don’t want to make him wait.”

“All of our guests at the Cold Creek are VIPs Mr…?”

“Maybe I should speak to the owner?” he cut her off and she thought she heard more spit squish out of the end of his cigar.

“I am the owner.  My name is Amanda Cole.  To whom do I have the pleasure of speaking?”

“Don’t seat us someplace high traffic like near the front.  He’s not there to be an advertisement.  You’ll get your photo op.”

It sounded so scathing, like she was some sort of a bistro whore looking to make a buck, as if she would be interested in taking a picture with him in the first place.  Supreme Court justices and past presidents dined at the Cold Creek without incident.  “Mr. What-ever-your-name-is, I’m not only concerned for the comfort of our guests, but the safety of my staff.  And we have had some high profile guests in the past.  Several are regulars.”

“Yeah, yeah, I heard that.  That’s why I’m calling.  But lady, you never had anyone this big,” he said with an air of superiority that was nothing short of skin crawling.  At least he had upgraded her to lady.

If he wasn’t being such a total jack-ass, she might have taken him more seriously.  “Would you like to tell me who he is, so that I might inform security?” she said with overt sarcasm.  He could either take being spoken to in kind, or he would start to ream her out and she would hang up on him and he could dine elsewhere, bad business or not.

There was a pause and she thought he may have hung up on her first.  But then he said, “No.  Better you don’t know till he gets there.  Someone tips off TMZ and the night’s a bust.  And he brings his own security”

“Will they be joining you for dinner?”

His laugh was particularly smarmy.  “They’re not paid to eat.”

So he wasn’t only rude, he was also a tyrant.  “That’s fine, sir, they can stand guard with mine.”  Only hers were imaginary. She no longer cared if the computer was ready.  It was a Weds, they were rarely fully booked, and this man and his famous guest seemed intent on dining there.  He was probably going to be more aggravation than anything else, even if he was only half as self-important as his representative. “You’re all set, dinner for two at seven.  Would you like to leave me a name or is there a code word or what?”

There was another pause, and once again Amanda was given the false hope that he may have hung up and saved her from a night of inconvenient distractions at the very least.  But then she heard him on the other end, it sounded like a snort.

“You’re spunky, kid,” he told her.  “Name under Alan Shaw.  I’ll be there at 6:50.  I don’t like to wait either.  And make sure there are good steaks on hand, he’s a meat-eater.”


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a Rafflecopter giveaway


Stephanie Evanovich is a full-fledged
Jersey girl from Asbury Park who began writing fiction while waiting for her
cues during countless community theater projects. She attended New York’s
School of Film and Television and acted in several improvisational troupes and
a few small-budget movies, all in preparation for the greatest job she ever
had, raising her two sons. Now a full-time writer, she’s an avid sports fan who
holds a black belt in tae kwon do.
Website   |   Facebook   |   Twitter | GoodReads

Tuesday Teaser #Revived is coming #July12th! #‎Revived ‪#‎LeandroSilva ‪#‎Revved2 ‪#‎Formula1 @samtowlewrites

Enjoy today’s Tuesday Teaser!

Revived by Samantha Towle

#Revived is coming #July12th!  #‎Revived ‪#‎LeandroSilva ‪#‎Revved2 ‪#‎Formula1 @samtowlewrites

revived teaser july 7


Please refer readers back to Samantha’s FB page as she is giving away an ebook ARC of this book!


On My Knees by J. Kenner Release Day Blitz @juliekenner @InkSlingerPR


The next part in Jackson and Sylvia’s story is available now – grab ON MY KNEES by J. Kenner today to get your hands on more of Jackson Steele!


onmykneesAbout ON MY KNEES

Jackson Steele and Sylvia Brooks continue to thrill in the second novel of a scintillating, emotionally charged new trilogy that returns to the world of J. Kenner’s beloved Stark novels:Release Me, Claim Me, and Complete Me.

I never thought I’d lose control, but his desire took me right to the edge.

Powerful, ambitious, and devastatingly sexy, Jackson Steele was unlike any other man I’d ever known. He went after what he wanted with his whole mind, body, and soul—and I was the woman in his sights. One touch and I surrendered, one night together and I was undone.

Jackson and I had secrets, dark pieces of our pasts that threatened to swallow us both. We couldn’t outrun our demons, or the people trying to tear us apart. But in our passion we found salvation, and in each other’s arms we found release.

I was scared to trust Jackson fully, to finally let go. Yet no matter the dangers that lay ahead, I knew I was his—and now that we’ve laid claim, there’s no more holding back.

On My Knees is intended for mature audiences.

Read the first chapter of ON MY KNEES here!

Amazon | Barnes and Noble | iBooks | Google Play | Kobo

Find out more about the first book, SAY MY NAME: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iTunes | Google Play


“I need you to tell me, baby. How should I touch you to get you there? Tell me what you want. Tell me what turns you on.”

My cheeks burn, which is ridiculous considering how open I am to him at this moment. But I can’t help it.

“Tell me,” he says, stepping closer. “Or have none of it.”
My eyes cut to him. “Cruel, Mr. Steele?”
“I can be. Or I can be very, very kind.” As he speaks, he moves his fingertip over my body. Literally over it, by about two inches. So that while I can imagine his touch, I do not get to experience it. Even so, it seems to me like he is leaving a trail of heat in his wake.

All that does, though, is drive home how much I will be missing if he doesn’t touch me for real.

About J. Kenner

Julie Kenner (aka J. Kenner and J.K. Beck) is the New York Times, USA Today, Publishers Weekly, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of over forty novels, novellas and short stories in a variety of genres.

Praised by Publishers Weekly as an author with a “flair for dialogue and eccentric characterizations,” J.K. writes a range of stories including super sexy romances, paranormal romance, chick lit suspense and paranormal mommy lit. Her foray into the latter, Carpe Demon: Adventures of a Demon-Hunting Soccer Mom by Julie Kenner, is in development as a feature film with 1492 Pictures.

Her most recent trilogy of erotic romances, The Stark Trilogy (as J. Kenner), reached as high as #2 on the New York Times list and is published in over twenty countries.

J.K. lives in Central Texas, with her husband, two daughters, and several cats.

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest

RELEASE DAY LAUNCH – TWO BAR MITZVAHS by @KatBastion and @StoneBastion

Two Bar Mitzvahs by Kat and Stone Bastion

 Release Day Launch

Steamy Excerpt and Giveaway

 Stay tuned for my review later this week!

two bar mitzvahs release day launch


two bar mitzvahs cover


Two Bar Mitzvahs Synopsis:

Summer heats up in this third book in the No Weddings Series, where Cade Michaelson strives to balance his and Hannah Martin’s new relationship with the growing demands of his financial success.

Waiting for Hannah has been the best and worst kind of torture. Now I can claim her as mine. We believe we’re done with the past and can move forward together.

Hannah grows stronger than ever as she trusts in me—trusts in us. And when obstacles appear, she shows a surprising fierceness that rivals my own.

However, all is not perfect in paradise. Things get chaotic while I try to juggle multiple businesses, an ex from hell, and a girlfriend I’d do anything to keep. And in the middle of the whirlwind, I recklessly think I can handle everything.

But when all the madness is over, will I have everything I want—will I still have Hannah?




Scorching (explicit) sex scenes.
Fire extinguisher highly recommended.


Cade takes control in his bedroom…


“Now, enough talk about what irritates both of us. Let’s shift the mood in here.”

“Oh?” She tilted her head. “What mood are you going for?”

I worked my way in between her knees, then pushed up, forcing her back on the bed. “Bad. My mood is getting very bad.”

She collapsed back onto the center of the bed, her dark hair fanning around her head. “How bad?” On a deep inhale, she tugged her lower lip into her mouth with her teeth.

I growled and dipped down, sucking her lip into my mouth. Then I slanted my head, kissing her hard. By the time I pulled away, she’d gone breathless. Her lips were red. Her eyes sparked with lust. “Hannah. I’m going to strip you naked and flip you into every position I’ve imagined while you innocently studied on my bed.”

She sucked in a sharp breath. “Which positions?”

I shook my head. “No. No itinerary.” Taking a deep breath, I pulled back and stood. I grabbed the front of my T-shirt and yanked it over my head. In the next few seconds, I popped open the buttons of my fly and shoved off my jeans.

Hannah swept her gaze from my face, down my chest, to the erection jutting out toward her. “Beautiful,” she whispered.

Primal. Blood thundered in my ears as I lunged forward.

Her jaw dropped open as I stripped off her shorts and thong together. I crouched over her, reached behind her back, and unclasped her bra with the flick of a finger and thumb. Then I clutched her top and bra and ripped them over her head before tossing them across the room.

Eyes wide, she swallowed hard and scooted, rotating into a missionary position, head toward the pillows. I gripped her hips, flipped her over, and tugged her down.

She gasped, face on the comforter, arms spread wide. But her hands clutched the fabric. And when I spread my palm across her ass cheek with a light touch, she let out a soft moan.

Oh yeah. The anticipation amped her up. “You like this, Maestro?”

A quick nod of her head.

“What about this?” I smacked her ass.

She sucked in a sharp breath, but that was it—no answer.

It wasn’t a no. So I slapped her skin again, this time the other cheek, harder.

The response I got was a groan as she exhaled.

I smiled, rubbing skin that pinked right before my eyes. “You trust me, don’t you?”

“Yes, Cade. I trust you.”

Stretching my body over hers, I pressed a gentle kiss to her shoulder blade. “Good. Then trust me to make you feel good.”

For the first time in my bedroom, I didn’t need to reach for the condoms in my nightstand. We’d already established she was on birth control, and we’d both been safe (or in her case, infrequent) with our sexual encounters.

I moved to the side and dragged my fingertips down her back before gently palming over her ass cheeks, one, then the other. The entire time, I gauged her reactions—when she took a deep breath, how long she exhaled. My fingers trailed lower, between her thighs, up into her cleft that had already become wet. Her responses grew hotter: gasps every time I surprised her with a touch to her clit, a fingertip pressing inside, lightly lifting; low moans on each exhale as I pressed and rubbed, finding out what she liked, how she needed it.

I took my time. Pulled her to the brink. Balanced her there before shifting my touch. And as my teasing dragged on, her soft cries and moans grew louder.

I stopped, resting my fingertip on her clit, another finger pausing its strokes inside of her. “Careful, Maestro. I’ll give you what you need, but unless you want the guys to have a ringside seat, you’ll need to keep it down.”

She nodded and pulled the corner of a pillow toward her face. Then she squirmed her hips.

“Ah, ah, ah. No grinding. I take you there.” Once she stilled, I began circling and stroking, slow, steady. With every muffled cry and moan, I brought her to the brink again, then kept her there. Teasing. Taunting.


Thank you for reading and sharing this scorching excerpt. We hope you read and enjoy the rest of this portion of Cade and Hannah’s story in Two Bar Mitzvahs.

Digital copies have promotional pricing of $0.99 and are signed on release day only.

*** The No Weddings Series Release Dates ***

No Weddings ~ Sep 8th
One Funeral  ~  Sep 29th
Two Bar Mitzvahs ~ Oct 20th
Three Christmases ~ Nov 17th


Kat Bastion with Stone Bastion Bio:

Award-winning and bestselling romance author Kat Bastion has teamed up with her husband Stone Bastion to create the new contemporary romance series No Weddings.

A few factoids about the writing team…

Kat enjoys her chocolate rich and dark, her music edgy and soul-filling, and her vacations exotic with toes dug into the sand. And she’s wildly, madly, deeply in love with Stone.

Stone likes pounding the trails on a mountain bike, vibrating the sound system with rock music, and down time spent on a stand up paddleboard. And he loves Kat wildly, madly, deeply…and then some.

Together, they’re having a blast bringing fun-filled romantic stories to life and hope you’ll join them in the exciting adventure.

Kat’s first published work, Utterly Loved, was a twentieth anniversary gift of love poems to Stone that they decided to share with the world to benefit charity. Net proceeds from Utterly Loved, and a portion of net proceeds from all their books, go toward charities involved in the fight against human trafficking.

Kat and Stone live amid the beautiful Sonoran Desert of Arizona. Visit their blog at www.talktotheshoe.com, website at www.katbastion.com, and their Twitter accounts at https://twitter.com/KatBastion and https://twitter.com/StoneBastion for more information.

Keep informed about new releases by joining their Email Subscription list.


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Buy Links:

NO WEDDINGS on: Amazon | Barnes & NobleKobo | iBooks

ONE FUNERAL on: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iBooks
TWO BAR MIZTVAHS on: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iBooks
THREE CHRISTMASES on: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iBooks



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