Missed me?

Have you missed reading my blog posts?

I have been quite busy lately.  

Life, family, elderly parents, and work have kept me off the blog.  In the little time I have had, I have managed to complete my first (hoping to self-publish) book.  

I am currently exploring ways to accomplish self-publishing.  Honestly, it is confusing!  Any advice, would be greatly appreciated.

I also need a cover.  If any of you reading this post can recommend a cover artist, send me their contact information. Please.

I am excited and nervous but, look forward to bringing #Staged to readers.

Thanks for taking the time to read this!

I promise be back online more often with more book reviews, interviews and fun posts.  

Stay tuned for my first five star review of 2018, The Man in the Black Suit by Sylvain Reynard   later this week.  


Happy New Year!






Raven’s Undoing by N.D. White – New Release – Giveaway – Teaser @nickyd_white

Release photo banner for Raven's Undoing, a romantic thriller by author N. D. White, featuring a photo of the cover against a backdrop of a tree graphic

Title: Raven’s Undoing

Author: N. D. White

Series: Snowhaven, Book 2 (Conclusion)

Genre: Contemporary Adult Romance, Suspense, Thriller

“Tantalizingly Twisted…”

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In this sequel to Raven’s Innocence, we follow Raven Pierce to the jolting conclusion of her story as she tries to make sense of events that seem inexplicable. Working to put the past behind her and heal from Grant Alexander’s devastating disappearance, Raven finds comfort in her new and promising relationship with an uncomplicated and chivalrous man. But before she is able to completely overcome her heartbreak over Grant, the past catches up with her bringing new challenges and more dark secrets.

In this conclusion, we discover if Raven is willing to sacrifice her innocence by betraying her own morals and values and surrender herself to the past, or if all the lies, deception, and poisonous truths have catastrophic consequences for Raven, as she finds herself once again fighting for love in a confusing and dark terrain.

Teaser Tag

Photo teaser and a quote depicting a scene from Raven's Undoing, a romantic thriller by N. D. White

Photo teaser depicting a scene and a quote from Raven's Undoing, a new novel by N. D. White

Photo and quote depicting a scene from Raven's Undoing, a romantic thriller by N. D. White


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Nicky grew up in a small town in the Midwest, where she still resides. She has her Masters in Industrial/Organizational Psychology. She works part of the time in Kansas City and the other part in her hometown. Juggling between family, work, and writing, she stays very busy; never a dull moment. Writing has always been a passion and talent of hers. Her mother was also a writer, but of poetry. Nicky has written her fair share of poems, but the idea of writing a novel is what truly pulled at her heart-strings. She started writing Raven’s Innocence last fall, which launched June 27th. Raven’s Undoing concludes the story of Raven & Grant – but there’s more to follow as Nicky enters her writing cave again!



Photo depicting one of a young man, one of the lead characters in Raven's Undoing, by N. D. White


Cover of Raven's Innocence, a romantic thriller by author N. D. WhiteRaven Pierce vowed to escape the hot and humid climate of Missouri and never look back. After completing her graduate program, she drags her sun-loving, winter-hating best friend to start a new life in Minnesota with its cold crisp air and blankets of snow. Raven’s main focus is her new career and truly establishing her own identity. The last thing she intends to do as she is building a new life is to fall in love. As her luck would have it, one evening a minor accident sends Mr. Tall-Dark-and-Handsome to her rescue. What starts out as the perfect relationship begins to turn challenging when tragedy strikes and pulls her grief-stricken boyfriend into a dark and unpredictable frame of mind. As a psychologist, it is Raven’s job to help her patients navigate through their own emotional journeys and she’s very good at it. However, when it comes to her own life, her feelings for this new man combined with the unforeseen affliction leave her feeling frustrated and emotionally exhausted. Raven finds herself fighting for love in an unfamiliar, confusing, and sometimes dark terrain.

Buy it on Amazon


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Photo display of the books in the Snowhaven Series, by N. D. White


Author Interview- Susi Interviews TJ Cooper @TJCooper_



I love to interview authors, especially those are that new to me.  I truly enjoy getting to know them and promoting their writing through my blog .

Introducing TJ Cooper, author of Faith & Hope.

Susi: How long have you been writing?

TJC: I’ve been writing for as long as I can remember, mostly in my head, though. Not always on paper.


Susi: When did your passion for writing begin?

TJC: My passion for writing started at the very beginning. I think the first time I was ever asked to write a story or a poem.


Susi: How many books have you published?

TJC: I’ve only published the one book, Faith & Hope but I’m working on another book. And I have a sequel in mind for Faith & Hope.


Susi: Are you interested in writing any other genres?

TJC: Most definitely. In fact, given the kind of books I read, I’m surprised my first book is a romance.


Susi: What books are you currently working on?

TJC: I’m currently working on a book called Moving On.  It’s another romance. I’ve also got a sequel to Faith & Hope that I’m working on as well. Plus a few others rolling around in my head.


Susi: When do you write?  Any specific routines?

TJC: I try to write whenever something pops into my head, although that’s not always practical. Mostly I’m a mid to late day, evening writer. Although I have been known to write into the wee hours of the night.

As far as routines go: I like to sit on my couch and write in a notebook. I’ll sometimes lay on my bed and write. I can’t just sit and type into a laptop. It doesn’t work for me. I also need music playing.


Susi: When not writing, what are your hobbies or interests?

TJC: I am a huge music fan. So I’m almost always listening to music. It’s always in the background except when the tv is on. I love to read–I read a lot–and I love football.


Susi: What inspires you to write?  Music, a muse?

TJC: What doesn’t inspire me to write? Often, things just pop into my head. Sometimes something I’ve read, sometimes real life. It could be anything really.


Susi: How would you describe yourself as a writer?

TJC: Oh that’s a tough one.  I think I’m a pretty good writer. I’m not Shakespeare, but I do okay.


Susi: How long does it generally take you to write a book?

TJC: That depends entirely on the story. Sometimes things just flow and sometimes I hit a block. Faith & Hope was written in a few days, it just sort of poured out.


Susi: Describe a typical writing day for TJ Cooper.

TJC: A day when I actually just write? It involves me sitting on the couch, music playing, my notebook and pen in hand and either a cup of coffee, cup of tea, a beer or even a glass of wine on the windowsill. If I’m doing well and the words are flowing from the pen, the tea or coffee gets cold and the beer or wine gets warm.


Susi: Do you have any advice to offer to new writers?

TJC: Yes. Just do it.  If you have a story idea just sit down and write it. Don’t fret about spelling or punctuation–that’s what spell check and beta writers are for. Don’t worry that no one will like your story. If you like it, others will, too.


Susi: Your biggest mistake as a writer? If any?

TJC: My biggest mistake as a writer was waiting so long to try. Lack of confidence held me back.


Rapid Fire


Pet Peeve: People that drive below the speed limit


First thing you notice about a person: Eyes or smile


Hidden talents: I pick up lyrics to songs really quickly


Prized possession: my music


Currently Reading: I just finished A Dream of Death and Full Fathom Five by Harrison Drake


Fave drink: my go to beverage is tea but I drink coffee as well. Alcoholic beverage would be beer or wine


Fave TV Show: Supernatural


Star Wars/Star Trek: Both


Batman/Superman: Depends on my mood but in general I lean toward Superman



Any parting words from the author….


Yes, I want to say a huge thank you to everyone that has read my book. I want to thank everyone that has given me support and encouragement when I get insecure about my writing. And I want to tell anyone that has ever thought about writing a book to just sit down and write it. You can do it!! As Harry Potter said in The Order of the Phoenix ‘If they can do it, why not us?’

Thank you for asking me to do this interview, I am honored.


It was great getting to know you! I appreciate your time.  I’m sure your fans will be glad to get to know you better.




Susi Reviews Faith & Hope by T.J. Cooper @TJCooper_

Susi Reviews Faith & Hope by T.J. Cooper


faith & hope cover

As a supporter of Indie authors it gives me great pleasure to review T.J. Cooper’s debut Faith & Hope.


If you’re looking for a short and easy read, this book is for you. But, don’t be fooled by the length.  This book is packed with an emotional story complete with realistic characters you are sure to love.  Faith & Hope is the kind of story that makes you think about life.  At least, I reflected on my own and how sometimes, we take things and people for granted.  We also need to look at the entire picture and be grateful for the things and people that we have in our lives.  It made me think of the sacrifices we make for others as well.  There is definitely a powerful message in this story.

Faith &  Hope was a surprising journey for a couple I immediately connected with and adored.  Matt and Lisa are an adorable couple. To be honest, all of the characters with the exception of one will become your favorites as well.  T.J. did a wonderful job of creating and highlighting their unique and vital personalities in this book.

So you see, loveable characters and a story with the right amount of angst and happiness is what you’ll find in this book.

The ending of this story, not what I expected but, nonetheless one I truly enjoyed. I smiled, laughed, teared up and ultimately enjoyed this book.

Be sure to add Faith & Hope to your TBR.  I look forward to reading more writing as well as supporting this indie author in the near future.

I gave this book  4 stars. Congratulations on a wonderful debut!

Stay tuned for an interview with the author T.J. Cooper on the blog later today.


Buy Link

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Follow T.J. Cooper on Twitter



i love indie


Author Spotlight – Susi Interviews Nicky D. White @nickyd_white


Susi Interviews Nicky D. White, Author of Raven’s Innocence.

by Nicky D. White

by Nicky D. White


Susi: How long have you been writing?

Nicky:  Honestly, for as long as I can remember.

Susi:  When did your passion for writing begin?

Nicky:  I have always loved to write. For years I have dabbled in poetry. My mother was a writer as well.  She had a book of poetry published years ago.  A novel is something that I have always wanted to write, but never really knew how to start.  Then another author, who is also a very good friend of mine, encouraged me to just sit down and start writing. I had an idea and just went with it.

Susi:  How many books have you published?

Nicky: I currently have out one, Raven’s Innocence

Susi:  What is your favorite genre? Are you interested in writing any other genres? Least fave genre?

Nicky:  I love Romance and Psychological Thrillers!  My least fave? Hmmm…I’ve never really thought about that.  I always go to the same genre when searching for a new book.

Susi:  What books are you currently working on?

Nicky:  I am almost done with writing the second part to Raven’s Innocence; Raven’s Undoing.

Susi:  When do you write?  Any specific routines?

Nicky:  Usually late at night after my girls are in bed, or on the weekends.

Susi:  When not writing, what are your hobbies or interests?

Nicky:  Reading. I read as much as I can. Love it!

Susi:  What inspires you to write?  Music, a muse?

Nicky:  Writing is very therapeutic for me, so when I’m chalked full of emotion, which is like always, I have to write.

Susi:  How would you describe yourself as a writer?

Nicky:   ‘Beautifully Complicated’, just like it says on my Blog. And those who know me well, would concur.

Susi:  How long does it generally take you to write a book?

Nicky:  My first book took only 6 months. This second book I’m writing, will have taken me 10.

Susi:  Describe a typical writing day for Nicky D. White.

Nicky:  Well, here is my typical day that ends with writing….I get up at 4:00 am, get ready for work.  I hit the highway between 5:30 and 5:45 am and start my commute to the city where I work.  I spend all day ‘putting out fires’ as I like to call them.  Then I leave work at 4:00 pm and start my commute home from the city.  My night is full of doing my motherly duties with my girls and then when I can, I try to do some writing.

Susi:  Do you have any advice to offer to indie authors?

Nicky:  Just write!  If you have a story, tell it!  And don’t worry about editing as you go.  Write the story first, edit later.  Network and reach out to other authors.  They are all so wonderful and supportive!  Don’t be afraid to ask questions and ask for help or advice.  Start building your platform early.  Start a blog, get on Twitter, an author page on Facebook, and etc.  Bring in new readers and get people excited about your book.

Susi:  Your biggest mistake as a writer? If any?

Nicky:  I just wish I had more time for marketing. I don’t consider it a mistake, but it’s what I struggle with most.


Rapid Fire


Pet Peeve:  Liars.  I don’t care how awful the truth may be, don’t you ever lie to me.


First thing you notice about a person: Their Teeth


Hidden talents I’m very musical.  I can play many instruments.


Prized possession:  My girls, but if it’s something materialistic, my phone.  Seriously, my life is in there!


Currently Reading:  Salvation by Stephanie John


Fave drink:  Water…. Raspberry Vodka if you want alcohol


Fave TV Show: Revenge


Favorite Book Quote:  I have so many, but this is one of my favs because I feel this way:  “Sometimes I can feel my bones straining under the weight of all the lives I’m not living.”
—Jonathan Safran Foer, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close


Favorite Movie:  Don’t laugh, but the Twilight movies.


Batman/Superman or Favorite Superhero: Wonder Woman!

Ha!!! Me too!  wonder woman image


Any parting words from the author….

Thank you to everyone who has been supportive and cheered me on through this journey; readers, writers, authors, bloggers, family, and friends.  Each and every one of you have been amazing!  I will be forever grateful.


Thank you Nicky for taking time out of your busy schedule for this interview.  Wishing you lots of success.  I am looking forward to Raven’s Undoing.


You can purchase Raven’s Innocence here:

Buy Links


AMAZON Paperback

 N.D. White

nicky d whie



Website: http://nickydwhite.com

a34a9-twitterbuttonTwitter: @nickyd_white


 Facebook Page:  www.facebook.com/ndwhiteauthor  

Nicky grew up in a small town in the Midwest, where she still resides.  She has her Masters in Industrial/Organizational Psychology.  She works part of the time in Kansas City and the other part in her hometown.  Juggling between family, work, and writing, she stays very busy; never a dull moment.  Writing has always been a passion and talent of hers.  Her mother was also a writer, but of poetry.  Nicky has written her fair share of poems, but the idea of writing a novel is what truly pulled at her heart strings.  She started writing Raven’s Innocence last fall, which is going to be released in the next week. She will then diligently start writing her next book, Raven’s Undoing.

Cover Reveal – Miles from Home by Ava Bell




Ava Bell Cover Reveal banner



Six months after the death of her mother, twenty-one-year-old Maggie Taylor is just trying to get through each day when she’s offered a coveted spot at a prestigious dance school in New York City. Knowing her father will not approve, she packs her car and sets out on a road trip that will leave her forever changed.

Twenty-one-year-old Sam Austin… is tired of being stuck in a small town. Forced to deal with his father’s alcoholism since his mother left eleven years ago, Sam has only ever found solace in music and frequent one-night-stands. When Sam is presented with the opportunity to move to Chicago, he leaps at the chance, and leaves town with only his backpack and guitar.

When Sam and Maggie arrive in the small Midwestern town of [insert name of town here], they are forced to share the only room available. What starts as an annoying mix-up soon turns in to a weekend of passion. A passion that will burn until they are reunited years later by a terrible tragedy.


Ava Bell Cover Miles from Home




Ava Bell excerpt Miles from Home





Ava Bell full cover Miles from Home


About the Author: Ava Bell

I’m a mom of two, a nurse, and a book blogger. I love to read and cook.

My favorite authors are Colleen Hoover, Tarryn Fisher, Cassia Leo , Kate Stewart And Leyla Attar. This is my first novel.


Connect with Ava Bell





Release Day Blast and Giveaway – A Gentleman’s Memoir by A.J. Lynn @FuckedUpFifty @GentlemansHub

One of my most anticipated books is finally here!


New release banner for A Gentleman's Memoir by AJ Linn

Title: A Gentleman’s Memoir

Author: A. J. Linn

Release Date: August 11, 2014


Book Cover Photo - A Gentleman's Memoir by author AJ LinnYou may already know Donovan Hart from A Gentleman’s Affair and A Gentleman’s Secret. Here is your chance to get to know him a bit more personally, more…behind the scenes, or under the sheets, as I like to say.

In A Gentleman’s Memoir, you will get a glimpse into his past. You will see Donovan tackle loss, love, heartbreak, and sexual exploration. You see him grow from a directionless, 25-year-old, entitled, partying, beach bum and well-known Malibu ladies’ man into a man who decides to take on the world…or at least, La Fuga.

Spanning seven years of his life, from the death of his beloved mother, to his relationship with Danielle Hughes -aka cheating whore- to the sexual escapades that go beyond even his wildest imagination, A Gentleman’s Memoir, written in Donovan’s own words, may just shock you.

Possibly just as much as it did him.

Photo edit with a quote from A Gentleman's Memoir by AJ Linn


No shortage of wild, wet, and more-than-willing participants fill the dark, smoky adult club that Mike and Russ dragged me to. Dragged may be too strong of a word, I went willingly. True, this would be my first experience in a club like this, and I even surprised myself at just how much I enjoyed everything about it…

The large wooden stage at the front of the club would soon become the platform for the uninhibited, the exhibitionist, and at times, as I quickly found out, the perverse. Play parties, as they were commonly referred to in these adult clubs, were the main attraction.

Sex acts in this public forum were the norm for most here, but for me, the closest I ever got to sex in public was a lifeguard tower or backseat of a car. Amateur stuff to this crowd. I was about to enter into a world that some have only heard about, and certainly never talked about. Most have probably said, ‘No way, I’d never do that!’ But hey…don’t knock it if you’ve never tried it.

I wouldn’t take the stage on that first night, but it wouldn’t be long before I did. Trust me when I say that I had to work my way up to that, but when I did finally decide to grace a stage with my presence, it would turn out to be the most exhilarating, titillating moment of my life, and I would quickly become addicted. Addicted to the eyes that were watching with such intent. Addicted to the rush that I never knew would come with the act of exhibitionism. Just plain addicted.

A photo quote from A Gentleman's Memoir by AJ Linn

Add A Gentleman’s Memoir to Goodreads!

About the Author

Author AJ Linn began writing as a fanfiction blogger on Twitter as @FuckedUpFifty_ with an incredible FSOG blog written from Christian Grey’s point of view (http://christiangreypov.wordpress.com/). At the encouragement of his followers, he decided to write a novel and Donovan Hart, the charming, handsome, sexy protagonist of The Gentleman’s Series was brought to life.

His first novel, A Gentleman’s Affair, was published in May, 2013…even as he was writing his second novel, A Gentleman’s Secret, which was published in December, 2013. His unique style and boundless creativity have produced a series of books that will hang in readers’ memories forever. His latest, A Gentleman’s Memoir, a novella, published in August, 2014, is a prequel to the first novel, and will give readers an in-depth look at Donovan’s past, adding even more to the story of Donovan Hart.

After the release of A Gentleman’s Memoir, he plans to take a long, well-deserved break, and with the upcoming Fifty Shades of Grey movie in 2015, he will be re-visiting that series again on his blog.

We haven’t heard the last of AJ Linn.

Photo edit with quotes from 5-star reviews of A Gentleman's Memoir by author AJ Linn

Connect with A. J. Linn via Social Media

Twitter (@FuckedUpFifty_) Twitter Hub (@GentlemansHub)
Facebook Author Page Tumblr Hub WordPress Blog (Christian Grey POV)

Other Books in The Gentleman’s Series

A Gentleman’s Affair:

Cover photo, A Gentleman's Affair by author AJ Linn

Donovan Hart is handsome, wealthy, successful, and single. While his single status has always been something he’s coveted, enjoyed, and exploited, now his attitude is changing. The former Malibu playboy has been set up, fixed up, felt up and is now fed up. At the age of 32, he is ready to settle down and find the girl of his dreams. Can he escape his sordid past and move forward, or will it keep him from finding his unico vero amore, his one true love? Unlucky in love in the past, he begins his search, filled with humor, heartbreak, and hope…for the one.

A Gentleman’s Secret:

Cover Photo - A Gentleman's Secret by AJ Linn

Donovan Hart has finally found his unico vero amore’ in the beautiful Scarlett Montgomery, but the question remains…will he be able keep her? Will his secret be too much for her to handle, or…will hers be too much for him to handle? A Gentleman’s Secret is an unpredictable ride full of twists and turns that will keep you guessing until the very end. Two people, desperate to escape the sins of their past, hoping to find the one thing that has been missing…Love. But is love really enough to conquer all?

Buying Links ~ The Gentleman’s Series

New Release! Book 3: A Gentleman’s Memoir (the prequel, may be read as a standalone or as a wonderful complement to the rest of the series)

Book 1: A Gentleman’s Affair

AmazonUS (print) AmazonUK (print) Smashwords (eBook – all formats)
iTunes Lulu Barnes&Noble (Nook)

Book 2: A Gentleman’s Secret

AmazonUS (print) AmazonUK (print) Nook (Barnes & Noble)
Smashwords (eBook) Lulu iTunes


Book 3:  A Gentleman’s Memoir


Click here for a chance to win The Gentleman’s Series trilogy (eBooks):

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Photo of a scene from A Gentleman's Memoir by author AJ Linn

Stay tuned for my review of A Gentleman’s Memoir!  It is coming up later. 🙂

Has Social Media Impacted Your Reading Habits?

Has Social Media Impacted Your Reading Habits?  

I created a Twitter account to follow my favorite authors over a year ago.  Soon after, I quickly learned that social media was an amazing tool.  I was able to discover new authors, connect with bloggers who introduced me to new books, and I was able to share my thoughts and opinions on books I had just read. Social media is definitely a powerful marketing tool!

Again, I think social media is amazing.  It has impacted my daily reading habits.  I admit, I spend many hours of my day reading blog posts and online articles.  I check my Facebook numerous times a day as well. Social media keeps me up to date. Through both Twitter and Facebook, I learn about giveaways, cover reveals and what new books an author is working on. I love being so well informed.

I also love that I am able to keep in touch with authors.  I get so excited when I get a reply from one of my favorite authors.   It really brightens my day.  I think social media has had a positive impact on reading overall.  Many authors have been discovered this way.  Indie authors (my favorite kind) benefit from their followers who re-tweet and support them.

I have also met many amazing people via social media who share my love of reading.  There are so many awesome bloggers out there too.  I have been fortunate to interact with these wonderful and supportive bloggers who make my cyber experience all the more enjoyable.

You can interact with me.  Follow me on Twitter @Read_Wine_Blog or on Facebook too.

Now tell me, has social media impacted your reading habits?

What are your thoughts?

Comment below.