What’s in the Author’s Bag? Featuring @ninabocci #RomanCrazy

what's in the author's bag banner for blogHave you ever wondered what’s inside your favorite author’s bag/purse/backpack?  Do they carry books, their iPads, coupons, inspirational pictures, etc.?

Nina Bocci  co author of ROMAN CRAZY (Psst…. available tomorrow)  revealed the contents of her purse for all to see and explained why she carries them.






At any given time, I have no less than 3 lip glosses in my purse. Lancome Juicy Tubes – Spring Fling is my summer fave. I also have a serious problem with Sephora.

Deodorant – full size. Those travel ones are for babies. If you know me, you know I always have it with me and apply it 5,202,948,985 times a day #crazypants

Read of the day – depending on how much time I have to sit and read, I usually have a paperback and my iPad with the Nook app loaded up.

Pens – I’m a pen snob. I need very fine points because I’m crazypants but I need to have a good super fine point with me at all times.

Erin Condren planner – because I would honestly forget my head if it wasn’t attached!

Perfume – I have some sort of psycho sensitive nose and any kind of yucky smell drives me nuts. Hello, NYC subway grates. I carry some sort of small perfume with me. This is Jo Malone, which I LOVE

Headphones – Because I like to listen to podcasts when I walk to the school to get my son. (These clearly aren’t the ones I use every day because they’re neat and still pristinely packaged. The others are a wadded up mess LOL

Lotion – It puts the lotion on the skin.

So there you have it.  I knew there would lip gloss in your purse as well as your Erin Condren Planner.  I love mine and take it everywhere I go too.

Thank you for letting readers into your bag.  And, congrats on your book, Roman Crazy, which will be out tomorrow. You and Alice rock!

Readers will absolutely love it.  I did. Oh…. Marcelo!

You can read my review tomorrow.


roman crazy cover

Buy Links:

Amazon: http://amzn.to/1WeM3f9

BN: http://bit.ly/1m1OfIr

iBooks: http://apple.co/1Tltl2Q

Audible: http://adbl.co/2bMbDdx

IndieBound:  http://bit.ly/1QHcneR

BAM: http://bit.ly/1SwqYdq

Goodreads: http://bit.ly/1Pc2W2W


Find Nina  and Alice on Social Media:









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