*Giveaway* Sustained by Emma Chase @EmmaChse


Giveaway – Enter to win a print copy of

Sustained (The Legal Briefs #2) by Emma Chasesustained cover


A knight in tarnished armor is still a knight.

When you’re a defense attorney in Washington, DC, you see firsthand how hard life can be, and that sometimes the only way to survive is to be harder. I, Jake Becker, have a reputation for being cold, callous, and intimidating—and that suits me just fine. In fact, it’s necessary when I’m breaking down a witness on the stand.

Complications don’t work for me—I’m a “need-to-know” type of man. If you’re my client, tell me the basic facts. If you’re my date, stick to what will turn you on. I’m not a therapist or Prince Charming—and I don’t pretend to be.

Then Chelsea McQuaid and her six orphaned nieces and nephews came along and complicated the ever-loving hell out of my life. Now I’m going to Mommy & Me classes, One Direction concerts, the emergency room, and arguing cases in the principal’s office.

Chelsea’s too sweet, too innocent, and too gorgeous for her own good. She tries to be tough, but she’s not. She needs someone to help her, defend her…and the kids.

And that — that, I know how to do.


Giveaway Rules

One lucky winner will get their hands on Jake Becker.  It could be you!

Leave a comment on this post.  Answer this:  What is your favorite Emma Chase book?

Or-  Will this be your first Emma Chase book?

Or-  Just say hello.

One winner will be randomly selected via random.org on Friday at noon and will be notified via email.

Good luck!

This contest is open to readers in US and Canada.

About the Author:  Emma Chase

emma chase image


By day, Emma Chase is a devoted wife and mother of two who resides in a small, rural town in New Jersey. By night she is a keyboard crusader, toiling away the hours to bring her colorful characters and their endless antics to life. She has a long standing love/hate relationship with caffeine.

Emma is an avid reader. Before her children were born she was known to consume whole books in a single day. Writing has also always been a passion and with the 2013 release of her debut romantic comedy, Tangled, the ability to now call herself an author is nothing less than a dream come true.


Follow Emma on Social Media







Release Blitz – Bound for Nirvana by Kendra Leigh @KLeighBooks @Lady_LovesBooks


Release Blitz!

The End is Here! Will Ethan and Angel Find Their Happy-Ever-After?

Title: Bound For Nirvana

Series: The Bound Trilogy, Book 3

Author: Kendra Leigh

Genre: Contemporary Adult Romance, Erotic Romance, Suspense

Release Date: September 29th

For readers 18 and over due to explicit sexual content

Relentlessly sexy. Emotionally deep. Tangled, twisted, intricately woven love story with romance and suspense.



The bonds of their love saw them through the ravaging storm to the promise of peace and the chance to breathe …

Photo of the cover of Bound For Nirvana, an upcoming contemporary adult romantic suspense novel by indie author Kendra LeighAngel once believed her soul belonged to the Devil. Now she willingly gives every part of her—mind, body and soul—to the man whose love mends her a little more each day.

Ethan knows Hell is no place for an angel, especially not his Angel. He would sacrifice his soul every day of his life in order to save hers.

Fuelled by an almost obsessive desire, their need for each other ignites a passion that most couples could find destructive, but instead the flames of their possessive vigilance only seem to feed the fire of their insatiable hunger. The slaying of Ethan’s demons has made their fortress of love stronger than ever.

But Angel continues to paper over the cracks of her troubled past, running from the demons that chase her and the nightmares that plague her. When a twist of fate forces her to confront them, she finally begins to accept that her repressed memories need to be explored in order to attain the peace she craves.

But in her search for Nirvana, Angel discovers far more than buried memories.

What happens when the worst nightmare you’ve ever encountered is the one you wake up in?

When the past comes face to face with the present to reveal a web of diseased secrets and lies?

And the only road you can take leads to one destination … Hell.

Teaser 9

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“Angel?” Ethan’s low, husky tones startled me.

He stood in the doorway wearing nothing but a pair of low-slung, faded jeans, the sight of him inciting my taste buds to drool desirously, like chocolate melting on my tongue.

“Come here,” he instructed.

Obeying instantly, I unfurled my legs and moved across the room toward him. He gazed at me, his expression still inscrutable, and then slowly he moved around to my back.

“Close your eyes.”

Again, I complied without hesitation. I felt something soft brush gently against my eyelids, a smooth, silky fabric blocking out all remaining light as it tightened against my skin. He was blindfolding me.

My heart struck my chest wall with a sudden instinctive foretaste of what was to come. The blindfold, his insistence that I wear my red shoes, his near-naked form in the doorway, suggested only one thing. But his talk of my needing to learn a lesson, his tone, and impenetrable mood hinted at something different. Nonetheless, my skin prickled with eager expectation as I waited for my next instruction in the darkness behind my eyelids.

Suddenly, his voice startled me. He was closer than I’d imagined, his breath warm against my ear, his smell … exquisite. “How does that make you feel?”

Misreading the question, I nodded to let him know I was okay.

“No, Angel. Tell me how it makes you feel.” His voice was slightly harsher than before, more demanding.

I thought about what he wanted me to say, trying to tune in to the sensations I was feeling, but struggling. “Restricted,” I said finally.

“Anything else?” He’d shifted, his lips grazing the lobe of my other ear now.


“Think beyond the blindfold.”

My mind searched for the answer, and then after a beat I whispered, “Aware. I feel more aware.”

“Of what?”


“What is it about me you’re more aware of?”

“How close you are … Your scent.”

“My scent? And what does it smell like?”

Hesitating, I scrambled for words to try and describe it, eventually arriving at, “You.”

I felt him smile briefly against my cheek and then he was gone.


Teaser 2

Order Bound for Nirvana Here!


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Kendra Leigh fell in love with books and the wonderful world of reading from a very young age. She was at her happiest when Enid Blyton whisked her away up into the magical lands at the top of the Faraway Tree with Moon-face and the rest of the gang. Books have been her constant source of escapism ever since. Currently residing in the UK, Kendra devotes her life to her devilishly handsome partner, scandalously beautiful daughter and cute as hell Shih-Tzu. As well as writing and reading, Kendra loves great TV, especially Dexter, Homeland and Breaking Bad.

Check out Kendra’s Website

Follow Kendra on Facebook

Check out Kendra’s Twitter Feed (@KLeighBooks)

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Follow Kendra on Amazon



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Cover of Bound For Hell, Book 1 of the Bound Trilogy by Kendra Leigh

Ethan Wilde. Billionaire. Business Man. Passionate. Powerful. Persistent.

One of New York’s most eligible bachelors.

Angel Lawson. Photographer. Gallery Owner. Burdened. Beautiful. Broken.

A woman bound by the ropes of her sins and forgotten past, fearful of her future.

A chance encounter…

Consumed by guilt and tormented by the bonds of a tragic past, Angel Lawson’s life has been a solitary journey, condemned to live without love. In order to preserve her damaged soul from further rejection, sex is as close to a man as she ever plans to get. She was already hell-bound for her sins. One more wasn’t going to hurt … … or so she thought.

When a passionate encounter throws her into the world of Ethan Wilde, Angel is helpless to resist the irrefutable desire and depth of raw emotion he ignites in her. Ethan is as intense as he is sinfully sexy. Irretrievably captivated by Angel, he seems just as intent on understanding her naked soul as he is desperate to possess every inch of her naked body. Angel craves his touch like a drug and yearns for the love he promises, but surrendering to the feelings he’s unearthed will mean exposing her fears and releasing the demons buried for a lifetime. Exposing her heart will leave it at risk of being broken. Will Angel choose to leave her life of solitude behind, or is the choice no longer hers?

Ethan Wilde is used to getting what he wants … and what he wants is Angel.

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Cover of Bound For Salvation, an erotic romance-suspense novel by Kendra Leigh

Hell was hot, but the flames of deliverance might be the ones to burn …

For the first time in living memory, Angel Lawson feels cherished.

Ethan Wilde has taught her that love is possible for all, even the sinners among us. The bonds of his love free her from the shackles of her guilt. Inch by inch, he’s slid under her skin, folding himself around her soul like a soothing blanket. His love nourishes her starving heart, and his passion fuels the scorching flames of her deepest desires, driving her to the blissful edge of sweet insanity.

Brick by brick, she tears down the protective wall she’s built around her heart, and the ice inside begins to thaw.

To Ethan, Angel is the sole reason he exists, the blood in his veins, the drug to his addiction. He vows to mend her, to help her confront her demons and come to terms with a buried past that continues to haunt her.

But what lies beneath the surface of Ethan’s past?

Pasts left hidden to rot become dirty secrets. Secrets that can tear even the strongest love apart.

And secrets have a habit of revealing themselves when least expected ...

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Teaser photo and quote from Bound For NIrvana, by Kendra Leigh

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Virtual Tour – Giveaway- Excerpt – Signs of Life by Melanie Hansen @MelJoyAZ @Tastybooktours

Enter to Win a
$50.00 Amazon eGift Card


Resilient Love #2
Melanie Hansen
Releasing Sept 28th, 2015
Dreamspinner Press

Successful lawyer Jeremy Speer has it all—a loving husband, a beautiful home, and a cherished dream that’s about to become reality. He’s learned not to take happiness for granted, meeting the challenges of life and love head-on with unwavering commitment and fierce devotion. A series of tragic events leave Jeremy shattered, adrift on a sea of unimaginable pain. He’s able to piece his life back together, but instead of embracing it, he merely exists, using isolation and punishing physical exertion to keep the world at bay.

High school teacher Kai Daniels has a heart for at-risk kids—he was one himself, and a teenage brush with the law and some troubled years behind bars left him scarred inside and out. With courage, hard work, and the support of friends, he’s built a fulfilling life that leaves no time for a relationship.

An intense encounter with Kai at a gay club ignites a spark in Jeremy that he thought was extinguished forever, but he’s unwilling to destroy the fragile peace he’s managed to create, and he leaves Kai humiliated and disappointed. Things should have ended there, but a bizarre occurrence brings the two together in a way neither of them expected.


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Jeremy almost flinched as the man’s eyes met his, but somehow he managed not to. There was something vaguely familiar about him, which was why Jeremy had been watching him in the first place, but he was positive they’d never met; this man was unforgettable. When Jeremy had first walked into the club, so noisy and crowded, he’d almost turned around and left. It was a mad impulse that led him here in the first place, and it had been so long since Jeremy was impulsive that he felt shaken and out of his depth. That fact alone had stiffened his resolve to stay for at least a little while; then he’d gotten a glimpse of the beautiful, exotic man, and nothing could have convinced him to leave.

The first thing that struck Jeremy was how confident he seemed, how he held himself. Here was a man who knew who he was and was comfortable in his own skin. He was simply dressed in a tight black graphic T-shirt and jeans, but when he’d stood up from his stool to dig his wallet out of his back pocket to pay for his drink, Jeremy’s mouth watered as the jeans slid down to ride low on the man’s slim hips, showing a slice of muscled belly.

His shoulders were broad, his torso slim and compact yet rippling with muscle under the tight shirt. Long, lean legs were showcased by the soft, worn jeans, black boots completing the look. As Jeremy stood at the edges of the sheltering crowd and stared, he noticed the leather bracelets and silver rings the man sported on his wrists and hands, his eyes following the corded forearms up to a tattoo that was just visible on his right bicep, the lower edge of it peeking out of the sleeve of the shirt.

Jeremy edged closer, lust surging through him, his eyes drinking in thick black hair, carelessly styled, and a nose that had been broken before but did nothing to detract from the man’s startling good looks. As he tilted his head back to take a long swallow of his beer, Jeremy’s mouth watered at the arch of his throat, the muscles working as he swallowed, a pair of sinful lips wrapped around the tip of the bottle like Jeremy suddenly wanted them wrapped around the tip of his cock, drinking him down as Jeremy emptied his balls against the back of his throat….

Then the man’s eyes met his, the predatory heat in them making Jeremy’s knees weak. As the man licked his lips, Jeremy noticed with a jolt he was sporting a hoop through the lower one, emphasizing the plump fullness of it, and the simmering lust ramped up into raging hunger. Helplessly Jeremy moved closer, the man holding his gaze, the eyeliner he had lightly applied around his amazing golden eyes making him look even more exotic, dangerous.

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Melanie Hansen has spent time in Texas and Florida prisons…for work. She’s been in a room with a 17-year-old mass murderer who was also one of the most soft-spoken and polite teenagers she’s ever met. After a 13-year career as a court reporter, she can tell many stories both hilarious and heartbreaking.

She grew up with an Air Force dad, and ended up marrying a Navy man. After living and working all over the country, she hopes to bring these rich and varied life experiences to her stories about people finding love amidst real-life struggles.

Melanie left the stressful world of the courtroom behind and now enjoys a rewarding career transcribing for a deaf student. She currently lives in Arizona with her husband and two sons.

Check out the first in the Resilient Love Series
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#Sale – Salvation by Stephanie John @StephJohnWrites


First Time On Sale!

Author Stephanie John has put Salvation, Book 1 in the Heal Me Series on sale

for a limited time for the special price of $0.99/£0.99!

Title: Salvation

Author: Stephanie John

Genre: Adult Contemporary Romance

Series: The Heal Me Series, Book 1

Sale Dates: 24th – 29th September

Amazon Universal Sale Link

Photo of the cover of Salvation, a contemporary romance novel by Stephanie John

A chance meeting turned my world inside out.

Intelligent, sexy, and rich. With a dash of roguish charm and a cocksure smile, Nathan Blake is the ultimate fantasy. He can have any woman he wants with only a glance.

And he wants me.

My past has left me broken and humiliated, wary of men like him. I cut myself off from the pain, moving thousands of miles away to escape every reminder, determined to start anew.

Ive been second best before. It isn’t happening again.

One kiss and I’m caught under his spell, drawn to him with every breath I take.

I can’t resist.

The passion that explodes between us becomes an intense connection neither of us thought we’d share.

Or need.

The suffering inside me reflects his – a pain I know he feels, but can’t bring himself to reveal.

I have no idea his love can heal me – that mine can heal him…

if only I can let down my guard for him and trust.


Reviewers Say…

Move aside Gideon Cross! You are NO MATCH for Nate Blake! He’s freaking amazing and so delectable. Kara and Nate’s chemistry is undeniable. I love their playful banter and the sexual tension is immensely felt. I could go on and on about this book, and I will say that 5 stars doesn’t cut it for this one. It deserves as many stars as I can find. Do yourself a favor and read this story! You WILL NOT be disappointed. Steph John is headed to stardom! You have a fan for life! I can’t wait to see what’s next.”

Stephanie Allen, Sinfully Sweet Promotions

This book was so good. Well, good doesn’t start to describe this book! Let’s see- superior, superb, outstanding, exemplary, umm- it was just plain HOT! Exquisitely Hot! There that is how I want to describe this debut book by Stephanie John, Exquisitely Hot. Salvation, isn’t your normal office romance, or your normal billionaire, alpha male takes his woman, kind of book, it is so much more. John amazes me, with her writing skill, she writes with a level of complexity that matches seasoned authors. There was no detail too small for her and her story flowed seamlessly. Her characters were rich in description and I don’t think I ever fell in love with the male lead quite so fast. What I really liked about this story itself, it was unique. It was a billionaire guy, falling in love with an office staff with one look basically. That part is one in a million, but she really made it different. She made this billionaire different. Stephanie John made me LOVE Nate in this book.

DayReader Reviews

Stephanie John has a genuine talent for bringing stories and characters to life and taking the reader along on an effortless ride to pure pleasure. And when I say pure pleasure – your heart will pound as their love heats up. One particular scene at the beach house will rank among the most erotic and powerful expressions of love that I have ever read.
This book deserves more than five stars – it deserves a heaven full of them – because that is where you’ll think you’ve been when you’ve finished Salvation. I can’t wait for the next chapter … and the next … and the next. Don’t deny yourself one of the truly outstanding contemporary romances of 2015.

Passionate Reads

About the Author

Steph-newLogoMost days, you’ll find Stephanie John on a yacht, wearing a very skimpy bikini, drinking champagne, eating chocolate and never gaining weight. When she isn’t asleep and dreaming, in real life you’re more likely to find her at the school gates, wearing whatever she dragged on that morning, drinking copious amounts of coffee. She still eats chocolate, though — everyone has their vices, right? Somehow, amidst the chaos of full-time mummy duties, she manages to write. Contemporary romance has always been her favourite genre to read for as long as she can remember (age-appropriate, of course).

Never in a million years did it occur to her to write one of her own. Now, she couldn’t imagine doing anything else.

Salvation is her debut book, released in March 2015 to outstanding five star reviews.

Social Media Links

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Raven’s Undoing by N.D. White – New Release – Giveaway – Teaser @nickyd_white

Release photo banner for Raven's Undoing, a romantic thriller by author N. D. White, featuring a photo of the cover against a backdrop of a tree graphic

Title: Raven’s Undoing

Author: N. D. White

Series: Snowhaven, Book 2 (Conclusion)

Genre: Contemporary Adult Romance, Suspense, Thriller

“Tantalizingly Twisted…”

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In this sequel to Raven’s Innocence, we follow Raven Pierce to the jolting conclusion of her story as she tries to make sense of events that seem inexplicable. Working to put the past behind her and heal from Grant Alexander’s devastating disappearance, Raven finds comfort in her new and promising relationship with an uncomplicated and chivalrous man. But before she is able to completely overcome her heartbreak over Grant, the past catches up with her bringing new challenges and more dark secrets.

In this conclusion, we discover if Raven is willing to sacrifice her innocence by betraying her own morals and values and surrender herself to the past, or if all the lies, deception, and poisonous truths have catastrophic consequences for Raven, as she finds herself once again fighting for love in a confusing and dark terrain.

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Photo teaser and a quote depicting a scene from Raven's Undoing, a romantic thriller by N. D. White

Photo teaser depicting a scene and a quote from Raven's Undoing, a new novel by N. D. White

Photo and quote depicting a scene from Raven's Undoing, a romantic thriller by N. D. White


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Nicky grew up in a small town in the Midwest, where she still resides. She has her Masters in Industrial/Organizational Psychology. She works part of the time in Kansas City and the other part in her hometown. Juggling between family, work, and writing, she stays very busy; never a dull moment. Writing has always been a passion and talent of hers. Her mother was also a writer, but of poetry. Nicky has written her fair share of poems, but the idea of writing a novel is what truly pulled at her heart-strings. She started writing Raven’s Innocence last fall, which launched June 27th. Raven’s Undoing concludes the story of Raven & Grant – but there’s more to follow as Nicky enters her writing cave again!



Photo depicting one of a young man, one of the lead characters in Raven's Undoing, by N. D. White


Cover of Raven's Innocence, a romantic thriller by author N. D. WhiteRaven Pierce vowed to escape the hot and humid climate of Missouri and never look back. After completing her graduate program, she drags her sun-loving, winter-hating best friend to start a new life in Minnesota with its cold crisp air and blankets of snow. Raven’s main focus is her new career and truly establishing her own identity. The last thing she intends to do as she is building a new life is to fall in love. As her luck would have it, one evening a minor accident sends Mr. Tall-Dark-and-Handsome to her rescue. What starts out as the perfect relationship begins to turn challenging when tragedy strikes and pulls her grief-stricken boyfriend into a dark and unpredictable frame of mind. As a psychologist, it is Raven’s job to help her patients navigate through their own emotional journeys and she’s very good at it. However, when it comes to her own life, her feelings for this new man combined with the unforeseen affliction leave her feeling frustrated and emotionally exhausted. Raven finds herself fighting for love in an unfamiliar, confusing, and sometimes dark terrain.

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Photo display of the books in the Snowhaven Series, by N. D. White


The Sweet Spot by Stephanie Evanovich Virtual Tour Excerpt & Giveaway @Tastybooktours @SEEVANOVICH

Enter to Win a


Stephanie Evanovich
Releasing Sept 29th, 2015
Mass Market Paperback
Avon Books/Harper Collins
The amazing Stephanie Evanovich returns with The Sweet Spot, the sizzling story of
everyone’s favorite couple from her New York Times bestseller Big Girl Panties:
hunky professional baseball player Chase Walker and his sassy wife Amanda
When pro baseball player Chase Walker first meets Amanda at her restaurant,
it’s love at first sight. While Amanda can’t help noticing the superstar with
the Greek-god-build, he doesn’t have a chance of getting to first—or any
other—base with her. A successful entrepreneur who’s built her business from
scratch, Amanda doesn’t need a Prince Charming to sweep her off her feet. And a
curvy girl who likes to cook and eat isn’t interested in being around the
catty, stick-thin herd of females chasing Chase and his teammates.But Chase isn’t about to strike out. A man who isn’t interested in playing the
field, he’s a monogamist who wants an independent woman like Amanda. His hopes
rally when she discovers that squeaky-clean Chase has a few sexy and very
secret pre-game rituals that turn the smart, headstrong businesswoman on—and
into his number one fan.

Then a tabloid discovers the truth and turns their spanking good fun into a
late- night punch-line. Is Amanda ready to let loose and swing for the fences?
Or will the pressure of Chase’s stardom force them to call it quits?


“Cold Creek Grill.  How may I help you?”  She answered the phone as if her day was right as rain.  She was a business woman, first and foremost.

“I need a reservation for tonight,” a gravelly voice barked into the phone.  The caller was either on a cell phone with a bad connection or had a mouth full of marbles.

“Of course sir, what time are you looking for?”

“Seven,” he said impatiently and Amanda pictured him running to catch a subway.

“Let me make sure I have that available,” she told him, trying to buy time while she booted up the computer at the podium a few feet away.  She moved the phone to the other side of her head, forgetting it was a war zone and her hair crackled near her ear.

“Trust me, sweetheart, you have a table available.”

“Sir?” She didn’t know what to be more offended by, his use of the word sweetheart or the underlying threat that she better be able to seat him.  And she determined he was just some arrogant blowhard who was sitting with his feet up on his desk overlooking the water and a fat stogy in his mouth.

“A superstar is having dinner at your restaurant; you don’t want to make him wait.”

“All of our guests at the Cold Creek are VIPs Mr…?”

“Maybe I should speak to the owner?” he cut her off and she thought she heard more spit squish out of the end of his cigar.

“I am the owner.  My name is Amanda Cole.  To whom do I have the pleasure of speaking?”

“Don’t seat us someplace high traffic like near the front.  He’s not there to be an advertisement.  You’ll get your photo op.”

It sounded so scathing, like she was some sort of a bistro whore looking to make a buck, as if she would be interested in taking a picture with him in the first place.  Supreme Court justices and past presidents dined at the Cold Creek without incident.  “Mr. What-ever-your-name-is, I’m not only concerned for the comfort of our guests, but the safety of my staff.  And we have had some high profile guests in the past.  Several are regulars.”

“Yeah, yeah, I heard that.  That’s why I’m calling.  But lady, you never had anyone this big,” he said with an air of superiority that was nothing short of skin crawling.  At least he had upgraded her to lady.

If he wasn’t being such a total jack-ass, she might have taken him more seriously.  “Would you like to tell me who he is, so that I might inform security?” she said with overt sarcasm.  He could either take being spoken to in kind, or he would start to ream her out and she would hang up on him and he could dine elsewhere, bad business or not.

There was a pause and she thought he may have hung up on her first.  But then he said, “No.  Better you don’t know till he gets there.  Someone tips off TMZ and the night’s a bust.  And he brings his own security”

“Will they be joining you for dinner?”

His laugh was particularly smarmy.  “They’re not paid to eat.”

So he wasn’t only rude, he was also a tyrant.  “That’s fine, sir, they can stand guard with mine.”  Only hers were imaginary. She no longer cared if the computer was ready.  It was a Weds, they were rarely fully booked, and this man and his famous guest seemed intent on dining there.  He was probably going to be more aggravation than anything else, even if he was only half as self-important as his representative. “You’re all set, dinner for two at seven.  Would you like to leave me a name or is there a code word or what?”

There was another pause, and once again Amanda was given the false hope that he may have hung up and saved her from a night of inconvenient distractions at the very least.  But then she heard him on the other end, it sounded like a snort.

“You’re spunky, kid,” he told her.  “Name under Alan Shaw.  I’ll be there at 6:50.  I don’t like to wait either.  And make sure there are good steaks on hand, he’s a meat-eater.”


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Stephanie Evanovich is a full-fledged
Jersey girl from Asbury Park who began writing fiction while waiting for her
cues during countless community theater projects. She attended New York’s
School of Film and Television and acted in several improvisational troupes and
a few small-budget movies, all in preparation for the greatest job she ever
had, raising her two sons. Now a full-time writer, she’s an avid sports fan who
holds a black belt in tae kwon do.
Website   |   Facebook   |   Twitter | GoodReads

Blog Tour – Giveaway- Excerpt – Stanton Completely by T.L. Swan @TLSwanAuthor @RSofRomance

stanton complete tour banner



The conclusion to this Joshua and Natasha’s epic series is FINALLY HERE!

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Stanton Completely is NOW LIVE!

stanton completely front cover

Amazon US: http://amzn.to/1URiNat

Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/1KiocS1

Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/1EYo6TG

Kobo: http://bit.ly/1OQZzjl

iBooks: http://apple.co/1KmfHtz


stanton completely teaser 1





The final piece of the Stanton Puzzle

Joshua and Natasha are finally as one, so in love like never before.

But how dark are the secrets and how deep are the lies?

And when all is said and done, are their lives and love completely safe?



stanton completely banner as long as you love me



It’s 4.45 pm and I am just going through my emails for the day when my intercom sounds.

Eliza speaks. “Mr Stanton, Miss Marx is here to see you.”

I smile. The crazy bitch won’t take a hint. “Send her in,” I sigh.

The bodyguard opens the door and she walks in wearing a black coat, her high heels clicking on the marble tiles. She smiles warmly and her dimples immediately defrost my anger. Just the sight of my precious girl makes my neck tight and I crack it to release the tightness.

“Hello baby,” she smiles.

“Hello.” I smile defeated, she’s not going to let me fight with her, and it’s strangely comforting.

“I wanted to come and see where you work.” Her eyes flick around the office.

I smirk as I sit back in my chair. “Did you now?”

She nods again and her eyes look around the room and up to the ceiling. “Your office is very nice.”

I frown, not understanding what she is doing.  “Are there cameras in here?” she asks.

I smile. “No.”

She bites her lip nervously. “I thought I would come and show you what I bought today.”

I raise a brow in question.

She drops the coat and my eyes drop down her body. She is in a black suspender belt, lace bra and G-string … fucking Perfection.

She holds her hand out and I take it in mine as I stand. She does a twirl on the spot and I feel my cock harden. “You like, Mr Stanton?” she asks.

My eyes hold hers and I reply. “I do.”

“I know that you’re disappointed in me but I’m not letting your mother come between us again.”

I smirk.

“Do you want to be friends?” She raises an eyebrow in question as she places her hands on her hips.

I can’t resist and my lips drop to the part where her neck meets her shoulder and I kiss her gently. “Are you trying to bargain your way out of my anger, Miss Marx?” I run my lips back and forth up her neck.

She drops her head to the side to give me greater access. “Maybe?” she whispers as she smiles into my kiss and runs her tongue though my open smiling lips.

“Maybe?” I repeat. “What does that mean?” I ask as she kisses me more urgently and I feel my cock start to thump as I see our reflection in the window. The sight of her in that lingerie in my office nearly makes me come on the spot. She is standing on her toes to reach me and in the process flexing every muscle in her legs and ass. So fucking hot …

“It means I have a closing argument for you,” she whispers as she tiptoes to kiss my neck. She bites me and goosebumps scatter up my arms.

“What’s the closing argument?” I whisper huskily.

She slowly unzips my pants and without breaking eye contact drops to her knees in front of me. My hands instinctively go to the back of her head.

“I would like you to blow in my mouth,” she breathes and then licks her lips as she frees me from my pants and gently licks up the length of my penis. I run my hand gently over her hair as my cock oozes pre-ejaculate. Fuck, I love this woman.

“And then I want you to bend me over your desk and fuck me like you hate me!” she whispers.

I grab a hand full of hair and impale her mouth with my cock.

“Stop talking and start sucking because you are about to fucking cop it.” I growl as I fill her mouth to the hilt and hiss as I pull out, again deeper, and she runs her tongue over the end of me as she pulls out and my eyes close. Fuck, she gives good head. Deeper and deeper she takes me as she fondles my balls and I watch our reflection in the window until I am so crazy with lust that I can’t stand it anymore. I don’t want her mouth, I want inside her. I drag her up by the arm and throw her across my desk and rip her underpants from her body. There she lies … my beautiful kryptonite. I spread her with my fingers so that I can see her beautiful weeping pink flesh and pull her breast out of her bra to get the visual of the whole package. I look up at the door as I realise that it isn’t locked and it only fuels my desire even more. Anyone could walk in here at any moment, and the thought of someone seeing us like this turns me inside out. I pull her apart again and start to stroke myself slowly and vigorously, one … two … three … four … my cock weeps.

Her dark eyes watch me and her back arches off the table. “Joshua,” she begs and I start to run my head backwards and forwards through her until I can hold it no longer and I feed my cock into her hot flesh.

“That’s it,” she whispers as her eyes roll back in her head.

My eyes close as I try to control the orgasm that is hammering up on me. I grab her shoulders with straightened arms for leverage and I let loose: long hard punishing stokes where she can’t speak. Pure desire fills her face, her mouth hangs open and she tries to deal with the brutality of my flesh ripping through hers. I rip her shoes off and bring her feet up to my shoulders as once again my eyes flick to the door. Fuck, we are going to get caught. Adrian will be here any moment. I bring one of her feet up to my face and while my cock works at a piston pace I slowly lick her instep underneath her foot.

“Ahhh,” she cries as she tries to rip her foot from my grip.

My body is now out of control and I couldn’t stop if I wanted to. The desk is banging and she puts her hand up and clutches at the air as she comes silently around my cock. The muscle contraction is so intense that it doubles me over and I pump her, one … two … three times with my hands wrapped around her shoulders, and I come in a rush into her beautiful hot body. I lean and drop my head to her shoulder as I try to catch my breath, my heart hammering in my chest along with hers.


And she kisses me, the gentle tender kiss that is Natasha. The most powerful gesture in my world is the tender kiss in the afterglow of lovemaking from this beautiful creature. Nothing is more important than this, what we have. I thank god every day that she has come into my life … that she makes me feel like this. I feel myself being overwhelmed with emotion and I close my eyes and my lips instinctively drop to her neck as I try to gather my thoughts.

“You’re totally right. I do give a great closing argument,” she whispers.

I smile broadly into her neck. “Yes, you do.”

“I’m like the queen of closing arguments.” She giggles.

“Shut up.” I smile as I kiss her again on the neck and do up my fly. Then I stand and pull her up into a standing position and quickly retrieve her jacket and put it on her. “Stop seducing me in my office. Anybody could have walked in,” I mutter, disgusted that I lost my head. I bend and pick up her G-string and put it into my pocket.

She pushes me back into my chair and sits across my lap like a child with her arms wrapped around my neck.

“I love you,” she whispers as she kisses me again gently.

I smile and peck her on the lips. “I love you too.”

She starts to do crazy little kisses all over my face and I screw up my face to escape her.

“Does that mean you can take me on a date tonight … just us?” she whispers as she raises her eyebrows in question.

I smirk. “I suppose,” I reply.

The thing is, after the day I have had I should be in a much worse mood than I am. Lucky for me my girl knows what I need better than I do and a deep sense of contentment sweeps over me. Having her here with me and on my side is all that I need.




Series Reading Order

Meet Joshua & Natasha in Book One of the


Amazon US:  http://amzn.to/1Kfdilu

Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/1HDpxEC

Nook: http://bit.ly/1OpKtkS

Kobo: http://bit.ly/1IcUAZo

iBooks: http://apple.co/1TL2Ofh


Joshua and Natasha’s gripping love story continues in Stanton Unconditional!

 Amazon US: http://amzn.to/1MjnDgA

Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/1JrdtEw

Nook: http://bit.ly/1KeYd0z

Kobo: http://bit.ly/1IcTBKD

iBooks: http://apple.co/1gIRjXx

The conclusion to this Joshua and Natasha’s epic series is FINALLY HERE!

Amazon US: http://amzn.to/1URiNat

Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/1KiocS1

Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/1EYo6TG

Kobo: http://bit.ly/1OQZzjl

iBooks: http://apple.co/1KmfHtz

tl swan image author

Author Information


Tee Swan was born in Sydney Australia and is the author of Contemporary Romance novels, Stanton Adore, Stanton Unconditional and Stanton Completely.
Her new novel, Find Me Alastar is due for release in early 2016.

She studies Psychology and works for the Australian Schizophrenia Fellowship. When Tee is not working in the depths of mental health, you will find her daydreaming about her next story, writing, drinking coffee or hanging with her beloved husband and three kids in her sleepy beach side town south of Sydney.

Tee’s aim is to write steamy, tender love stories that stay with you long after you close the book.

STALK HER:  WebsiteFacebook  | TwitterGoodreads



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Cover Reveal – Uncovering Desire by Kacey Shea @KaceySheaBooks

Cover Reveal

Uncovering Desire by Kacey Shea

uncovering desire cover



Uncovering Desire by Kacey Shea

Release Date: October 27, 2015

Cover Model: Chase Ketron

Photographer: Golden Czermak, Furious Fotog

Cover Design: Sommer Stein, Perfect Pear Creative Covers


Jonathan Beltran is adjusting to life as a civilian after an eight year military career. With a booming private investigation business and good friends to count on, life is headed in a positive direction. Coupled with his fierce will and strength, Jon will learn if his training has prepared him for this next journey.

Life is never boring for the ever-positive, smart-mouthed, fearless Kate Bryant. When unexpected events leave her temporarily homeless, she accepts an offer of a free place to stay with Jonathan. The challenges of working with rock stars, living with Jon, and finally confronting ghosts of her past may prove to be too much.

Uncovering Desire, book two in the Uncovering Love series, is a full length, contemporary romance, and can be read as a standalone.

Buy Links

Amazon Pre-Order Link http://goo.gl/yZP0YM 

Amazon UK Pre-Order Link http://goo.gl/sm7A3K

Amazon CA Pre-Order Link http://goo.gl/fhjyIW

Amazon AUS Pre-Order Link http://goo.gl/ibqu2L

Add Uncovering Desire to Goodreads https://goo.gl/GL1J33

Author Links:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kaceysheabooks

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kaceysheabooks

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/kaceysheabooks

Amazon: http://amazon.com/author/kaceyshea

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/13919697.Kacey_Shea

Author Bio:

Kacey Shea is a mom of three, wife, and part-time bookkeeper who resides in sunny Arizona. She enjoys reading and writing romance novels as much as her son loves unicorns, which is a lot.

When she’s not writing you will find her playing taxi cab to her children while belting out her favorite tunes, meeting friends or family for food and to share some laughs, or sweating it out in the gym. Kacey finds that picking up heavy weights repeatedly is good for her mental health as much as it is for the physical.

She has an unhealthy obsession with firefighters. It could be the pants. It could be the fire. It’s just hot. On occasion she has been known to include them, without their knowledge, in her selfies outside the grocery store.

Kacey one day aspires be a woman hand model in a sexy photo shoot. You know, the woman’s hand raking across the muscular back or six pack stomach of the male fitness model. Yep, that hand.

Until that day comes she will continue writing sexy, flirty romance novels in hopes to bring others joy!

Kacey enjoys interacting with her fans so please feel free to stalk her on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.




IG:  kaceysheabooks



Author Interview- Susi Interviews TJ Cooper @TJCooper_



I love to interview authors, especially those are that new to me.  I truly enjoy getting to know them and promoting their writing through my blog .

Introducing TJ Cooper, author of Faith & Hope.

Susi: How long have you been writing?

TJC: I’ve been writing for as long as I can remember, mostly in my head, though. Not always on paper.


Susi: When did your passion for writing begin?

TJC: My passion for writing started at the very beginning. I think the first time I was ever asked to write a story or a poem.


Susi: How many books have you published?

TJC: I’ve only published the one book, Faith & Hope but I’m working on another book. And I have a sequel in mind for Faith & Hope.


Susi: Are you interested in writing any other genres?

TJC: Most definitely. In fact, given the kind of books I read, I’m surprised my first book is a romance.


Susi: What books are you currently working on?

TJC: I’m currently working on a book called Moving On.  It’s another romance. I’ve also got a sequel to Faith & Hope that I’m working on as well. Plus a few others rolling around in my head.


Susi: When do you write?  Any specific routines?

TJC: I try to write whenever something pops into my head, although that’s not always practical. Mostly I’m a mid to late day, evening writer. Although I have been known to write into the wee hours of the night.

As far as routines go: I like to sit on my couch and write in a notebook. I’ll sometimes lay on my bed and write. I can’t just sit and type into a laptop. It doesn’t work for me. I also need music playing.


Susi: When not writing, what are your hobbies or interests?

TJC: I am a huge music fan. So I’m almost always listening to music. It’s always in the background except when the tv is on. I love to read–I read a lot–and I love football.


Susi: What inspires you to write?  Music, a muse?

TJC: What doesn’t inspire me to write? Often, things just pop into my head. Sometimes something I’ve read, sometimes real life. It could be anything really.


Susi: How would you describe yourself as a writer?

TJC: Oh that’s a tough one.  I think I’m a pretty good writer. I’m not Shakespeare, but I do okay.


Susi: How long does it generally take you to write a book?

TJC: That depends entirely on the story. Sometimes things just flow and sometimes I hit a block. Faith & Hope was written in a few days, it just sort of poured out.


Susi: Describe a typical writing day for TJ Cooper.

TJC: A day when I actually just write? It involves me sitting on the couch, music playing, my notebook and pen in hand and either a cup of coffee, cup of tea, a beer or even a glass of wine on the windowsill. If I’m doing well and the words are flowing from the pen, the tea or coffee gets cold and the beer or wine gets warm.


Susi: Do you have any advice to offer to new writers?

TJC: Yes. Just do it.  If you have a story idea just sit down and write it. Don’t fret about spelling or punctuation–that’s what spell check and beta writers are for. Don’t worry that no one will like your story. If you like it, others will, too.


Susi: Your biggest mistake as a writer? If any?

TJC: My biggest mistake as a writer was waiting so long to try. Lack of confidence held me back.


Rapid Fire


Pet Peeve: People that drive below the speed limit


First thing you notice about a person: Eyes or smile


Hidden talents: I pick up lyrics to songs really quickly


Prized possession: my music


Currently Reading: I just finished A Dream of Death and Full Fathom Five by Harrison Drake


Fave drink: my go to beverage is tea but I drink coffee as well. Alcoholic beverage would be beer or wine


Fave TV Show: Supernatural


Star Wars/Star Trek: Both


Batman/Superman: Depends on my mood but in general I lean toward Superman



Any parting words from the author….


Yes, I want to say a huge thank you to everyone that has read my book. I want to thank everyone that has given me support and encouragement when I get insecure about my writing. And I want to tell anyone that has ever thought about writing a book to just sit down and write it. You can do it!! As Harry Potter said in The Order of the Phoenix ‘If they can do it, why not us?’

Thank you for asking me to do this interview, I am honored.


It was great getting to know you! I appreciate your time.  I’m sure your fans will be glad to get to know you better.




Book Blitz – Anything But Broken by Joelle Knox @authorjknox @NinaBocci

Book Blitz

Anything But Broken

by Joelle Knox

I just added this baby to my TBR.  Check it out!  Add it to your TBR today.
anything but broken 1

After five years, tragedy brings Hannah Casey back to Hurricane Creek to bury what’s left of her family. She’s flunking out of college, haunted by scandal, and the only person who cares is Sean Whitlow, an irresistible bad boy with a soft spot for her. The problem? He’s her dead sister’s ex.Sean doesn’t bleed red, he bleeds motor oil. During the week, he struggles to turn his auto repair shop into a profitable business. But when Saturday night rolls around, he’s the reigning stock-car king of the local race track. He doesn’t know how to lose–or how to walk away and leave Hannah alone with her grief.Between her grades and her wealthy family’s dark secrets, Hannah’s barely holding her life together. And the last thing Sean needs is to get tangled up with another Casey girl. As the attraction between them spins out of control, they’ll either find a love with no limits–or go up in flames.anything but broken 2

About the Authors



​or you can find their alter egos


anything but broken 4

anything but broken 3

anything but broken 5