Susi Interviews Kyra Davis, author of Just One Lie @_KyraDavis

Susi Interviews Kyra Davis, author of Just One Lie


I am super excited to share this interview with you today.  I am a huge Kyra Davis fan.  Her writing is incredible.  If you haven’t read any of her work yet, you must.

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Susi:  How long have you been writing?

Kyra:  Twelve years now.

Susi:  When did your passion for writing begin?

Kyra:  I didn’t start writing until I was in the middle of my divorce from my first husband. It was a difficult time. I was frustrated, anxious and angry. So, inspired by Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum, I channeled all my violent impulses and wrote a murder mystery and killed off a bunch of men. Seriously though, it was while writing that book that I realized I had found a new direction for my life. Writing saved me. That murder mystery ended up being my first published novel, Sex, Murder And A Double Latte.

Susi: How many books have you published?

Kyra:  Just One Lie will make eleven.

Susi:  Are you interested in writing any other genres?

Kyra:  So far I’ve published Women’s fiction (So Much For My Happy Ending), chick-lit murder mysteries (the Sophie Katz series) and now romance (the Just One Night and Pure Sin series).  I might write a historical one of these days or maybe a fantasy novel. But for the moment I’m just so grateful to be able to write in those three genres.

Susi:  What books are you currently working on?

Kyra:  I am working on both a romance and a woman’s fiction novel right now as well as some Hollywood stuff but I’m not ready to talk much about all that yet. Still, I promise to keep you updated!

Susi:  When do you write?  Do you have any specific writing routines?

Kyra: I try to write during somewhat regular business hours, wrapping things up by seven. That way I can spend time with my family. But when a deadline’s looming I’ll work until all hours of the night. Just depends.

Susi:  When not writing, what are your hobbies or interests?

Kyra:  Well I’m a huge reader. I love to travel and go to museums (both science and art museums). Eating out, taking my dog on long walks, dancing, my husband and I have pool parties for our friends fairly regularly. Oh and I like going out with my girlfriends, seeing Magic Mike XXL, seeing Magic Mike XXL again, seeing Magic Mike XXL one more time…

Susi:  What inspires you to write?  Music, a muse?  Who was your muse for Robert Dade?

Kyra:  I have a Spotify soundtrack for each book that I play while writing. I choose songs that fit the tone of the manuscript I’m working on. In Just One Lie the protagonist is the lead singer of an indie band and she’s constantly listening to one song or another, so I listened to the songs she listened/danced to while writing those scenes.

As for Robert…He’s really his own man BUT it’s true that my now husband invited to fly me out to Vegas after what was basically our first date…and that he played high stakes blackjack and even offered me my own suite at the Venetian (since I barely knew the guy). It ended up being a very decadent, indulgent and extravagant weekend.  At the time it felt like I was in the middle of a story. So I did use that trip as a jumping off point for Dade.

Susi:  How would you describe yourself as a writer?

Kyra:  I write character driven stories regardless of whether I’m writing a romance or a murder mystery. And I’m meticulous about my prose.

Susi:  How long does it generally take you to write a book?

Kyra:  Depends on the book. I really should have at least four months but honestly, I miss the days when one book a year was the standard. That really allowed authors to research their subject matter and the settings of their novels and develop exceptionally unique and creative stories.

Susi:  Describe a typical writing day for Kyra Davis.

Kyra:  I turn on my music and start by reading a chapter of a book that inspires me. Something exceptionally well written. Then I just write and write and write!

Susi:  Do you have any advice to offer to new  writers?

Kyra:  Aspiring writers: If you’re not already active on social media, now’s the time to start. Maybe even start a blog. And if you’re writing genre fiction, look into self-publishing. Today publishing houses want to see that you can get your own following and create excitement about your work. If your self-published novel is a success the publishing houses will be lining up to offer you a contract. And if they know that you are capable of being successful without them they’re even more likely to give you the promotional support and attention you’ll need to be an even bigger success with them.

Susi:  Your biggest mistake as a writer? If any?

Kyra:  After my first book, Sex, Murder And A Double Latte, was a success I got complacent. I took my eye off the ball in regards to publicity and wasn’t as proactive as I needed to be in order to get the word out about the sequel, Passion, Betrayal and Killer Highlights.

Rapid Fire

Pet Peeve

I absolutely love my family, but why can’t any of them figure out how to properly load a dishwasher?!

First thing you notice about a person

Their smile (or lack thereof).

Hidden talents

I know how to work it on a dance floor!

Prized possession

My grandfather found a seahorse washed up on the beach, brought it home, used it to make a mold and then melted down some silver scraps he was able to get his hands on to make a seahorse necklace for my grandmother. It’s now mine and it means the world to me.

Currently Reading

My Grandmother Asked Me To Tell You She’s Sorry by Fredrik Backman

Fave drink

Toss up between vodka and coffee. Depends on the time of day.

Fave TV Show

Probably Game Of Thrones (although it got REALLY dark this season)

Coffee or Tea

What’s tea?

Favorite Male Actor

My husband’s a director and screenwriter, which means we’re friends with some amazingly talented celebrity actors. They’re really wonderful, sensitive people…which means I can’t answer that question without getting in trouble.

Favorite Female Actress

See above.

Favorite Movie

Toss up between The Contender and Nothing But The Truth.

Any parting words from the author….

In many ways, I think Just One Lie is the most romantic book I’ve ever written. A sexy, edgy (at times dark), modern day fairytale. I’m really interested in seeing the readers reviews, good and bad, to find out if they agree!

Thank you Kyra for taking time out of your busy schedule.  It was awesome getting to know more about you and I am sure your fans will agree. And having just finished Just One Lie, I agree.  I absolutely loved it.  My full review is coming up on blog later this week.

~Susi – Reading and Writing Between the Wines Blog – Miami


 Kyra’s latest series.  These books are truly amazing.  

(Buy Links below)Just One Night Cover Kyra Davis


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Just Once More Cover Kyra Davis

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Releasing tomorrow 7/28/15

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Just One Lie Kyra Davis



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