A Taste of Summer by Beverly Preston Book Tour @BeverlyPreston @RSofRomance

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Laugh, cry and fall in love in the newest  standalone within the

Mathews Family Series.  Meet Ryan and Carrie Ann in

A Taste of Summer. #SummerNeverTastedGood

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Amazon US: http://amzn.to/1OgoKLx

Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/1gJ1MCi

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Most people know Hollywood heartthrob, Ryan Summer, as Ryan, no last name required. But once upon a time, he was just Summer to Carrie Ann—before a decade of blockbuster hits skyrocketed his success into superstardom.

Summer was smart, gorgeous, and cocky as hell. Nothing was out of his reach. Not even Carrie Ann Lowell. He was the love of her life—until he shattered her heart. Their breakup left more than a profound rift in her soul. It crushed her.

When Carrie Ann’s college flame forces his way back into her life, his dirty-talking, bold self-assurance re-ignites a passion she thought had long since been extinguished. Carrie Ann didn’t believe in second chances.

Not even for him.

No matter how deliciously tempting.

With sparks flying and hidden truths unraveling, will Carrie Anne be able to deny her desires to save herself from another heart break?


a taste of summer cover




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Carrie Ann tugged the earbud free from her ear, tossing the handsome young man a small smile. “Sorry, I couldn’t hear you. What did you say?”

He crossed a lanky somewhat defined arm in front of her, casually gripping the handlebar of her bike. “I said, you must be exhausted—” Before she could reply he continued, “—from running through my mind all day.”

Surely she must’ve heard him incorrectly. He was probably fifteen at most sporting a baby face and a patch of ten whiskers on his chin. Her brows tucked into a furrow. “Excuse me?”

A dose of youthful overconfidence drifted over his mouth in a sharp grin. “I seem to have forgotten my number. Can I have yours?”

“My phone number?” Carrie Ann scanned the near vicinity, row after row of workout equipment, for the practical jokester responsible for the madness. “Ha ha. Very funny. Who put you up to this?”

Her amusement only encouraged the boy’s macho bravado. “No one put me up to anything. I need a date. I just got into LA and I’ve got this Red Carpet event—”

“A date?” she scoffed at the ludicrous suggestion. Though she looked young for her age, Carrie Ann was still all of thirty-four years old.

“Yeah, you know. A date. You, me, hundreds of fans screaming as we stroll down the Red Carpet.” His voice cracked emphasizing the words Red Carpet…for the second time. A self-absorbed twinkle gleamed in his brown eyes as if he expected her to melt and drop to her knees right there in the gym.

“Kid, you’re barking up the wrong tree.”

“I’m totally serious. My uncle has this movie premier and I can’t just bring anyone.” A chunk of blond hair fell on his forehead and he flipped his head to the side. My date needs to be…hot, and well, you’re the hottest girl I’ve seen since I got to LA.”

She sneered at the absurdity. Silliness turned to annoyance. Carrie Ann switched gyms a few months back, paying out the nose to invest in her fitness and more importantly her privacy. Her last gym was more crowded than a cattle call casting session.

Carrie Ann rolled her eyes. She moved around him, gathering her workout towel and reaching for her bag. “Look kid, you seem real sweet, but—“

“You’re right about one thing.” A familiar voice, deep and perfectly modulated, approached from behind. “She is the most beautiful woman you’ll ever lay eyes on. But, you’re reaching for the stars with this one, Drew. She’s a heartbreaker.”

An ice cold tickle ascended up her spine raising the hair on the back of her neck. Her head snapped, glancing over her shoulder, colliding with a pair of rich amber eyes from her past. Without breaking eye contact, Ryan Summer strolled right into her personal space sporting athletic shorts, a fitted muscle shirt and a killer smile.

Nowadays, most people knew the Hollywood heartthrob as Ryan. Just Ryan. No last name needed. But after nearly a decade of blockbuster hits and infamous relationships that skyrocketed his success into superstardom, to Carrie Ann, he was still just Summer. Her old college flame.

“Funny, I could say the same about you,” she countered his jab, marshalling a bit of annoyance in her tone to combat the rush of heat spreading to her already pink cheeks.

A sexy smile caught the curve of his wide firm mouth. “Hello, Red.”

“Hello, Summer.” Carrie Ann tossed a trivial nod toward the teenager. “Who’s this? Your new apprentice?”

“Apprentice?” Moving a step closer, he dragged his fingers through the short cropped layers of sandy blond hair. “This is Mark’s boy. Do you remember my nephew, Drew?”

“Your brother’s boy?” she questioned in surprise. Avoiding the view of his bicep curling into the size of a softball, Carrie Ann ran a quick scan over the young man at his side. “Whoa, you had to be four or five years old the last time I saw you.”

“I don’t remember meeting you.” Drew’s eyes flickered with bemusement and optimism.

She extended her hand. “I’m Carrie Ann. I knew you when you were—“

“You’re Carrie Ann? The Carrie Ann?” The boy spun toward his uncle, his blue eyes broadened in disbelief. “The One?”

Her stomach twisted hearing the title. A flash of perspiration instantaneously flooded her palms. Before she had time to renege on the clammy greeting, Drew clasped her hand, giving it a polite shake.

A low rumble of laughter simmered in Summer’s chest and a rosy shade of red burnished high on the bridge of his nose. He nodded, “This is The Carrie Ann. The One who got away.”

No matter how many years had passed, it never got any easier to see him. Each time she did, she suddenly found it harder to breath.

The pounding of her heart quickened as her gaze slipped over his rugged well-defined features. A three day scruff accentuated the slight dimple at the bottom of his chin.  The disheveled layers of hair were wet from exertion near his temple and nape. Time had been very good to him.

She felt the warmth of his hand close around the back of her bare arm. The early morning stubble of his beard brushed against her cheek as he leaned closer pressing a small kiss near her temple. Carrie Ann squirmed at his nearness, ducking to the side attempting to put some space between them.

“I’m…I’m all sweaty,” she insisted breathily.

“It’s okay,” he murmured softly in her ear. The heat of his breath brought chill bumps to the damp skin near her neck. “I remember enjoying you all sweaty.”

Ryan’s golden eyes locked onto hers, anchoring her feet to the floor. The penetration of his stare momentarily tied her tongue in a knot, turning the awkward moment even more difficult. Carrie Ann hadn’t bumped into Ryan in at least three years and she hadn’t seen him covered in sweat in ten. An image of him, gloriously naked, flashed in her mind and her thighs. Frustration mounted as her body willingly betrayed her.

Carrie Ann’s jaw set rigid contemplating the idea of flipping off her hooha for its insubordination.

“That was a long time ago,” she snipped abruptly.

“Seems like only yesterday to me.”

a taste of summer teaser


Haven’t read this series yet?

Fall in love with the Mathews Family for ONLY $3.99

(Four Books for one low, low price)

The Mathews Family Box Set


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Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/1G4wNuk

Nook: http://bit.ly/1LlwcHA

Kobo: http://bit.ly/1G58AEc

iBooks: http://apple.co/1zOMY83



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About the Author:

#1 Bestselling Author, Beverly Preston has been a stay at home mom for 21 years, although she prefers the title Domestic Engineer. Along the way, Beverly worked side by side with her husband Don, the love of her life, designing, building and selling custom homes. As her children begin to venture out on their own, she’s left to shed a tear—for a minute—wonder what’s next in life, and embrace the feeling of empowerment that surely must’ve been wrapped in a present she received on her fortieth birthday.


If Beverly isn’t at home riding her spin bike, you’ll find her spinning richly emotional and sinfully sexy romance stories.


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Release Me – Virtual Tour, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway @AnnMarie_Walker & @Amy_KRogers @TastyBookTours #HudsonChasers

 Release Me by Ann Marie Walker & Amy K. Rogers

Virtual Blog Tour

Excerpt, Review and Giveaway

Enter to Win 
$50.00 Amazon eGift Card

Chasing Fire #2
Ann Marie Walker & Amy K. Rogers
Releasing July 21st, 2015

The second in the “seriously sexy and sinfully steamy”* Chasing Fire series, about a pain too deep to forgive and a passion too hot to forget…

Alessandra Sinclair knows that Hudson Chase is the last man she should want. The boy from the wrong side of the tracks has grown into a man who would do anything to get ahead, even if it means breaking Allie’s heart. But whenever she’s near him, the attraction between them is undeniable. And now that they’re working together, keeping her distance from Hudson is almost as impossible as keeping her feelings in check…

Hudson already lost Allie once and he refuses to lose her again. He’s determined to use their new business partnership to rekindle the spark he knows is still there. Only the closer he gets to winning her over, the clearer it becomes there are still secrets that could tear them apart for good…


 “We need to talk.” With a quick movement Hudson punched a card into the control panel and the elevator jerked to a halt.

Allie’s eyes darted to the panel and her spine straightened. “We talked at the gallery.”

“That wasn’t a conversation.” More like verbal sparring.

“I said all I needed to say.” She appeared to be completely composed, but Hudson could see the rise and fall of her chest, the white-knuckle grip on her bag.

“You may have unloaded, but hell if I have. And no matter what it takes you’re going to hear me out. Even if it means keeping this godforsaken elevator stopped all fucking day.” He tried to remind himself that anger would get him nowhere. Calm, levelheaded domination was the key to pressing the advantage, except he was way past that. With her he felt like he was gripping sand and every grain was slipping through his fingers.

“Stop trying to control me, Hudson.” Allie turned and lifted her chin. The anger was gone and in its place was a mask of complete indifference. Goddamn, it shredded him. He’d take anger over apathy any day.

He took a deep breath. She was going to ride this facade like the Macy’s Day Parade, marching through their little exchange as if they were nothing more than business partners forced into a resentful coexistence. He had to get her to drop her guard, to let him in. And if pissing her off was what it took to incite a reaction, then so be it.

“It’s never been that way between us and you know it, Alessandra.” Hudson flashed a slight smirk as he prepared to drop the H-bomb. “Well, except for the bedroom. And if memory serves, you enjoyed it.”

He braced himself, expecting a slap to light his face on fire, but instead her eyes dilated and fixated on his mouth. Her lips parted and her breath quickened. He had her. No matter how unaffected she pretended to be, she couldn’t help but respond to him. And the longer they stood mere inches apart, the more desire took over and became a downright menace.

            Never one to miss an opportunity, Hudson reassessed on the fly. He stepped closer and his voice dropped to a low, seductive murmur. “Is that what it will take for you to hear me out?” He swept a hand across her collarbone and up the side of her neck. “You, tied to my bed?”

Susi's 5 star review bannerMy Review

It’s not every day that I fall in love with a series the way I did with this one. Remind Me, book 1 in the Chasing Fire series was an amazing debut for this dynamic author duo. I enjoyed that book immensely but, Release Me was even more amazing!

First of all, if you haven’t read the first book, get on your eReader and download it now. To thoroughly understand this series, you must read book 1. At the end of that book, Allie discovered much about her parents, her ex-fiancée and Hudson. Release Me, book 2 starts off right where Remind Me ends.

Tragedy strikes changing both Allie’s personal and professional life. There is much for Allie to deal with. An emergency board meeting names both Allie and Hudson to joint CEO positions where they must work together.

While Allie may have freedom from her parents, who enjoyed making life decisions for her, she now needs to prove herself to keep Ingram Media alive. With Hudson as her new partner, trust issues arise.

I love Allie and Hudson so much. They were perfectly written. Allie shows her strengths in this book in many areas. She takes command of her professional responsibilities, maintains a steady friendship with Harper and establishes a humorous relationship with her new assistant Colin. Oh, you will love Colin. He is the ideal assistant.

Hudson, sigh….. continues to be the total alpha male and excels at the “commanding alpha.” I mean seriously, if commanding alpha was an Olympic sport, I would be on the sidelines holding up that “10” sign and cheering for sure.

I think what I loved most about Hudson in this story is that he demonstrated how multifaceted he really is. He is gorgeous, sexy as fuck, powerful, forgiving, romantic, commanding, funny, and ultimately loving. It is truly evident that Hudson will do anything for Allie making him such a complete man/character. You’ll see, you will love him even more than in Remind Me.  I promise.

After misunderstandings have been clarified, this couple finally gets back together. Let me warn you, it’s the exquisitely written intense and romantic moments planned by Mr. Chase that will heat up your eReaders and may require a glass of water or two.

There were many scenes that I absolutely adored in this book making it quite difficult to pick a favorite. I loved the elevator scene for its intensity. I loved Christmas for many reasons. But the funniest, while sexiest part was cookie decorating with Hudson. I totally pictured that scene in my mind.   And finally, there is the Orient Express scene. Holy Wow!

Important characters from Remind Me are back. Strong sibling love is truly evident in this book from moments in Nick’s rehab to Christmas Eve/Day. Those moments proved how tender and lovable Hudson could be. Harper, Allie’s “BFF” as Hudson calls her, has an important role in this book as well. She is not only supporting of Allie but protective in a way only a best friend could be.

This book series is at the top of my favorites and I know I mentioned this before when I reviewed Remind Me, but it is true. I could picture my favorite male model, David Gandy, the muse, throughout every brilliantly written scene.

Release Me is another “unputdownable” emotional read with forgiveness, passion, new beginnings and ultimately love.

As for the ending, without giving anything away, readers will be left with another concerning cliffhanger.  Why is October so far away?

I can’t wait to read Reclaim Me, book 3 in this trilogy to see how their story ends.

I gave this book 5 sizzling stars! 

The Chasing Fire Series is perfect Summer reading and I highly recommend it.

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.



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Though thousands of miles apart, Ann
Marie Walker and Amy K. Rogers are in constant contact, plotting story lines
and chatting about their love of alpha males, lemon drop martinis and British
supermodel, David Gandy. You can find them on twitter as @AnnMarie_Walker and
Amy K. Rogers


Ann Marie Walker
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