Susi Reviews A Gentleman’s Fate by A.J. Linn @AuthorAJLinnHub

Susi Reviews

A Gentleman’s Fate by A.J. Linn


agf cover aj linn

The story continues for the handsome reformed Malibu playboy, Donovan Hart, in this, the fourth and final installment of A Gentleman’s Series. Donovan, a hotel and adult club owner, decided that it was time to file away his players card in search of the elusive one, in the first book in the series, A Gentleman’s Affair. He was certain that he had found that in interior designer, Scarlett Montgomery, but Scarlett had a past, and that past would soon threaten their perfect union. How far will he go to fight for his Unico Vero Amore?

Beware of unexpected twists and heartbreaking turns. Just when you think you know what’s next, you will probably be wrong.



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My Review

AJ Linn, I can honestly say that your characters and your books have become some of my favorites. Your series is one of those that I have thoroughly enjoyed and continue to recommend to my reader friends.  Donovan made my list of all time favorite book boyfriends for so many reasons.  Honestly, reading this last book in this series was bittersweet. The anticipation was well worth it.  Your book was amazing and the plot/twists were totally unexpected.

I have to start off by mentioning to those reading this review that you must read all of the books in this series first.  A Gentleman’s Affair cannot be read as a standalone.  It is important to know Donovan as well as the other significant characters in this series to thoroughly understand this final installment.

This final books begins with Donovan and Scarlett, the woman of his dreams, his love.  A perfect setting, a perfect plan and wait…. I was instantly surprised and shocked. I couldn’t believe what happened.

Before I even had a chance to process what had transpired, Donovan’s father enters the picture and his revelation surprises me as well.  Seriously, I found myself suffering while reading and wondering if I had misunderstood what I had just read.

Just when I thought I knew what was going on, more twists and turns came up.

After some deeps breaths, I continued reading.  Donovan heads back to Las Vegas, to Pisa, his hotel.  Patrice his assistant joins him as well as several of his workers from La Fuga.  Their support for Donovan made me smile.  They were his team,  the ones that helped him through the darkness.

Patrice becomes an important character in this book.  Her patience and time spent with Donovan in this book made me smile.  I really like her and after reading more about her in this book, she became an important female in this book.   Fortunately, Donovan and his father reconcile their differences. Still, Donovan decides on staying in Vegas and opening a new club there.  He has his life planned out.  His hotel Pisa is symbolic and he is determined to make his mark there as well.

Back to love. Scarlett and Donovan may have had their misunderstandings but Donovan, being the loving man he is, decides on doing the right thing. Once again,  What just happened? (no spoilers)  Reading this book was heartbreaking.  OMG!

You will find love, misunderstanding, forgiveness, grief and joy in this book.  AJ took me on a roller coaster of emotions.  As for the ending… well, honestly, it made me smile.  🙂

All in all, A Gentleman’s Fate is brilliantly written.  AJ has a style of his own and one that I admire as a reader. His writing is simple yet powerful. He includes funny moments to balance out those serious moments as well.   This book was unpredictable just like our fate.

Writing this review was difficult because I want to tell you all about the book.   But, I won’t.  You will have to read it for yourself.

I will end with this, “AJ,  I need more.  Please!”

I gave this book 5 stars.

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

5 stars



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Summary of The Gentleman’s Series – All Four Books

In A Gentleman’s Affair, (volume 1) we met the handsome Malibu playboy, Donovan Hart, the entitled, notorious heartbreaker, who would rather spend his days on the beach than in the office. He had his pick of the most beautiful women in Malibu, and had no intention of settling down. But tragic events would change all that and force him to make serious changes in his life. Donovan goes from player to entrepreneur overnight, and finding love…surprisingly… becomes a high priority. That, and opening the first adult club in Malibu.

aga good reads

A Gentleman’s Affair (Book 1)

Print – Amazon

Print – Amazon UK

eBook – Smashwords

eBook – iTunes

eBook – Barnes & Noble

In A Gentleman’s Secret, (volume 2) Donovan’s story continues, as he faces more challenges when it comes to affairs of the heart, opens a new hotel in Las Vegas, and discovers that his girl may have even more secrets to keep than he does. Will love endure?

A Gentleman's Secret- Front RGB

A Gentleman’s Secret (Book 2)

Print – Amazon

Print – Amazon UK

eBook – Smashwords

eBook – iTunes

eBook – Barnes & Noble

A Gentleman’s Memoir (volume 3) is a flashback of Donovan’s life. This prequel gives you an intimate look into his past and takes you on his journey into the adult world where anything goes…and it usuallydoes.

AGM- Front Cover RGB

A Gentleman’s Memoir (Book 3)

Print – Amazon

Print – Amazon UK

eBook – Smashwords

eBook – iTunes

eBook – Barnes & Noble



About the Author

A.J. Linn published his debut novel, A Gentleman’s Affair, Volume 1 of The Gentleman’s Series, in May, 2013.

Since that time, he has continued protagonist Donovan Hart’s story in A Gentleman’s Secret, published in December, 2013, and revealed Donovan’s earlier life in a prequel, A Gentleman’s Memoir, a novella published in August, 2014.

The series quickly became very popular with fans of his RP/character blog, which he’d been writing for almost a year. He credits those fans with this series, since they were the ones who encouraged him to “write a book” and dedicated the books to them.

With his unique voice and writing style, the popularity of the series began to grow, despite the promotion and marketing challenges facing a self-published indie author.

In an original and creative idea, he gave his readers the opportunity to submit “characters” for A Gentleman’s Secret and A Gentleman’s Memoir, which he crafted into the story. The results were intriguing and sometimes hilarious, as he paid the ultimate compliment to his fans and readers…making their characters part of Donovan’s story.

While having full-time job and a very busy life make finding time to write a challenge at times, his readers are in agreement that he has done a fantastic job: four books in two years is quite an accomplishment.

The paperback editions of the series can be found on Amazon. The ebooks are available on Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, and iTunes.


Social Media Links






Release Day – Uncovering Love by Kacey Shea @kaceysheabooks


Release Day – Uncovering Love

by Kacey Shea

uncovering love release day banner


uncovering love full cover


Uncovering Love Synopsis:


Evelyn Harper lived the perfect life.  Until she was fired from her job.  After a ridiculous idea devised among friends comes to existence, Evelyn finds herself part owner in a private investigation firm specializing in matters of the heart.  Throughout wild antics with her best friends Jonathan and Kate, Evelyn conducts relationship background checks for a wide variety of clients.  Soon it becomes clear that one case has moved beyond professional and Evelyn finds herself fighting an attraction she cannot resist.  Will Evelyn admit her feelings when she uncovers love in the most unexpected of places?



Buy Links

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Cover Credit:

Cover Design: Perfect Pear Creative Covers

Photographer: FuriousFotog

Cover Model: Shane Williams (IG eyeball_2015_)


Follow Kacey Shea on Social Media

Twitter: @kaceysheabooks

Instagram: @kaceysheabooks



#Revived is coming #July12th! #‎Revived ‪#‎LeandroSilva ‪#‎Revved2 ‪#‎Formula1 @samtowlewrites

Here’s a Teaser from Revived,

Samantha Towle’s upcoming book.

#Revived is coming #July12th#‎Revived ‪#‎LeandroSilva ‪#‎Revved2 ‪#‎Formula1 @samtowlewrites

revived teaser 2




Please refer readers back to Samantha’s FB page as she is giving away an ebook ARC of this book!

What’s In The Author’s Bag? J.R. Gray reveals….. @TheOriginalGray

what's in the author's bag banner for blog



Ever wondered what’s inside your favorite author’s bag/purse/backpack?  Do they carry books, their iPads, coupons, inspirational pictures, etc.?

J.R. Gray revealed the contents of his bag for all to see and explained why he carries them.


jr gray bag


The first thing I always have with me is my iPad mini and keyboard. I never know when I’m going to want to write so I always haul it around.

I keep pens and sticky notes ready as well so I can make lists for Sal, which I rarely follow, and remind myself to do things. My phone is also filled with character notes.

Sun glasses. I think I’d die without them. I cannot see in Miami during the day unless I have my aviators on. (I’m a pilot it’s none toolish for me to wear them)

I have a backup battery in my bag. I kill my phone batter so fast.

Hand sanitizer – Don’t make fun of me. I’m as germaphobic as some of my characters.

My kindle. I hate reading on my ipad so I usually carry it.

Excedrin – I get migraines and this is my life savor.

I am realizing I have way too much crap in my bag. No wonder it’s so damn heavy. I’ll also throw paperbacks in it depending on what I’m in the mood to read. There are usually magnetic bookmarks and chargers as well.

Thank you JR for sharing the contents of your bag with your fans/readers.  As always, it is a pleasure interviewing you.


J.R. Gray




Books by J.R. Gray

legally bound cover jr gray


breach of contract jr gray


Veil of Scars Cover JR Gray


Illicit activity cover jr gray




You can read my review of Veil of Scars here or click on my logo.twitter image logo for blog

What’s In The Author’s Bag? Victoria Van Tiem reveals… @VVanTiem_author


what's in the author's bag banner for blog

Have you ever wondered what your favorite authors carry with them in their bags?

Well, Author Victoria Van Tiem reveals it all…..

vitoria bag image 1



Hi, my bag changes often depending on where I’m going, but the contents pretty much always stay the same. Today I have my bright and cheery yellow coach. I’ve had this bag for years, and although it’s seen better days I still adore it’s bright and cheery disposition.

Inside I always have the essentials: keys, wallet, shades and glasses. My iPad is a must so I can read whenever I’m stuck somewhere. Just finished Liane Moriarty’s What Alice Forgot (loved) & now I’m working through Lucy Robinson’s The Day We Disappeared. (So good!)

I also usually have snacks of almonds or carrot sticks, oh and Truvia packs. That way I can turn any tea into ‘sweet tea’. My diet’s extreme paleo (for health reasons) so I always need to have something.

Pac man and mustache pencil? I have no idea. They’re not even sharpened. At least the girl pen with pigtails works – I think.

Small makeup bag with essentials: mascara, blush and EOS lip balm. My phone’s stuffed in one pocket and my glass water bottle is usually in the other, and if I’ve been out recites would be floating about.


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This reminds me of How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days when Mathew McConaughey and his team riffle through Kate Hudson’s purse. “Guys, a woman’s purse, it’s her secret source of power. There are many dark and dangerous things in there that we, the male species, should know nothing about.”


victoria bag image 3

Thank you Victoria for sharing the contents of your purse with us.  It is always fun to get to know our faves better.

xx ~Susi


Books by Victoria Van Tiem

Read my review of Love Like The Movies Here


by Victoria Van Tiem

love like the movies new cover

Love like the Movies

Ideal for McNamara & Moyes fans, a first love story for every girl who has ever watched a romantic comedy & swooned, wishing it were her.

Available now.

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Her next novel releases this January in paperback & eBookTitle and cover reveal soon!

Follow Victoria Van Tiem on Social Media

Victoria Van Tiem




Cover Reveal – Sinfully Mine by Kendall Ryan @KendallRyan1 @InkSlingerPR

Have you ever had your heart broken? Reece Jackson has, and he uses a peculiar kink to avoid intimacy. When the girl he’s always loved walks back into his life, will he be able to let his walls down?


She was forbidden.
I didn’t care.
As my best friend’s little sister, Macey Hale was
off-limits, but the girl was tempting as sin and forbidden as fuck. I wish I
could say that stopped me. I wish I could tell you I behaved like a gentleman.
I didn’t.
When she waltzes back into my life with that same spark I
fell for, looking every bit the beautiful woman I knew she’d grow into, I have
to force myself to remember I’m different from the man she once knew. I’m
colder. Harder. And for good reason.
With my heart on lockdown and my hands aching to touch her,
I set out to prove that I can keep myself in check this time.
No strings. No attachments.
And definitely no falling for her again.
If you love steamy romance, you won’t want to miss this
older brother’s best friend romance.
This is book two in
the Lessons with the Dom series, following The Gentleman Mentor. Both are
complete standalone novels featuring sexy Dominant men you’re sure to fall in
love with.

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“What do you think you’re doing?” I find her in my closet, down on her knees and rummaging through a black duffel bag that just happens to hold all my sex toys. Apparently she did see this when she cleaned up.
“Ah, here we go.” Her fingers close around a generously sized flesh-colored vibrating dildo. “You won’t do the job? Well, I have a feeling this baby will.” She waves it in the air like she’s found the damn golden ticket. Then she rises to her feet and smiles sweetly at me.
For the love of God, this woman does not fight fair. She never has. “Where do you think you’re going with that?”
“Probably my bed, then the shower.” A line creases her forehead. “Do you have spare batteries for this thing? It might be a long night.”
“No way. Not happening. Give me the toy, Macey.” I reach out a hand, my voice as stern as the set of my jaw, my fingers barely avoiding crushing the crystal tumbler in my other hand.
A slow smile uncurls on her mouth. “Why, Reece Jackson, are you jealous?” She eyes the toy in her hand and then lets her gaze slip seductively down to the crotch of my pants.
If she really thinks that toy’s size has me feeling insecure, she’s insane. Certifiably. “You really don’t remember, do you?” Now I’m the one smiling. She’ll be in for a pleasant surprise later.
“I remember everything. I remember how you always made me keep my underwear on, and that I never actually saw you”—her gaze flicks downward—”down there. I only felt you with my hand, and since I had nothing to base it on, I assumed all guys were like that.”
“Well, in that case, you’ll be sorely disappointed with this toy.” I snatch the dildo from her hand and toss it back in the open bag.
“What do you think you’re doing?” she asks, planting a hand on her hip. “You left me hanging at the restaurant.”
“And you will stay like that until I say so.”

He calls himself the Gentleman Mentor.
Just reading his ad makes me feel more alive than I have in years.
He promises to teach me the art of seduction … and show me the most sinfully erotic pleasures. He’s going to help me become the kind of confident, sexy woman men can’t ignore.
Six lessons … with the most gorgeous man … who happens to be a Dom.
The only problem … now that I’ve experienced his brand of delectable domination will anyone else ever compare?
She’s a client. That’s all.
Or it should be.
But with every lesson, she’s becoming more.
The secrets I’m hiding behind the image of the Gentleman Mentor make telling her the truth—and having anything real—impossible.
I’m training her for another man, and that fact guts me every time I think of it.
I know she’s not mine … but part of me won’t accept that.
Am I willing to risk it all to keep her?


THE GENTLEMAN MENTOR is a full-length standalone novel.

Kendall Ryan is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of contemporary romance novels, including Hard to Love, Unravel Me, Resisting Her and When I Break.

She’s a sassy, yet polite Midwestern girl with a deep love of books, and a slight addiction to lipgloss. She lives in Minneapolis with her adorable husband and two baby sons, and enjoys hiking, being active, and reading.

Visit her at: for the latest book news, and fun extras.

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BOOK BLAST – Remind Me by @AnnMarie_Walker & @ Amy_KRogers @TastyBookTours

Have you met Hudson Chase?
Chasing Fire #1
Ann Marie Walker & Amy K. Rogers
Released  April 21st, 2015
Berkley Intermix
First in a tantalizing new trilogy about reigniting a forbidden desire from long
As heiress to a media empire Alessandra Sinclair was raised to put family obligations first. But
everything changes the night her first love walks back into her life and turns
her whole world upside down. Haunted by the memories of a secret romance with a
boy from the wrong side of the tracks, she can’t seem to get Hudson Chase out
of her mind. Once again torn between two worlds, Allie must decide how much
she’s willing to risk to have the love she’s always longed for.
Ten years is a long time to wait, but billionaire Hudson Chase didn’t become CEO
of one of the country’s fastest growing companies by giving up on what he
wants. Now that he’s got Allie in his sights again, he’s determined to make her
regret breaking his heart. And this time, he’s going to make damn sure he’s not
so easy to forget.Includes a preview of Release Me book
two of the Chasing Fire trilogy.
Praise for the Chasing Fire trilogy

“Exceptional…Seriously sexy and
sinfully steamy. Can’t wait for more from this writing duo!”–New York
Times bestselling author Tara Sue Me
“Walker and Rogers strike the
perfect balance between blistering physical desire and heartfelt
connections…”–RT Book Review  

You can read my 5 star review here!

Join the #HudsonChasersBuy Now
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Allie wrapped the sheet around her and climbed out of bed. A pair of French doors led to a small balcony, and when she opened them she discovered Hudson sitting on the driveway below her. On a Harley. Wearing leather.

Her mouth went dry. Up until then she’d only seen him dressed like a CEO in custom suits or cashmere sweaters. But now he looked like a bad boy from the wrong side of town. Her skin warmed at the sight of him; from his motorcycle boots to his faded jeans to his black leather jacket. She knew she was gawking, but she couldn’t help it. Below her, straddling that sleek black and chrome machine, was the boy she once knew. Only now he was powerful, in control, and if possible, ten times hotter. It was like Hudson Chase 2.0.

He cut the engine and smiled up at her. “Good morning, sleepy head.”

“Good morning.” Allie dropped her chin and tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear. For some reason, she found herself feeling incredibly shy. Perhaps it was being outside in her current state of undress, or perhaps it was their night of raw, uninhibited sex. She felt her face flush just thinking about the things he’d done to her the night before; things she’d like him to do again. She cleared her throat and tried her best to keep her voice level. “So that’s the bike I keep hearing about?”

“The very one.” He shifted the motorcycle back to engage the kickstand and climbed off. “Get dressed. We’re going for a ride.”

A thrill shot through her. “Be right down.”

Allie hurried back into the house, quickly changing into jeans and a lightweight sweater. She brushed her teeth and pulled her hair into a haphazard ponytail before grabbing her leather jacket and flying down the stairs. She was going for a ride on Hudson Chase’s Harley! When she reached the gravel drive she found Hudson leaning against the bike seat with a helmet in his hands. “I was beginning to wonder if you were ever going to wake up.”

“Must be all the fresh air.”

He raised a brow as he straightened and stepped away from the bike.

“Well, I would have been up earlier if you hadn’t kept me up all night.”

“I clearly remember being given specific instructions.” He drew her against him and let his hand glide over the curve of her ass, holding her tight as his hips rolled against hers. “Don’t stop, Hudson. Oh God, don’t stop.”

Heat pooled between her legs as her traitorous body responded to his despite her embarrassment over her wanton behavior. Placing both hands on his chest, she gave him a playful shove. “Well, you can stop now.”

Hudson chuckled. “Here,” he said, handing Allie the helmet. “Put this on.”

Allie took the helmet from him and eyed it skeptically. “I don’t think it will fit over my ponytail.”

“It’s not up for debate. But you might be more comfortable with your hair down.” He reached up and gently tugged the hair tie loose, letting her long blond curls cascade around her shoulders. His knuckles brushed her cheek. “You look beautiful.”

His touch ignited her skin. She looked up at him from beneath her lashes and began to wonder if they’d make it back in the house, let alone on a bike ride. If he wanted to take her right there on the gravel, she’d probably let him.


Though thousands of miles apart, Ann
Marie Walker and Amy K. Rogers are in constant contact, plotting story lines
and chatting about their love of alpha males, lemon drop martinis and British
supermodel, David Gandy.
You can find them on Twitter as @AnnMarie_Walker and @Amy_KRogers. 
Amy K. Rogers


Ann Marie Walker

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Pre-Order the rest of the Chasing Fire Series Now
Releasing July 21st, 2015
Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Kobo | GooglePlay
Releasing October 21st, 2015

A Gentleman’s Fate by A.J. Linn @ Book Release Tour @FuckedUpFifty_ #AGF @AuthorAJLinnHub

I’m excited to share this new release with you.  A Gentleman’s Fate is A.J. Linn’s latest.  I’m reading it now.  Stay tuned for my review soon.  Book Release Banner Tour_edited-1

Title: A Gentleman’s Fate (Volume 4)

Series: The Gentleman’s Series

Author: A.J. Linn

Genre: Romance

Release Date: June 22, 2015

Cover Design: Dancinee Jennings


The story continues for the handsome reformed Malibu playboy, Donovan Hart, in this, the fourth and final installment of A Gentleman’s Series. Donovan, a hotel and adult club owner, decided that it was time to file away his players card in search of the elusive one, in the first book in the series, A Gentleman’s Affair. He was certain that he had found that in interior designer, Scarlett Montgomery, but Scarlett had a past, and that past would soon threaten their perfect union. How far will he go to fight for his Unico Vero Amore?

Beware of unexpected twists and heartbreaking turns.

Just when you think you know what’s next, you will probably be wrong.

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Click the goodreads button below to add “A Gentleman’s Fate” to your “Want to Read” list.



“Good morning, sire, it’s good to have you back. How was Venice?” Patrice asks as I fly past her desk, walking straight into my office, slamming the door behind me.

But that doesn’t stop her. She barges in with hot coffee, making herself comfortable in the black leather chair near my desk. “Okay, spill it. What’s going on?”

“Not now, Patrice,” I reply dismissively, switching on my computer.

In a daze, my eyes are fixed on the blank screen. I’m trying to avoid the inevitable conversation, and trying even harder to ignore her. She sets the cup down on my desk, softening her voice to almost a whisper, asking once again, “Donovan, what’s going on?”

“Don’t you have work to do?” I snap.

“Yes sir, I suppose I do,” she snaps back defensively as she gets up from her chair, mumbling the word asshole under her breath as she heads towards the door.

“I heard that,” I respond, somehow managing to muster up a slight chuckle. “I apologize, alright? Sit back down.”

“Accepted. Now, are you gonna tell me what’s got you in such a pissy mood?”

“In a nutshell…she did it again.”

“She? She who? Scarlett?”

“Yes, Scarlett.”

And there it is. The look that I was trying so hard to avoid. The poor-Donnie, sad-eyed, frowny-faced look that I know I’ll get every single time that I tell this fucking story. Perhaps I can just handle this in one fell swoop, and have Patrice send out a mass memo describing the details of the nightmare-in-Venice, fucking-kill-me-now debacle.

“I don’t get it, Donovan. She was the one that propo….”

“Please, don’t even say it. I really don’t want to get into this right now. Alright?”

“Sure, okay, Donnie. Can I do anything for you?”

She gets up again to leave, but pauses twice before reaching the door. I can see that she’s searching for the right thing to say. Something…anything…to lighten the mood, to cheer me up, to lessen the blow of what Scarlett has done, now twice…as if anything could. But I just want her to leave.

“You know she loves you, right? Do you want me to talk to her? I’m sure I can…”

I interrupt before she can say anything else. “Not another goddamn word about it, understand? Now, I have work to do.”

“Fine, for now. But you’ll have to talk about it at some point, you know.”

I continue to stare at the still-blank computer screen, waving her away.

Defeated, for now, at last she leaves, closing the door behind her.

The clock on the wall seems to be ticking slower than usual. I’ve been here for three hours, and am finding it impossible to concentrate, especially with my cell going off every ten minutes with calls and text messages from Scarlett. I’m not ready to talk to her, and to be honest, I don’t know if I ever will be. I don’t know if I even care at this point. Although I’m slightly curious, I really have no idea what we have to talk about anymore.

I need to get out of this hotel and clear my head. I knew coming here straight from the airport was probably a mistake, but it seemed like a good idea at the time. Better than sitting in that penthouse, alone, with nothing but the all-too-fresh memories of yet another Scarlett-related nightmare to keep me company.

Placing my cell phone in the top drawer of my desk, I change out of my monkey suit and into the spare set of clothes that I keep in the closet of my office. Stopping by Patrice’s desk on my way out, I let her know that I’m leaving for the rest of the day, and that I don’t want to be bothered, by matter what’s on fire.

“Are you okay?” she asks, still pushing, hoping for some sort of verbal spillage on the details of my Venetian vacation.

“No, but I will be.”


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Summary of The Gentleman’s Series – All Four Books

In A Gentleman’s Affair, (volume 1) we met the handsome Malibu playboy, Donovan Hart, the entitled, notorious heartbreaker, who would rather spend his days on the beach than in the office. He had his pick of the most beautiful women in Malibu, and had no intention of settling down. But tragic events would change all that and force him to make serious changes in his life. Donovan goes from player to entrepreneur overnight, and finding love…surprisingly… becomes a high priority. That, and opening the first adult club in Malibu.

aga good reads

A Gentleman’s Affair (Book 1)

Print – Amazon

Print – Amazon UK

eBook – Smashwords

eBook – iTunes

eBook – Barnes & Noble

In A Gentleman’s Secret, (volume 2) Donovan’s story continues, as he faces more challenges when it comes to affairs of the heart, opens a new hotel in Las Vegas, and discovers that his girl may have even more secrets to keep than he does. Will love endure?

A Gentleman's Secret- Front RGB

A Gentleman’s Secret (Book 2)

Print – Amazon

Print – Amazon UK

eBook – Smashwords

eBook – iTunes

eBook – Barnes & Noble

A Gentleman’s Memoir (volume 3) is a flashback of Donovan’s life. This prequel gives you an intimate look into his past and takes you on his journey into the adult world where anything goes…and it usually does.

AGM- Front Cover RGB

A Gentleman’s Memoir (Book 3)

Print – Amazon

Print – Amazon UK

eBook – Smashwords

eBook – iTunes

eBook – Barnes & Noble

about the author

A.J. Linn published his debut novel, A Gentleman’s Affair, Volume 1 of The Gentleman’s Series, in May, 2013.

Since that time, he has continued protagonist Donovan Hart’s story in A Gentleman’s Secret, published in December, 2013, and revealed Donovan’s earlier life in a prequel, A Gentleman’s Memoir, a novella published in August, 2014.

The series quickly became very popular with fans of his RP/character blog, which he’d been writing for almost a year. He credits those fans with this series, since they were the ones who encouraged him to “write a book” and dedicated the books to them.

With his unique voice and writing style, the popularity of the series began to grow, despite the promotion and marketing challenges facing a self-published indie author.

In an original and creative idea, he gave his readers the opportunity to submit “characters” for A Gentleman’s Secret and A Gentleman’s Memoir, which he crafted into the story. The results were intriguing and sometimes hilarious, as he paid the ultimate compliment to his fans and readers…making their characters part of Donovan’s story.

While having full-time job and a very busy life make finding time to write a challenge at times, his readers are in agreement that he has done a fantastic job: four books in two years is quite an accomplishment.

The paperback editions of the series can be found on Amazon. The ebooks are available on Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, and iTunes.

giveawayEnter this giveaway for a chance to win some amazing books or gift cards. Click on the Rafflecopter picture to enter yourself in the drawing. Good Luck!


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Thank you to all of the bloggers, authors and friends who have helped us promote this book release.

This Book Release Tour has been hosted by Mama Likes To Read Book Blog

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Blog Tour – Sweet on Wilde by Fabiola Francisco @AuthorFabiola

I’m excited to share Fabiola Francisco’s new release, Sweet on Wilde.  Add it to your TBR.  

Sweet on Wilde by Fabiola Franciscoamazon-goodreads


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Eight months ago, I made a deal with my best friend. This wasn’t your typical pact. No, we had to take a different route. The deal was that if we were still single by fall, we would join online dating. Yes…now I am that girl. Just me, though, because she met a guy and saved herself from the awkwardness of dating people you meet via the Internet.

Cheesy pick up lines.
Inappropriate messages.
Disaster dates.

I don’t want to be “Savannah, profile 8713,” but a pinky promise is a promise you keep. What I wasn’t counting on was meeting a guy at the local bar.

So what happens when you decide to open yourself up to new opportunities? You might just cross paths with someone who makes you believe in love. Parker Wilde brought out the best in me and understood the worst, but when an amazing opportunity presents itself and our lives take different directions, is being sweet on Wilde enough for us?

Sweet on Wilde

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The music blasting from the speakers draws me, and I move my body to the beat as I sit by the bar facing the dance floor. Although Southern is a more laid back bar, it has a small area designated for the patrons that want to dance without feeling like they’re disrupting the flow of the service.

“Let’s go dance.” Parker is eyeing me mischievously, obviously enjoying as I move to the music. The stress he came in with has now totally eased out of his body. He is back to his relaxed, confident self.

“It’s okay. I’m fine here, not much of a dancer,” I lie because the thought of dancing with him throws me off.

“Really? You haven’t stopped moving. Come on,” he reaches his hand out to me. Taking a moment to watch him as he stands before me with his hand out, I can appreciate how good-looking he is. I take his hand and let him lead me towards the small crowd dancing in the center of the venue.

“Sweet Home Alabama” begins to come through the speakers, and as soon as everyone hears the familiar introduction, they get in position, ready to dance the steps taught to us from a young age. In perfect unison, we all begin the line dance, looking like something out of Footloose. As I’m turning with the beat, I notice Parker beside me, following along without missing a step. I look down at his feet, and smile, shaking my head.

Two more songs come on, each with its own line dance to accompany the music, and we all dance. The next song that comes on is a slower one, so I head back to the bar in need of a cold beer to cool down. Line dancing always gets me excited but it can be tiring. Before I make it out of the crowd, an arm jerks me back and turns me. I’m facing Parker, his smile causing my heart rate to speed out of control. “One more,” he says, beginning the two-step to Billy Currington’s lyrics. Leading me around the dance floor, Parker is confident, his grip on me firm as we move through the other people dancing.

“You know, for someone who mocks my boots, yours look quite worn and broken in.”

He chuckles, his grip tightening around my waist. “I may not be from Tuscaloosa, but I am a southern boy, Savannah.” His drawl heavier, making his point.

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Fabiola Francisco is a contemporary romance author from Miami, FL. She has always enjoyed writing. When she was young she began writing creatively. It was always a therapeutic way for her to express herself. She began with poetry, and throughout the years went expanding to short narratives until she finally decided to write a novel.

Her love for books has inspired her to write her own stories. Her books range from emotional to lighthearted humor. She is a firm believer in happily ever afters and the sometimes jagged path to achieving it. She hopes to continue writing more stories to reach readers individually.

When she’s not writing, Fabiola loves expressing herself through art and being out in nature. She loves to cuddle with a good book and a glass of wine.

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Other Books by Fabiola

Perfeclty Imperfect Cover



Excerpt Reveal – Manwhore + 1 by Katy Evans @authorkatyevans

I am so excited to share this excerpt today.  Manwhore + 1 is on my TBR and I can’t wait to get my hands on Mr. Saint again.  Enjoy and be sure to pre-order today.

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MANWHORE + 1  by Katy Evans



I’ve never been so hopeful as when I board the pristine glass elevator at the M4 corporate building. A handful of employees ride along with me, murmuring perfunctory greetings to each other and to me. I think my mouth must be on vacation because I can’t seem to force it to speak. But I smile in reply—my smile nervous, nervous but hopeful, definitely hopeful. My riding companions step out on their floors one by one until I’m alone, riding up to the executive floor on my own.

Toward him.

Toward the man I love.

My body is raging. My blood is pumping—my blood is storming—my thighs are shaking. My stomach feels filled with little earthquakes that just won’t quit, then they turn into a full-fledged roil when I hear the elevator ting at his floor.

Stepping out, I’m in corporate nirvana, surrounded by sleek chrome and pristine glass, marble and limestone floors. But I hardly have eyes for anything except the tall and imposing frosted glass doors at the far end of the room.

Framing those doors to each side is a pair of sleek designer desks, for a total of four.

Behind these desks are four women in identical black-and-white suits, sitting behind their gleaming dark-oak desks, working quietly behind their flat-screen computers.

One of them, the forty-year-old Catherine H. Ulysses—right hand of the man who owns every inch of this building—stops what she’s doing when she sees me. She arches her brow, then seems both tense and relieved as she lifts the receiver on her desk and murmurs my name into it.

  1. Am. Not. Breathing.

But Catherine doesn’t miss a beat as she motions me toward the huge frosted doors—those intimidating doors—that lead into the lair of the most powerful man in Chicago.

The human being with the most powerful effect on me.

This is what I’ve been waiting for, for four weeks. This is what I wanted when I left a thousand messages on his phones and what I wanted when I wrote a thousand others that I left unsent. To see him.

For him to want to see me.

But as I force myself to step forward, I don’t even know if I’ll have the strength to stand before him and look him in the eye after what I did.

I’m wracked so hard with nervousness and anticipation and hope—yes hope, small but bright, even as I shake like a leaf.

Catherine holds the door open, and I struggle to hold my head high and walk into his office.

Two steps inside I hear the swoosh of the glass door shutting behind me and my systems halt at the familiar sight of the most beautiful office I’ve ever been in.

His office is all vast marble and chrome, twelve-foot ceilings, and endless floor-to-ceiling windows.

And there he is. The center of its axis. The center of my world.

He’s pacing by the window, speaking into a headset in a low, low voice—the kind he uses when he’s pissed. All I can make out are the words have to be dead to let her fall into his clutches …

He hangs up, and as if he feels me in the room, he turns his head. His eyes flare when he sees me. His green eyes.

His achingly familiar, beautiful green eyes.

He inhales, very slowly, his chest expanding, his hands curling a little at his sides as he looks at me.

I look back at him.

Malcolm Kyle Preston Logan Saint.

I just walked into the eye of the most powerful storm of my life. No. Not a storm. A hurricane.

Four weeks, I haven’t seen him. And he still looks exactly as I remember. Larger than life, and more irresistible than ever.

His striking face is perfectly shaven today, and his sensual lips look so achingly full I can almost feel them against mine. Six-feet-plus of perfectly controlled male power stand before me, in a perfect black suit and a killer tie. He’s the very devil in Armani; strong-boned, square-jawed, gleaming dark hair and those penetrating eyes.

He’s got the best eyes.

They twinkle mercilessly when he teases me, and when he doesn’t tease me, they’re mysterious and unreadable, assessing and intelligent, keeping me guessing about his thoughts.

But I had forgotten how cold those eyes used to be. Green arctic ice looks back at me now. Every fleck of ice in those eyes gleaming like diamond shards.

He clenches his jaw and tosses the headset aside.

           He looks as approachable as a wall, his shoulders stretching his white shirt, which clings to his skin like a groupie. But I know he’s not a wall; I’ve never wanted to throw myself at a wall like this.

He’s walking towards me. Every step he takes makes my heart pound as he moves with that quiet and confident own-the-world stride of his.

He stops a few feet away and shoves his hands into his pants pockets; and he seems so big all of a sudden, and he smells so utterly good. I drop my eyes to his tie as the little candle of hope I walked in with starts to flicker with doubt.



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For every sin there is a sinner!

Manwhore + 1 is now available for pre-order

at the following retailers:

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Submit your proof of pre-order and get an early peek at Ms. Manwhore, the last of Saint and Rachel’s passionate love story. Click here to enter:

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The unexpected love story that began in MANWHORE continues heating up the pages in MANWHORE +1 by New York Times bestselling author Katy Evans…

Billionaire playboy? Check.

Ruthless businessman? Check.

Absolutely sinful? Check.

Malcolm Saint was an assignment. A story. A beautiful, difficult man I was supposed to uncover for a racy exposé.

I intended to reveal him, his secrets, his lifestyle–not let him reveal me. But my head was overtaken by my heart and suddenly nothing could stop me from falling. I fell for him, and I fell hard.

Malcolm Saint is absolute Sin, and I’ve become a hopeless Sinner.

Now that the assignment is over, Saint wants something from me–something unexpected–and I want this wicked playboy’s heart. But how can I prove to the man who trusts no one that I’m worthy of becoming his plus one?


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Manwhore (Book One)

manwhore cover katy evans

Now Available

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manwhore + 1 saint or sinner pic

About the Author:

katy evans pic

Hey! I’m Katy Evans and I love family, books, life, and love. I’m married with two children and three dogs and spend my time baking, walking, writing, reading, and taking care of my family. Thank you for spending your time with me and picking up my story. I hope you had an amazing time with it, like I did. If you’d like to know more about books in progress, look me up on the Internet, I’d love to hear from you!




