Cover Reveal – Quiet Country by Colbie Kay


Cover Reveal

 “Quiet Country” by Colbie Kay




“Quiet Country”


By Colbie Kay


Release Date: 8.28.15


Cover Photo: Shutter
Stock & Dollar Photo Club


Cover Design: Jersey Girl Graphics





Bear is the Enforcer for the Satan’s
Sinners. Coming from a


troubled past he lives his life day to day.


He loves his money, women,


and most of all the club. To him that was
all that mattered,


until he met her. Bear always gets what he


wants now he’s set out to get her.


Will he be able to break her walls and win




Jacey’s a doctor with secrets. She has her


life planned out, but Bear goes against it
all. She


set out to find the truth about her past.


When her plan falls apart will she let


pick up the pieces?




You met them in City Lights now find out


what happened in their story.


This book can be read as a standalone with
an HEA.



About the Author


Colbie Kay is from Kansas.
She is married with 3 children.
By day she works in a nursing facility and by
night she writes.
She has always been an avid reader who enjoyed a good story,
but was too nervous to take the next step into the world of
 writing. With the
support from family & friends Colbie
decided to explore the world of
With the courage from others and the excitement
of her stories
she hit publish on her
 debut book in March 2015.














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What’s In The Author’s Bag? Christy Pastore reveals…. @Christy Pastore

what's in the author's bag banner for blog

Have you ever wondered what your favorite authors carry in their purses?


Christy Pastore revealed the contents of her purse for all to see.

christy pastore purse



You should all know that I’m a handbag addict. This is my favorite bag, Modalu London “Pippa” bag named after Pippa Middleton and matching “Pippa” wallet.

Bookmarks: I always carry bookmarks with me, because you never know who you will run into. I consider them my business cards.

Sunglasses: My Chanel sunnies are always with me!

Basic Beauty essentials: Anti-bacterial hand gel, lip balm, hand lotion and a pop of lip color, gotta have that Clinque chubby stick.

iPhone: Instantly connected to email and social media wherever I go. I use the notepad feature a lot, for the simple reason to keep track of any story ideas I have while I am out and about.  Other apps I love: Instagram and


Thanks Christy for opening up you purse to your readers/fans.



christy pastore image

Christy Pastore lives in the Midwest with her husband, two lovable dogs and their crazy cool cat. When’s she not writing flirty and dirty books or updating her celebrity fashion blog, she loves shopping online, binge watching her favorite shows and daydreaming.

She believes books, especially love stories are an escape from the real world.

A few of Christy’s favorite things:

Bold Heroine’s — Swoony Hero’s with a Naughty Side — Guilty Pleasure Reads and TV Shows — Designer Handbags — Men In Suits — Black and White Photos– Sexy Accents– Snow– Pinterest — Twitter — Instagram– Wine– Champagne– Soy Latte’s — Gummi Bears– Gourmet Grilled Cheese Sandwiches — Pickles– Popcorn –Sparkling Water– Eye Cream– Pedicures– Traveling– 80’s Music– Musicals– Movie Trailers — Celebrity Red Carpet Interviews — Award Shows — Making Lists.

Follow Christy Pastore on Social Media





Books by Christy Pastore


by Christy Pastore

by Christy Pastore


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What’s In The Author’s Bag? Amy K. Rogers reveals…. @Amy_KRogers

what's in the author's bag banner for blog


Have you ever wondered what your favorite authors carry around in their bags?

Amy K. Rogers revealed the contents of her purse for all to see.


amy k purse image


Continue reading

Cover Reveal – The Shadow by Sylvain Reynard @sylvainreynard @ninabocci


THE SHADOW (Book 2 , The Florentine Series)

by Sylvain Reynard

 Coming February 2, 2016

the shadow sr




New York Times bestselling author Sylvain Reynard presents the hotly

anticipated, intoxicating follow-up to The Raven…

Raven Wood’s vampyre prince has returned, pledging his love and promising

justice for every wrong done to her. In the wake of their reunion, Raven is faced

with a terrible decision—allow the Prince to wreak vengeance against the

demons of her past, or persuade him to stay his hand. But there is far more at

stake than Raven’s heart…

A shadow has fallen over the city of Florence. Ispettor Batelli will not rest until he

uncovers Raven’s connection to the theft of the priceless art from the Uffizi

Gallery. And while the Prince hunts a traitor who sabotages him at every turn, he

finds himself the target of the vampyres’ mortal enemy.

As he wages a war on two fronts, he will need to keep his love for Raven secret,
or risk exposing his greatest weakness…



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What’s In The Author’s Bag? Michelle Day reveals…. @MichelleYDay @ProdigalSon_1


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Michelle Day, author of The Jensen Family Series – Prodigal Son, Father & Son and coming soon, Wayward Son, revealed the contents of her bag for all to see and explained why she carries them.

michelle day purse 1


michelle day purse



Vitamins, not that I’m paranoid but you never know when your system will need a boost.

Strepsils throat lozengers and cold and flu medicine, remnants from the last time I was ill and probably out of date by now.

My purse. My trusty data stick, this is where all my finished work and works in progress are kept. This is frequently backed up to an external hard drive and a further data stick because I am very paranoid about losing it all.

Kindle, always charged and loaded with books. I also carry the data cable for that just in case occasion.

Thanks Michelle for giving your readers a sneak peak into your purse/world. (I carry my Kindle everywhere I go too. )




michelle day image

 Books by Michelle Day

ps updated cover


 Prodigal Son


father and son cover michelle day


Father & Son


Amazon UK


Coming Soon 

Wayward Son (Cover Reveal – June 2, 2015)


cain's way cover


Connect with Michelle Day








What’s In The Author’s Bag? Ann Marie Walker reveals… @AnnMarie_Walker

what's in the author's bag banner for blog



Have you ever wondered what your favorite authors carry around in their bags?

Ann Marie Walker revealed the contents of her purse for all to see and explained why she carries them.

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Blog Tour – Review & Giveaway – Spencer by Kerry Heavens @KerryHeavens

Spencer Blog Tour Banner





@TheSpencerRyan exudes confidence,
I mean, have you seen him???
His dark good looks and tattooed muscled perfection are too much.
He’s hot. Lickably hot.
And he has a way with words that leaves me breathless.
But cocky doesn’t even cover it,
this guy is so arrogant you have to fight back.
But God he’s so lickable!
The thing is though,
he looks like sex but he’ll taste like jackass.

@OMGJazzyP is a sexy, annoying ball of rage in fuck-me heels
and she hates me.
Although her nipples would tend to disagree.
It’s a deadly combination.
She’s a princess.
And when I say princess, I mean intolerable, spoiled brat with a tiara.
Sure she’s got that curvaceous goddess thing going on,
but that mouth of hers…
God it needs something in it to shut it up.

This is not your average British romance.
It’s a tale of high heels, hot tattooed bad boys and
sex oranges, all wrapped up in a coating of chocolate.
It’s ‘love’ in a social media world,
where not everyone is who they seem
and where some people’s bios should carry a warning.

My Review

I’d like to start off this review with a congratulations to Kerry.  Spencer is skyrocketing on Amazon.  Congrats!!! Well deserved!

congratulations- gif fil

Kerry Heavens writes “real” and her latest book Spencer takes readers on the real adventures of Spencer and Jazz. two characters you will love.

In this story, Kerry creatively uses the social media platform Twitter as the means of communication between her characters.  Well done!  This story was unique, well thought out and brilliantly written. (I bet research for it was fun too.)

The characters, and I loved all of them are “real” which is what I love so much about Kerry’s writing.  You can imagine these characters and relate to them in the real world.  For me, that is something I enjoy when reading, that connection with the characters.

In this brilliantly written story, we meet Spencer.  Oh… Spencer.  He is hot, cocky and fun to read about.  Jazz has seen him before but it isn’t until her best friend Mags decides to do some investigating/stalking that his name and Twitter account are discovered.  Mags starts up a conversation with this arrogant guy on Twitter including Jazz.  The rest is ….. Well, here’s the part where I will tell you that you have to read the book.

For those of you familiar to Twitter, you know that you can hide behind any AVI of your choice.  Spencer, the perpetual selfie guy doesn’t hide, he enjoys the attention he gets from his followers.  Jazz uses her sexy shoes as her AVI.  Still curious?

Jazz has a sudden career change and as a result spends her summer with her best friend Mags in her posh home.  The “real” story happens there.  One of my favorite scenes happens in the downstairs bathroom.  Classic!  Kerry, you made me laugh so hard!

Both Jazz and Spencer are career minded and I liked that about them.  While different, I saw many things in common between these two making them another couple in my favorite couples list.

Jazz has her own talent which flourishes in this story.  It was great to see how that tied into this story.

Mags and Will are two supporting characters that I would love to read more about as well.  I do hope they get their own story.

This is a story that involves humor, sexy DM messages, steamy scenes, love and friendship all in a perfectly written package. Written through both of their POV’s adds to this amazing read.

I read this book in one sitting and enjoyed every single moment.  There was a “Danny” moment that brought out an extra smile.

Read and you will see that there is definitely more to Spencer than just those sexy selfies.  What is that saying?  “Appearances can be deceiving.” Aesop.

I highly recommend this book and know that you too will love it!

I gave this book 5 sparkling stars!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

5 stars





Spencer Excerpt 1


The sight and smell that greets me is just the same as it was yesterday. Bowls and utensils everywhere; and an incredible smell of chocolate and trays with neat lines of rolled truffles. Except today, I notice it. How did I miss all this crap yesterday, chocolate usually comes above everything!

Oh, but yesterday I was on a mission.

Drooling, I head around the counter and pick up a ball of chocolate from one of the trays, savouring it as the flavours explode in my mouth. Dark chocolate with some kind of boozy fruit flavour. God, it’s good.

And she did this?

She’s dangerous.

A woman who looks like her, thinks like her, wears those shoes, gives me shit and makes stuff like this, is a danger.

If I had a heart, I’d be falling in love.

I come to a big bowl of soft looking chocolate goo with a spatula sitting in it. I dip my finger in the gooey goodness and lift it to my mouth.

Holy hell! That is fucking amazing. It’s ginger and dark chocolate with some alcohol. Damn. I want to put my face in the bowl. I glance around, then shrug. Lifting the spatula out, with a decent scoop, I lean against the counter and take a good long lick.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” she barks as she comes into the kitchen.

“Just having a taste, Princess,” I reply, turning to let her see me take another lick.

She storms over, trying to grab the spatula out of my hand. Good luck with that sweetheart, this is me and chocolate. You ain’t getting it back.

“You can’t just wander in here whenever you feel like it.”

“The door was open.”

“Give that back!” she demands, catching hold of it. For a second we both pull at it, but then I see an opportunity and let go. Chocolate splatters her face, neck and chest and stops her dead in her tracks.

I choke on a laugh.

She looks at me, mouth open, “You did that on purpose!”

I shrug.

She glances down at the mess on her chest and my eyes follow, locking in on her begging nipples, visible through her dress. She looks embarrassed.

“It’s ok, Princess, I know they like me even if you don’t. Happens whenever I’m around.”

“It does not!”


I step closer. She backs off, but I catch her arm and pull her close.

“What are you doing?” she gasps.

“I don’t waste chocolate,” I reply softly and then lean in and swipe my tongue over her temple.

She wriggles, but it’s a weak effort. “Get off me,” she demands.

“Hold still, Princess, it’s all over you.” I take another lick at her cheek and move down to her neck.

“Ok, that’s enough,” she snaps, her breath catching in her throat as I suck in her earlobe.

I lick her neck just below her ear even though there’s no chocolate there and the way her head falls slightly back in surrender makes me swallow hard. “It’s never enough,” I murmur.

What the fuck?

I shake the sappy shit out of my head before I grow a vagina, and pluck the spatula out of her hand, painting a trail down her cleavage. Dropping the spatula on the floor, I grab her by the arse and lift her so that I can lick it all off. She yelps and struggles and I plonk her down on the kitchen counter, leaning forward and feasting on the stripe I painted between her breasts. Her dress is ruined, shame, I quite liked it.






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Spencer Giveaway


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Kerry Heavens

Terrible wife

Mediocre mother

Appalling housewife

Fashion graduate

Wedding co-ordinator

Sex toy salesperson

Shop manager


Font collector

Romance addict

Fancier of nice men

Ok, fancier of almost all men

Awesome cupcake baker

Incessant singer

Film buff



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Cover Reveal – Sweet on Wilde by Fabiola Francisco @AuthorFabiola



Sweet on Wilde

Fabiola Francisco

Contemporary Romance

Release Date: June 7, 2015



Eight months ago, I made a deal with my best friend. This wasn’t your typical pact. No, we had to take a different route. The deal was that if we were still single by fall, we would join online dating. Yes…now I am that girl. Just me, though, because she met a guy and saved herself from the awkwardness of dating people you meet via the Internet.

Cheesy pick up lines.

Inappropriate messages.

Disaster dates.

I don’t want to be “Savannah, profile 8713,” but a pinky promise is a promise you keep. What I wasn’t counting on was meeting a guy at the local bar.

So what happens when you decide to open yourself up to new opportunities? You might just cross paths with someone who makes you believe in love. Parker Wilde brought out the best in me and understood the worst, but when an amazing opportunity presents itself and our lives take different directions, is being sweet on Wilde enough for us?



Sweet on Wilde Trail Kiss

Sweet on Wilde kiss


Connect with Fabiola Francisco here:




IG: @authorfabiola



Blog Tour – Bride Without a Groom by Amy Lynch @amylynchauthor


Blog Tour

Bride Without a Groom

by Amy Lynch

bride without a groom cover


Rebecca has chosen the most luscious, five tiered, wedding cake – as featured in Hello! Magazine. The engagement ring that she has selected is celebrity inspired. The wedding singer is on speed dial. He doesn’t usually do Michael Bolton, but as it’s for a first dance he’ll make an exception. Father Maguire is checking dates for the parish church as we speak. The deposit on the white sand honeymoon is paid for in full on Barry’s card. Sure, the resort was good enough for Pierce Brosnan when he tied the knot. She has fallen for an ivory lace couture gown that is to die for. The down payment may require her to sell a left kidney, but it will be worth it. Isn’t that why you have two?

There’s one teeny problem. It’s nothing, really. No need to panic! It’s just that Barry has yet to propose. Says he’s not ready! He can be a bit of a kill joy that way. It’s time to face the harsh reality – she is a bride without a groom.

Truth be told, Barry’s had enough. There’s only so much wedding talk that one man can take. Discovering the credit card statement is the final straw. Now he’s leaving for a conference in Bangkok and frankly, he’s looking forward to the peace and quiet. He says he needs time to think about their relationship. As the Tiger beer flows and the tie loosens, his colleague Shelley is providing more than a shoulder for him to cry on. Maybe Shelley is right. Maybe Rebecca only wants the big day.

Back in Dublin, Rebecca worries. Maybe she has pushed Barry too far this time. Best mates Pam and Emer are on hand for counseling and cocktails. With the help of family, friends and a well stocked drinks cabinet, Rebecca puts her cunning plan together. Operation ‘Win Back Barry’ is in full swing. She needs to convince Barry that she’s not crazy – just crazy about him. But wait… who is the mysterious woman that is so keen to talk to her, and what is it that Barry needs to get off his chest?


My Review

Entertaining, funny and a must read for rom/com lovers everywhere.


Here’s a review I’m excited to share.   Bride Without  A Groom by Amy Lynch is a story that all rom/com lovers will enjoy and must read.  So yes, I highly recommend this story to you. I loved it for many reasons but probably so much because Amy created a character that reminded me of someone I know.

Do you know that one woman who has her wedding/future all planned out minus the groom?  Well, in this story, you will meet Rebecca, the bride without the groom.  Rebecca is a most lovable humorous character who has gone to great lengths to plan her perfect wedding to Barry, her longtime boyfriend.  She has fine taste, and knows exactly what she wants in her wedding.  But, there’s a tiny problem, Barry doesn’t propose as expected.

This story takes place over a short time span, while Barry is away on a business trip. This time away from Barry proves to be packed with humor and a most enjoyable story.  I’m keeping my review as spoiler free as possible but I’ll tell you this, be prepared for a bride without a groom that is totally obsessed with the “I do” moment.  This story gets real, gets funnier and well….  read the book and find out.

So, you know what to do, head on over to Amazon and “one click” this baby.  Set aside the time, grab a glass of wine and enjoy Amy Lynch’s Bride Without A Groom.

I gave this book 5 stars.

 5 stars


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Release Day Blitz – Spencer by Kerry Heavens @KerryHeavens


I’m thrilled to share this new release with you today.  You will love Spencer! 

Enjoy the excerpt and stay tuned for my full review next week.  




@TheSpencerRyan exudes confidence,
I mean, have you seen him???
His dark good looks and tattooed muscled perfection are too much.
He’s hot. Lickably hot.
And he has a way with words that leaves me breathless.
But cocky doesn’t even cover it,
this guy is so arrogant you have to fight back.
But God he’s so lickable!
The thing is though,
he looks like sex but he’ll taste like jackass.

@OMGJazzyP is a sexy, annoying ball of rage in fuck-me heels
and she hates me.
Although her nipples would tend to disagree.
It’s a deadly combination.
She’s a princess.
And when I say princess, I mean intolerable, spoiled brat with a tiara.
Sure she’s got that curvaceous goddess thing going on,
but that mouth of hers…
God it needs something in it to shut it up.

This is not your average British romance.
It’s a tale of high heels, hot tattooed bad boys and
sex oranges, all wrapped up in a coating of chocolate.
It’s ‘love’ in a social media world,
where not everyone is who they seem
and where some people’s bios should carry a warning.


Spencer Excerpt 1


He growls, moving closer, putting his beer on the table. “You don’t know me.” He’s right in front of me now.

He smells amazing.


“I don’t want to know you.”

He lets out a clipped laugh. “Liar.”

“You arrogant piece of shit!” I raise my hand to slap his smug face, but he catches my wrist and pins it against the wall above my head. He leans into me until I can feel his breath against my cheek. It sends unwelcome shivers down my spine. I hate him and I hate what he does to me.

My breathing is rapid, but so is his.

“Why do you have to be so fucking irritating?” he hisses, through clenched teeth.

“You bring out the best in me. Now get the fuck off me before I hurt you.”

He sneers. “That, I’d love to see, Princess.”

“Try me,” I dare him, turning my face ever so slightly to look in his eyes. I want him to see how angry I am, to see that I really can’t stand him. Unfortunately, he is looking at my lips, why is he looking at my lips? Just then his eyes flick up, and for a second, I see just a hint of confusion, before his lips crush against mine with such force an involuntary moan escapes.

His tongue forces its way into my mouth and begins exacting its revenge on mine for the nasty things I’ve said.

What the fuck is happening? I hate him, but my God I want to fuck him. This is so bad. I need to stop this now. His hand is still pinning my wrist to the wall, so with my other hand I shove at his shoulder, he breaks contact with my mouth for a second grabbing my other wrist and pinning it along with the first in one strong hand.

“What do you think you’re doing?” I gasp, fighting to breathe. I badly want to fight him, but I need to feel him.

“Figuring this out,” he murmurs as his mouth begins to travel to my neck. He bites my earlobe and I cry out. Pleasure and pain, passion and fury, surge through me and I start to fight.

Yanking at my hands held securely in his firm grip, I can’t help another moan as his hot, breathless kisses work their way down my neck. His free hand snakes into my top and yanks down the cup of my bra.

“Figuring what out?” I pant. “I hate you and you hate me, it’s perfectly easy to understand. Ah!” His fingers pinch my nipple hard.

“If you hate me, why are you panting like a dog in heat?” he says as he sinks his teeth into the soft skin of my neck and bites hard enough to leave a mark.

“Fuck!” I growl, the pain just increases the damned pleasure. I fucking hate my body for its betrayal. “Don’t flatter yourself,” I spit. His head dips lower and my top is lifted

up, then his mouth is on my nipple. At this point I’m screwed; my nipples are my weakness. I moan loudly and lose myself for a second in the sensation. He bites down and I cry out. Then realisation floods back in. I wriggle to get out of his grasp again, but he holds me tighter. His hand stills my hips and I freeze as it slides around my arse and up, under my skirt. I try again to get free of him as his busy hand pushes my skirt up around my waist.

“Why fight me?” His fingers travel around my thigh.

“Why? Because I hate you, that’s why.”

“You want me, you can’t deny it.”

“In your dreams,” I start to protest, but his fingers find their way to the front of my knickers and slip inside. All the air leaves my body as his fingers slide across my clit and then sink inside.

“Liar!” he purrs, working his fingers.

I whimper. I’ve never been so turned on, or so at odds with myself. “If you hated me,” he pulls his hand away, leaving me to sag with disappointment, “you wouldn’t be this wet.” His fingers force their way into my mouth, coated with my need.

This display of dominance has a shiver running through me, and without thinking, I suck at his fingers and groan.

He smirks. “Face it, Princess, you want me.”

I do.



I don’t.

He lets his fingers slip from my mouth and stares at me with a look of triumph, like he has me right where he wants me.

“You’re a pig,” I whisper, “you make me sick.”

“Yeah?” he challenges.

“Yeah,” I breathe.

Then, he presses himself against me.

Ho-ly fuck.


Spencer Buy The Book









Kerry Heavens

Terrible wife

Mediocre mother

Appalling housewife

Fashion graduate

Wedding co-ordinator

Sex toy salesperson

Shop manager


Font collector

Romance addict

Fancier of nice men

Ok, fancier of almost all men

Awesome cupcake baker

Incessant singer

Film buff



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