Blog Tour: Susi Reviews The Librarian Principle by Helena Hunting @HelenaHunting @NinaBocci

Susi Reviews The Librarian Principle 

by Helena Hunting


Profile portrait of businessman working on laptop  in black suit at studio

Annaliese Harper knows that one tiny mistake can jeopardize a career before it’s even begun. Letting your boss find the extensive collection of porn on your personal laptop is one way. Sleeping with him is another. Liese manages to do both.

As the new librarian at a prestigious small-town private high school, Liese is drawn to her sexy, charismatic principal, Ryder Whitehall—an attraction she refuses to acknowledge given their relationship and her recent liberation from a delusional ex-boyfriend.

Liese is certain Ryder’s flirtation is the product of her sex-deprived imagination—until he discovers her digital porn stash during working hours and demands a private meeting. Behind closed doors, their attraction explodes into a dangerous, passionate affair that not only threatens their jobs and reputations, but most of all, their hearts.

Portrait of a couple having sex in office


My Review


The Librarian Principle is one of those books that I couldn’t wait to read.  After meeting Hayden and enjoying The Clipped Wings Series by Helena Hunting, this book was at the top of my to be read list.  Of course, Helena did not disappoint.  This book was different, but it was good different.  I guess since I work in the field of education, I could totally follow the story and understand the ethical implications Liese and Ryder faced.

I love this story. Why?  Well, it is real. People who work together do go out and wind up together. It happens all of the time.  It may be frowned on by the employer, but it is reality. There is always chemistry in the workplace.   While the porn on the laptop part was different and presented a twist, it was funny and carried this story along. In fact, the porn was what made this story so entertaining, sexy and totally enjoyable.

I loved the characters.  I mean, who wouldn’t want to work with a sexy as hell boss like Ryder?

The more she learned about him, the more alluring he became. And he made himself freely available to her as she settled into her new position; he was always there to answer questions and provide reassurance. Combine that with his admirable background in education and his authoritative, no nonsense demeanor, and she practically melted whenever he came near her.  

I’ve never had the pleasure of working for a Principal that was hot or even sexy. (True story)  Liese is a lucky girl. Ryder is definitely the kind of boss I would want to stay after hours for.   Her best friend Marissa, the one who supplies the porn, is awesome.  Her conversations added humor that made me laugh out loud.  The forbidden relationship and the way they handled themselves was awesome.  Helena built up this anticipation and kept me hooked on this story.  I found myself reading in the car while my husband asked, “Don’t you get carsick when you read in a moving car?”  My reply, “Not for Helena Hunting. This book is amazing!”  This story had all of the elements to make it a five star read!

I recommend this book!  I especially recommend it to my friends and colleagues in the field of education who will totally love it.

On a personal note, I totally understood Liese, you see, I met my husband as a teacher, and he was a parent.  I also had to keep my relationship undercover until that school year was over.  Twelve years later, we are still together, living in bliss.

Thanks Helena for another awesome read!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.


5 stars


“You have no idea how much trouble you’re in.” His tone held none of the subversive humor that typically colored their private exchanges.

She swallowed thickly as he stopped in front of her. Even at his most relaxed, she found his presence intimidating, but the way he loomed over her now made her weak in the knees. The notion their relationship could be anything more than professional should never have entered her mind, no matter the temptation.

“I can explain.” Her eyes darted around the room in search of an escape she knew didn’t exist.

“Your office. Now,” he ordered, grabbing her laptop in one hand and her wrist with the other.

Even though she was horrified, his warm fingers wrapped around her wrist thrilled her. The pull she fought ignited, flashing across her skin like fire. And then she remembered this might be the end of her career. He propelled her into the library office and dropped the laptop on her desk. He released her wrist and shut the door, turning the lock.

“Do you have any idea—” His eyes blazed, the words cut short as he tugged at his tie. Liese watched nervously as he paced the room, his head down, fingers gripping the back of his neck, jaw working as he ground his teeth together. She couldn’t begin to imagine what he would do if he saw some of the other images she’d saved.

He gestured to the laptop. “What the hell was that?”

Liese jumped, a squeaky sound came out of her, and she clapped a hand over her mouth. Ryder rarely raised his voice.

It would be in her best interest not to reveal that her best friend had created a series of photoshopped pictures of the two of them in compromising positions. She also thought it wise not to say anything about the folder she’d created to store them, or how they fed her unhealthy infatuation with him. Or how they functioned as her primary source of masturbatory material.

“It was mostly a joke,” she mumbled.

“Do you think this is funny?” He looked incredulous as he towered over her, but his voice was smooth silk. Livid though he was, the tension between them pulsed like shock waves through the air.

“Not particularly, no,” Liese replied, refusing to look away for fear of appearing weak, or guilty. If she could maintain a facade of self-righteous indignation, maybe he wouldn’t touch her laptop again. In her peripheral vision, Liese noted the way his hands continued to clench and unclench at his sides.

“Where did that picture come from? Are there more?”

Much to her dismay, his palm settled on the laptop.

“I really wouldn’t—”

Ryder ignored her half-made request and flipped it open. It only took a few seconds for the screen to flicker to life and the advertisement to pop up. The gif played in a loop, the vigorous pumping continuing endlessly.

Liese sighed. “I don’t think there’s a way to explain this without it sounding incredibly bad.”

She buried her face in her hands and wished she could disappear as Ryder began to inspect the advertisement. Liese peeked through her fingers to watch him lean forward, hands splayed on either side of the laptop. Ryder squinted at the image, and then looked her over. His eyes moved down her body and back up, tracking her with an expression that bordered on predatory. Satisfied fascination knotted Liese’s stomach as the change took place: the undeniable draw she’d kept in check all this time echoed in his eyes. Some invisible line had been crossed, and Liese doubted she’d be able to return to the safety of the other side—the side where she pretended the attraction was all in her head.

“Please tell me that’s not you.” A note of aggression lent a sharp and bitter tang to the words. His fingers flexed against the desk, the tips turning white with pressure.

“It’s not my body,” Liese whispered, shaking her head.

“You’re quite sure about that?”

“It’s photoshopped.”

“Is that so?” He quirked an eyebrow, relief relaxed the tense line of his jaw. Ryder inspected the scene, apparently no longer fazed by the naked, gyrating bodies now that he knew she hadn’t made a porno and pasted his head on her previous partner. Ryder minimized the picture, allowing a series of folders to pop up on the screen.


Portrait of the smart handsome businessman

Trust me, you will love Ryder.  He is delicious!  

Profile portrait of businessman working on laptop  in black suit at studio


Buy Links


AMAZON eBook The Librarian Principle

AMAZON Paperback The Librarian Principle

Barnes and Noble


About the Author – Helena Hunting

Helena Hunting lives on the outskirts of Toronto with her incredibly tolerant family and two moderately intolerant cats. She’s putting her degree in English Lit to good use by writing contemporary erotic romance. She is the author of Clipped Wings, her debut novel, and Inked Armor.

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