Father & Son by Michelle Day Release Day Excerpt @ProdigalSon_1

Enjoy an excerpt from Father & Son by Michelle Day

father and son cover michelle day


What has happened to Paul Jensen?

He’s growing up fast, handling the challenges of his situation with the skill of a man twice his age.

He will never fit in, why should he? He’s special. Now it’s time to show the world.

With his unstoppable ambition he is taking steps to secure his financial future for himself and those around him but he struggles to do the same with the emotional side of his life.

There’s only one woman he really wants. He just has to be man enough to step up and prove to her how much he’s changed.


Leaning forward, Suzanne slid an embossed card across the table towards them “An invite to my twenty first.” She told them before scrambling on to the seat and hugging a very happy and completely inebriated Matt. “Happy Birthday Matty.” She kissed his cheek and ruffled his hair before turning to Paul. Grasping his hands, she pressed her lips to each of his cheeks in turn. “Happy Birthday Paul.”

“Thank you Suzie.” He murmured, his thumbs stroking the backs of her hands, he desperately wanted to cup her face in his hands and plant his mouth firmly over hers.

“I’m glad we can be friends.” She spoke, turning his blood to ice. Pulling his hands from hers, he reached for a glass and downed a shot, never taking his eyes from her.

“Yeah, right.”

Knowing she’d upset him but also knowing that the words had needed to be spoken, she backed away and went to join Tessa as she waited in the lobby. Faye grasped her chance now with both hands, having wished Matt a happy birthday and receiving a sleepy smile and a rather unexpected grope of her backside, she moved to Paul.

Sitting boldly on his lap, she grabbed a shot glass and emptied the liquid into her mouth before grasping his face and planting her mouth over his. His lips parted willingly under hers, their tongues dancing as they shared the shot and it was his turn to groan as he traced his hands up her sides.

The clearing of a throat brought them back to reality and as they parted Paul mused, not for the first time, that he could have an awful lot of fun with Faye. “Your taxi is here.” Jez told her and Paul saw that he had used his body to shield that little charade from his sister and former lover. Shooting a grateful glance at the bar manager, he moved to get up as Faye vacated her seat on his lap but soon sat back down when Jez shook his head and escorted the flushed girl to the door.

Returning to the table and now joined by the rest of the staff, the Jensen boys were again wished a very Happy Birthday as the staff helped to deplete the shots in front of them before heading to their homes.

“Come on boys, time you got some sleep.” Jez beckoned for them to follow him.

“You’re letting us stay here?” Paul questioned as he helped Matt cannon ball off the walls on the way up the stairs.

“Yep, I figured he’s far too far gone to go home.” He gestured to Matt.

Paul nodded in agreement, then stopped moving altogether, “Wait a sec, if I stay here it means I’m not even going to get laid on my birthday and I had serious fuck me vibes coming from Faye.”

“You had serious fuck me vibes coming from just about every girl in the club dude but you are working tomorrow in case you’ve forgotten so I’m protecting my investment.” Jez told him.

“In case I forget to tell you later, you’re an asshole.” Paul griped.

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About the Author- Michelle Day

Follow Paul on Twitter:  @ProdigalSon_1

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Michelle Day on Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/michelleyday?fref=ts




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