Father & Son by Michelle Day Release Day Blitz & Review @ProdigalSon_1

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father and son cover michelle day

What has happened to Paul Jensen?
Paul is growing up fast. Taking steps to secure his financial future for himself and those around him, he struggles to do the same with the emotional side of his life. There’s only one woman he really wants. He just has to be man enough to step up and prove to her how much he’s changed.

My Review

Michelle Day has done it again.  Father & Son is the brilliant continuation of the life of Paul Jensen, the incorrigible young man from Prodigal Son, her first book in this series. Get ready to follow Paul from the moment he gets his biggest news throughout his adulthood.  The story continues right where Prodigal Son leaves off so you won’t miss a beat.

The Jensen/Paloma family members are back.  Matt, his twin brother makes several appearances in this book that will leave you stunned.  (You’ve been warned) Put it this way, Matt and Paul get into mischievous situations.  His older sister Tessa learns more about her younger brother than she may care to.   Michael, his father crosses paths with Paul as well. (No spoilers)  Uncle John is back. (I like him)  This sexy Spaniard is always there to support and back Paul up when needed. Finally, Monica, his mother, shows her elegance and grace while always supporting her son.

Carmen, the infamous teacher continues to be a part of Paul’s life.  I want to dislike her,  but I can’t say I do.  Suzie, the one and only, holds a special place in Paul’s heart.  Her appearances throughout his life continue to prove the chemistry between them is still volatile.  Paul and Suzie have a special connection.  However, getting Suzie proves to be quite a difficult task for Paul.

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Paul has grown up and is ambitious in all aspects of his life.  This is one the traits I loved the most about him.  Even at such a young age, Paul has set high standards and goals for his future.  His business savvy skills earn him the respect of others.  Along the way, Paul grows into an even more handsome gentleman, one that women can’t seem to resist.

Don’t worry, Paul doesn’t disappoint any of the women he meets along the way and most certainly won’t disappoint you.  If you loved him in the first book, watch out, he gets better with age.

There are unexpected moments in this book and all of them complete this story.  Paul most definitely proves to be more than expected and really has a heart of gold.  His generosity is another quality I admire.  Again, Paul is quite the character.

This series has a special place in my reader/blogger heart.  My first review as a newbie blogger was of Prodigal Son.  I’ve been following Paul, his character ever since.  “You see Paul, you were my first.”  🙂

Congrats to Michelle on another fantastic book.  I really enjoyed this book and highly recommend it. I look forward to reading book 3.


I gave this book 5 stars!

5 stars

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father & Son paul's 911 pic quote

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A Special thank you goes out to Stella for her pic quote contributions.  🙂

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About the Author- Michelle Day

Follow Paul on Twitter:  @ProdigalSon_1

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/prodigalsonjensen1?fref=ts

Michelle Day on Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/michelleyday?fref=ts




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