During November… #NaNoWriMo2014 #amwriting




I am excited to share that I will be participating in #NaNoWriMo2014.  There is a story that I have been wanting to write for quite some time. After much thought, I have decided to take the plunge and write it.

So, as you can imagine, I will be quite busy during these 30 days of writing.  For this reason, I will have limited blog posts.  Several posts have been scheduled in advance.

Additionally, I will not be reading ARC’s during this month unless I have already committed to reading them.

I am excited and nervous at the same time.  I hope to have the support of my blog readers and followers.

Happy Friday!

Happy NaNoWriMo Eve!





~Rediscovering You

by Susana Córdova


COVER REVEAL – Unscripted by Christy Pastore @ChristyPastore

Here is the gorgeous cover for Christy Pastore’s new book.  I look forward to reading it real soon.  Be sure to add it to your TBR list.


Unscripted (The Scripted Series #1)

by Christy Pastore

Genre : Erotica Romance
Publication Date : December 9, 2014
Cover Design : Mayhem Cover Creations


“His gaze on me was intense, I couldn’t look away. I felt as if I was revealing my entire soul to him in this moment.”  


The range of emotions I had experienced with Ronan felt like a topsy-turvy spinning roller coaster. Suddenly I was awake for the first time in what felt like years. Every fiber of my being was filled with heated desire, passion, lust and fear, and all I wanted was more… more of everything, more of him. How had I just lived these past few years only going through the motions?  But, as glorious as all of this was, was I kidding myself? Could it be real? Or just a moment in time – a few days of thrilling and scary excitement rolled into one? The moment before you hit that first big drop on your favorite coaster, you fall, and then it’s over.
This isn’t your typical Hollywood fairy tale where the typecast ordinary girl next door meets the famous handsome actor and they fall in love. Despite the emotional and physical scars that serve as reminders of Holliday Prescott’s past, she has evolved into a strong young woman. Ronan Connolly has loved and lost, but he’s never been in love. The weight of Hollywood’s expectations and the scripted games people play have left him bruised but not broken.
He’s always followed everyone else’s script and she wrote her own. That was until fate swept in with other plans.
This story contains sexually explicit material and is intended for mature individuals over the age of eighteen.
©Christy Pastore, 2014

About the Author

Writer Christy Pastore grew up in the lakeside community of Syracuse, Indiana USA writing short stories that usually involved characters who loved to travel, had a passion for fashion and were often times swept up in boy crazy crushes.  Many of her first stores also dealt with coming of age situations with their best girlfriends.
Christy gave up reading books for several years, disillusioned with the annoying characters and predictable plot lines. Upon the recommendation of a friend, Christy picked up a much buzzed about popular romance novel which reminded her of why reading was such an enjoyable guilty pleasure.
Writing has been a constant in Christy’s life, leading her to create a popular fashion blog, Fashion Wrap Up. This endeavor allowed Christy to have the wonderful experience of working and collaborating with many talented models, designers, makeup artists and photographers in the Fashion Industry. While Pastore still writes about fashion and celebrity style in her spare time, her passion for story development, more specifically creative writing, publishing and content creation has taken her on a new journey and career path: Author.
Her debut novel, Fifteen Weekends was released in May of 2014. Her next novel, Unscripted is set to release in November 2014.
Additionally, Christy enjoys a nice glass of Sauvignon Blanc, a warm cup of coffee, Gummi Bears, traveling and tweeting her thoughts on her favorite TV shows.


Christy and her husband Kevin currently reside in St. Louis, Missouri in the popular Italian Neighborhood, The Hill, with their two lovable dogs and cooler than cool cat.
Media Links


Susi Reviews Made by @JMDarhower

Susi Reviews Made by J.M. Darhower

Made Cover JM Darhower


Corrado Moretti.

The world knows the notorious Kevlar Killer, but few have ever seen what lies beneath his armor. The abused child. The neglected teenager. The broken man. He always did whatever he had to do in order to survive.

It’s kill or be killed.

Throughout his life, he has been there in the shadows, a witness to everything from beginning to end. Bound by loyalty and honor, there’s only one thing he would sacrifice it all for: family.

Never get close. Never get attached. It’s a lesson that has been brutally pounded into him since childhood, but they’re words the DeMarcos make it difficult for him to follow. Through them he finds love and grieves loss, realizing the world isn’t quite as black and white as it’s made out to be.


This book is a prequel to Sempre. Sempre does not have to be read first, but this book contains spoilers from Sempre.


My Review 

Some books just capture the reader and remain with them forever. The Forever Series:  Sempre, Sempre Redemption and now Made have done just that. They have a special place in my heart and my bookshelf.  This series is at the top of my favorites.

Made, the story of Corrado Moretti is an outstanding and exceptional read.  I was so excited when I first learned that J.M. Darhower had written it.  Needless to say, I devoured the ARC when I received it.  You see, Corrado was a character who I didn’t particularly like in Sempre but learned to love in Sempre Redemption.  He was dark and clearly misunderstood. Knowing why he acted the way he did changed my perception of him completely.

Yes, it is true that we grow up and it is our early years, the events we experience, the people around us and our parents who clearly shape who we turn into.  Made chronicles Corrado’s life from his early years with his family, Katrina his sister, his mother,  and especially the role his father played in the man he became.  Throughout the book, readers of Sempre and Sempre Redemption will understand events that were mentioned as J.M. Darhower cleverly depicts them as Corrado lived them.

One of my favorite parts of this book has to be when Corrado and Celia first meet.  True love knows no age.  This love that Corrado and Celia have is strong and is a love like no other. After reading Made, I totally understand this couple.  Their love is unique and they are clearly meant for each other.  Celia is his perfect soul mate.

Learning about the DeMarco family and how Corrado got involved with this Mafia family was enlightening.  Corrado is more that just a member of La Cosa Nostra. He proves to be loyal and so much more to this family and especially to his father in law.

Corrado has a nickname, The Kevlar Killer.  Readers will discover how he got this name.  Throughout this book, characters mentioned in Sempre and Sempre Redemption will come to life.  I especially loved reading about them.

Yes, Carmine and Dominic DeMarco are in this book too.  These two boys are special and having learned about their early years made them even more special to me. I can’t forget to mention Vincent DeMarco.  I had many questions about him and his early years.  Made clearly answers them as well.

I admit, I felt many emotions while reading this book because at times, parts of this story made me relive Sempre and Sempre Redemption.  Books that stir my emotions are the best.  J.M. Darhower has mastered this talent and that’s why I love her books so much.

Thank you J. M. Darhower for writing this book.  Made completed this amazing series.

Just like Corrado fell hard for Celia, I too fell hard for this book.  I totally enjoyed learning about this mysterious and intriguing man.  Corrado did what he did for his family and those he loved .  Corrado is a hero in my eyes.

Made can be read as a standalone but I highly recommend reading it after Sempre and Sempre Redemption because of the plot spoilers.

An ARC was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

I gave this book 5 amazing stars!!

5 stars

Buy Link



Made Cover & back cover JM Darhower


Oh, I flove Corrado!!

Made wear black pic teaser


hands for Made pic quote


Also available on October 27th for free  Friends and Forever by J.M. Darhower.

It’s on my kindle and will be my next review.  🙂

friends and forever


One moment.
One wrong choice.
That was all it took to destroy a friendship.
*takes place before Sempre*

With a three year old.
‘Nuff said.
*takes place after Sempre: Redemption*

Amazon Free!


About the Author:


J.M. Darhower is the USA Today bestselling author of books about the hottest hitmen and the women who find some hope in them. She lives in a tiny town in rural North Carolina, where she churns out more words than will ever see the light of day. She has a deep passion for politics and speaking out against human trafficking, and when she isn’t writing (or fangirling) she’s usually ranting about those things. Chronic crimper with a vulgar mouth, she admits to having a Twitter addiction. You can usually find her there.



Author’s links:




Website: http://www.jmdarhower.com/

Susi Reviews Two Bar Mitzvahs by @KatBastion and @StoneBastion @No_Weddings

Susi Reviews 

Two Bar Mitzvahs by Kat and Stone Bastion

two bar mitzvahs cover


Summer heats up in this third book in the No Weddings Series, where Cade Michaelson strives to balance his and Hannah Martin’s new relationship with the growing demands of his financial success.

Waiting for Hannah has been the best and worst kind of torture. Now I can claim her as mine. We believe we’re done with the past and can move forward together.

Hannah grows stronger than ever as she trusts in me—trusts in us. And when obstacles appear, she shows a surprising fierceness that rivals my own.

However, all is not perfect in paradise. Things get chaotic while I try to juggle multiple businesses, an ex from hell, and a girlfriend I’d do anything to keep. And in the middle of the whirlwind, I recklessly think I can handle everything.

But when all the madness is over, will I have everything I want—will I still have Hannah?

Continue reading

RELEASE DAY LAUNCH – TWO BAR MITZVAHS by @KatBastion and @StoneBastion

Two Bar Mitzvahs by Kat and Stone Bastion

 Release Day Launch

Steamy Excerpt and Giveaway

 Stay tuned for my review later this week!

two bar mitzvahs release day launch


two bar mitzvahs cover


Two Bar Mitzvahs Synopsis:

Summer heats up in this third book in the No Weddings Series, where Cade Michaelson strives to balance his and Hannah Martin’s new relationship with the growing demands of his financial success.

Waiting for Hannah has been the best and worst kind of torture. Now I can claim her as mine. We believe we’re done with the past and can move forward together.

Hannah grows stronger than ever as she trusts in me—trusts in us. And when obstacles appear, she shows a surprising fierceness that rivals my own.

However, all is not perfect in paradise. Things get chaotic while I try to juggle multiple businesses, an ex from hell, and a girlfriend I’d do anything to keep. And in the middle of the whirlwind, I recklessly think I can handle everything.

But when all the madness is over, will I have everything I want—will I still have Hannah?




Scorching (explicit) sex scenes.
Fire extinguisher highly recommended.


Cade takes control in his bedroom…


“Now, enough talk about what irritates both of us. Let’s shift the mood in here.”

“Oh?” She tilted her head. “What mood are you going for?”

I worked my way in between her knees, then pushed up, forcing her back on the bed. “Bad. My mood is getting very bad.”

She collapsed back onto the center of the bed, her dark hair fanning around her head. “How bad?” On a deep inhale, she tugged her lower lip into her mouth with her teeth.

I growled and dipped down, sucking her lip into my mouth. Then I slanted my head, kissing her hard. By the time I pulled away, she’d gone breathless. Her lips were red. Her eyes sparked with lust. “Hannah. I’m going to strip you naked and flip you into every position I’ve imagined while you innocently studied on my bed.”

She sucked in a sharp breath. “Which positions?”

I shook my head. “No. No itinerary.” Taking a deep breath, I pulled back and stood. I grabbed the front of my T-shirt and yanked it over my head. In the next few seconds, I popped open the buttons of my fly and shoved off my jeans.

Hannah swept her gaze from my face, down my chest, to the erection jutting out toward her. “Beautiful,” she whispered.

Primal. Blood thundered in my ears as I lunged forward.

Her jaw dropped open as I stripped off her shorts and thong together. I crouched over her, reached behind her back, and unclasped her bra with the flick of a finger and thumb. Then I clutched her top and bra and ripped them over her head before tossing them across the room.

Eyes wide, she swallowed hard and scooted, rotating into a missionary position, head toward the pillows. I gripped her hips, flipped her over, and tugged her down.

She gasped, face on the comforter, arms spread wide. But her hands clutched the fabric. And when I spread my palm across her ass cheek with a light touch, she let out a soft moan.

Oh yeah. The anticipation amped her up. “You like this, Maestro?”

A quick nod of her head.

“What about this?” I smacked her ass.

She sucked in a sharp breath, but that was it—no answer.

It wasn’t a no. So I slapped her skin again, this time the other cheek, harder.

The response I got was a groan as she exhaled.

I smiled, rubbing skin that pinked right before my eyes. “You trust me, don’t you?”

“Yes, Cade. I trust you.”

Stretching my body over hers, I pressed a gentle kiss to her shoulder blade. “Good. Then trust me to make you feel good.”

For the first time in my bedroom, I didn’t need to reach for the condoms in my nightstand. We’d already established she was on birth control, and we’d both been safe (or in her case, infrequent) with our sexual encounters.

I moved to the side and dragged my fingertips down her back before gently palming over her ass cheeks, one, then the other. The entire time, I gauged her reactions—when she took a deep breath, how long she exhaled. My fingers trailed lower, between her thighs, up into her cleft that had already become wet. Her responses grew hotter: gasps every time I surprised her with a touch to her clit, a fingertip pressing inside, lightly lifting; low moans on each exhale as I pressed and rubbed, finding out what she liked, how she needed it.

I took my time. Pulled her to the brink. Balanced her there before shifting my touch. And as my teasing dragged on, her soft cries and moans grew louder.

I stopped, resting my fingertip on her clit, another finger pausing its strokes inside of her. “Careful, Maestro. I’ll give you what you need, but unless you want the guys to have a ringside seat, you’ll need to keep it down.”

She nodded and pulled the corner of a pillow toward her face. Then she squirmed her hips.

“Ah, ah, ah. No grinding. I take you there.” Once she stilled, I began circling and stroking, slow, steady. With every muffled cry and moan, I brought her to the brink again, then kept her there. Teasing. Taunting.


Thank you for reading and sharing this scorching excerpt. We hope you read and enjoy the rest of this portion of Cade and Hannah’s story in Two Bar Mitzvahs.

Digital copies have promotional pricing of $0.99 and are signed on release day only.

*** The No Weddings Series Release Dates ***

No Weddings ~ Sep 8th
One Funeral  ~  Sep 29th
Two Bar Mitzvahs ~ Oct 20th
Three Christmases ~ Nov 17th


Kat Bastion with Stone Bastion Bio:

Award-winning and bestselling romance author Kat Bastion has teamed up with her husband Stone Bastion to create the new contemporary romance series No Weddings.

A few factoids about the writing team…

Kat enjoys her chocolate rich and dark, her music edgy and soul-filling, and her vacations exotic with toes dug into the sand. And she’s wildly, madly, deeply in love with Stone.

Stone likes pounding the trails on a mountain bike, vibrating the sound system with rock music, and down time spent on a stand up paddleboard. And he loves Kat wildly, madly, deeply…and then some.

Together, they’re having a blast bringing fun-filled romantic stories to life and hope you’ll join them in the exciting adventure.

Kat’s first published work, Utterly Loved, was a twentieth anniversary gift of love poems to Stone that they decided to share with the world to benefit charity. Net proceeds from Utterly Loved, and a portion of net proceeds from all their books, go toward charities involved in the fight against human trafficking.

Kat and Stone live amid the beautiful Sonoran Desert of Arizona. Visit their blog at www.talktotheshoe.com, website at www.katbastion.com, and their Twitter accounts at https://twitter.com/KatBastion and https://twitter.com/StoneBastion for more information.

Keep informed about new releases by joining their Email Subscription list.


giveaway 1

   a Rafflecopter giveaway


Buy Links:

NO WEDDINGS on: Amazon | Barnes & NobleKobo | iBooks

ONE FUNERAL on: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iBooks
TWO BAR MIZTVAHS on: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iBooks
THREE CHRISTMASES on: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iBooks



Blog | Twitter | Twitter | Facebook | Author Goodreads

no weddings banner

Cover Reveal – The Librarian Principle by Helena Hunting @HelenaHunting

Good morning!  I have some exciting posts on my blog today.  I am thrilled to share this first post with you bright and early.  Helena Hunting has a new book,  The Librarian Principle.  Here is the gorgeous cover and an excerpt.  Enjoy and be sure to add it to your TBR.





Profile portrait of businessman working on laptop  in black suit at studio



Annaliese Harper knows that one tiny mistake can jeopardize a career before it’s even begun. Letting your boss find the extensive collection of porn on your personal laptop is one way. Sleeping with him is another. Liese manages to do both.

As the new librarian at a prestigious small-town private high school, Liese is drawn to her sexy, charismatic principal, Ryder Whitehall—an attraction she refuses to acknowledge given their relationship and her recent liberation from a delusional ex-boyfriend.

Liese is certain Ryder’s flirtation is the product of her sex-deprived imagination—until he discovers her digital porn stash during working hours and demands a private meeting. Behind closed doors, their attraction explodes into a dangerous, passionate affair that not only threatens their jobs and reputations, but most of all, their hearts.


Liese was in the middle of adjusting her skirt when her phone chimed. She rummaged around inside her purse and found Marissa had sent her a message. Against her better judgment, she checked it. There was no text, only a photo, and it was too small in the message window to adequately discern the content. She clicked the image, and it expanded on the screen.

A noise that sounded vaguely like a cat dying escaped her. Marissa had done it again. Ryder’s head was superimposed onto the body of yet another well-hung porn star, and this time the image also included a woman—superimposed with Liese’s face—sprawled out over a desk, much like the one she stood in front of now.

“Hi there.”

Liese screamed, caught completely unaware. She turned to find Ryder standing in her office doorway, leaning against the jamb, his coat thrown over his arm, briefcase in hand. His suit jacket was unbuttoned, giving him a more relaxed look than usual. And sexier. If that was possible.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to frighten you,” he said. “You seemed rather invested in whatever you were reading just now.”

Liese hit the button on her phone, and the screen went blank. “It was my girlfriend,” she explained.

Ryder stared at her, unblinking.

At his lack of reaction, she elaborated. “My best friend—she’s expecting me later this evening. She was just checking in.”

“Oh.” He sounded relieved for some reason she couldn’t fathom. “Am I keeping you? We can reschedule for next week if you need to go.”

“No, no, it’s fine. I’m happy to meet with you, unless you have another engagement.” Liese slid her phone back into her purse, turning off the volume as she did so.

“I have no prior engagements.”

They stared at each other for a few interminable seconds before Liese realized they were on her territory, and she should invite him in. “Would you like to work in my office or out there?” Liese gestured to the empty library beyond.

He glanced over his shoulder and then surveyed their current surroundings. “I think your office would be more private.”

“Sure. Right.” Liese nodded, clutching the back of her chair.

“Unless you’d be more comfortable working out there,” Ryder supplied, watching her speculatively from his spot in the doorway.

“What? Oh, no. Not at all. I’m perfectly comfortable with you in me.”

His shock formed a counterpoint to her horror.

“In my office! I’m perfectly comfortable working with you in my office.”

Helena’s Links

Add The Librarian Principle to your TBR on Goodreads​!

Helena Hunting lives on the outskirts of Toronto with her incredibly tolerant family and two moderately intolerant cats. She’s putting her degree in English Lit to good use by writing contemporary erotic romance. She is the author of Clipped Wings, her debut novel, and Inked Armor.​

*Cover Reveal* Broken Promises by Kelly Elliot @author_kelly

Happy Wednesday!  Here is another book to add to your TBR.  It has been added to mine.  Enjoy!

Cover Reveal – Broken Promises by Kelly Elliot





Jan 1, 2015 — All Other Retailers




All of these are a result of broken promises.




All of these are a result of finding someone’s way.

Love has two paths, happiness and heartbreak.  Sometimes those paths intertwine.  Sometimes we choose the wrong path.  And sometimes we’re given the second chance to pick the right path.

 Which path will  Walker and Taylor go down? Only time will tell…



Liza turned around and the smile on her face about dropped me to my knees. Her long light brown hairwas pulled up into a bun and she had a bandana wrapped around her head. My eyes traveled up and down her body as I took in the jean shorts, cowboy boots, and light pink T-shirt. Her smile faded briefly when she looked at me before she gave me a weak smile.


I smiled as I walked up to Liza. I hadn’t felt this happy in a long time. I glanced at something hanging around her neck. When I noticed it was the ring I had given her I immediately looked down to her left hand. That’s when I saw the engagement ring. I stopped dead in my tracks. Liza let out a nervous chuckle and walked up to me and gave me a quick hug. “Hey you. It’s been what, a year?”


I couldn’t pull my eyes from the ring. Liza was engaged? I slowly looked up into her eyes and that’s when she looked down to her hand. She quickly put her hand in her pocket and smiled. “Um…how have you been, Walker?”


“You’re engaged?”



Kelly Elliott is married to a wonderful Texas cowboy who has

a knack for making her laugh almost daily and supports her crazy ideas and

dreams for some unknown reason…he claims it’s because he loves her!

She’s also a mom to an amazing daughter who is constantly

asking for something to eat while her fingers move like mad on her cell phone

sending out what is sure to be another very important text message.

In her spare time she loves to sit in her small corner

overlooking the Texas hill country and write.


One of her favorite things to do is go for hikes around her

property with Gus….her chocolate lab and the other man in her life, and Rose,

her golden retriever. When Kelly is not outside helping the hubby haul brush,

move rocks or whatever fun chore he has in store for her that day, you’ll find

her inside reading, writing or watching HGTV.








 Brought To You by:

GIVEAWAY – Tattoos and Tatas by Tara Sivec #FightLikeAGirl @TaraSivec

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  Tara Sivec is donating proceeds from her latest book to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Fund.  

Reading and Writing Between the Wines Blog is giving away 3 e-book copies of Tara Sivec’s Tattoos and Tatas

pink ribbon gif



tattoos and tatas cover


During the month of October, 100% of the proceeds from Tattoos and Tatas will be donated to breast cancer awareness.

Claire and Liz have always had a friendship that defied the test of time, but when one of them is diagnosed with a disease that every woman fears, their bond is put through the wringer. How do you cope knowing your soul mate could be taken from you?

Filled with memories of their life long friendship, inappropriate behavior, bad tattoos and shaving cats, the two friends will realize that laughter really is the best medicine.

Tattoos and Tatas is not your typical love story; it’s a story of friendship and learning how to let go when something is beyond your control.





Enter to win 1 of 3 eBook (Kindle) copies of Tattoos and Tatas by Tara Sivec.

Leave a comment on this post and you are entered.  

Three individual winners will be selected on Friday, October 17th at 9 am via random.org.  (No purchase necessary to enter)

Winners will be notified via email.  (US giveaway)

Good Luck!


About the Author

Tara Sivec is a USA Today best-selling author, wife, mother, chauffeur, maid, short-order cook, baby-sitter, and sarcasm expert. She lives in Ohio with her husband and two children and looks forward to the day when they all three of them become adults and move out.

After working in the brokerage business for fourteen years, Tara decided to pick up a pen and write instead of shoving it in her eye out of boredom. She is the author of the Playing with Fire series, the Chocolate Lovers series, the Chocoholics series, the Fool Me Once series and Watch Over Me. Her novel Seduction and Snacks won first place in the Indie Romance Convention Reader’s Choice Awards 2013 for Best Indie First Book.

In her spare time, Tara loves to dream about all of the baking she’ll do and naps she’ll take when she ever gets spare time.

**Please note that Tara Sivec does NOT reply to emails on Goodreads. If you would like to contact her, go to her website www.tarasivec.com

a34a9-twitterbutton @TaraSivec


Billionaires in Love by Carly Phillips Release Day Launch @carlyphillips

Start your week off with this new release!

Available today!

Billionaires in Love
Two classic Carly Phillips stories about love, loss and
second chances …
The Playboy’s Second Chance
This story was formerly titled Kismet. Since the title was
confusing to readers, I changed the name and now bring you The Playboy’s Second
Chance. I hope you enjoy my sexy, stand-alone novella.
Trevor Dane, Wall Street Hot Shot and billionaire, has everything — money, power and any woman he could possibly want yet he isn’t happy. When his latest interviewer turns out to be the one woman he’s never
forgotten, Trevor sees a second chance and he won’t let Lissa Gardelli’s
wariness or old hurts stop him from getting back into her bed… and her heart.
Midnight Angel
Hollywood superstar, Dylan North, revisits his home town
with the express intent of seeing his first love once more, to see if they can
reignite the love he stupidly threw away ten years before. The last thing Dr.
Holly Evans needs in her life is her high school sweetheart returning and
stirring up old feelings. But Dylan is determined to convince Holly that
happily ever doesn’t only happen in the movies.


New York Times and USA Today
Bestselling Author Carly Phillips N.Y. Times and USA Today
Bestselling Author Carly Phillips has written over 40 sexy contemporary romance
novels that today’s readers identify with and enjoy. After a successful 15 year
career with various New York publishing houses, Carly is making the leap to
Indie author, with the goal of giving her readers more books at a faster pace
at a better price. Her Serendipity books will still finish up in
January/February 2014 via Berkley as planned. Carly lives in Purchase, NY with
her family, two nearly adult daughters and two crazy dogs who star on her
Facebook Fan Page and website. She’s a writer, a knitter of sorts, a wife, and
a mom. In addition, she’s a Twitter and Internet junkie and is always around to
interact with her readers.


Release Day Launch – The Beauty Series Bundle by Georgia Cates @GeorgiaCates

Happy Monday!  This week is starting off with lots of awesome reads! I know my TBR list is growing.  I can’t wait to read this trilogy.


The New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal Best-selling Beauty Series is now available in a single volume.

BEAUTY FROM PAIN: Aussie winemaker Jack McLachlan and American musician Laurelyn Prescott agree to a three month relationship while keeping their true identities secret.



BEAUTY FROM SURRENDER: A heartbroken Laurelyn Prescott returns to Nashville to pursue her music career and finds the success she’s always dreamed of. Jack Henry McLachlan spends three months searching for his beloved but their reunion doesn’t come easy. Will she be able to see beyond the glitz glamour and visualize a life that includes him?



BEAUTY FROM LOVE: Life for Jack Henry and Laurelyn is beautiful until their post-wedded bliss is cut short when his dark past springs into their present happiness. He wants to shelter Laurelyn but keeping her untainted by his previous life proves impossible when yesterday’s sins insist on returning to haunt him. Will it be possible for them to find happiness in
their forever with a past like his?


Beauty from Pain Excerpt

Jack McLachlan’s POV

I sit in the dark corner and scan the room like a starved predator searching for prey. I haven’t chosen her yet, but the woman who will share my bed for the next few months is in this room right now.

I watch a lovely blond approach my table. “What can I bring you?” Hmm. A waitress—not at all my usual taste.

I have a type. Attractive. Mature. Refined. This barmaid meets the attractive requirement well enough, but she’s void of refinement or maturity as displayed by her choice of apparel—a white, barely there tank top and frazzled cutoff denim shorts. She doesn’t do it for me. Plus, my last two companions were blond. I want a different flavor this time, but no redheads. I want a brunette. A beautiful one.

I remind myself I’m not in Sydney where I have an endless variety of sophisticated women from which to choose. My choices are more limited in the small town of Wagga Wagga, but that doesn’t mean I have to settle for the first attractive woman I see.

“I’ll have a Shiraz.”

I’m prepared for a more prolonged relationship this time—three whole months instead of the usual three or four weeks. I’m looking forward to keeping this one around a little longer, and that’s all the more reason to be certain I make a wise choice.

I begin my search of the club with the first table toward the front of the room. A brunette beauty sits with a group of women. I watch her for a while, but decide she’s too friendly with the woman sitting next to her. Lesbians aren’t in my repertoire.

I spend the next hour scanning the club and come up empty-handed. I’m discouraged. No one stands out as the one and this club is by far my best bet for meeting single women in this town. Maybe I should consider coming back another time when it’s not open mic night. Tonight, the place is crawling with boozed college students.

Tonight’s search has been a failure, but at least the karaoke was entertaining.

I’m finishing off the last of my wine before I leave when an announcer from the club takes the stage and asks for the next singer to step forward. A small group of people across the room nominates one of its own. My view of the poor bastard is blocked by the crowd of intoxicated kids standing between us, but I’m certain this is going to be another delightful train wreck.

The club erupts into cheer and chants. “Do. It. Do. It. Do. It.” A young woman walks onto the stage and stands with her back to the crowd as she lifts a guitar from its stand. She lifts its strap over her head and then tosses her long brown hair over one shoulder. When she’s finished settling the guitar into place, she circles around and sits on the stool in the middle of the stage.

She’s beautiful. And somehow overlooked during my search.

She’s wearing a short ivory dress and a denim jacket with brown cowgirl boots. She bares her thighs as she lifts her feet to rest on the bottom rail, but she’s careful to push her dress between her legs so she doesn’t provide a peep show to the crowd.

She strums the borrowed guitar a few times and then leans into the microphone. “Is everyone having a good time tonight?”

She’s American. I think. Her accent sounds different—not like what I’ve heard in the past.

The crowd erupts into a drunken cheer and I hear a man’s voice yell over the crowd, “It’s better now, sweet thing!”

She smiles and adjusts the mic. “I’m not from around here. It’s my first night in Australia.”

“Leave with me and I’ll make you feel right at home!” a man shouts from the back of the room.

She ignores the fat, ugly bastard yelling at her. “I don’t know what kind of music Australians like, but this has been one of my favorites for as long as I can remember.” She strums a few more chords. “This is ‘Crash Into Me’ by the Dave Matthews Band.”

She sings it slower than the original, putting her own twist on it. Her voice is raspy and sexy, her eyes closed. She oozes eroticism. She tilts her head and opens her eyes when she begins to sing the chorus. I swear it feels like she’s looking right in my direction, singing to me. “Oh, and you come craasshh … into me. And I come into … you … And I come into you … in a boy’s dream … in a boy’s dream.”

The stage lights shine in her face and common sense tells me she can’t see me sitting in the dark corner at the back of the club, but that doesn’t stop me from hoping.

She finishes the chorus and shuts her eyes again. Her long legs bounce against the rail of the stool to keep rhythm and I fall victim to her siren’s song. She has bewitched me. And I want her. She’s the one.

Georgia resides in rural Mississippi with her wonderful husband, Jeff, and their two beautiful daughters. She spent fourteen years as a
labor and delivery nurse before she decided to pursue her dream of becoming an author and hasn’t looked back yet.
When she’s not writing, she’s thinking about writing. When she’s being domestic, she’s listening to her iPod and visualizing scenes for
her current work in progress. Every story coming from her always has a song to inspire it.
Representation: All questions regarding subsidiary rights for any of my books, inquiries regarding foreign translation and film rights
should be directed to Jane Dystel of Dystel & Goderich.