Book Trailer for Dante’s Fire by Jennifer Probst @JenniferProbst

As a fan of Jennifer Probst I am excited to share this book trailer for her upcoming book Dante’s Fire.

Check out this trailer:   Enjoy and be sure to add this book to your TBR list today!



Dante’s Fire by Jennifer Probst is set to be released on August 26th.



It’s Time To Meet A New Kind Of Hero…


Dante Stark has a dark secret–a legacy left to him by his father which is both a blessing and a curse. A traumatic experience as a small boy gave him special powers of healing, but it comes with a price. Destined to wander the world alone to heal others, he’s accepted his fate. Until Selina Rogers forces him to confront his deepest fears, erotic desires, and question his capacity to love.


Selina Rogers has made a name for herself at Inferno Enterprises. She’s tough, confident and prepared to succeed. She’s also built a world she believes is safe, until she’s attacked and then saved by a masked stranger. As he helps her heal physically and emotionally, she becomes fascinated by his overwhelming power and gentle touch. Determined to show Dante the love he’s been denying himself, Selina surrenders her heart, and dreams of a future with the mysterious man who completes her.


But will his dark legacy destroy them…or save them both…









Jennifer Probst



Inkslinger PR blogger

Recipe – Zeppoles – Italian Doughnuts – An Easy Dessert

Here is a fun and easy recipe for you to try.  I happen to love these fried little treats.  They are also known as Italian doughnuts.



zeppoles 5



Fry Daddy or Electric Kettle (I use one with temp control)

2-2 1.2 quarts or more of vegetable oil for frying (This all depends on the depth of your pan/kettle) Add more if needed.

1 cup All Purpose Flour (sifted)

1 pinch of salt

2 teaspoons of baking powder

1 1/2 teaspoons sugar  

2 large eggs

1 cup whole milk ricotta cheese

1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract

Confectioners sugar for dusting


1.  Heat up the oil to 375 degrees.

2.  In a saucepan, mix up the ingredients in this order:  Flour, salt, baking powder and sugar.

3.  Gently stir in the beaten eggs, ricotta cheese and vanilla extract.

4.  Stir slowly over low heat until all ingredients are combined and sticky.

5.  Using a small ice cream scoop or tablespoon drop the mixture one at a time into the hot oil. (fry 4- 5 at a time)

6.  Watch them fry.  They will turn themselves magically.

7.  Fry until golden in color and remove with slotted spoon.

8.  Place on paper towels to absorb excess oil.

9.  Sprinkle confectioners sugar to your liking.

10.  Eat and Enjoy!

zeppoles 4

Fry at few at a time.


zeppoles 8

Sprinkle confectioners sugar to your liking.


Go ahead, take a bite! Delicious!

Go ahead, take a bite!

GIVEAWAY ~ Win a Signed Paperback of Raven’s Innocence by N.D. White @nickyd_white

Awesome Giveaway!  Be sure to enter!

Enter to Win a signed paperback copy of Raven’s Innocence by N.D. White

raven's innocense cover

Raven Pierce vowed to escape the hot and humid climate of Missouri and never look back. After completing her graduate program, she drags her sun-loving, winter-hating best friend to start a new life in Minnesota with its cold crisp air and blankets of snow. Raven’s main focus is her new career and truly establishing her own identity. The last thing she intends to do as she is building a new life is to fall in love. As her luck would have it, one evening a minor accident sends Mr. Tall-Dark-and-Handsome to her rescue. What starts out as the perfect relationship begins to turn challenging when tragedy strikes and pulls her grief-stricken boyfriend into a dark and unpredictable frame of mind. Raven finds herself fighting for love in an unfamiliar, confusing, and sometimes dark terrain.


You can read my Review of this book here. Continue reading

4 COVERS REVEALED ~ EXCERPT ~ GIVEAWAY – The No Weddings Series by @KatBastion and @StoneBastion


By Kat and Stone Bastion

Here it is!  I am thrilled to finally get to post this.  This is one series I am looking forward to reading. Four Covers – Wow!  Aren’t they gorgeous?

No Wedding CR

Title: No Wedding Series Author: Kat Bastion with Stone Bastion Genre: Contemporary Romance Cover designer: Sarah Hansen at Okay Creations Photographer: Mandy Hollis Photography Models: Steven Preston and Brittany Brescia   1-NoWeddings_Cover About No Weddings (Release Date Sep 8): Award-winning author Kat Bastion teams with her husband, Stone Bastion, in this first book in the No Weddings Series about Cade Michaelson, a successful man with his sights set on a new venture in business, and Hannah Martin, the woman who makes it personal. I think I have my act together as a successful bar owner, my master’s degree within reach, and a list of no-strings-attached women warming my bed. Turns out, I don’t. Hannah believes she has safeguarded her wounded heart by shunning men and focusing on her new baking business. The thing is, she hasn’t. When my three sisters and I start a new event-planning business with Hannah as our baker, I have no idea how my life is about to change. As Hannah and I work closely together, the attraction between us becomes irresistible. And complicated. I’ve promised my sisters I wouldn’t mix business with pleasure. But I’ve never been one to follow the rules.

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  2-OneFuneral_Cover About One Funeral (Release Date Sep 29): The stakes climb higher in this second book in the No Weddings Series for Hannah Martin, a woman restrained by her past, and Cade Michaelson, the man who could help set her free. I’m drawn to Cade as he charms his way into more of my life and offers me something I truly haven’t ever had: a friend. Yet his humor, patience, and drop-dead sexiness take my breath away, and I know my heart is at risk. I want to move forward but am terrified I can’t. Cade seems to have it together from his own devastating heartache. His subtle actions, however, suggest a different story. And even though he says he wants more, I wonder if he’s able to trust in our developing relationship. As we navigate through our tangled feelings, we vow to take it slow. Yet no matter how careful we try to be, things between us intensify—and there’s nothing we can do, or want to do, to stop it. But the biggest question remains: Is chemistry enough to move beyond the past and toward a future together?

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  3-TwoBM_Cover About Two Bar Mitzvahs (Release Date Oct 20): Summer heats up in this third book in the No Weddings Series, where Cade Michaelson strives to balance his and Hannah Martin’s new relationship with the growing demands of his financial success. Waiting for Hannah has been the best and worst kind of torture. Now I can claim her as mine. We believe we’re done with the past and can move forward together. Hannah grows stronger than ever as she trusts in me—trusts in us. And when obstacles appear, she shows a surprising fierceness that rivals my own. However, all is not perfect in paradise. Things get chaotic while I try to juggle multiple businesses, an ex from hell, and a girlfriend I’d do anything to keep. And in the middle of the whirlwind, I recklessly think I can handle everything. But when all the madness is over, will I have everything I want—will I still have Hannah?

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4-ThreeXMas_Cover About Three Christmases (Release Date Nov 17): As the holiday season approaches in this fourth book in the No Weddings Series, Cade Michaelson strives to be better at balancing work and love, and Hannah Martin’s growing ability to trust is put to the test. Lust and friendship brought us together, but with the increasing demands of my two businesses, Hannah’s thriving bakery, and our successful event-planning company, stability becomes my focus. Then a once-in-a-lifetime career opportunity takes me to the West Coast, and everything goes into a tailspin. Laughter, love, and excitement fill our lives, but Cade refuses to settle into the wonderful bliss we’ve found—he wants spectacular fireworks and an unshakable foundation. Driven like no one I’ve ever met, Cade insists a dream job across the country will be better for our future together, but I worry about whether we can survive the present apart. When intimate time diminishes…and lives get more hectic… Will a little bit of faith be all that it takes? Or will the sacrifice to get there be too great?

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  Exclusive Excerpt: Thank you for reading and sharing the first exclusive excerpt of No Weddings, where Cade and Hannah experience a heated moment…   When we reached her door, she slammed into it, and with my hand attached to her death grip, I crashed into her. Breaking free of her hold, I tempered my impact by shooting my arms up onto the doorframe. She stilled, her key halfway into the lock. We were pressed against each other in a compromising position, and it struck us both. I dropped my head down, resting my head against the windowpane, unable to move—only able to breathe. And her delicate scent wafted up. Tropical. Enticing. I closed my eyes, fighting the urge to stay. And losing. She swallowed. I heard it. I felt her turn around and drop the platter to her side as it brushed my hip. I opened my eyes to find hers closed as she pressed her soft body up against me. She inhaled deeply, and her body shuddered. “Cade, I…” She opened her greenish eyes with those little flecks of gold in them. Uncertainty washed across her expression. I exhaled but didn’t move. This was so off-limits. But the fact that I couldn’t have her suddenly made me want her all the more. “Fuck.” I pulled away. Shook my head. Cold air flooded between us, breaking the spell we’d both fallen under when we hadn’t been paying attention. Hannah looked surprised, like she couldn’t believe I’d rejected her like that. “I can’t, Hannah.” She nodded furiously, like she agreed. But I could tell as her expression hardened and she turned to slide the key into the lock with a shaking hand that she struggled with her emotions. I put my hands on her shoulders, stopping her from pushing in through the now-open door. “Hannah, it’s not you. Trust me, it’s not. I’m…” Fighting my attraction had been difficult enough. Knowing she also felt the pull made our working together dangerous. I needed her help to keep our dealings purely professional. Her voice trembled. “You want me? You feel it too? I…” Ah, fuck. Hearing her repeat my thoughts made this excruciating. Figures. The first girl who challenged my mind, in addition to physically attracting me, would be the one I couldn’t pursue. Damned “no doing the help” rule. I exhaled, counting to five. “Yeah, but I…we…can’t. Not only would it be a really bad idea, based on past experience, I promised my sisters. It’s as good as a sworn blood oath.” I ground out the words, shocked I could form coherent sentences with my blood flooding much farther south from my brain cells. I clenched my fists, digging my nails into my palms while I eased back, putting a good couple of feet between us. In desperation, I vowed to maintain said safe minimum distance at all times. Slowly, she turned to face me again. Confident, proud, a woman now in charge of herself, body and mind, Hannah nodded. “I promise too. No matter our attraction, we keep it strictly business.” I blew out a fast breath through tight lips. “Good. With you and me both working on that, it’ll be a lot easier.” A slow smile crept onto her face, a devilish gleam sparking in her eyes. “Oh? You mean if I didn’t play along, things could get difficult for you?” My face fell. She wouldn’t. Would she? She placed a palm on my chest, smiling sweetly. “It’s okay, Cade. I promise not to tease you…too much.”


About the Authors: Shoe and Boot Photo Award-winning and bestselling romance author Kat Bastion has teamed up with her husband Stone Bastion to create the new contemporary romance series No Weddings. A few factoids about the writing team… Kat enjoys her chocolate rich and dark, her music edgy and soul-filling, and her vacations exotic with toes dug into the sand. And she’s wildly, madly, deeply in love with Stone. Stone likes pounding the trails on a mountain bike, vibrating the sound system with rock music, and down time spent on a stand up paddleboard. And he loves Kat wildly, madly, deeply…and then some. Together, they’re having a blast bringing fun-filled romantic stories to life and hope you’ll join them in the exciting adventure. Kat’s first published work, Utterly Loved, was a twentieth anniversary gift of love poems to Stone that they decided to share with the world to benefit charity. Net proceeds from Utterly Loved, and a portion of net proceeds from all their books, go toward charities involved in the fight against human trafficking.

Kat and Stone live amid the beautiful Sonoran Desert of Arizona. Visit their blog at, website at, and their Twitter accounts at and for more information.


Twitter | Stone’s Twitter | Goodreads | Facebook

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a Rafflecopter giveaway

ROGUE by Katy Evans @authorkatyevans – RELEASE DAY BLITZ @ninabocci

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The fourth story in the new adult series that began with the New York Times bestseller Real, featuring Brooke’s best friend, Melanie, and the ROGUE she can’t resist.

Greyson King…
My boyfriend. My friend. My protector. He’s the reason I wake up every morning with a smile on my face, and the reason I fall asleep limp, worn out, and aching for his warm arms around me. When we make love, he says my name like it means something. Like I mean something.
His name is Greyson King, but his alias is Zero.
There’s zero trace of him, he has zero past, and now I know that with him, I will have zero future.
He may leave no trace of him anywhere, but his imprint is in me, in my very soul–and I hate that a mere look at him commands the beat of my heart. The temperature of my body.
I’ve looked for love my entire life. I’ve waited for the butterflies, the rainbows…
Instead I’m in a free fall of emotions and there’s no one to catch me but the one man I should be running away from. The one man I thought was my prince charming.
Except this prince charming went rogue.
Greyson will stop at nothing to make me be with him. He’ll let no one stand in our way, will allow no one to threaten me, and maybe this is what scares me most of all…
What will my rogue do to keep me?


rogue release day blitz 2





Here’s a Snippet. Enjoy!Rogue cover

“Bastard,” I mumble. “You ruined my whole week, you fucking bastard. I bet you’re fucking some triple-D blonde right now and her triplets all at the same time, aren’t you? You’re not even a two-timer, you’re like a three-timer, liar, feeding me an I’ll-take-you-to-the-movies fucking line. I swear I was fine until you came back like you “got” me, like you “got” me even if I looked like a hungover mess. God, I can’t believe myself!”

I kick the tub as if it’s the tub’s fault, then yell, “OUCH!”

Scowling, I walk into the bedroom, grab my sleep clothes, pad outside to my living room/kitchen combo to grab some ice cream, slide on my Princess Bride DVD and turn on the TV. A couple of pounds of fat, here we go. I plop down and a vibration buzzes across the couch. I scowl and feel around for my phone. I find it way in between the two couch cushions, pull it out, and set it aside for a scoop of ice cream. I almost choke on it when I see a text I hadn’t noticed before.

Be home tonight.

What? My stomach vaults. I read who the text is from and suddenly I want to throw my phone into a WALL. Greyson. I scowl at it and throw it down to the couch and start pacing. I’m not going to answer him. Why would I? He seemed in no hurry to talk to me before, and now he orders me? Like an all mighty king? No thanks. I’ll pass on our second date, thank you.

But I check and notice the text was sent hours ago. I tell myself I am not going to respond, I will wait a gazillion days like he did. I set the phone aside and put a big spoonful of ice cream in my mouth, letting it melt on my tongue, but my stomach is squirming and now I can’t watch the TV, I can only stare at my phone and suck on the spoon. Then I bury the spoon in the tub and grab my phone, squeeze my eyes shut and type.

I’m home but that doesn’t mean I’m staying home. Just depends . . .

On? comes the reply, and quickly.

Whoa, was he waiting, with phone in hand, to answer? It seems like he was.

I wait one full minute. Trembling. Type: On who’s visiting

I don’t mean that as an invite. I mean it as in: I’d hightail it out of here if he set foot in my building. But his answer is lightning fast and my heart starts pounding as it keeps staring back at me.

Crap! I have to leave. I have to leave; I can’t see him! I can’t be this easy! A line must be drawn. He’s already shown what our night together meant to him, and I won’t let myself be devalued by him or any other moron again.

I should leave before he arrives, or when he does, yell through the door, without opening it even an inch, and tell him that I’m NOT INTERESTED! You stood me up, you didn’t get in touch soon enough, I am not your booty call, have a good life!

Yeah. That sounds right.

Determined, I head over to close the living room blinds. When I glance out the window and reach for the string I see a dark sports car pull over and a man in black step out of the driver’s seat. He looks up toward my window and all my systems stop when our eyes lock, hold, recognize. My insides go into chaos mode. A strange excitement makes my knees knock.

Fuck me, it’s really him.

What is he doing here? What does he want?

He heads into the building and I turn to face my closed door, panicking because I haven’t changed, I didn’t change. I’m in my pj’s, if hardly that.

Noticing the pint of ice cream still grasped in my hand, I run to shove it back into the freezer, spoon and all. I start pacing around in circles, trying to come up with a new plan, but unable to think for shit. I consider telling my building guard not to let him in, but I hear the ring of the elevator and realize the guard must have recognized the motherfucker from when he brought me home last week.

Deciding not to delay the inevitable, I swing the door open as he steps out of the elevator. He looks straight at me and his gaze drills into me, making a hole straight in my thoughts. One of my neighbors and her husband pass along the hall toward their door.

“Well, hello there, Melanie. A little chilly out.” She gestures to the white silk shorts and near-transparent camisole I’m wearing in complete disapproval and continues on.

Greyson follows behind her and fills up the space one foot away from my threshold with muscle and beauty and testosterone and, I swear, god, I swear, he’s as lethal as a nuclear bomb. My knees, oh, my knees. My heart. My eyes. My body feels both light as a feather and heavy as a tank. How can this be? He’s so stunning I can’t even move. Or blink, or hardly stand; I’m leaning on the door frame.

I’m fully sober. Something I might regret. He’s no longer blurred by the rain, by vodka, or by my stupid illusions of prince charming.

The man standing at my door is very real, very big, very tan, and his smile is very, very charming. There is no word for the way he stands there, his eyes dark and glimmering, his cheekbones hard and his jaw smoothly shaven, his mouth so beautiful, tipped up mischievously at the corners. His suit is perfect, playboy perfect, and his tousled hair run with wayward streaks of copper that makes me want to rake my fingers straight through. And he’s here, looking at me as if waiting for me to let him in. A memory of the morning he brought me home flashes through me. Where I felt sore because of the way he’d loved me all night. The little mark behind my ear that I found the next morning.

Hanging on to my every instinct of self-preservation, I hold the door only halfway open when he catches it in one big powerful hand.

“Invite me in,” he says softly, holding the door in his firm grip.

“My car doesn’t need a tune-up, it’s fine, but thanks for checking in on it,” I say, pushing it closed with more effort.

He shoves the door open and strides inside, and I’m frustrated over my inability to keep him out. Now he’s inside and he shuts the door like he owns my place, then he studies it with a sweep of narrowed eyes. “This building has a laundry chute?”

That’s your line?”

He crosses the room and pulls the rest of the blinds shut, then he performs an insanely quick check of my place with a sweep of his gaze that makes my insides turn over.

It’s almost like he’s making sure there is no other man here.

He can’t possibly be jealous, can he?

And now . . . now that he seems assured no one is here but me, he starts walking over to me and looking at my mouth, and I’m walking away because every instinct of self-preservation in me tells me to walk away.

“You’re here. Why are you here all of a sudden? Some other date canceled on you last minute?” I demand.

“I have a date I’d like to schedule with you.” His eyebrows pull low over those brilliant hawklike eyes. “You’re not nearly as excited to see me as I’d hoped.”

“Maybe I thought you were a drunken hallucination. Maybe I hoped you were.”

I hit the back of my kitchen island and he locks me in with his arms, his eyes almost desperate and hungry. Then he cups my face and sets his mouth to mine, like he thinks—mistakenly—I belong to him.

“I’m not,” he says, softly, then he kisses me again, so deeply I lose my train of thought until he speaks against my mouth again. “A hallucination. And if you need me to, I’ll spend all night reminding you of what it feels like to have my tongue and my cock buried deep in you and how much you liked it.”

He leans over as if to kiss me again. My voice trembles as I turn my head. “Don’t, Greyson.”

“I don’t like that word, ‘don’t,’” he rasps against my cheek. “But I do like you saying Greyson.”

He tips my head around with the tip of one finger and stares at me like he loves the look of me. I lift one of his arms and he lets me, and I start easing away again, free of him, but not free of his stare. The first night he just kept staring at my eyes like he couldn’t tear his gaze free, but now, now he’s seeing all of me. I’m wearing shorts and a camisole yet my body starts heating as his eyes rake me up and down.

“I gave you a chance and you blew it,” I breathe.

“I want another one.”


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About the Author

Katy Evans
My Life in 8 Words: “Hectic, wonderful, complete; everything I ever wanted.”

Katy Evans grew up with books and book-boyfriends until she found a real sexy boyfriend to love. They married and are now hard at work on their own happily ever after. Katy loves her family and friends, and she also loves reading, walking, baking, and being consumed by her characters until she reaches “The End.” Which is, hopefully, only the beginning…

Follow Katy Evans on ​Social Media

Release Day Blitz- The Prisoner by Rachael Wade @rachaelwade




The Prisoner by Rachael Wade

Series: The Replacement #1.5

Genres: Contemporary, New Adult

Release date: July 26th



The Replacement will be free 1 day only on release day!


My name is Christian Walker, and Elise Duchamp is my drug of choice.

No matter how hard I try to break the habit, it’s a lost cause. Okay, maybe I haven’t really tried to quit this particular habit. All I can think about is owning her. Making her mine. Can you really blame me? With that sinful body, luscious mouth, and wicked tongue, she’s every man’s dream, and she knows it.

No one is immune to her charm, not even me, a man who has everything—a beautiful wife, an office with a view, and more money than most people can spend in one lifetime. Only I know how to make her toes curl. Only I know her body better than the other men she screws in her free time. None of them can compare to me.

But the joke is on me. I’m the prisoner.

The one who will never compare to him. The one man who makes me see red. His name is stored in her cell phone. It’s the first one she calls out to, the first one she cries for when all hell breaks loose. Ryder Jacobson.

The name makes me cringe.

She loves him, and I love her. In my own way, I always will. But the bad guy doesn’t always belong with the bad girl. Sometimes the bad girl needs a good man to believe in her, to give her that final push toward ultimate transformation. I wish I was that good man. That I could be her happily ever after. I guess that’s the thing about prisoners, though. They’re left alone with their torment, and in the end, they have no one to blame but themselves.


The Replacement by Rachael Wade

Series: The Replacement #1

Publication date: January 27th 2014

Genres: Contemporary, New Adult


*Contains sexually explicit content and mature subject matter, including language and elements of abuse.*

A gritty New Adult drama about a young woman’s self-destructive quest to find purpose, self-worth, and love in a broken world.

My name is Elise Duchamp. I’m twenty-three years old and I’m known as the town whore.

No, not the kind who exchanges sexual favors for money. The other kind. The kind who gives it all away for free, whenever and however she likes. I am that girl. The one everyone whispers about and the one none of the girls seem to like, because all of their boyfriends either want to sleep with me or already have. Promiscuity is my thing—the kind that slowly, violently turns my insides black, but gives me something I need.

All things considered, I’m not completely reckless. I’m safe, and contrary to popular opinion, I do have a heart. I live in a world of careless choices, and with those choices come careless people. I cannot judge them, because I am one of them. I too bow down to the altar of the self-serving. I am not a good friend. I am not and never could be anyone’s girlfriend. I’m convinced any goodness in me shriveled up and died long ago.

But I am a replacement. That is something I know how to be, and this is a story of the lengths I’d go to in order to keep it that way.





About the Author

Rachael Wade is the Amazon bestselling author of The Preservation Series, The Resistance Trilogy, and the upcoming sci-fi series, The Keepers Trilogy. When she’s not writing, she’s busy learning French, watching too many movies, and learning how to protect animals and the environment. Visit her at and, or come chat with her on Twitter via @RachaelWade


Author Links:

~Hot Teaser~ Rogue by Katy Evans @authorkatyevans @ninabocci

Are you ready for Rogue by Katy Evans?

4 more days… Rogue releases on July 29th!

Rogue cover


Here’s a hot teaser from the 4th book in this amazing series!



I can’t put a name to what I feel when he’s inside me, so maybe I won’t try to. Does it even have a name? This connection between human beings. Between a woman, and a man; a fucking asshole.

I look at him, and he doesn’t scare me.

He lures me.

He tempts me, exhilarates me. He makes me want to claim him as if I’m claiming back a part of me that was once lost.

Makes me want to tame him. Let him tame me.

He rolls another condom on his thick cock and comes up to his knees, and I feel vulnerable and open but I don’t feel like hiding right now. I openly show him my hunger and lick and kiss his thick throat as he grabs my waist and pushes into me. I shudder uncontrollably when he’s all the way in, biting a tendon that juts out on his throat, close to my mouth.

The rumble of the sound he makes tells me he likes it. You like it when I’m feisty? My eyes flutter open, and he looks down at me with a look of wild, hungry, proprietary lust, but also strangely reverent and gentle. We fuck lazily this time, without the initial rush, our bodies moving in synchronicity until I see stars as another climax builds and builds.

“Go on, bite me all you want, little kitten.” He prods into my mouth, his eyes on mine as I comply, licking him, tasting him. “Do you want that to be my cock in your mouth?” his husky murmur taunts in my ear, breath hot. “Do you want to be sucking on this cock? Biting on it?”

I gasp with renewed hunger. “When I bite it I’m going to bite hard.” With my arms hooked around his neck, I rake my nails into a part of his scalp, my hips tilting faster to keep up with his increasing rhythm.

I lay in breathless silence for a moment, realizing Greyson is untying me. He rubs my wrists with the pads of his thumbs, then plops onto his back and stares up at the ceiling, his chest heaving, his nipple ring glinting with the little rays of sunlight peeking through the window.

The sun is rising already. I really didn’t want it to rise yet because I don’t want to leave yet.

In silence, I go to the bathroom and when I come back to bed, he’s staring out at the city looking satisfied and exhausted, his shirt all wrinkled, his hair all mussed, his beautiful mouth swollen from me. I should get going. Probably, I should. Instead I stare at him and that mouth and I wonder how many women kissed those lips.

Many, Melanie.

He’s warned me off, but I don’t feel like being warned off. I feel as though somewhere, deep down, he’s bullshitting me. Why would he give me this necklace otherwise? Why would he give me, over and over, THE LOOK?

Even so, I’ve gotta go, so I walk back to that big bed, my eyes scanning the floor for my dress even though the thought of going home alone to my apartment makes my stomach churn. I could call Pandora, but I’ll have to be prepared for her drilling the shit out of me, I guess.

“Do you see my dress?” I whisper to him.

His voice is gruff with tiredness, his eyes hooded as he pulls open the bedsheet for me.

“Yeah, I set it aside to avoid the clutter. Come here and get some sleep.”

Oh, god, I really didn’t want to leave, but I don’t want him to know how much I want to sleep here tonight either.

So I stand there, naked and unsure for a moment.

“I don’t have to stay,” I say, but there’s this way he has of looking at you—as if he’s commanding you. It’s very odd. I’ve never encountered anyone who could have such control with a single look.

Caving in to it, I find myself quietly heading over. His lips curl as he lifts the sheet higher and I see his naked body under the cover.

I feel strangely awkward as I slide into bed with him, first sitting on the corner of the bed and quickly braiding my hair; I wouldn’t fall asleep otherwise, I simply can’t stand waking up and feeling it on my face.

I sense his curious gaze watching my every move, and when I sigh and lie down on my side, facing a stone fireplace on the far side of the room, he laughs behind me. “You really plan to sleep way over there?”

“I don’t want to intrude!” I laugh nervously. “I don’t stay over usually.”

“You just like to fuck and get away, that’s fine, princess. Except for the fact that I’m not done with you.”

He reaches out and guides me toward him by my braid, and when I don’t protest the maneuver and actually feel like tucking myself closer to his warmth, he exhales softly. “You’re something, aren’t you,” he murmurs, taking my braid in his fist and forcing me to roll over and face him. Then he pins my head against his, forehead to forehead. “Maybe I’ll sleep tonight; you wear a man out.”

“What do you mean?” I peer up at him, notice the hard set of his jaw. “You don’t sleep?”

“Not well, but I’ll go for it if you will,” he softly teases me.

“Then let’s go for it,” I say, grinning.

It feels like, for several minutes, we stay as we are, him with the merest curve of his lips while I’m smiling completely, both of us looking into each other’s eyes. I have no idea what he sees in my eyes that holds him so intently engrossed, but I can’t look away from his gaze either. It’s so closed and mysterious while, at the same time, I can see a fiery rawness in his gaze, as if he desperately wants something from me.

Not something; all of me.

“Come here,” he rasps. He makes the first move, easing one of his arms around me, pulling me against his side. I cuddle into his large body, a little tense at first, but at the same time, achingly aware of every spot where our naked bodies are touching. Where my breasts press into his ribs, my cheek on his chest, one of my legs hooking in between his.

God, this is as intimate as it gets with a man and I cannot relax, I cannot oxygenate, I cannot formulate a thought.

His breathing begins to deepen and . . . oh, wow. He’s asleep.

He fell asleep holding me, with his arm locked around my shoulders, and I don’t understand why I get butterflies over this.

I don’t understand my visceral reactions to him.

This hot man with a secret room. Who in the world has a secret room?

This man does. And I’m so curious about him, I study his features and tell myself I can sleep when I’m alone . . . so I touch his nipple ring and watch him lie in his big lonely apartment, deep asleep with one arm around me, wondering what other secrets he keeps from me.

 Be sure to pre-order Rogue today.  

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About the Author

Katy Evans
My Life in 8 Words: “Hectic, wonderful, complete; everything I ever wanted.”

Katy Evans grew up with books and book-boyfriends until she found a real sexy boyfriend to love. They married and are now hard at work on their own happily ever after. Katy loves her family and friends, and she also loves reading, walking, baking, and being consumed by her characters until she reaches “The End.” Which is, hopefully, only the beginning…

Follow Katy Evans on ​Social Media

Audio books – I love them!

Audio books, I love them!

audio image


I love to sit back and enjoy a great book, but there are times when audio books come in handy.

I love audio books!  First of all, I can multitask.  Yes, I find myself doing things around my home while listening to an audio book.  I can cook, bake, garden, etc. while enjoying the words of my favorite authors. I feel total disconnected from the world around me once those headsets come on.

Secondly, some books are just amazing to listen to.  I admit I have read and reread Gabriel’s Inferno and Gabriel’s Rapture by Sylvain Reynard many times, but the audio versions are amazing.  There is something about listening to the intonation and the emotions of the characters as the book is being read to you.  The characters come alive.




Other books that I have read but loved even more after listening to the audio were Tangled by Emma Chase, Beautiful Bastard and Beautiful Player by Christina Lauren and The Fault in Our Stars by John Green.




beautiful bastard



beautiful player


tha fault in our stars

The two most recent books I listened to on audio were Sempre and Sempre Redemption by J.M. Darhower which I just finished last night.  These books top my list of favorites. Listening to the Italian words/the pronunciations, the language, and most importantly, the emotions was incredible.  If you are looking to start audio books, this is a series I highly recommend and will be reviewing real soon.


sempre redemption

For me, audio books make stories come alive.  Whether you are listening at home, in your car, while walking your dog or folding your clothes, the experience is truly wonderful.

What are your thoughts on audio books?

Feel free to comment.

Happy Reading and Happy Listening!


Cover Reveal – Filthy Beautiful Lies and Filthy Beautiful Love by Kendall Ryan @KendallRyan1





by Kendall Ryan

These are gorgeous covers!  Be sure to add these two books to your TBR list today!

filthy beautiful lies cover

Filthy Beautiful Lies (book 1)


Release Date: August 18th

Book Description:

I have no idea why she auctioned off her virginity for a cool mill. Regardless, I’m now the proud new owner of a perfectly intact hymen. A lot of good that will do me. I have certain tastes, certain sexual proclivities. My cock is a bit more discriminatory than most. And training a virgin takes finesse and patience – both of which I lack.

Sophie Evans has been backed into a corner. With her sister’s life hanging in the balance, the only choice is to claw her way out, even if that means selling her virginity to the highest bidder at an exclusive erotic club. When Colton Drake takes her home, she quickly learns nothing is as it seems with this beautifully troubled man. Being with him poses challenges she never expected, and pushes her to want things she never anticipated.

A sinfully seductive erotic romance where everything has a price and the cost of love is the highest of all from New York Times & USA Today bestselling author, Kendall Ryan.



filthy beautiful lies cover praise front


filthy beautiful lies back cover


filthy beautiful love cover

Filthy Beautiful Love (book 2)

Release Date: September 29th

Book Description:

I never expected to watch Sophie walk away. She was mine. She just didn’t know it yet. New goal: Seal the deal and rock her world so thoroughly she never wanted to leave again.

Highly sexual and emotionally charged, Filthy Beautiful Love is the provocative conclusion to Filthy Beautiful Lies.

filthy beautiful love 2 cover front

filthy beautiful lies and love covers and teaser pic

About the Author

Kendall Ryan

Romance author. Shamelessly addicted to bad boys, kissing and steamy romance novels brimming with dark, angsty tension.

Throwback Thursday – Fifty Shades of Grey by @E_L_James

Throwback Thursday – Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James



So yes, today is Throwback Thursday.  But, it is also the day we get to finally see the trailer for the upcoming, I can’t wait to see, movie adaptation of the book Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James.

Here it is!  View the trailer here.

Excited….Yes!  My very own inner goddess is doing the happy dance!


I decided that my Throwback Thursday post should be in honor of Christian Grey.

I picked out some of my favorite lines from the first book in the series, Fifty Shades of Grey.



Some of My Favorite Lines!  


“I am going to have coffee with Christian Grey… and I hate coffee.”

“We aim to please Miss Steele”

“What is it about elevators?”

“I want you sore, baby,” he murmurs, and he continues his sweet, leisurely torment, backward, forward. “Every time you move tomorrow, I want you to be reminded that I’ve been here. Only me. You are mine.”

“Are you smirking at me, Mr. Grey?” I ask sweetly. Pompous ass.”

“Inside me! I gasp, and all the muscles deep in my belly clench. My inner goddess is doing the dance of the seven veils.”


“Why does he have such an unnerving effect on me? His over-whelming good looks maybe? The way his eyes blaze at me? The way he strokes his index finger against his lower lip? I wish he’d stop doing that.”


“I’ve never wanted more, until I met you.”


“Who’s he kidding? He’s no gentleman. He has my panties”


“You have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince”

Feel free to leave some of your favorite lines from this book.  Go ahead, comment away.

I can’t wait for February 2015!


mr grey will see you now