Susi’s Review and Giveaway – Beyond Me by @JenniferProbst (the Sex on the Beach series)




Spring break in Key West with my besties was supposed to be casual fun. But I never expected to meet James Hunt. Sex and frolic? Yes! A relationship? No. But his hot blue eyes and confident manner drew me in. And when he let me see the man behind the mask, I fell hard, foolishly believing there could be a future for us. Of course I never considered our relationship might be based on lies…or that his betrayal could rock my foundation and make me question everything I believed in…


The moment I saw Quinn I knew I had to have her. She hooked me with her cool eyes and don’t touch me attitude. I had it all, money, social status, and looks. I could get any girl I wanted…until her. When my friends challenged me with a bet to get her into bed by the end of the week, I couldn’t pass it up. But sex wasn’t supposed to turn into love. She wasn’t supposed to change me, push me, and make me want more for myself. She wasn’t supposed to wreck me in all ways. And now, if I can’t turn my lies into truth, I just might lose her forever…

My Review

First of all, I am a huge Jennifer Probst fan. Her books are always a perfect blend of awesome characters, exquisite writing, a hint of the unexpected and sexy love scenes too.  Beyond Me, one of the books in this fun and sassy Sex on the Beach Series does not disappoint.  It was amazing!

First of all, Jennifer, thanks for taking me back to Key West for awhile.  As a Floridian, Key West has so much to offer especially to Spring Breakers,  It was the perfect setting for Quinn and James to meet and enjoy their Spring Break together.  I could totally see these two characters as well as their friends in all of the places described in this book.

The characters, Quinn and James were simply perfect.  I loved Quinn’s sweet and reserved personality.  She is definitely a strong and independent woman with much life experience for her young age. James, whoa….   Gorgeous is not enough to describe this sexy and delicious guy.  I totally loved James from the very start.  He is a rich sexy young man who lives on his own.  He has been partying and blowing money all of his life.  You may consider him a playboy when you first meet him.  But, as you get to know him, his unexpected qualities emerge, making him even better if that is possible. (Yes, I would love to have a James for Spring Break too.)

While Quinn and James see Spring Break as a time to hook up, their instant chemistry sears through the pages of this story.  Quinn turns out to be more for James than he expected.  The sex, well, yes, it is totally hot and tastefully written.  I do admit to blushing along the way and enjoying the intensity of their chemistry together.

Their Spring Break encounter teaches both Quinn and James about themselves.  It was a pleasure to read and enjoy how much these two characters wanted and ultimately needed each other.  I think that one of the main reasons that I loved this book so much is because Quinn brings out the best in James (no spoilers, read it to find out what I mean) In fact, they both are good for each other.

This story is written in both character POV’s which I really love.  This writing style is awesome because the reader gets complete insight as to what each character has on their mind.  As a reader, it makes understanding the characters emotions more fun.  And, being inside the male mind is always so entertaining.

Beyond Me is a must read!  I know that you will love reading it as much as I did.  So grab a Sex on the Beach cocktail,  sit back and enjoy this sexy, sassy you just can’t put down book today.

I gave this book 5 sexy stars! 

Get all three books in the series!  

 Keep scrolling for a giveaway!

Beyond Me is part of the Sex on the Beach Series written by three talented authors.

sex on the beach series


Do you want to win a an e-book of Beyond Me by Jennifer Probst?  All you have to do is leave a comment on this post.  This giveaway will run through Friday evening. One lucky winner will be selected by   (No purchase necessary to win)

Good Luck!


About the Author:  Jennifer Probst

Jennifer Probst

Jennifer Probst wrote her first book at twelve years old. She bound it in a folder, read it to her classmates, and hasn’t stopped writing since. She took a short hiatus to get married, get pregnant, buy a house, get pregnant again, pursue a master’s in English Literature, and rescue two shelter dogs. Now she is writing again.

She is the NYT and USA Today bestselling author of The Marriage Bargain. She is published both erotic and sexy contemporary romance with Entangled, Decadent, Red Sage and TWRP. She has also written a children’s book, Buffy and the Carrot, co-written with her twelve year old niece, along with a short story, “A Life Worth Living.” Visit her website for more info!

twitter:  @jenniferprobst

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