Release Day Blitz – Review & Giveaway – Wayward Son by @MichelleYDay @ProdigalSon_1

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway

Wayward Son Book 3 of The Jensen Family Series

by Michelle Day

wayward son cover michelle day

Gavin Jensen’s world has been turned upside down.

Grieving and with only a tenuous hold on his temper, he is taken from everything he has ever known.
Full of anger for the man who ruined everything, he wants to hate him.

But this chance Gavin has been given, it’s a clean slate. All his previous indiscretions have been left behind, buried with his mother. Paul Jensen is becoming the father he knew he could be, his son just needs to let go of the past.

But when Gavin grabs a hold of life, his actions ignite a chain of events that could leave him shattered.

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My Review

Wayward Son, the third book in The Jensen Family Series does not disappoint and was a most enjoyable read for me.  This story continues where Father and Son, book 2 leaves off.  Gavin, Paul’s son is the main protagonist in this book.  Wayward Son is his story and just like his father Paul, Gavin is quite the character.  You could say he is a chip off the old block.  Gavin is however, different from his father in some ways. and that’s exactly what I enjoyed most about him.  He’s not predictable. Gavin did inherit endearing qualities from his dad and as you read, you to will be pleased to see how his character develops.

You will find humor in this book.  After all, Gavin is 18 years old.  His college days make for funny and intense moments.  Beautiful girls such as Angel and Kiera become part of his life but I won’t tell you too much about them because I am trying to keep this review spoiler free.

Novak, (Luke) is also another important character in this book.  You may remember him. He is the best friend Gavin grew up with. He is the brother from another mother who has been an integral part of his life since he was born.  His role, the voice of reason for Gavin was perfectly written.  They are more like brothers than best friends.

All of the characters from The Jensen/Paloma family are back and that made this third book complete.  I love being able to keep up with the characters from previous books.

Paul and his new bride Suzanne share a loving and passionate relationship in this book.  Suzanne makes an understanding and outstanding step-mother for Gavin. She continues to be my favorite out of Paul’s women.  She is a lovely woman who keeps it all together.  And of course, Paul is….well…Paul, just more mature.  Michelle keeps him true to his younger cheeky character from the previous books.

There are many reasons why I enjoyed Wayward Son so much.  One is Michelle’s choice of cars for her characters. Well, what can I say? I like cars. I was taken back to my younger years with Gavin’s Supra.  Additionally, Gavin’s personality and taste are unique.  I did mention that he’s not predictable.

Gavin is a talented young man.  His many talents and lifestyle make him the talk of his college, especially to Quinn, a character who immediately clashes with him.  You’ll read all about his adventures and love this young man just as much as I do.

Of course, just like his father, Gavin loves women. So, prepare yourself and enjoy reading all about Paul’s son.

Thank you Michelle for writing about this family I love so much.  Your unique characters along with a brilliant plot and writing hooked me from the start and I look forward to reading more.   I am ready for book 4.

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I gave this book 5 stars!

5 stars



Enter to win one complete set of this series.  The winner will receive an eBook of Prodigal Son, Father & Son and Wayward Son.

Leave a comment on this post to enter.  One lucky winner will be selected via on Friday at noon (EST) and will be notified via email.

No purchase necessary to win.  Enter and Good luck!


  Previous Books in this series

prodigal sonProdigal Son Book 1


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Father & Son Book 2


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COVER REVEAL – Wayward Son by Michelle Day @MichelleYDay @ProdigalSon_1

I’m excited to share this cover with you today!  I’ve read Wayward Son and know that you will love it as much as I do.  Enjoy!  My full review will be posted on release day.


Wayward Son Book 3 of The Jensen Family Series

by Michelle Day

Book Releases June 11, 2015
wayward son cover michelle day

Gavin Jensen’s world has been turned upside down.

Grieving and with only a tenuous hold on his temper, he is taken from everything he has ever known.
Full of anger for the man who ruined everything, he wants to hate him.

But this chance Gavin has been given, it’s a clean slate. All his previous indiscretions have been left behind, buried with his mother. Paul Jensen is becoming the father he knew he could be, his son just needs to let go of the past.

But when Gavin grabs a hold of life, his actions ignite a chain of events that could leave him shattered.

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  Previous Books in this series

prodigal sonProdigal Son Book 1


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father and son cover michelle day

Father & Son Book 2


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Michelle Day’s Social Media

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What’s In The Author’s Bag? Michelle Day reveals…. @MichelleYDay @ProdigalSon_1


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Michelle Day, author of The Jensen Family Series – Prodigal Son, Father & Son and coming soon, Wayward Son, revealed the contents of her bag for all to see and explained why she carries them.

michelle day purse 1


michelle day purse



Vitamins, not that I’m paranoid but you never know when your system will need a boost.

Strepsils throat lozengers and cold and flu medicine, remnants from the last time I was ill and probably out of date by now.

My purse. My trusty data stick, this is where all my finished work and works in progress are kept. This is frequently backed up to an external hard drive and a further data stick because I am very paranoid about losing it all.

Kindle, always charged and loaded with books. I also carry the data cable for that just in case occasion.

Thanks Michelle for giving your readers a sneak peak into your purse/world. (I carry my Kindle everywhere I go too. )




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 Books by Michelle Day

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 Prodigal Son


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Father & Son


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Coming Soon 

Wayward Son (Cover Reveal – June 2, 2015)


cain's way cover


Connect with Michelle Day






