Susi Reviews – For Valentine’s by Kat & Stone Bastion @KatBastion @StoneBastion

Susi Reviews For Valentine’s by Kat and Stone Bastion 

happy valentines day imagefor valentine's cover


This steamy nightcap novella, the fifth book in the No Weddings Series, takes us on a post-happily-ever-after adventure as Cade attempts to rewrite Valentine’s Day with his new wife, Hannah.

Wedded bliss. After everything Hannah and I have been through, we finally have it. Yet dark dreams from my troubled past continue to escalate as we approach Valentine’s Day.

Determined to fill our present with great memories that overtake all others, I plan a trip to New York—down to every scheduled detail. Yeah, there will even be a musical.

But Mother Nature has a few tricks up her sleeve. And the universe keeps throwing us curveballs…


valentine42 couple kissing on bench

My Review

I am super excited to share my review of For Valentine’s by Kat and Stone Bastion today.  I read this marvelous book several weeks ago but decided that since Valentine’s Day was such a significant day for both Hannah and Cade, I would honor them and their love with a Valentine’s Day review post.

For Valentine’s is a fantastic read.  I have thoroughly enjoyed reading all of the books in this series.  This final book, was the icing on the cake.  In this book, Cade and Hannah are newlyweds.  Cade has planned a weekend getaway with his new bride to New York City.  Their life is perfect. Their chemistry stronger than ever. Their sex lives, I can’t forget to mention that, is amazing as well.  Seriously, we are talking about Cade here and he is “sexy as fuck.”

There’s just one problem, and it is affecting Cade.  He’s having these nightmares. The past is hard to erase.  Cade’s weekend plans take them on a road trip to New York.  Hannah is over the top with the idea of New York City.  With Cade as a personal tour guide, I would be too.  Getting to New York takes them on a road trip in Hannah’s vintage Mustang.  Car trouble along the way delays their arrival.  Their wait for a tow truck is one of the best/steamiest parts of the book.  Put it this way, car sex at its best. And the humor, make it classic.  Cade even reveals a first in his life.

This book is filled with many funny moments and sexy banter delivered by Cade himself.  Told from his POV, just like the first book in the series, it is simply perfect.

New York Minutes are redefined and closets are revisited, even the cloakroom at The Gershwin Theater. Oh my…

If you’ve read the other books in the series, you will recall the use of condiments. Well, don’t fret.  Cade continues to enhance his talents with one final condiment in this book.

From flowers to a rooftop dinner, their Valentine’s evening cannot get any better.  Cade saved the best part of his plans for last.  Their evening ends on a most memorable gondola ride. The ride and Cade’s plans are perfect.

Without giving too much away, I have to say that I had happy tears for this awesome couple at the end.   I’ve enjoyed their story in this brilliantly written series.  I can’t wait for more books by this dynamic writing duo.  I hear they are currently plotting something new.  Yay!

I gave this book 5 stars!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

FOR VALENTINE’S ~ Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iBooks

NO WEDDINGS ~ Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iBooks

ONE FUNERAL ~ Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iBooks

TWO BAR MITZVAHS ~ Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iBooks

THREE CHRISTMASES ~ Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iBooks

FOR VALENTINE’S ~ Amazon | Barnes & Noble |



Follow Kat Bastion & Stone Bastion 


Read Kat’s official website:

Read Kat’s blog page:


I’m fortunate to have won several awards for my paranormal romance writing in the first novel of the Highland Legends Series.

The first two books are now available on Amazon:

Forged in Dreams and Magick
Bound by Wish and Mistletoe (a novella)

Slated for release in Winter 2014/2015:
~ Born of Mist and Legend
~ Found in Flame and Moonlight

Please also visit the Charity Support and Awareness page on both my blog and website, outlining how a portion of the proceeds of all of my books will go to charities that fight against human trafficking.

A Valentine’s Poem by Thomas Snow @snowglobeman

We all love reading his beautiful words on Twitter.  Thank you for writing and sharing your Valentine’s Poem.    ~Susi

happy valentines day image


I have not bought you chocolates and flowers

I have not reserved a dinner table

I have not bought you a romantic card

I have not booked a night away

I have not done any of these things

Other loves will share their valentines

Other loves will sip bubbly champagne

Other lovers will exchange tokens

Other loves will declare and claim

I have not bought you chocolates and flowers

I have bitten your neck while caressing your shoulder and held you under shooting stars. I have carved your name on a tree and told the tree that I have given you my soul. I have talked with you until the dawn and been inside your body and your mind. I have kissed your book in a supermarket queue and written poetry about you with tears falling from my brutal eyes. I have bought you a dress to watch you dance and to rip it from your body to hear you gasp and sigh – I remembered your words to lull my soul to sleep. I have bathed you surrounded by candles and held your hair tight in a fist while kissing you with the awesome force of a storm. I have told you my secret childhood dreams and watched you sleep praying that you will be in my life forever. I have lit a candle in a  Parisian church and looked to the heavens when rain fell knowing your heart is mine. I have seen you grow in confidence and experience and have tasted the forever juice of your beautiful memories.

I have fucking loved you with a force beyond anything I have ever known and with a desire I did not believe could exist

I have not bought you chocolates and flowers


I love you

And my life is your Valentine

Thomas J. Snow

You can read more of @Snowglobeman’s beautiful and inspiring words on Twitter.

Follow him: @snowglobeman

Check out his awesome website too.

Thanks again for sharing! xoxo ~ Reading Between the Wines Blog

A Valentine from Paul Jensen, Prodigal Son

I am thrilled to have received this Valentine Post from Paul Jensen, one of my favorite book boyfriends. (I can’t tell him where he stands in ranking, it might just go to his head.) He wrote this for all of his Tweethearts.  
What? Wait… You haven’t met him yet?  You need to get your hands on Prodigal Son by Michelle Day.  You will see, Paul is not your average book boyfriend.
A Valentine from Paul   valentine hearts in sizes  valentine 3 hearts

My darling Tweethearts,

I try to tell you in little ways that I appreciate you by telling you stories, making you laugh but, do you have any idea what it is you do for me?

You worry about me and can tell that I’m not myself. You ask how I am and are interested in the reply. I genuinely have the best followers on Twitter. You laugh with me and make me laugh in return. You have got me where I am, I will not forget that. It hasn’t been easy but you have been by my side, rooting for me, supporting me.

I wanted to send you this message for Valentine’s Day. I absolutely adore each and every one of you. You make my day in so many ways. I enjoy tweeting with you, laughing with you, crying with you. It’s all part of who we are as people and as our other selves on twitter. I class you as my friends, my family. Together we are strong. Without you I am nothing.

Thank you for being you.

Paul.  xx

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Thank you Paul for your thoughtful gesture.  Wishing you a Happy Valentine’s Day.  I hope you get lots and lots of chocolate, your favorite.
chocolate valentine