Blog Tour – Review – Giveaway – The Science of Attraction by Verity Jacobs @veritymjacobs

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the science of attraction cover verity jacobs




Kate Ramsey is at the top of her game.

She’s the hot new recruit at the most prestigious research institute in Germany, and she’s determined to live up to the hype — even if it means working day and night. Stress relief comes in the form of a no-nonsense affair with her neighbor, who also happens to be the director of the institute. Who says sex should be anything more than a contract between two people who have other things on their mind?

So when Tom Baker saunters into her life, Kate is understandably upset to see this well-oiled machine splutter and seize. Tom is young and smart, and far too pretty for his own good. Kate can’t help but be drawn to him, even if giving in to the attraction would mean risking everything she’s worked for.


My Review

Here’s a fun and sexy read that I really enjoyed and know you will too.  This debut by Verity Jacobs was a treat.  I’m a sucker for romance and especially when the romance takes place in the workplace.  Workplace romances always deliver lots of sexy tension between the characters.  The Science of Attraction has that tension, humor, science talk, and romance.

The heroine, Kate is an intelligent and well regarded scientist.  I love her.  Reading about a brainy scientist was a refreshing change.  The “men” in her life, and yes I did say “men” are scientists too. Hmm.. there’s something sexy about a scientist, right?  Well, wait until you meet Tom.  This hot scientist from Texas will make you want to visit the biology lab more often.  Managing a career with a sexy colleague can be quite difficult, especially when their is a strong attraction.

The secondary characters, more scientists from around the world are entertaining and very real.  I also love Kate’s sister.  Their conversations are full of advice and are funny too.

I don’t want to give too much away because you need to read this book.   It is truly an enjoyable read.

I gave this book 4 fun and sexy stars.  Be sure to add it to your TBR.

I’m looking forward to reading more of Verity’s writing soon.

**Be sure to enter the giveaway below.  You can win an awesome pair of DNA earrings.  (I want them!)

Buy Links:

Amazon ** Barnes & Noble ** Kobo ** iTunes


Book trailer for The Science of Attraction:


Storyboard for The Science of Attraction:

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a Rafflecopter giveaway

dna earrings verity jacobs

You can win these awesome DNA earrings. Enter to win!!


About Verity Jacobs:

verity jacobs author pic

Verity Jacobs is a reformed scientist, who left the lab when she fell in love with writing about love. She lives with her husband and baby girl in London, where she dreams by day and writes all night long. She is addicted to the heart flutters and stomach flips of the fictional romance world.




