Guest Review by David – The Boy Who Said No by @PattiSheehy

Guest Review by David

The Boy Who Said No by Patti Sheehy



the boy who said no


As a boy Frank Mederos’s grandfather teaches him to fish, to navigate the seas, and to think for himself, much needed skills under the new Castro regime. When Frank is drafted into the army, he is soon promoted to the Special Forces, where he is privy to top military secrets. But young Frank has no sympathy for Fidel. He thirsts for freedom and longs to join his girlfriend who has left Cuba for America. 
Frank yearns to defect, but his timing couldn’t be worse. After two unsuccessful escape attempts, Frank learns that the departure of the next available boat conflicts with upcoming military exercises. If he stays, he will miss the boat. If he doesn’t, he will be the object of a massive manhunt. 
Problems abound: How will Frank escape the army base without being seen? Where will he hide until the boat comes? How can he outwit his commanding officer? And how can he elude hundreds of soldiers ordered to bring him back “dead or alive”? 
Frank’s true story, a tale of love, loss and courage that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the last page is turned.


David’s Review


This was a great story!  The author, Patti Sheehy depicts the Cuban culture perfectly.  She describes the cultural details ranging from nonverbal communication to a traditional Cuban meal with accuracy. The book has love, politics, and the search for freedom. Her descriptive story allows the reader to go back in time to when Fidel Castro’s “revolution” over powered Fulgencio Batista’s regime. Additionally, she explains the various struggles Cubans went through when Castro took power, including radical changes, such as, obligating young-adolescents to teach literacy in areas far from their homes and families.

I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading about history especially if of Cuban-American descent.


I gave this book 4 stars!

An ARC copy was provided via NetGalley in exchange for a review.  


Thank you David for your review.  As a Cuban American, born in Miami, I look forward to reading this book myself.



Connect with the Author, Patti Sheehy


Twitter:  @PattiSheehy