Teaser and Excerpt – Whisper To Me by Christina Lee

Check out this hot teaser for Whisper to Me by Christina Lee.
You will love Kai!  Trust me.
Available May 20, 2014
whisper to me teaser
whisper to me cover
A hot and consuming New Adult romance about a wayward musician and the one girl who keeps him grounded…At college, Rachel has a reputation for being a sarcastic flirt with a thing for star athletes. No one at school knows that she’d had her heart ripped to shreds by her high school sweetheart, who’d driven them both off the side of the road on a borrowed motorcycle, and then abandoned her. No one knows the real Rachel Mattson—except one person…Ever since he helped nurse his sister’s feisty best friend back to health, pierced bass player Kai Nakos has been head over heels in love. But the supposed bad boy can’t risk letting Rachel know the truth—especially now that the two of them are back in their hometown for the summer, together for the first time since the months following that fateful night. Never mind that Rachel’s ex is back, groveling for her forgiveness.Shaken by her ex’s return, Rachel finds herself turning to the one guy she knows she can trust. Kai is willing to hide his feelings for her, just to have Rachel touch him again. After all, this is only a temporary fling. Until it becomes something more. But maybe it had been more all along. 



I padded to the kitchen and reached for a glass, unsure if Kai was even awake. As I turned

the faucet on low, I heard it—the soft hum of his bass. My heart leapt in my chest. I didn’t know

what the hell I was so anxious about. But the anticipation of seeing him, just talking to him alone,

had revved my pulse to a feverish tempo.

But maybe he didn’t want any company tonight.

I wandered over to his door, unsure of what I’d say or even if I’d knock. Instead, I stood

motionless, listening to him play. It was a low and drowsy strum, and I swayed against the wall,

my senses dulled. During a longer pause, my knuckles tapped once and then twice against the


I heard the sounds of what could have been his returning his heavy bass to its stand and

papers rustling, and then the door slowly creaked open. Kai stood in front of me with his hair

hanging loose at his shoulders. He had on those obscenely tight gray skinny jeans from earlier

and nothing else.

My gaze followed the line of his neck, across his shoulder, to the muscular biceps propping

the door open. I spotted the set of free weights resting beneath the stand of his bass. He’d

definitely been working out in the three years since I’d last seen him. He wasn’t overly muscular

like some athletes I’d been with, just lean and fit.

My gaze tripped over to his sculpted pecs and landed on his nipples. His pierced nipples—

that seemed to harden at my perusal.

Fuck, that was hot. Since when did I think silver hoops dangling from a guy’s nipples were

sexy? But on Kai, they worked. Like fruit waiting to be plucked, they hung above the trunk of his

sculpted abdomen, while a smattering of fine hairs branched from beneath the button of his pants.

Hot damn.

“What’s up, Rachel?” He swallowed thickly. “Did I wake you?”

“I . . .” I finally met his eyes. “I couldn’t sleep and I heard you were up.”

“Yeah, me neither.” He moved aside to allow me to pass into the room. “I was trying to be


“Actually, most of the time your music lulls me to sleep.”

“Yeah?” he said in a low and gruff voice. “Is that why you’re here—so I can put you to


“No, you ass.” I grinned. “Well, maybe.”

When his eyes turned dark, I mumbled, “Just kidding.”


Be sure to pre-order today!

About the Author:  Christina Lee

Mother, wife, reader, dreamer. Christina lives in the Midwest with her husband and son–her two favorite guys.

She’s addicted to lip gloss and salted caramel everything. She believes in true love and kissing, so writing romance novels has become a dream job.

Author of the Between Breaths series from Penguin/InterMix. ALL OF YOU and BEFORE YOU BREAK available now, WHISPER TO ME on May 20th, 2014.

Also the creator of Tags-n-Stones (dot com) jewelry.

Follow her on Twitter: @Christina_Lee04

Find her on Goodreads.


Teaser- A Constant Attraction by @AJWaltersAuthor

I’d like to thank A.J. Walters for this teaser. I just finished An Acute Attraction so this little excerpt came in at the right time. The cover is awesome too. I am really looking forward to this next book,  A Constant Attraction  as the story of Isabel and Marc continues.  Enjoy!

a constant attraction cover



“Standing tall, at the large imposing window of her Cambridge hotel room, Dr Emiliana Acerbi presses the end call button on her phone. She is confident that she is the one in control. She is the one calling all of the shots, holding all of the cards and that she is the strongest out of the two of them, out of her and Marc Sanders. She has always been this way, since very early on in life and had to be in order to succeed, to succeed in what is mainly seen as a man’s world.


From a young age men had been the authoritative figures within her family and community in Italy. There the men were still very firmly set in their ways. The men were the bread winners, head of the family and everyone looked up to them. This became more apparent after her father passed away, after losing his battle to lung cancer, when she was only six years old and her mother had to turn to Emiliana’s uncle, her father’s elder brother for help and support.

As it was him who they had to rely upon, to avoid being homeless and put out on to the street, he used and abused the situation. Emiliana wasn’t allowed to do anything without his permission and in time, her mother turned into the ghost of a woman she once was. Valeria Martinelli had no say in what discipline or punishment was handed out, or which direction her daughter was to take, therefore just blended into everything else around them.


However Emelie wasn’t a daft or silly little girl. In fact, she was the complete opposite. Yes, she played by the rules and did what was expected of her. She kept her mouth shut and continued to do what was asked of her. The display and theatre she put on for her uncle was enough to pacify him, but not too obvious for him to question the reasoning behind her way of living. At the age of ten, Emelie made the conscious decision that she was not going to lead the rest of her sorry and turbulent life like that. So, she buckled down at school and any spare time she had in between having to do chores around the house and entertaining her uncle, she would do extra studying. As any spare time was sparse, she would often stay awake late into the night and, either using the bright moonlight or what little street lighting there was, she would cram as much as she could in. Emelie knew her uncle would never fund her college or university fees, as he wanted her to become another little woman, just like her mother, who stayed at home and did nothing else.


With this she needed to prove to herself and others, such as her teachers at school, what she was truly capable of doing.

Striving to be the best, to be at the top of her classes, taking home extra work, Emelie hoped it would lead to her getting a scholarship or grant.


As it went, she did ace her exams and at the age of sixteen, Emelie packed the one case she could get a hold of and left for Milan, her only possessions being a few clothes, her diary and a photograph of her parents taken during happier times. Her uncle hadn’t been a complete tyrant. He would give Emelie ‘pocket money’ as he called it, for when she worked incredibly hard for him, entertaining him and his comrades. Six years of saving and stashing the money in an old antique tin under her bed, meant she had enough to buy her ticket and pay for the first couple of months rent. It broke her heart to sell the one item that had belonged to her father, but she knew that her father would approve of her using the money from the sale of the gold pocket watch, to fulfil her dream of becoming something and someone. So, until her grant kicked in, she had to use the cash to live off.


Her living conditions may not have been great, but she was free!


Buy Links for An Acute Attraction (book 1)an acute attraction


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About the Author: A.J. Walters

A J Walters is a new contemporary romance author who has just made her first appearance on to the indie circuit. Having interests in history, romance and elements of erotica, she has brought all of these together in her debut publication; An Acute Attraction.

Wanting to break the trend of size 12 virgins in books, A J Walters has introduced a new real woman in Isabel Chambers. She’s a size 18-20, working single mother who now feels is it her time to start living her life again. At the ripe young age of 39, A J Walters also wanted to show that you can experience everything that a twenty-something would.

“I saw that a 39 year old isn’t quite at retirement age for fun, sex and finding love again. There are so many women out there that can be represented in books as well as the slim, innocent and beautiful types. Don’t get me wrong I love reading books with them in, but there is so many of them around now I felt it is time for something different. I’d like to think I brought my sense of humour across in it as well. I am ditsy, I suffer from ‘foot in mouth’ syndrome, but I can also be serious and sentimental. From the feedback I’ve had, apparently it makes for a great writing voice.”

A J Walters currently lives in North Staffordshire, UK with her 2 children.

Connect with A.J. Walters



Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7359445.A_J_Walters

Teaser- How To Reprimand Your Rock Star by @MinaVaughn

Here’s a teaser for the upcoming book How To Reprimand Your Rock Star by the talented and spanktastic Mina Vaughn.  I can’t wait for Summer when this book will be released!

Teaser Time

The tall, gorgeous man stared at me with a smirk. Some fucking punk, sitting under my name and number and pulling a cigarette out of his thick leather jacket. He looked bad, dangerous, and delicious and my body reacted to seeing him with a jolt of fear and euphoria. I skittered back and covered my nakedness, hoping he hadn’t seen me fully naked. I peeked around the corner to get another look at him. I couldn’t help myself.

His blue eyes twinkled at me and he grinned. A lopsided, roguish grin that begged you to join him in sharing the mirth. But I wasn’t about to smile at this fool who was taking up residence in front of my locker. Especially while I was naked. He didn’t look like a student—a few years too old and a few drinks too seasoned, and from the rebellious appearance of his black-polished fingers and calloused hands. His hair, a mess of black roots and blue spikes arranged into a halo of sharp peaks, didn’t look very UConn at all. He looked as if he belonged in a tattoo parlor, not here in my locker room. For a moment, I imagined shoving him against the tile wall and punishing him for transgressing into my domain.

“It’s all right, love, I have your towel right here,” I heard him tease in a smoky, tempting voice.

My heart raced. All I had to do was scream loud enough and Matt would be down here in a flash. I didn’t want to, but it was an option. Just keep it together.

Keeping my nude form out of his sight, I shouted to the intruder. “What exactly do you think you’re doing?”

A white towel sailed my way and I stuck my wet arm out to grab it. I wiped myself off and discreetly examined the very bad boy who was about to stink up my precious domain.

“I needed a butt,” he said, placing a cigarette between his mocking lips. His sexy, curvy lips that went so well with his stubbly jaw and sharp features. Shit, what was wrong with me? He was invading my turf. He was also unashamedly checking me out from head to toe.

“Take your butt and get out of my locker room,” I growled.

With a flick of his fingers, the unlit cigarette disappeared. I assumed up his leather jacket’s sleeve, but I couldn’t be sure. His leather pants were far too tight to hide a cigarette, and I caught myself staring. Under his leather jacket was a threadbare tee that hugged his lean muscles tightly. I wanted him to take the jacket off. Hell, all of it.

“Whatever you say, Goddess,” he replied. I noted a slight accent, but couldn’t place it. Possibly British. “Is this seat taken?” he asked, looking behind him at the name on the nameplate and the name embroidered on my jacket.

I emerged, pretending to be unfettered by the whole bizarre situation, and nodded. “That’s my locker.”

“Is it now?” he asked, British accent coming through clearly now.

“Thea Papastathopoulos, future Rookie of the Year, and I need my clothes. And my lucky tape.”

His eyebrow quirked up. “Tape, eh? What’s a nice girl like you need something like that for?”


If you haven’t added it to your TBR list, get to it!  And, if you haven’t read How To Discipline Your Vampire, hurry up and one click it today. It’s just $.99.  

how to discipline your vampire

I have made adding this to your TBR easy, just click on the link below.  

Goodreads link 

About Mina Vaughn:

Mina Vaughn is an international woman of mystery and a shoe whore with a heart of gold. When she’s not writing her unique brand of silly smut, she’s plundering Sephora for any pin up girl makeup she can find. Mina’s debut novel, an erotic comedy entitled HOW TO DISCIPLINE YOUR VAMPIRE is about a punishment-seeking vampire who meets a quirky Domme with a serious role play fetish, available now from Simon and Schuster’s Pocket Star.

The next installment in the DOMME-NATION series is How to Reprimand Your Rock Star, coming Summer 2014.

Keep up with Mina:

website:  http://www.minavaughn.com

Twitter:  minavaughn