Why do you read? What are you reading?

a book a day

Reading begins at a young age.  We learn to read, then we read to learn.

As adults, reading for pleasure is a hobby for many.

Why do you read?

Do you read to escape from reality?  A wonderfully written book can be quite powerful.  Books have the power to paint pictures, arouse our senses and take us away from the day to day.

books reader

Books also open discussions.  What books have you read that have lead to an interesting discussion among friends or colleagues? Share your thoughts.

What genres to you prefer? Do you prefer romance, suspense, erotica, mysteries, young adult, new adult, historical fiction, or paranormal? Cookbooks or How-to-books?

I happen to love magazines, especially when they are filled with recipes.  In fact,  I am currently reading, Cooking Light.  Even as adults, we still read to learn. Learning to cook counts right?

Next on my TBR list is The Scarpetta Cookbook by Scott Conant. I’m a sucker for Italian food.  (I have a crush on this chef too)


There are so many talented authors out there that I don’t have a favorite genre anymore.

Share your thoughts.

What are some of the best books you have read?

What are you reading?

Happy Sunday!
