Cover Reveal – Lucky Stars by @kerryheavens #coverreveal #preorder


Check out this gorgeous cover for Kerry Heavens’ newest book, Lucky Stars.  Be sure to add it to your TBR!


Title: Lucky Scars

Author: Kerry Heavens

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Series: Standalone

Release Date: July 3 2018

Cover Designer: Rebel Graphics





Not every love story begins with a fiery explosion of lust.

Some are tiny embers of hope that smoulder slowly until the stars align…

I’d been living in a bubble.
It was meant to protect me from the things in life that hurt.
I could live, I could laugh, but at least I didn’t have to love.
Loving was dangerous and I would never do it again.

It was working just fine, until the bubble burst.
It let in danger.
It let in light.
It let in…him.

Unknowingly I’d been living in the dark, feeling my way.
He filled my world with starlight.
He showed me how to move on to the next level.
He made me feel again.

I thought the wounds from the past would never fully heal,
But perhaps they only heal when the time is right.

Sometimes you just have to thank your lucky scars.










Title not available in KU

(B&N link pending)



London born indie author, iPhone addict & general ray of sunshine! Kerry writes: sometimes sweet, sometimes not, often funny, always hot, real romance, dirty romcoms and other such smut.





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Cover Reveal – Sinfully Mine by Kendall Ryan @KendallRyan1 @InkSlingerPR

Have you ever had your heart broken? Reece Jackson has, and he uses a peculiar kink to avoid intimacy. When the girl he’s always loved walks back into his life, will he be able to let his walls down?


She was forbidden.
I didn’t care.
As my best friend’s little sister, Macey Hale was
off-limits, but the girl was tempting as sin and forbidden as fuck. I wish I
could say that stopped me. I wish I could tell you I behaved like a gentleman.
I didn’t.
When she waltzes back into my life with that same spark I
fell for, looking every bit the beautiful woman I knew she’d grow into, I have
to force myself to remember I’m different from the man she once knew. I’m
colder. Harder. And for good reason.
With my heart on lockdown and my hands aching to touch her,
I set out to prove that I can keep myself in check this time.
No strings. No attachments.
And definitely no falling for her again.
If you love steamy romance, you won’t want to miss this
older brother’s best friend romance.
This is book two in
the Lessons with the Dom series, following The Gentleman Mentor. Both are
complete standalone novels featuring sexy Dominant men you’re sure to fall in
love with.

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“What do you think you’re doing?” I find her in my closet, down on her knees and rummaging through a black duffel bag that just happens to hold all my sex toys. Apparently she did see this when she cleaned up.
“Ah, here we go.” Her fingers close around a generously sized flesh-colored vibrating dildo. “You won’t do the job? Well, I have a feeling this baby will.” She waves it in the air like she’s found the damn golden ticket. Then she rises to her feet and smiles sweetly at me.
For the love of God, this woman does not fight fair. She never has. “Where do you think you’re going with that?”
“Probably my bed, then the shower.” A line creases her forehead. “Do you have spare batteries for this thing? It might be a long night.”
“No way. Not happening. Give me the toy, Macey.” I reach out a hand, my voice as stern as the set of my jaw, my fingers barely avoiding crushing the crystal tumbler in my other hand.
A slow smile uncurls on her mouth. “Why, Reece Jackson, are you jealous?” She eyes the toy in her hand and then lets her gaze slip seductively down to the crotch of my pants.
If she really thinks that toy’s size has me feeling insecure, she’s insane. Certifiably. “You really don’t remember, do you?” Now I’m the one smiling. She’ll be in for a pleasant surprise later.
“I remember everything. I remember how you always made me keep my underwear on, and that I never actually saw you”—her gaze flicks downward—”down there. I only felt you with my hand, and since I had nothing to base it on, I assumed all guys were like that.”
“Well, in that case, you’ll be sorely disappointed with this toy.” I snatch the dildo from her hand and toss it back in the open bag.
“What do you think you’re doing?” she asks, planting a hand on her hip. “You left me hanging at the restaurant.”
“And you will stay like that until I say so.”

He calls himself the Gentleman Mentor.
Just reading his ad makes me feel more alive than I have in years.
He promises to teach me the art of seduction … and show me the most sinfully erotic pleasures. He’s going to help me become the kind of confident, sexy woman men can’t ignore.
Six lessons … with the most gorgeous man … who happens to be a Dom.
The only problem … now that I’ve experienced his brand of delectable domination will anyone else ever compare?
She’s a client. That’s all.
Or it should be.
But with every lesson, she’s becoming more.
The secrets I’m hiding behind the image of the Gentleman Mentor make telling her the truth—and having anything real—impossible.
I’m training her for another man, and that fact guts me every time I think of it.
I know she’s not mine … but part of me won’t accept that.
Am I willing to risk it all to keep her?


THE GENTLEMAN MENTOR is a full-length standalone novel.

Kendall Ryan is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of contemporary romance novels, including Hard to Love, Unravel Me, Resisting Her and When I Break.

She’s a sassy, yet polite Midwestern girl with a deep love of books, and a slight addiction to lipgloss. She lives in Minneapolis with her adorable husband and two baby sons, and enjoys hiking, being active, and reading.

Visit her at: for the latest book news, and fun extras.

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Cover Reveal – Blue Genes by Sydney Jamesson @SydneyJamesson @JennW23

Blue Genes FINAL cover

Title: Blue Genes (The Story of Us Series #1)

Author: Sydney Jamesson

Publication Date: June 2, 2015

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Cover Design: The eBook Designer


Peacock Feathers



Take the plunge with Beth Parker and be ready to fall headfirst Into the blue …

“I promise. Wherever you are, Beth, I will always be with you,” ~ Ayden Stone

Blue Genes is the continuation of the bestselling trilogy, The Story of Us.

Handsome, media magnate, Ayden Stone came into Beth Parker’s life like a bolt out of the blue, introducing her to an extravagant lifestyle filled with promises, new experiences and sensual pleasures. Possessed by love, they have fulfilled a childhood dream to be man and wife, believing nothing can come between them ‘until death us do part.’

Having been tortured by tragic events involving angels and demons from their past, these star-crossed lovers are ready to start a new chapter in their lives. Now, family comes first.

But which family?

Time is running out! Difficult decisions must be made that will stretch their fated bond to its very limit. Unforeseen enemies are conspiring and about to test the very foundation of their relationship: trust.

Blue Genes is an emotional, adult fairy-tale that transcends the ordinary: a sensual, suspense filled story overflowing with love, laughter and a longing for a happy ever after.

But sometimes, longing just isn’t enough …

Peacock Feathers

Blue Genes Secrets Teaser 2

Sydney is giving away an ARC-A-WEEK in her fan page until Blue Genes releases June 2nd. You can join here:

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Blue Genes Teaser Paris

Pre-order Blue Genes


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Discover The Story of Us Trilogy Now For Only 99¢!

(May 1st – May 5th)



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Review – Veil of Scars by J.R. Gray @TheOriginal Gray

Veil of Scars Cover JR Gray

Veil of Scars

Coming April 21st from Evernight Publishing

Veil of Scars Promo Banner


A little bit about Veil of Scars:

Steven is tall, dark and damaged. He doesn’t let anyone close, comfortable on the outside of normal life where he can hide his scars behind a wall so high that nothing gets through…except them. Despite a childhood marred with black and blue, he’s survived and moved in with his two best friends, Sam and Charlie.


Life should get better, but it was Sam who held him when the dark threatened to swallow him whole, Sam who gave him a place that felt like home, and Sam who knew every scar and every broken place.


And it’s all been taken away with Charlie sharing Sam’s bed.


Without his former confront, Steven realizes what’s been hiding in the deep corners of his heart, and the truth sinks him like a weight. He’s in love with one or maybe both of his roommates. Navigating unrequited love tears Steven apart and brings him to the precipice, and he has to choose: his feelings or Sam’s…and Charlie’s?


 My Review


One of the reasons I enjoy reading is because well written stories have the power to transport you to another place and/or time.  Veil of Scars is one of those books that took me on a new and different journey as a reader.

Veil of Scars is the story of Steven, Sam and Charlie, three friends who share a common/special love for each other.  Throughout their lives, their friendship, their love and their unique bond evolves.  Written through Steven’s POV, Veil of Scars takes you on a personal journey of discovery.  I loved how JR used relevant flashbacks to the character’s early years to clearly bring a clear understanding to the character’s lives in the present.

I truly enjoyed reading and experiencing the emotions all of the characters endured throughout the story.  But, I enjoyed Steven’s the most.  I felt the strongest connection to Steven.  It’s this personal connection that captivated me.  Don’t get me wrong, I loved Charlie.  She is Steven’s emotional tether.  And I admire Sam, the hero, the light.

This story represents diversity and as a supporter, I applaud JR for his writing and content.  This book tells a different kind of love story. Nonetheless, it brings awareness to what love is and how it can be different for everyone.  There is no right way to love.

I gave Veil of Scars 5 stars.

5 stars


JR, your book made me think of this quote:

“We all live with the objective of being happy, our lives are all different and yet the same.” 

~Anne Frank


  Buy Links

Buy it from Evernight


Amazon UK

Here is a sneak peek from Veil of Scars:


Soon the music was going and party-goers were milling about in the low lights. There were drinks and bodies on every surface. I stood behind the bar, not minding making drinks for the guests since there was little else at the party that I wanted to do. The atmosphere mellowed as the liquor took effect, and Sam had long stopped trying to drag me out to dance. Instead, he’d taken up a spot on the couch with Char. Their mouths met, skin and lips, while their hands wandered, stroking and skimming over each other’s clothes as the party moved around them. I sat back, finding I was no longer needed as everyone was sated. The few remaining people had paired off in couples for the night, strewn over the furniture and floor. The base thumped, and bodies moved with it as if the alcohol had turned them into living recreations of the music. The door to Char and Sam’s room slammed shut, closing off a guy and two adventurous women.

Sam’s head snapped back at the sound, and he cursed under his breath. He glanced around then whispered to Char. She giggled and grabbed a throw off the back of the couch.

An outsider where I sat, I seemed to have escaped notice as the only fairly sober party in the room.

She pulled the blanket over herself and then moved the thin fabric over his lap. Soon Sam’s head flopped back into the cushion, and his mouth fell open in a soundless moan. Charlie’s eyes blazed with mischief, and she grew more eager with every reaction from her boyfriend. His hand slid up her shoulder, curling around the back of her neck. My skin burned in the same place, a physical memory of the times he’d touched me the same way.

He dragged his head off the back of the sofa and looked at her, his blue gaze pleading louder than any words could. The air buzzed with electricity from the pair of them. He licked over his lips, and the muscles in his arm tightened as he guided her head towards his lap. Charlie ducked under the blanket, and a flash of heat ran through me.

Was she really going to go down on him in the middle of the party?

I held my breath, transfixed as Sam lifted up his ass below where the blanket covered him to slide his pants down around his ankles, I guessed. He groaned, this time audibly, and the sound went right to my gut. I chewed on my lip ring unable to stop myself from staring. Charlie’s head bobbed under the cover, and Sam’s eyes rolled back in his head.

Suddenly I was flushed and embarrassed. I was the voyeur, spying on my friends who were caught up in drunken passion. I tore my eyes away from his lap only to find his blue gaze locked on me.

veil of scars banner teaser 1

About J.R. Gray

When not staying up all night writing, J.R Gray can be found basking in the warm glow of the Miami sun, or at the gym where it’s half assumed Gray is a permanent resident. A dominant, pilot, and sword fighting enthusiast, Gray finds it hard to be in the passenger seat of any car. Gray frequently interrupts real life, including normal sleep patterns, to jot down nonsense. The bane of Gray’s existence are commas, and even though it’s been fully acknowledged they are necessary, they continue to baffle and bewilder.

If Gray wasn’t writing…well, that’s not possible. The build up of untold stories would haunt Gray into an early grave or possibly a mental institution where the tales would end up on the walls in crayon and finger paint.


Find J.R. Gray online:

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Other books by J.R. Gray

Legally BoundUKAll Romance eBooks

Breach of Contract  – UKAll Romance eBooks

Illicit Activity Evernight

Cover Reveal – Excerpt & Giveaway – Salvation by Stephanie John @StephJohnWrites

Photo Banner for the Cover Reveal of Salvation, a contemporary adult romance by Stephanie John

Title: Salvation

Author: Stephanie John

Genre: Adult Contemporary Romance

Series: The Heal Me Series, Book 1

Photo of the cover of the contemporary romance novel, Salvation, by author Stephanie John


A chance meeting turned my world inside out.

Intelligent, sexy, and rich. With a dash of roguish charm and a cocksure smile, Nathan Blake is the ultimate fantasy. He can have any woman he wants with only a glance.

And he wants me.

My past has left me broken and humiliated, wary of men like him. I cut myself off from the pain, moving thousands of miles away to escape every reminder, determined to start anew.

I’ve been second best before. It isn’t happening again.

One kiss and I’m caught under his spell, drawn to him with every breath I take.

I can’t resist.

The passion that explodes between us becomes an intense connection

neither of us thought we’d share. Or need.

The suffering inside me reflects his – a pain I know he feels, but can’t bring himself to reveal.

I have no idea his love can heal me – that mine can heal him…

…if only I can let down my guard for him and trust.


Nate prowled behind me, his body heat making mine hum with anticipation as I blindly awaited his next move. He stroked a finger lazily down my bare back, scattering goosebumps across my flesh. “So creamy and soft,” he murmured. “I’ve longed to taste your skin for weeks.” His lips grazed my shoulder, working up to my ear and whispered, “But I imagine you knew that already.” My breathing shallowed, my body swaying as Nate played this tantalising game of seduction. The straps of my dress fell down my arms, his hands leaving a trail of fire on my skin as he eased it off. His breath hitched. “No underwear?” “No bra,” I corrected. He eased the dress over my hips and down my body, and tossed it to the side. “Your legs are spectacular.” His breath tickled the back of my knee. Warm hands and soft lips mapped their way leisurely up my thighs until Nate regained a standing position. Taking both my hands, he wrapped them around the back of his neck and deliberately trailed fingertips down my arms, making my skin tingle. “Feel what you do to me, Kara?” he rasped, both hands splaying above and below my navel, urging me flush against him. His erection strained against his fly, pushing against my arse. Unable to respond coherently, I whimpered and nodded. Realising Nate was so hot for me was enlightening. I arched my back, moving both hands to his hair. “So incredibly sexy.” His thumb skimmed the lace top of my panties, then he slipped his hand inside, moving down until his finger found my clit. My body jolted and I gasped. “I can’t wait to bury myself inside you.”

Collage featuring depictions of a scene from Salvation, a contemporary romance novel by author Stephanie John.

Pre-Order Links!

You do not want to miss this novel … or deny yourself your next book boyfriend. So why wait? Pre-Order Salvation today! And the best part? It’s ON SALE until Release Day!

Amazon US ($0.99) Amazon UK (£0.99) Amazon AU ($1.27)


Win one of 3 eBooks of Salvation!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

About the Author

Avatar photo representing author Stephanie JohnMost days, you’ll find Stephanie John on a yacht, wearing a very skimpy bikini, drinking champagne, eating chocolate and never gaining weight. When she isn’t asleep and dreaming, in real life you’re more likely to find her at the school gates, wearing whatever she dragged on that morning, drinking copious amounts of coffee. She still eats chocolate, though — everyone has their vices, right? Somehow, amidst the chaos of full-time mummy duties, she manages to write. Contemporary romance has always been her favourite genre to read for as long as she can remember (age-appropriate, of course).

Never in a million years did it occur to her to write one of her own. Now, she couldn’t imagine doing anything else.


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A photo quote from Salvation, a contemporary adult romance novel by author Stephanie John

Susi Reviews Cain’s Way by Michelle Day @MichelleYDay

Cain’s Way 

by Michelle Day

Release Date: February 26, 2015



cain's way cover


Born to be the Alpha, the circumstances of his birth were cause for concern to his pack. As he grew, his love for the human race and his preference for solitude only served to distance him from them further.
Cain didn’t care for the pack life. He travelled and kept himself away, pursuing the things he loved. Leaving his pack in the hands of those more capable than himself. Not concerned by the gossip and rumours surrounding him. Raised with the knowledge that he was special, he embraced his quirks and quietly set about proving his worth in his own unique and often humorous way.


My Review 

Michelle Day writes paranormal?  Who knew.  I am always excited to read other books written by an author I admire.  Well, Michelle Day has done it again with her latest book.  While I admit that I am not a huge paranormal fan, Cain’s Way has made me change my mind about this genre.

Cain’s Way is not your typical paranormal book.  It is humorous story following the life of Cain, a sexy and witty shifter.  From the first few pages, Cain will intrigue you and make you laugh.  His character, as well as his demeanor is quite unique.  The story is well developed and keeps you engaged. Cain’s sarcasm and powerful alpha status make this a fun book to read.  The supporting characters are just as entertaining.  Lily, his mate is beautiful and totally captures his heart.  His best mate Loren, is also another great character.  His ability to connect with and protect Cain is what I most admire about him.  Finally, Cain’s way of keeping his pack and his in-laws in line is also original and admirable.

So yes, this paranormal gem is one that I recommend. 🙂 I look forward to reading more paranormal from Michelle in the future.

I gave this book 5 stars.

It was truly an enjoyable read. Be sure to add it to your TBR.  It releases this week!

I received an ARC from the author for an honest review.



Pre-Order Link

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About the Author- Michelle Day



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Other books by Michelle Day 

ps updated cover

father and son cover michelle day

Cover Reveal – Manwhore +1 by Katy Evans @AuthorKatyEvans

Happy Friday!

Here’s another book by the awesome Katy Evans to look forward to.  Check out this gorgeous cover for the second book in the Manwhore series. As a Katy Evans fan,  I know I can’t wait to read this series.

Cover Reveal

manwhore+1 cover




The unexpected love story that began in MANWHORE 

continues heating up the pages in MANWHORE + 1

Release date: July 7, 2015

Billionaire playboy? Check. 

Ruthless businessman? Check. 

Absolutely sinful? Check.


Malcolm Saint was an assignment. A story. A beautiful, difficult man I was supposed to uncover for a racy exposé.


I intended to reveal himhis secrets, his lifestyle—not let him reveal me. But my head was overtaken by my heart and suddenly nothing could stop me from falling. I fell for him, and I fell hard.

Malcolm Saint is absolute Sin, and I’ve become a hopeless Sinner.


Now that the assignment is over, Saint wants something from me–something unexpected–and I want this wicked playboy’s heart. But how can I prove to the man who trusts no one that I’m worthy of becoming his plus one?


Manwhore + 1 Pre-order Links (Releases 7/7)






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manwhore cover katy evans


Manwhore (bk 1) Pre-order links (Releases 3/24) 




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About the Author

Katy Evans





katy evans pic

Katy Evans grew up with books and book-boyfriends until she found a real sexy boyfriend to love. They married and are now hard at work on their own happily ever after. Katy loves her family and friends, and she also loves reading, walking, baking, and being consumed by her characters until she reaches “The End.” Which is, hopefully, only the beginning…





trsor promo pic for blog posts

Excerpt – Fire Down Below by @Debra_Anastasia @NinaBocci

Here’s and excerpt from Debra Anastasia’s upcoming book.

 I dare you to read it!

 Expect a flare up on 2-28-15

Fire Down Below

by Debra Anastasia

Vaginal discomfort due to severe fungous infection.

flames gif


Oh God. We’re talking about me being naked, in the shower with cooter cream. Please world, end. Kill me.

“I know it’s not soap. I just… if it’s scented… I can’t do scented. Flowers and stuff like that. Fruit-flavored soaps make… things… burnish.” She could tell from the peeks at his face Mr. Fitzwell had never stepped foot in bath and lotion store, wanting to try the array of fun fragrances. Nor had he purchased Peppermint Candy shower gel, foamed up his nether regions, and felt like he had dipped them in lava. Dove crossed and uncrossed her legs at the memory.

Mr. Fitzwell seemed concerned. “Okay, just a heads-up. It’s definitely not good to put any fruits or plant life near your genitals.” He made a V with his hands and formed his own pretend vagina in front of his pants.

Dove covered her eyes and tried to defend herself because now she could hear the sickly older woman beating her supporters with a purse.

Dove’s mumbling got louder with her embarrassment. “I don’t put weird things down… there. Just make sure that the cream’s vagina-scented. Just plain. For vaginas.” She kept her eyes on the counter.

fire down below WITH WORDS



#‎FireDownBelow‬ Pre-Order LINKS

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Cover Reveal – Sex On The Beach Series by @JenniferProbst @Bennett_Jenna @DianeAlberts


Today is the big cover reveal for the next books in the SEX ON THE BEACH series! This series includes the novellas FINDING YOU by Jenna Bennett, LOSING US by Jen McLaughlin, and CHASING ME by Jennifer Probst.
The next installments in the SEX ON THE BEACH series – coming MARCH 3rd.
I can’t wait to read these three new books in this series.
Be sure to add them to your TBR today.



CHASING ME by Jennifer Probst


Quinn and James’ Story Continues in Chasing Me…
It was supposed to be a love story….

I knew she was out of my league but I didn’t care. Looking back, I wonder if I hadn’t pursued her, would things have turned out differently? Is it Fate that determines our choices in life? God? Free will? Or just plain old innate selfishness?
I got her, of course. There hadn’t been a girl I wasn’t able to seduce. Problem was she seduced me right back, body, mind, and soul. She possessed me, tormented me, and showed me a world that was so bright and pure I was almost blinded.
Didn’t she know after such a drug I could never settle for less? Didn’t she realize no matter how many times I screwed up, or broke her heart, or bent her to my will, I’d never be able to let her go?
If I hadn’t known such intensity existed, would it have been better for both of us?
True love, the real kind, isn’t nice and sweet and pure. No, it’s dirty, and sinful, and messy. It’s like ripping a chunk of flesh from your body and watching yourself bleed out in slow, helpless intervals until you thankfully pass out.

This isn’t a love story. But it’s the only story I got.

LosingUs Amazon

LOSING US by Jen McLaughlin


When it all comes crashing down…

Everything I thought I had with Austin Murphy—safety, stability, the normalcy I crave but my celebrity lifestyle rarely allows—was ripped away in one night. I wanted to surprise him, but the joke was on me. Now I don’t know if I ever really knew him at all.

Someone has to pick up the pieces…

Mackenzie Forbes was everything I ever wanted and the one person I didn’t deserve. When a past mistake costs me the girl I love, I’ll do everything I can to get her back. We both have demanding careers and family secrets darkening our pasts, but I need Mackenzie in my future.

Sometimes everything you have to give just isn’t enough…


FINDING YOU by Jenna Bennett


Sex on the Beach, the do-over.
I had a simple plan for what to do in Key West the second time around.

Testify at the trial of the rapist I helped catch last year.
Make sure he gets locked away for the rest of his natural life, so he can never, ever hurt another girl.
Wait for my BFFs to get to town, so we can celebrate.
And stay far away from Ty Connor, because three months after breaking up with him, I still don’t know whether being with him is worse than being without him.

Spring Break, take two.
All of the above? Out the window.
Turns out testifying is a lot harder than I thought it would be.
Not only is the rapist I helped catch last year not locked away for the rest of his life, he’s on the loose and looking for me.
Oh yeah, and it’s definitely harder being without Ty than being with him, especially when I have to watch him with someone else.
Welcome to my world.



LOSING US by Jen McLaughlin Links:




CHASING ME by Jennifer Probst Links:



FINDING YOU by Jenna Bennett Links:






For each book that gets to 500 adds, 5 pages of that novella will be released! 10 pages will be released after 1000 adds, and 15 pages after 1500 adds! So, spread the word and be sure to add each book to your goodreads list.




FINDING YOU – Goodreads link coming soon!










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Cover Reveal – MANWHORE by Katy Evans @authorkatyevans

Cover Reveal

I am so excited to share this cover today!  Here it is!

Manwhore by Katy Evans.


manwhore cover katy evans



book #1 of ‘the manwhore series’ 

March 24, 2015

Is it possible to expose Chicago’s hottest player—without getting played?


This is the story I’ve been waiting for all my life, and its name is Malcolm Kyle Preston Logan Saint. Don’t be fooled by that last name though. There’s nothing holy about the man except the hell his parties raise. The hottest entrepreneur Chicago has ever known, he’s a man’s man with too much money to spend and too many women vying for his attention.


Mysterious. Privileged. Legendary. His entire life he’s been surrounded by the press as they dig for tidbits to see if his fairytale life is for real or all mirrors and social media lies. Since he hit the scene, his secrets have been his and his alone to keep. And that’s where I come in.


Assigned to investigate Saint and reveal his elusive personality, I’m determined to make him the story that will change my career.


But I never imagined he would change my life. Bit by bit, I start to wonder if I’m the one discovering him…or if he’s uncovering me.


What happens when the man they call Saint, makes you want to sin?  


Pre-order links:




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B&N print:




About the Author

Katy Evans
My Life in 8 Words: “Hectic, wonderful, complete; everything I ever wanted.”

Katy Evans grew up with books and book-boyfriends until she found a real sexy boyfriend to love. They married and are now hard at work on their own happily ever after. Katy loves her family and friends, and she also loves reading, walking, baking, and being consumed by her characters until she reaches “The End.” Which is, hopefully, only the beginning…

Follow Katy Evans on ​Social Media