What’s In The Author’s Bag? Victoria Van Tiem reveals… @VVanTiem_author


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Have you ever wondered what your favorite authors carry with them in their bags?

Well, Author Victoria Van Tiem reveals it all…..

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Hi, my bag changes often depending on where I’m going, but the contents pretty much always stay the same. Today I have my bright and cheery yellow coach. I’ve had this bag for years, and although it’s seen better days I still adore it’s bright and cheery disposition.

Inside I always have the essentials: keys, wallet, shades and glasses. My iPad is a must so I can read whenever I’m stuck somewhere. Just finished Liane Moriarty’s What Alice Forgot (loved) & now I’m working through Lucy Robinson’s The Day We Disappeared. (So good!)

I also usually have snacks of almonds or carrot sticks, oh and Truvia packs. That way I can turn any tea into ‘sweet tea’. My diet’s extreme paleo (for health reasons) so I always need to have something.

Pac man and mustache pencil? I have no idea. They’re not even sharpened. At least the girl pen with pigtails works – I think.

Small makeup bag with essentials: mascara, blush and EOS lip balm. My phone’s stuffed in one pocket and my glass water bottle is usually in the other, and if I’ve been out recites would be floating about.


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This reminds me of How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days when Mathew McConaughey and his team riffle through Kate Hudson’s purse. “Guys, a woman’s purse, it’s her secret source of power. There are many dark and dangerous things in there that we, the male species, should know nothing about.”


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Thank you Victoria for sharing the contents of your purse with us.  It is always fun to get to know our faves better.

xx ~Susi


Books by Victoria Van Tiem

Read my review of Love Like The Movies Here


by Victoria Van Tiem

love like the movies new cover

Love like the Movies

Ideal for McNamara & Moyes fans, a first love story for every girl who has ever watched a romantic comedy & swooned, wishing it were her.

Available now.

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Her next novel releases this January in paperback & eBookTitle and cover reveal soon!

Follow Victoria Van Tiem on Social Media

Victoria Van Tiem





Blogiversary GIVEAWAY – Love Like The Movies by @Author_VVANTIEM

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Love Like The Movies by Victoria Van Tiem combines brilliant writing, some of my favorite movies and a witty and entertaining story.  If you haven’t read it yet, then you need to add it to your TBR list today.

Scroll down for your chance to win an e-book copy of Love Like The Movies by Victoria Van Tiemarrow down

Read my review here.

Thank you Victoria for being part of my blogiversary. ~Susi

love like the movies new cover



Kenzi Shaw knows the plot of her life down to the last line – the career she’s building as an up-and-coming marketing exec, the gorgeous fiancé (Bradley) she’ll marry in a fairytale wedding, the children they’ll raise in her dream home. But when heart-breaking ex Shane comes back into her life, life starts going off the script . . .

Shane tries to win Kenzi over by re-enacting all the rom-com movies they used to watch together – Sleepless in Seattle, Bridget Jones’s Diary, Pretty Woman and Dirty Dancing to name a few. He’s just a guy, standing in front of a girl, asking her to trust him again. But has he really changed? Not only is her head in a spin over Shane, but now her job is on the line. And with her perfect sister-in-law showing up every tiny thing Kenzi does wrong, she feels like she’s permanently in the corner.

Should she risk her sensible life for the chance of a Happy Ever After? One thing’s certain, when Shane meets Kenzi (again), she’s suddenly not so sure who her leading man is . . .

Perfect for fans of From Notting Hill with Love . . . Actually and You Had Me at Hello. Grab some popcorn, hit the sofa and enjoy this feel-good and very funny novel.

About Victoria Van Tiem

vicotira van tiem

Victoria Van Tiem is an American author repped by  Jenny Bent of The Bent Agency.  She’s also an artist, black belt, mom of two, wife of one, and resident caretaker of her family zoo—including their beloved, pot-bellied pig, Pobby

Webpage: http://victoriavantiem.com/

Twitter at @https://twitter.com/vtiem


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/v.vtiem

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One lucky winner will win a signed copy of Love Like The Movies by Victoria Van Tiem.

All you have to do is leave a comment and complete this sentence.  My favorite movie is …..

One winner will be selected via random.org.

This contest runs through Tuesday 12/16 at 9am.  The winner will be notified via email.

Good Luck and Happy Reading!


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Susi’s Summer Reads 7 and GIVEAWAY – Love Like the Movies by Victoria Van Tiem @vtiem

Summer Reads #7 & Giveaway

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Today’s Summer Reads Selection is another one of my favorites.  I love movies, especially chick flicks, and I love to read.   Love Like The Movies by Victoria Van Tiem combines brilliant writing, some of my favorite movies and a witty and entertaining story.  If you haven’t read it yet, then you need to add it to your TBR list today. It is a perfect Summer read!

Scroll down for your chance to win an e-book copy of Love Like The Movies by Victoria Van Tiem.

Read my review here.

love like the movies new cover



Kenzi Shaw knows the plot of her life down to the last line – the career she’s building as an up-and-coming marketing exec, the gorgeous fiancé (Bradley) she’ll marry in a fairytale wedding, the children they’ll raise in her dream home. But when heart-breaking ex Shane comes back into her life, life starts going off the script . . .

Shane tries to win Kenzi over by re-enacting all the rom-com movies they used to watch together – Sleepless in Seattle, Bridget Jones’s Diary, Pretty Woman and Dirty Dancing to name a few. He’s just a guy, standing in front of a girl, asking her to trust him again. But has he really changed? Not only is her head in a spin over Shane, but now her job is on the line. And with her perfect sister-in-law showing up every tiny thing Kenzi does wrong, she feels like she’s permanently in the corner.

Should she risk her sensible life for the chance of a Happy Ever After? One thing’s certain, when Shane meets Kenzi (again), she’s suddenly not so sure who her leading man is . . .

Perfect for fans of From Notting Hill with Love . . . Actually and You Had Me at Hello. Grab some popcorn, hit the sofa and enjoy this feel-good and very funny novel.

About Victoria Van Tiem

vicotira van tiem

Victoria Van Tiem is an American author repped by  Jenny Bent of The Bent Agency.  She’s also an artist, black belt, mom of two, wife of one, and resident caretaker of her family zoo—including their beloved, pot-bellied pig, Pobby

Webpage: http://victoriavantiem.com/

Twitter at @https://twitter.com/vtiem


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/v.vtiem

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One lucky winner will win an e-book of Love Like The Movies by Victoria Van Tiem.

Contest is open in the US, UK and Italy.

All you have to do is leave a comment and complete this sentence.  My favorite movie is …..

One winner will be selected via random.org.

This contest runs through Wednesday  night.

Good Luck and Happy Reading!


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Interview with Victoria Van Tiem, Author of Love Like The Movies

I recently read one of the most entertaining romantic comedies called Love Like The Movies by Victoria Van Tiem.   After reading her witty story, I had to ask her all about it.   Here is my interview with Victoria.  If you haven’t read her book yet, be sure to get yourself a copy.  And, if you are a movie lover like I am, then I am sure that you will enjoy it.

love like the movies

Interview with Victoria Van Tiem

Susi:   First off, how long have you been writing? Is this your first book?

Victoria:  I’ve always written, but mostly short stories and only for me. LOVE LIKE THE MOVIES is my debut novel and I’m absolutely thrilled with how well it’s being received.

Susi:  Obviously, you are a big movie lover.  Where did the idea for this book come from?  (It is brilliant!!)

Thanks! Yes, I’m a huge movie fan. Most of my so called bucket list includes things like: be an extra in a movie: participate in a Hollywood red carpet event, be a seat warmer at an awards show. Life is short, if we don’t make these moments happen, the chance just passes us by. No, I haven’t done those exact ones yet, but I did audition for TV Land’s She’s Got The Look, a model show like Americas Next top Model for women 35 and up. Oh, I had no desire or false hope of actually being a model, but the location shoots and makeovers made this irresistible! And would you believe I even made it past the first rounds! Me, at 40 and only 5’2! Okay, they didn’t know I was only 5’2 because I was wearing 5 inch heels. A friend went with me as support, literally as support, because I couldn’t walk in my super stilts. It was over as soon as the shoes came off.  But It was comical, and fun, and an experience.

That’s where the idea really stems from, wanting those experiences. Most are within our control. We just need to push ourselves, get out there and live them. And until Jake Ryan shows up driving a Porsche and offering me cake, I guess I’ll have to write about the ones that aren’t.

Susi:   I loved all of your movie choices.  How many choices did you have before you finally made the list for the book?  What other movies were possibilities for your book?

I had so many! The motorcycle scene from How to Lose  a Guy In Ten days, “A little give, a little go.” Love that with Matthew McConaughey. And the thriller scene from 13 going on 30 was hilarious. But in the end, the scenes had to wrap around the story of Shane and Kenzi, because their story had to be center stage. But, yeah, narrowing them down to ten was really difficult. I did manage to reference a bunch throughout the story though.

Susi:  What was your favorite scene to write?

The movie scenes, of course. Taking something familiar and changing and bending it around Kenzi’s own personal story was just fun. I love the physical part of comedy as well. The treadmill war with Tonya, the Four Weddings and a Funeral mad-dash back to Kenzi’s, and the failure to Launch paintball attack and van chase. The teenager in that scene provided the best straight man to Kenzi’s insane situation.

Susi:  What was the most difficult scene to write?

The end. Well, let me clarify that, the first ending. I wasn’t ready to let them go. After some time had passed, I sat down again and gave their story the ending I felt they needed.   Maybe the end I needed.

Susi:   If your book could be turned into a movie, who would you cast? Did you have any muses for your characters?

Victoria: I would die if LOVE LIKE THE MOVIES became a movie. Seriously, on set I would become the character Honey from Notting Hill when she meets the famous Anna Scott. “Oh God, this is one of those key moments in life, when it’s possible you can be really, genuinely cool – and I’m failing 100%.”

My character muses are all too old to play them! I hate saying that, but it’s true. So for an actual movie, we’d need to find younger versions of who I envisioned. My muse for Shane has always been a mixture of Hugh Dancy’s speech and mannerisms from Confessions of a Shopaholic, out in 2009, and the ridiculously handsome smile of James Marsden. Oh, readers have mentioned Richard Madden for Shane. He’s about the right age, right? He works.
Bradley is blond and broad. Paul Walker was my original muse. So sad that we lost him. So for a movie maybe Chris Hemsworth? He’s 30, he could play Bradley. My muse for Tonya was Judy Greer, but she’s just a bit younger than me, so that doesn’t work. And Kensington I never had a muse because she’s you, the reader, and hopefully the story is experienced as if you’re in her head. But right, casting for a movie… I do love Emma Stone.

Susi:  Your title is perfect.  Did you write the story with this title in mind or did it evolve as you wrote?

Love Like The Movies was written under another name and changed at the very last minute. We played around with a few ideas, but ultimately I have to give credit to my fabulous agent, Jenny Bent for this title, and I agree that it captures the story perfectly.

Susi:  Are you working on any other writing projects now?  (I loved your writing so I hope so)

Victoria:  I am. It’s a modern remake, loosely based on a 1960’s Rom-Com, only the stakes are higher, the relationships deeper, and the main plotline is much more tangled.

Susi: Is there anything you would like to say to your reader/fans?  

Victoria:  I’m just so happy that LOVE LIKE THE MOVIES is being received so well. I truly am. And I hope it inspires and reminds each of us to live our lives center stage.

Thank you Victoria for taking the time to answer these questions.  Your debut is brilliant!  I can’t wait for more readers to get their hands on it.  Best of luck on your current writing project.  I do look forward to reading more of your words.


Reading and Writing Between The Wines Blog

About Victoria Van Tiem

vicotira van tiem

Victoria Van Tiem is an American author repped by  Jenny Bent of The Bent Agency.  She’s also an artist, black belt, mom of two, wife of one, and resident caretaker of her family zoo—including their beloved, pot-bellied pig, Pobby

Webpage: http://victoriavantiem.com/

Twitter at @https://twitter.com/vtiem


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/v.vtiem

Review and Giveaway – Love Like The Movies by Victoria Van Tiem @vtiem

Are you a movie lover like me?  Check out this new book  by Victoria Van Tiem.  

Her debut romantic comedy is a brilliant and witty read!

(Giveaway after review)

love like the movies


In this irresistible romantic romp, movie fanatic Kensington Shaw is thrown into love—Hollywood-style—when her gorgeous ex presents a series of big screen challenges to win back her heart.What girl wouldn’t want to experience the Pretty Woman shopping scene? It’s number two on the list. Or, try the lift from Dirty Dancing? It’s number five. One list, ten romantic movie moments, and a handful of shenanigans later, Kenzi has to wonder…should she marry the man her family loves, or risk everything for a love like the movies?

My Review:

Some books make you laugh, others make you cry and some take you back to some of the best moments in your life.  Love Like The Movies did a little bit of each for me. This romantic comedy written by Victoria Van Tiem kept me hooked from the moment I started reading it. Congratulations on your debut.  I loved everything about this book.

I loved all of the movie choices used in this brilliant love story. I think every woman wants to experience one or more than one of these moments in their lives.  I can picture a few of them myself. Pairing those moments with realistic and well written characters makes this a book I will definitely reread and recommend.

I did laugh out loud numerous times while reading.  I have to admit, what made this book complete for me was my favorite scene at around 87%.  (No spoilers here) #TeamShane There it was, one of my all time favorite movies in your book.  It was perfect.  I floved it!

Now, I really don’t want to give too much away to the readers.  This is one book you must read for yourself.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

I gave this book 4.5 stars!

Buy the book today!  Here is the link to Amazon.com.


Here is your chance to win one e-book copy of Love Like The Movies.

All you have to do is leave a comment with your favorite movie scene.  One winner will be chosen at random by http://www.random.org.

No purchase necessary to win.

Contest runs through tomorrow night.  Winner will be notified via e-mail.  Good luck!

About Victoria Van Tiem

vicotira van tiem

Victoria Van Tiem is an American author repped by  Jenny Bent of The Bent Agency.  She’s also an artist, black belt, mom of two, wife of one, and resident caretaker of her family zoo—including their beloved, pot-bellied pig, Pobby

Webpage: http://victoriavantiem.com/

Twitter at @https://twitter.com/vtiem


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/v.vtiem