Toxic by Kim Karr Review and Giveway @authorkimkarr



by Kim Karr

Review and Giveaway

toxic cover kim karr

New York Times bestselling author Kim Karr turns up the heat in a smoking hot, emotionally compelling new novel that takes you into the world of Manhattan’s elite.

In Toxic, Jeremy McQueen, a sexy, intense, sometimes brooding entrepreneur goes after what he wants—the woman he left behind years ago. Phoebe St. Claire, a put together, in control socialite-turned-CEO has been drifting through life searching for something she thought she’d never find again—the right man to share her future.

Our passion was boundless. Our lust untamed. And our desire endless. He was the only man who ever made me feel alive. Then, I betrayed him.

When he reappeared, I didn’t question it. Trust rarely survives the wrecking ball, so when he let me in back in—I didn’t hesitate.

Maybe I should have.

What began as a bid to save my family business, turned into a second chance at love. It felt so romantic. Working together, side by side, with the man I loved. My dream come true.

Nothing is as good as it seems.

We had our issues, but then again, every couple does. It wasn’t jealousy, or our too-hot sex life that I should have been worried about.

It was his darkside.

I never saw the end coming, until it slammed me in the face. The question is—did he?

Was revenge his plan all along?


Sometimes you have to wonder if your life is too good to be true.
Is it real or just an illusion?
Does the man lying beside you really love you like he says he does?
If the answer is yes, you’re meant to live happily ever after.
If the answer is no, you’re living my life, and nothing will ever be the same.

What you do about it—that’s up to you.

Me, I’m in too deep and there’s no getting out.

I’ll take whatever I can get for as long as I can because I know when it’s over…

I’ll never find another man like him.


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toxic on sale now

My Review


Love, passion, forgiveness, angst and a fantastic cast of characters make this a brilliant read.

Second chance romances are among my favorite books to read.  Kim Karr’s Toxic is just that. It is a second chance romance filled with truly emotional moments.  There are ups and downs, lies, surprises, secrets and delicious steamy sex scenes all cleverly written into a perfect book.

This is my first Kim Karr book and I have to say, I loved it!  Phoebe and Jeremy are an incredibly hot couple. Just like the title, their love, their connection is Toxic, like a drug you cannot get enough of.   Their chemistry is sizzling.  Kim took me on an emotional roller coaster that was totally worth the ride.  You see, this is the type of book that keeps a reader totally engaged.  Just when I thought one thing, another revelation or plot twist developed.   I loved everything about Phoebe and Jeremy, from the way they met, their first night together, to the way they carried on and ended.  I cheered for them and wanted to see this couple together. I wanted the forgiveness and the happy ever after for them.

I do admit to having moments when I wanted to slam my kindle.  But in the end, I am glad I kept on reading.

The characters are all unique and wonderful.  Jeremy, well… he is simply divine, charming and complex. He is quite the character.  Phoebe, is a beautiful and brilliant woman who wants what every woman wants, the man of her dreams, the one she cannot forget.  Their friends, supportive and real are significant in the development of this story. Poppy, Phoebes mother,  although I disliked her at first, grew on me. While there were many frustrating moments,  in the end, I was delighted to see all of the characters come full circle.

The ending brought clarity to all those moments of angst and frustration.   All of those moments that made me crazy were worth it for this couple.

Kim Karr, you have a new fan.  

I gave this book 5 stars.  Be sure to add it to your Summer Reading List.  I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

5 stars




Buy Links

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 Toxic eBookamazon logo

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Enter to win a paperback copy of Toxic by Kim Karr.  (USA & Canada)

Leave a comment on this post to win.  That’s all.  No purchase necessary to win.

One lucky winner will be selected via on July 13, 2015 at noon.

Good Luck.

About the Author

Kim Karr

I live in Florida with my husband and four kids. I’ve always had a love for reading books and writing. Being an English major in college, I wanted to teach at the college level but that was not to be. I went on to receive an MBA and became a project manager until quitting to raise my family. I currently work part-time with my husband and full-time embracing one of my biggest passions—writing.

I wear a lot of hats! Writer, book-lover, wife, soccer-mom, taxi driver, and the all around go-to person of the family. However, I always find time to read. One of my favorite family outings use to be taking my kids to the bookstore or the library. Today, my oldest child is in college and my twins are juniors so they no longer go with me on these outings. And although I don’t need to go to the actual store anymore because I have the greatest device ever invented—a Kindle, I still do. There’s nothing like a paperback. So now my four year old and I make dates out of going to the bookstore–it’s time I love and cherish.

I like to believe in soulmates, kindred spirits, true friends, and Happily-Ever-Afters. I love to drink champagne, listen to music, and hopes to always stay young at heart. ❤

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