Cover Reveal – Target On Our Backs (Monster in His Eyes #3) by J.M. Darhower @JMDarhower

I am so excited to share this cover with all of you today.  J.M. Darhower is one of my favorite authors and knowing there is more of Ignazio Vitale made me squeal, for real!  

 target on our backs banner


target on our backs cover

 Target on Our Backs

(Monster in His Eyes #3)
Today Bestselling Author
J.M. Darhower
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: February 23, 2016

The best way to keep your word is never
to give it.
Not long ago, in a chapel in Vegas, I swore to love Karissa
for the rest of my days. But nobody’s promised an infinite number of tomorrows.
Nobody’s promised forever. Sometimes, all we have left is today.
Carpe Diem
Seize the day.
It should’ve been over, we should’ve been happy, but people
are making it hard for me to live in peace. I’ve got so much blood on my hands
they’ll never be clean, and somebody out there seems to want me to pay for it. Happily Ever After always comes at a
cost, one any real man would be willing to pay. But that doesn’t mean I’m just
going to roll over and accept these consequences.
Because when it comes to the woman I love? The life I’ve
fought for?
Nobody is safe.

Book trailer:

target on our backs cover corrected

This is a series I highly recommend.  Be sure to read the first two books right away!

by JM Darhower

amazon logo

by JM Darhower

amazon logo

Follow J.M. Darhower on Social Media



 JM Darhower is the USA Today Bestselling Author of romance novels of all flavors (erotic, suspense, contemporary, paranormal). She lives in a tiny town in the Carolinas with her family, where she churns out more words than will ever see the light of day. She has a deep passion for politics and human rights, and when she isn’t writing she’s usually ranting about those things. Chronic crimper with a vulgar mouth, she admits to having a social media addiction. You can find her there.


Cover Reveal – By Any Other Name by J.M. Darhower @JMDarhower

I am a huge fan of J.M. Darhower’s writing.  I can’t wait to read By Any Other Name the first book in her new series.  I am loving the cover, synopsis and teaser.

 Cover Reveal – By Any Other Name

(Forbidden Series Book One)

by USA TODAY Bestselling Author

J.M. Darhower
by any other name cover jm darhower

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Release Date: February 23rd, 2015

by any other name cover 2 jm darhower


A deadly rivalry.

Two families at war.

Nobody is safe, not even the innocent.

Especially the innocent.

Blood will be spilled.


Genevieve “Genna” Galante knows a thing or two about causing trouble. After all, it’s engrained in her DNA. As the only daughter of Primo Galante, notorious boss of the Galante crime family, her life is dictated by a certain set of rules… rules Genna was never very good at following.


Matteo “Matty” Barsanti never wanted anything to do with the family business, but as the first-born Barsanti son, certain things are expected of him. It’s his duty, according to his father, to help take down the enemy… even if that enemy means something to him.


A chance encounter on an elevator changes the course of lives, causing the biggest trouble of Genna’s young life. The only good Barsanti is a dead Barsanti. She’s heard it said time and time again. So what happens when she falls in love with one of them?


The story of star-crossed lovers caught in the middle of the biggest rivalry New York has ever seen, determined to make it… if only they can survive their parents’ feud.




“A Roman Coke,” Genna mused. “What’s that?”

“It’s rum and Coke. We just call it a Roman Coke around here.”

“Because you’re Italian?”

“And because when you get drunk enough, it all just slurs together anyway.”

“Ah.” Genna picked hers up, motioning toward him with it. “So what are we drinking to?”



He nodded. “Right now, this moment. Let’s drink to it.”

Smiling, she clinked her glass with his. “Today, then.”

They threw them back at the same time. The liquor hit Genna’s taste buds and she grimaced, the vicious burn seeping down her throat and settling deep in her chest. “Ugh, is there even any Coke in this damn thing?”

Matty laughed, setting his empty glass down. “Just a splash.”

“I couldn’t tell.”

“That’s because I prefer it that way,” he responded. “Strong and rough, enough to leave a lingering ache. I like it to hurt just a bit.”

Oh good God. Those words sent a chill down Genna’s spine, one she couldn’t hide, as Matty waved for the waitress. Eyes never leaving Genna, he ordered another round of drinks.

“Another?” she asked, picking up the water to take another sip, this one to soothe the sting in her chest. “You said one drink.”

A sly smile curved his lips. “I like to keep them coming.”

“Is that right?”

“Absolutely.” Matty stood, leaning across the table, his lips near her ear. “Maybe you’ll let me show you later.”



About the Author:

J.M. Darhower is a USA Today bestselling author, best known for her Mafia romantic suspense novels. She lives in a tiny town in rural North Carolina, where she churns out more words than will ever see the light of day. She has a deep passion for politics and speaking out against human trafficking, and when she isn’t busy writing (or being a fangirl) she’s usually ranting about those things.



Author’s links:




Cuddle Up Day 1/6/15 featuring @SylvainReynard @SC_Stephens_ @JMDarhower

Cuddle Up Day – January 6, 2015


cuddle up

Which character would you love to cuddle up with?

When I first learned about Cuddle Up day, I thought of my husband and then immediately thought of some characters from my favorite books that I would love to cuddle up with. Sorry hubby.  I decided that Cuddle Up Day would make a fun post.


My top favorite character that I would love to cuddle up with has to be Professor Gabriel Emerson from the The Gabriel’s Inferno Trilogy by Sylvain Reynard.  And, here is my professor.

dg for professor image

He is total cuddle material. Don’t you agree? Ok, so he can take me to Italy and cuddle up with me in Florence and whisper to me in Italian. (A girl can dream right?)



Another character who makes my list of possible cuddle buddies has to be Kellan Kyle from The Thoughless Series by S.C. Stephens.  Kellan is a total sweetheart.

kellan kyle

I’m excited about Kellan because he gets his very own book.   Thoughful by S.C. Stephens will be out later this year. It is on my TBR list and should be on yours too.



My third cuddle candidate for today is Carmine DeMarco from Sempre & Sempre Redemption by J.M. Darhower.

seaon opry for carmine image

This bad boy with a heart of gold is worthy of cuddling.  This series is very special to me and is among my top favorite books read.

Come to think about it, Corrado Moretti proved to me in Made by J.M. Darhower that he is worthy of cuddling too.

hugh jackman for corrado image


So, who would you like to cuddle up with today?

Be sure to add your favorite cuddle up to characters in the comments below.

Enjoy and Happy Cuddling!

Susi’s Favorite 2014 Reads @helenahunting @jmdarhower @christina_lee04 @sylvainreynard @zlikeinzorro @christypastore @prodigalson_1, @debra_anastasia @MinaVaughn @alice_clayton @MetalBlonde @ChristinaLauren @KatBastion @StoneBastion @AuthorFabiola @MJLocklear @Marie_Coulson @Author_VVantiem @NickyD_White @EmmaChse @AuthorKatyEvans

Susi’s Favorite 2014 Readssusi's favorite reads 2014


I’ve read so many amazing books this year that putting this list of favorites together was quite difficult to do.

  Here are my favorites. They are in no specific order.  Congrats to the Indie authors who made my top pics!

How many of these books have you read?


by JM Darhower

by JM Darhower

5 stars

by JM Darhower

by JM Darhower

5 stars

by JM Darhower

by JM Darhower

5 stars

by Christina Lee

by Christina Lee

5 stars

by Debra Anastasia

by Debra Anastasia

5 stars


by Marie Coulson

by Marie Coulson

5 stars


by Victoria Van Tiem

by Victoria Van Tiem

5 stars



by Mina Vaughn

by Mina Vaughn

5 stars


by Jennifer and Morgan Locklear

by Jennifer and Morgan Locklear

5 stars


by Christina Lauren

by Christina Lauren

5 stars


by Karina Halle

by Karina Hale

5 stars


by Nicky D. White

by Nicky D. White

5 stars


by Alice Clayton

by Alice Clayton

5 stars

by Alice Clayton

by Alice Clayton

5 stars

by Alice Clayton

by Alice Clayton

5 stars


by Helena Hunting

by Helena Hunting

5 stars

by Helena Hunting

by Helena Hunting

5 stars

by Helena Hunting

by Helena Hunting

5 stars

by Helena Hunting

by Helena Hunting

5 stars

by Helena Hunting

by Helena Hunting

5 stars

by Helena Hunting

by Helena Hunting

5 stars



by Kat and Stone Bastion


5 stars

by Kat and Stone Bastion

by Kat and Stone Bastion

5 stars

by Kat and Stone Bastion

by Kat and Stone Bastion

5 stars

by Kat and Stone Bastion

by Kat and Stone Bastion

5 stars


by Christy Pastore

by Christy Pastore

5 stars


by Zoraida Córdova

by Zoraida Córdova

5 stars


by Fabiola Francisco

by Fabiola Francisco

5 stars


by Michelle Day

by Michelle Day

5 stars


by Emma Chase

by Emma Chase

5 stars

by Emma Chase

by Emma Chase

5 stars

by Emma Chase

by Emma Chase

5 stars


by Katy Evans

by Katy Evans

5 stars

by Sylvain Reynard

by Sylvain Reynard

5 stars

I hope you enjoy my selections!  I recommend each and every one of these books.  

Happy New Year’s and Happy Reading from Reading and Writing Between the Wines Blog!

Susi Reviews Made by @JMDarhower

Susi Reviews Made by J.M. Darhower

Made Cover JM Darhower


Corrado Moretti.

The world knows the notorious Kevlar Killer, but few have ever seen what lies beneath his armor. The abused child. The neglected teenager. The broken man. He always did whatever he had to do in order to survive.

It’s kill or be killed.

Throughout his life, he has been there in the shadows, a witness to everything from beginning to end. Bound by loyalty and honor, there’s only one thing he would sacrifice it all for: family.

Never get close. Never get attached. It’s a lesson that has been brutally pounded into him since childhood, but they’re words the DeMarcos make it difficult for him to follow. Through them he finds love and grieves loss, realizing the world isn’t quite as black and white as it’s made out to be.


This book is a prequel to Sempre. Sempre does not have to be read first, but this book contains spoilers from Sempre.


My Review 

Some books just capture the reader and remain with them forever. The Forever Series:  Sempre, Sempre Redemption and now Made have done just that. They have a special place in my heart and my bookshelf.  This series is at the top of my favorites.

Made, the story of Corrado Moretti is an outstanding and exceptional read.  I was so excited when I first learned that J.M. Darhower had written it.  Needless to say, I devoured the ARC when I received it.  You see, Corrado was a character who I didn’t particularly like in Sempre but learned to love in Sempre Redemption.  He was dark and clearly misunderstood. Knowing why he acted the way he did changed my perception of him completely.

Yes, it is true that we grow up and it is our early years, the events we experience, the people around us and our parents who clearly shape who we turn into.  Made chronicles Corrado’s life from his early years with his family, Katrina his sister, his mother,  and especially the role his father played in the man he became.  Throughout the book, readers of Sempre and Sempre Redemption will understand events that were mentioned as J.M. Darhower cleverly depicts them as Corrado lived them.

One of my favorite parts of this book has to be when Corrado and Celia first meet.  True love knows no age.  This love that Corrado and Celia have is strong and is a love like no other. After reading Made, I totally understand this couple.  Their love is unique and they are clearly meant for each other.  Celia is his perfect soul mate.

Learning about the DeMarco family and how Corrado got involved with this Mafia family was enlightening.  Corrado is more that just a member of La Cosa Nostra. He proves to be loyal and so much more to this family and especially to his father in law.

Corrado has a nickname, The Kevlar Killer.  Readers will discover how he got this name.  Throughout this book, characters mentioned in Sempre and Sempre Redemption will come to life.  I especially loved reading about them.

Yes, Carmine and Dominic DeMarco are in this book too.  These two boys are special and having learned about their early years made them even more special to me. I can’t forget to mention Vincent DeMarco.  I had many questions about him and his early years.  Made clearly answers them as well.

I admit, I felt many emotions while reading this book because at times, parts of this story made me relive Sempre and Sempre Redemption.  Books that stir my emotions are the best.  J.M. Darhower has mastered this talent and that’s why I love her books so much.

Thank you J. M. Darhower for writing this book.  Made completed this amazing series.

Just like Corrado fell hard for Celia, I too fell hard for this book.  I totally enjoyed learning about this mysterious and intriguing man.  Corrado did what he did for his family and those he loved .  Corrado is a hero in my eyes.

Made can be read as a standalone but I highly recommend reading it after Sempre and Sempre Redemption because of the plot spoilers.

An ARC was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

I gave this book 5 amazing stars!!

5 stars

Buy Link



Made Cover & back cover JM Darhower


Oh, I flove Corrado!!

Made wear black pic teaser


hands for Made pic quote


Also available on October 27th for free  Friends and Forever by J.M. Darhower.

It’s on my kindle and will be my next review.  🙂

friends and forever


One moment.
One wrong choice.
That was all it took to destroy a friendship.
*takes place before Sempre*

With a three year old.
‘Nuff said.
*takes place after Sempre: Redemption*

Amazon Free!


About the Author:


J.M. Darhower is the USA Today bestselling author of books about the hottest hitmen and the women who find some hope in them. She lives in a tiny town in rural North Carolina, where she churns out more words than will ever see the light of day. She has a deep passion for politics and speaking out against human trafficking, and when she isn’t writing (or fangirling) she’s usually ranting about those things. Chronic crimper with a vulgar mouth, she admits to having a Twitter addiction. You can usually find her there.



Author’s links:





Cover Reveal & Teaser- Made by J.M. Darhower @JMDarhower

I am a huge fan of J.M. Darhower.  Sempre and Sempre Redemption have a very special place in my heart.  I am thrilled to share her new cover for her latest book, Made, as well as her two novellas Friends and Forever to be released the same day. Enjoy!

Made Cover JM Darhower


MADE: A Sempre Novel

by J.M. Darhower

This is a prequel spin-off of the Forever Series

Release Date: October 27, 2014


Made Cover & back cover JM Darhower




Corrado Moretti.


The world knows the notorious Kevlar Killer, but few have ever seen what lies beneath his armor. The abused child. The neglected teenager. The broken man. He always did whatever he had to do in order to survive.


It’s kill or be killed.


Throughout his life, he has been there in the shadows, a witness to everything from beginning to end. Bound by loyalty and honor, there’s only one thing he would sacrifice it all for: family.


Never get close. Never get attached. It’s a lesson that has been brutally pounded into him since childhood, but they’re words the DeMarcos make it difficult for him to follow. Through them he finds love and grieves loss, realizing the world isn’t quite as black and white as it’s made out to be.







The low groan on the first floor roused Corrado from sleep. His eyes snapped open, suddenly alert, as the relentless noise seemed to echo through the house. A window. He often slept with them open a crack to let the air circulate, but someone shoved one open the whole way.

His heart thumped wildly in his chest as he reached onto his bedside stand and grabbed his gun. He habitually checked it, ensuring it was still loaded, and jumped out of bed. There was no time to waste getting dressed; he crept down the hallway in his plaid boxers, his bare feet lightly touching the floor, making not a sound.

The second he made it downstairs, a breeze struck him from the living room. A few steps later he appeared in the doorway, pointing his gun at the form halfway through the window. He flipped off the safety as his finger lightly touched the trigger. Two seconds. Two seconds were all it would take to blow them away.

A pair of wide brown eyes instantly met Corrado’s. “Whoa, there, big guy.”

Just as fast as he’d aimed, prepared to kill whoever was breaking into his house, he lowered the gun. “Dammit, Celia!”

“Nice to see you, too.” She swung both legs inside but remained perched on the windowsill. “You weren’t really going to shoot me, were you?”

“Yes,” he said, no hesitation. “I was.”

“Well, I’m lucky you didn’t.”

“Lucky?” Corrado stared at her with disbelief. “I would’ve shot you, Celia. Two more seconds and I would’ve killed you. And then your father… your father would’ve killed me.”

“Yeah, he probably would’ve.”

“There’s no probably about it. He would’ve mutilated me. You… you wouldn’t have felt a thing. But me…” He shuddered just thinking about it. “What are you doing here? Are you in some kind of trouble?”

“I wanted to talk to you.”

Corrado gaped at her. “You broke into my house to talk?”

“Well, I would’ve called, but I don’t have your number.” Celia stood and strolled around the darkened living room, glancing at his belongings. “Besides, something tells me you’re not the talking-on-the-phone type.”


Two Novellas will also be available on October 27th. They will be free eBooks.  I can’t wait to read these!

Forever A Sempre Novella



One moment.

One wrong choice.

That was all it took to destroy a friendship.

*takes place before Sempre*




With a three year old.

‘Nuff said.

*takes place after Sempre: Redemption*

About the Author:


J.M. Darhower is the USA Today bestselling author of books about the hottest hitmen and the women who find some hope in them. She lives in a tiny town in rural North Carolina, where she churns out more words than will ever see the light of day. She has a deep passion for politics and speaking out against human trafficking, and when she isn’t writing (or fangirling) she’s usually ranting about those things. Chronic crimper with a vulgar mouth, she admits to having a Twitter addiction. You can usually find her there.



Author’s links:





Cover Reveal + Teaser – Torture To Her Soul by J.M. Darhower @JMDarhower

  Here it is!  I’m excited to share this cover and a teaser with you today.  I love it!  I am looking forward to reading this book written by one of my favorite authors.

Cover Reveal + Teaser

Torture to Her Soul


by J.M. Darhower


(Monster in His Eyes #2)

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Release Date: 9.29.14

torture to her soul cover


torture to her soul book jacket



Don’t say it unless you mean it…


It’s a simple concept, one I’ve said time and again, but something people don’t seem to comprehend. You should choose every syllable carefully, because you never know when somebody will hold you to your word.


Somebody like me.


I’m not a good man. I’m not. I know. I have enough darkness inside of me to rid the world of every stitch of light. But there’s one I could never harm, one light I couldn’t bring myself to snuff out.




She thinks I’m a monster, and maybe I am. I taunt her with my touch, get a thrill out of torturing her soul. But I’m not the only one. The world is full of monsters, and I’m not the most dangerous one out there.


Not even close…


God help me, I love her.


I do.


And God help anyone who tries to take her from me.

Continue reading

Italian Cream Cake Recipe – Inspired by Sempre by J.M. Darhower @jmdarhower

As a baker, I always have baked goods in my kitchen.  Sometimes the goodies are for customers, other times I am simply testing new recipes.

I was inspired to make an Italian Cream Cake after reading Sempre by J.M. Darhower.

Here is my easy Italian Cream Cake Recipe.  I think Carmine will approve. 🙂

You can make this shape using round cake pans too.  I used 3 9 x 5 loaf pans.

italian cream cake 1


1 box White Cake Mix with pudding (any brand will do)

1 1/4 cup Buttermilk

3 large eggs

1/4 cup Vegetable oil

1 package flaked coconut  120z

3/4 cup chopped pecans

1/4 cup of rum

3 9 x 5 inch loaf pans


Frosting Ingredients 

2 8 oz creme cheese packages (softened)

2 sticks of unsalted butter (softened)

4 cups  powdered sugar

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

1/4 cup chopped pecans


Directions  (Preheat oven to 350 degrees)

1.  Beat cake mix, buttermilk, eggs and oil with electric mixer for 2 minutes at medium speed.

2.  Fold in the coconut flakes and pecans

3.  Pour even amounts of cake mixture into each of the loaf pans.

4.  Bake at 350 degrees for 17 -18 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.

5.  Cool cakes for about 30 minutes

6.  Sprinkle rum on each cake layer and allow the rum to soak into cake (15 minutes)

7.  Spread frosting over layer 1 and assemble cake. Frost over each layer. Top the final layer with frosting and pecans.

8.  Refrigerate cake for at least 2 hours.  Cake tastes best cold.

9. Serve and enjoy!


Frosting Directions

1. Using the stand mixer, mix 2 sticks of butter and cream cheese together.

2. Add vanilla extract

3.  Slowly add powdered sugar to the mix

4. Ready to spread (refrigerate extra frosting)

italian cream cake 2








Joint Review ~ Sempre by J.M. Darhower @jmdarhower

Joint Review 

Sempre by J.M. Darhower




Haven Antonelli and Carmine DeMarco grew up under vastly different circumstances. Haven, a second-generation slave, was isolated in the middle of the desert, her days full of hard work and terrifying abuse. Carmine, born into a wealthy Mafia family, lived a life of privilege and excess. Now, a twist of fate causes their worlds to collide. Entangled in a web of secrets and lies, they learn that while different on the surface, they have more in common than anyone would think. In a world full of chaos, where money and power rule, Haven and Carmine yearn to break free, but a string of events that began before either of them were born threatens to destroy them instead. Murder and betrayal are a way of life, and nothing comes without a price-especially not freedom. But how much will they have to sacrifice? Can they escape their pasts? And, most of all, what does it mean to be free?

Continue reading

Audio books – I love them!

Audio books, I love them!

audio image


I love to sit back and enjoy a great book, but there are times when audio books come in handy.

I love audio books!  First of all, I can multitask.  Yes, I find myself doing things around my home while listening to an audio book.  I can cook, bake, garden, etc. while enjoying the words of my favorite authors. I feel total disconnected from the world around me once those headsets come on.

Secondly, some books are just amazing to listen to.  I admit I have read and reread Gabriel’s Inferno and Gabriel’s Rapture by Sylvain Reynard many times, but the audio versions are amazing.  There is something about listening to the intonation and the emotions of the characters as the book is being read to you.  The characters come alive.




Other books that I have read but loved even more after listening to the audio were Tangled by Emma Chase, Beautiful Bastard and Beautiful Player by Christina Lauren and The Fault in Our Stars by John Green.




beautiful bastard



beautiful player


tha fault in our stars

The two most recent books I listened to on audio were Sempre and Sempre Redemption by J.M. Darhower which I just finished last night.  These books top my list of favorites. Listening to the Italian words/the pronunciations, the language, and most importantly, the emotions was incredible.  If you are looking to start audio books, this is a series I highly recommend and will be reviewing real soon.


sempre redemption

For me, audio books make stories come alive.  Whether you are listening at home, in your car, while walking your dog or folding your clothes, the experience is truly wonderful.

What are your thoughts on audio books?

Feel free to comment.

Happy Reading and Happy Listening!