Hudson D. Chase (RP) reviews Release Me by Ann Marie Walker & Amy K. Rogers @AnnMarie_Walker @Amy_KRogers @HudsonDChase

Here’s a special Friday treat for The Chasing Fire Series Fans.

Hudson D. Chase (RP) reviews

Release Me

by Ann Marie Walker and Amy K. Rogers

(A Male Review)4b7b9-releaseme_final_hires

Chasing Fire #2
Ann Marie Walker & Amy K. Rogers

The second in the “seriously sexy and sinfully steamy”* Chasing Fire series, about a pain too deep to forgive and a passion too hot to forget…

Alessandra Sinclair knows that Hudson Chase is the last man she should want. The boy from the wrong side of the tracks has grown into a man who would do anything to get ahead, even if it means breaking Allie’s heart. But whenever she’s near him, the attraction between them is undeniable. And now that they’re working together, keeping her distance from Hudson is almost as impossible as keeping her feelings in check…

Hudson already lost Allie once and he refuses to lose her again. He’s determined to use their new business partnership to rekindle the spark he knows is still there. Only the closer he gets to winning her over, the clearer it becomes there are still secrets that could tear them apart for good…


Hudson’s Review

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As the Chief Financial Officer of Chase Industries I am used to being in the public eye. Press and media attention for my business dealings, as well as my personal life, are unfortunately part of daily life. I pay an eminent team of public relations specialists and lawyers to spin what is reported about me to maximize its effectiveness to my benefit. It is all about control, and I never lack control. It is a quite different experience to have the intimate details of your life recounted by others. I reluctantly had to accept that the story of the most profound events of my life would be told to millions across the globe. Naturally I had to be hyper critical.

After reading Remind Me by the immensely talented duo of Ann Marie Walker and Amy K. Rogers, I must admit that my initial worries and reservations were unwarranted. When I read how authentically they retold my story I knew that these ladies were going to engage the readers in a way no other author of the current romantic genre had. The way they described the events as they unfolded transported you in a way that made you feel as if you were standing in the room with me and Allie, or rather next to the motorcycle, if you will.

I was eagerly anticipating the release of book 2, Release Me, to see the continuation of this personal and romantic evolution Alessandra and I went on. I thought it was extraordinarily brilliant and very accurate. I was reminded of when I had no choice but to watch Allie go through the most painful time of her life from afar because she wanted nothing to do with me. I didn’t blame her, I knew I royally screwed up by not telling her I was the one rapidly acquiring shares of Ingram Media. She desperately wanted to hate me, especially when I proposed the idea of us both being interim co-CEOs, but I saw that look in her eyes still lingering. The look that first took my breath away 10 years ago and more recently during the month we had spent together.

Thanks to a chance meeting I had with Harper one evening, she convinced Allie that I may not be the asshole she wanted to believe I was. What ensued was two people who were both craving the love that always seemed to elude them. Every year around Christmas Allie and I still put up the pyramid we bought when we visited the ChristKindle Market for the first time together. I adore reliving that memory. Being there with her was the first time in my life I felt totally and utterly happy just being someone’s boyfriend. I didn’t need the security of knowing I was one of the richest men in the world or one of the most powerful. My business acumen was irrelevant. I was in the uncharted waters of being Alessandra Sinclair’s boyfriend and I loved it. We began to heal each other by building memories neither of us had ever been offered. I was forced to remember the struggles of my upbringing and Allie forced to remember how her whole life had been about and empty existence that her parents made sure looked perfect from the outside. We spent our first Christmas together with the people who mattered most to us, Harper and Nick. Allie made that the most incredible holiday of my life. Just her being there made it special, but seeing all she did made it magical.

Our journey then extended with our first international trip together. With every passing moment I fell more and more in love with her. From Venice to Verona and even on that damn Orient Express with the steward who always ruined our mood, it was all perfect. Then my fists involuntarily clench and I seethe over what happened next. I cannot bring myself to talk about it, but you will see when you read it and I expect you will see my confusion, rage and heartache is justified.

What Ms. Walker and Ms. Rogers captured frighteningly well is the wild, unbridled and raw sexual chemistry. From what can only be described as Allie hate fucking me in an elevator, to our reunion dinner, to making passionate love, to raw animalist fucking on the train, we cannot control our lust and constant need for each other. I dare you to ever decorate a cookie with frosting after reading this book and not get instantly turned on by the memory. I certainly do and without apology. When I have to warn the love of my life, “It’s not going to be gentle.” and her response is “do it.” you know you are in for a wild fucking ride. Pun very much intended.

A deeply personal aspect of my story that is also told is the journey I take with my younger brother Nick. You see a side of me that no one has ever seen before. In my attempts at helping Nick gain and maintain sobriety you get to witness two siblings who have both a spoken and unspoken understanding of each other. You are reminded of my protective nature and how important it is to do right by him now since I still feel like I let him down many years ago.

Release Me is by far and away one of the best pieces of literature in the modern adult romance genre. I can see why you would think I am biased considering it is my life story, but even more reason for you to trust me. If it was anything less than stellar I would not recommend it. You will feel every range of emotion while reading this book and you will constantly shift who you are rooting for as the story progresses. Most importantly this book will reaffirm people’s belief in love. In a world with so much madness, depression and anxiety Release Me shows us it is ok to hope for a better tomorrow. It allows us to believe in healing, kindness and good winning out over evil. There is still a long way to go in completing Allie’s and my story, but I promise you that you won’t regret coming along for the ride, be it on a my motorcycle or the Orient Express.

Hudson D. Chase


5 stars from Hudson!

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Thank you Hudson RP for your review and contribution to this blog post.  ~Susi

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Though thousands of miles apart, Ann
Marie Walker and Amy K. Rogers are in constant contact, plotting story lines
and chatting about their love of alpha males, lemon drop martinis and British
supermodel, David Gandy. You can find them on twitter as @AnnMarie_Walker and


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Amy K. Rogers

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Ann Marie Walker

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