Release Blitz/Giveaway/Excerpt First Encounters by Charming Man @charmingxman @Lady_lovesbooks

Photo Banner featuring the cover of First Encounters, by Charming Man

Book Title: First Encounters

Author: Charming Man (aka A. S. Wilkins)

Genre: A Romantic-Erotic Story Collection



First Encounters offers a male insight into the realms of sensual romance, exploring the thought provoking world of liaisons between strangers.

On a hot summer’s night, a man awakes from a peaceful slumber, roused by a mysterious beauty appearing at his bedside. Is she real or merely a Night Vision?

Escaping the stresses of daily life to indulge in a little rest and recuperation, a weary businessman man unexpectedly engages a gorgeous exhibitionist in a voyeuristic Beach Encounter.

A chance meeting at a busy airport sees a young entrepreneur in the company of a seductive stranger for the duration of his flight to New York. She has a sexy secret to tell, but only if he shares one first; a Mid Air Collusion he’s unlikely to forget in a hurry.

Headmaster Peter Thompson is faced with a predicament when he summons a troubled sixth form student to discuss her latest misdemeanour. Refusing to accept her fate, Ariana takes control of the situation the only way she knows how.

While island hopping around the Cyclades, a backpacker is lured off the beaten track by a sexy local girl he meets on his travels. Was the need to satisfy his curiosity a good idea or A Greek Tragedy waiting to happen?

A college student embarks on a road trip, but didn’t envisage making the journey with a sexy hitch-hiker in tow. Two strangers find themselves thrown together in a slow-burning, tortuous tale of boy meets girl, set to the sounds of the new wave era. Will it be the end of the line when he reaches his destination or will The Hitcher lead him down another path?

Charming Man’s journey starts here; dare you join him?


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Fun Facts

A Few Facts About A S Wilkins (aka Charming Man)

  • Music is my passion, I love to play drums, in several bands and I love The Smiths, Morrissey, The Cure and Echobelly, to name a few. I can often be heard drumming at my desk when I’m supposed to be hard at it, working on my latest project; I also tap away incessantly to music on the steering wheel of my car too!
  • I have a passion for red wine, cheese and Danish television dramas. I love to combine all three of an evening after a hard day at my desk, although my children often place bets as to how long I’ll stay awake once I’ve sat down; it’s tiring work being creative all day!
  • I’m a die-hard West Ham United supporter.
  • From a purely physical perspective, Keira Knightley is my ideal woman, and I hope one day to bump into her at a West Ham game.
  • I’ve lived in many different places around the world including Denmark, France, Italy and Belgium to name a few. I still have a house in rural France, and I hope to one day retire there and see out my days writing in the tranquility of the scenic French countryside.



The Hostess
(A Work In Progress Excerpt)

A bewildered grin flickered across her face as she moved swiftly into the dining room to join the main party of guests, who were now attacking the buffet table with fervour.  As the hostess of this New Year’s Eve soiree, her absence had been hardly inconspicuous; she noted a few raised eye-brows and halted conversations as she entered the room.  She managed to force a smile while endeavouring to make light of the conflicting emotions battling for supremacy in her head.  In one sense she felt smug, enjoying the obvious effect ‘their moment’ had inflicted upon him.  This wasn’t unusual; she possessed a naturally flirtatious personality, and revelled in the way a few well-chosen words or a sensual gaze could leave a man hungry for more.  But this was different.  She had experienced a chemistry so real, so unexpected, that she was now the one hungry.  This stranger, walking a few steps behind her, had stirred previously untapped emotions, and as a consequence she found herself in a state of confusion and frustration.

Scolding herself for allowing these feelings to dominate her thoughts, she sauntered over to her husband and felt his arm protectively fall about her shoulders.  She slipped one arm around his waist and held him tight, deliberately catching the eye of her protagonist.  How dare this stranger make her feel this way? A stranger who commanded her body and captivated her mind; a stranger who both baffled and inspired her, not through conversation alone, but through his eyes, his movement, and his simple touch too.  A man who made her tingle with excitement, had penetrated her tough exterior, destroying the protective walls as though they were made of paper.  A man who had reached out and touched her naked soul.

The evening continued in a whirl of canapés and background music.  Guests mingled freely, and as the alcohol flowed, the atmosphere became more raucous.  She chatted with friends, but would intermittently steal a glance in his direction, and their eyes would lock once again.  They studied each other intently as though trying to determine their next move.  Midnight duly arrived to the jubilant cries of ‘Happy New Year!’  The annual ritual of hugging and kissing friends, as well as complete strangers, began in earnest as every permutation in the room wished each other all the best for the coming year.  She looked on as he prised Jonathan from his latest girlfriend and gave him an almighty bear hug.  How long had they been friends, she pondered?  In all the years she’d known Jonathan, he’d never spoken of this man.

The room was alive to the sound of celebration; party poppers and streamers, the popping of champagne corks, and drunken choruses of Auld Lang Syne, many of which sadly out of tune.  Fireworks exploded from the gardens of neighbouring houses, and several guests made their way onto the terrace to watch the night time spectacle.  She sipped her champagne and congratulated herself on a successful evening, while half-listening to friends discuss their New Year’s resolutions.  It was then that she noticed him, tentatively shuffling towards her; with each step the music and guests disappeared in a haze, until he stood before her.  He raised his glass, and she reciprocated; a faint chink of crystal that only they heard.

“Happy New Year,” he whispered.  His voice was warm and inviting, and drew her closer.

“May all our dreams come true,” she replied, realising she had spoken before considering her words.  She was once more lost in another world, where time stood still and events were of no consequence.

A thunderous explosion suddenly lit up the night sky through the French windows, bringing her to her senses.  The last of the guests in the room made their way hurriedly out onto the terrace.  He smiled at her.  They both knew there was little more to be said.  Instinctively, they turned to join the others.

The party continued long after the neighbouring pyrotechnics had fizzled out.  Drinks continued to flow, and lively dance music now pulsed loudly throughout the house, providing it with a heartbeat.  She cavorted with friends, doing her best to avoid him, conscious that her large intake of alcohol could easily lead her into trouble.  He seemed equally occupied with Jonathan, who was beginning to look worse for wear.  She pitied his new girlfriend; she doubted she’d be seeing any more fireworks tonight.

Once the New Year had been officially seen in, revellers began slowly departing, and by three in the morning, festivities were on the wane.  The last remaining guests were assembled in the large hallway, gathering their coats.

“It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”  His words were deliberately brief and somewhat hesitant, while awaiting her response.

“Thank you for coming,” was all she could muster, desperately trying to conjure a witty remark, berating herself when her confused mind refused to co-operate.

He took her hand, lifted it slowly towards his mouth and planted a soft kiss upon it, unaware of the effect such an action stirred within her.  She felt light-headed, the combination of chemistry and alcohol mixing well.  She found herself wishing the moment would last forever.  He read her mind while gazing into her eyes, then reluctantly let her hand fall to her side as he nodded in the direction of her husband, who was making his way towards them.

She watched as he took her husband’s hand and shook it firmly, made his farewell and headed for the front door, supporting a rather inebriated Jonathan, much to the relief of his girlfriend.  Within seconds he was gone, along with the remainder of the guests, who had now spilled out into the early New Year’s Day morning to the sound of a mixture of stifled giggles and hushed conversations.


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About Charming Man

Photo of author A S Wilkins, aka Charming ManCharming Man, aka author A. S. Wilkins explores the thought-provoking world of sensual romance through themes such as encounters between strangers, sexual fantasies, illicit relationships, voyeurism and more.

A S Wilkins has been writing sensual romance for over fifteen years. It all started quite by accident, following the tragic death of his wife in 1998, when he was left with two small children to bring up alone, as well as manage his own software consultancy.

While still in a state of shock and running on auto-pilot, he settled into a daily routine of dropping the kids off at day care, fulfilling his nine to five obligations, collecting the kids in the evening, feeding them, bathing them and putting them to bed with a night-time story, before collapsing in front of the television and crying into a large glass of red.

He had neither the opportunity nor desire to meet anyone new, yet he craved companionship. Posing as Charming Man, after the name of his favourite song by his favourite band The Smiths, he began to trawl online chat rooms, striking up conversations with anonymous individuals who may or may not have been who they said they were; it made little difference to him.

A S Wilkins wears his heart on his sleeve, and it soon became apparent he was able to engage openly with people from all walks of life, be they male or female; but mostly female it has to be said. Many of his early conversations on the net were innocent in content; he would pour his heart out to anyone who would listen, and in return he would provide a shoulder to those who were equally going through difficult times. He found the process very therapeutic and saved him a fortune in counselling!

Before too long, these intimate exchanges left him wanting more, such is the nature of making a new acquaintance. However, charming by name and charming by nature, he chose never to cross the line until encouraged to do so by others. This led to many a cat and mouse war of words with many a like-minded soul, which both intrigued and excited him. It was during this time he wrote his first short story, Night Vision, detailing his longing for the next love to enter his life.

The more he chatted, the more he became obsessed with the notion of sexual encounters between strangers. Still not in a position to embark on a new relationship in the real world, he continued to engage women in cyberspace, and together they would contrive a variety of scenarios from the respective comfort of their laptops. Many of these scenarios were later to become short stories; Beach Encounter, Mid Air Collusion, Ariana, A Greek Tragedy and The Hitcher, to name a few.

Fast forward several years and A S Wilkins has found happiness once more, having settled down north of London with a new partner and their combined family of four children. The release of Fifty Shades of Grey in March 2012 prompted him to dust off his short stories for his partner to read. She was impressed and managed to persuade him to publish them. Shortly after, was born.

Writing as Charming Man, A S Wilkins is always on the lookout for the next encounter to write about. When two individuals make eye contact across a room or on a crowded train, and a connection is made, this is often the green light that sets his imagination on fire. A knowing look is all it can take; a word might never be spoken. However, the minute an affinity is perceived, a scenario is hatched in his head, which is then honed over the coming days and weeks into a believable idea for a story.

And this final point is key; whereas it’s true to say that many of his works are clearly fantasies, it’s important to him that these fantasies are believable. The idea of a twenty-seven year old billionaire meeting a twenty-one year old virgin just doesn’t cut it for Charming Man.

Find out more about Charming Man by visiting his website at

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Photo banner showing the avatar for Charming Man and photos of each story in First Encounters


Cover Reveal – First Encounters by Charming Man AKA A.S. Wilkins @CharmingXMan

Photo banner, 851 x 315 featuring a sensual couple in B&W with the cover of First Encounters, an upcoming release by Charming Man, author.

Book Title: First Encounters

Author: Charming Man (aka A. S. Wilkins)

Genre: A Romantic-Erotic Story Collection


First Encounters offers a male insight into the realms of sensual romance, exploring the thought provoking world of liaisons between strangers.

On a hot summer’s night, a man awakes from a peaceful slumber, roused by a mysterious beauty appearing at his bedside. Is she real or merely a Night Vision?

Escaping the stresses of daily life to indulge in a little rest and recuperation, a weary businessman man unexpectedly engages a gorgeous exhibitionist in a voyeuristic Beach Encounter.

A chance meeting at a busy airport sees a young entrepreneur in the company of a seductive stranger for the duration of his flight to New York. She has a sexy secret to tell, but only if he shares one first; a Mid Air Collusion he’s unlikely to forget in a hurry.

Headmaster Peter Thompson is faced with a predicament when he summons a troubled sixth form student to discuss her latest misdemeanour. Refusing to accept her fate, Ariana takes control of the situation the only way she knows how.

While island hopping around the Cyclades, a backpacker is lured off the beaten track by a sexy local girl he meets on his travels. Was the need to satisfy his curiosity a good idea or A Greek Tragedy waiting to happen?

A college student embarks on a road trip, but didn’t envisage making the journey with a sexy hitch-hiker in tow. Two strangers find themselves thrown together in a slow-burning, tortuous tale of boy meets girl, set to the sounds of the new wave era. Will it be the end of the line when he reaches his destination or will The Hitcher lead him down another path?

Charming Man’s journey starts here; dare you join him?

About Charming Man

Photo of author A. S. Wilkins, also known as Charming ManCharming Man, aka author A. S. Wilkins explores the thought-provoking world of sensual romance through themes such as encounters between strangers, sexual fantasies, illicit relationships, voyeurism and more.

A S Wilkins has been writing sensual romance for over fifteen years. It all started quite by accident, following the tragic death of his wife in 1998, when he was left with two small children to bring up alone, as well as manage his own software consultancy.

While still in a state of shock and running on auto-pilot, he settled into a daily routine of dropping the kids off at day care, fulfilling his nine to five obligations, collecting the kids in the evening, feeding them, bathing them and putting them to bed with a night-time story, before collapsing in front of the television and crying into a large glass of red.

He had neither the opportunity nor desire to meet anyone new, yet he craved companionship. Posing as Charming Man, after the name of his favourite song by his favourite band The Smiths, he began to trawl online chat rooms, striking up conversations with anonymous individuals who may or may not have been who they said they were; it made little difference to him.

A S Wilkins wears his heart on his sleeve, and it soon became apparent he was able to engage openly with people from all walks of life, be they male or female; but mostly female it has to be said. Many of his early conversations on the net were innocent in content; he would pour his heart out to anyone who would listen, and in return he would provide a shoulder to those who were equally going through difficult times. He found the process very therapeutic and saved him a fortune in counselling!

Before too long, these intimate exchanges left him wanting more, such is the nature of making a new acquaintance. However, charming by name and charming by nature, he chose never to cross the line until encouraged to do so by others. This led to many a cat and mouse war of words with many a like-minded soul, which both intrigued and excited him. It was during this time he wrote his first short story, Night Vision, detailing his longing for the next love to enter his life.

The more he chatted, the more he became obsessed with the notion of sexual encounters between strangers. Still not in a position to embark on a new relationship in the real world, he continued to engage women in cyberspace, and together they would contrive a variety of scenarios from the respective comfort of their laptops. Many of these scenarios were later to become short stories; Beach Encounter, Mid Air Collusion, Ariana, A Greek Tragedy and The Hitcher, to name a few.

Fast forward several years and A S Wilkins has found happiness once more, having settled down north of London with a new partner and their combined family of four children. The release of Fifty Shades of Grey in March 2012 prompted him to dust off his short stories for his partner to read. She was impressed and managed to persuade him to publish them. Shortly after, was born.

Writing as Charming Man, A S Wilkins is always on the lookout for the next encounter to write about. When two individuals make eye contact across a room or on a crowded train, and a connection is made, this is often the green light that sets his imagination on fire. A knowing look is all it can take; a word might never be spoken. However, the minute an affinity is perceived, a scenario is hatched in his head, which is then honed over the coming days and weeks into a believable idea for a story.

And this final point is key; whereas it’s true to say that many of his works are clearly fantasies, it’s important to him that these fantasies are believable. The idea of a twenty-seven year old billionaire meeting a twenty-one year old virgin just doesn’t cut it for Charming Man.

Find out more about Charming Man by visiting his website at

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A photo of a couple on a balcony, featuring a statement by Charming Man about why he is passionate about