Release Day /Excerpt- Red Lights, Black Hearts by @authorfabiola


Darkness can be stained by light. Light can outshine the darkest of corners.

Behind a window in Amsterdam’s desired Red Light District, Samantha practices the art of seduction. Man after man, she controls them, seeking what they both want. But behind the façade of the glass, lies her truth waiting to be uncovered. An inner battle of light and dark takes place as Sam learns to release the past and truly live the beautiful tragedy that is life.

Red lights and black hearts collide in a tale of heart and soul.


Goodreads Link

Buy Links

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The melting of the snow brought about a mixture of emotions. Realizations I didn’t want to admit to. Awareness that dawned on me brighter than the noon sun back home in South Florida. Resistance to what was happening around me.
I’ve never been happier to be back at work, doing what I know and keeping my mind busy with tempos.
After the second night of being snowed in, Max left and prepared for a short trip to Germany. His words. Probably meant to ease me and inform me he’ll be back soon.
In my own silence, I analyze my world. I analyze my truths and my deceptions. I was living a life I was content with until recently. I was surviving without the constant memories drowning my mind. The insecurities I buried deep within not making an appearance.
Until now.
Now everything has resurfaced. Now every truth is exposed in the front of my mind, a cursing memory haunting me in case I had forgotten where I came from and who I was.
A rag-doll with loose threads barely keeping her together. Unsown by a seam ripper who fed off of her pain.
Anyway. Not having Max around has given me space. Space to think. Space to breathe. Space to hide. The glass shelters me despite its transparent state. The walls in my small room protect me. The men that walk in surrender to me. All of this makes for the perfect escape. An escape I am craving and dreading at the same time. My analytical self knows this is what has helped me move forward in life. My foolish self wants to tear at the belief system I’ve created to fall victim to fairy tales with a Prince Charming and a Sleeping Beauty waiting to be awoken by a kiss.
Kisses don’t heal. Princes don’t wake you up from nightmares. You are responsible for your own living and the only one who can break the bonds of the past.

Red Lights, Black Hearts
Copyright 2016, Fabiola Francisco

Other Titles by Fabiola Francisco

Perfectly Imperfect
Amazon B&N iTunes Kobo

Restoring Us
Amazon B&N iTunes Kobo

Resisting You (Perma-Free)
Amazon iTunes Kobo

Sweet on Wilde
Amazon B&N iTunes Kobo

Whiskey Nights
Amazon B&N iTunes Kobo

About the Author
Fabiola Francisco is a contemporary romance author from South Florida. Writing has been a part of her life since she was a teenager. Even at that age, she dreamed of happy endings with emotional twists. She currently has five books released, her latest being Whiskey Nights.
Her passion for books and writing has inspired her to write her own stories. She writes novels readers could relate to and grow with. She’s currently working on writing more stories that connect with readers on a deeper.
Fabiola also loves expressing herself through art and spending time in nature. In her spare time, she loves to cuddle with a good book and a glass of wine.

Author Links


Facebook Reader Group Web

Goodreads Amazon author page

Cover Reveal – Red Lights, Black Hearts by Fabiola Francisco @authorfabiola #coverreveal

Cover Reveal

Red Lights, Black Hearts

by Fabiola Francisco




Darkness can be stained by light. Light can outshine the darkest of corners.

Behind a window in Amsterdam’s desired Red Light District, Samantha practices the art of seduction. Man after man, she controls them, seeking what they both want. But behind the façade of the glass, lies her truth waiting to be uncovered. An inner battle of light and dark takes place as Sam learns to release the past and truly live the beautiful tragedy that is life.

Red lights and black hearts collide in a tale of heart and soul.

Goodreads Link



We all walk in the shadow of something. A shadow of expectancy, of pride, of ego, of memories. For some that shadow is the companion to the lonely. My shadow has been my company for so many years. It has pushed me to fight and win. It has talked me into doing things and talked me out of them. Tonight, my shadow dances along with me with the peaked interest of my visitors. One in particular. My shadow seeks his across the snow-covered street, but it’s nowhere to be found.

I have come to terms that Max and I are connected. I have come to accept he is bound to my life for now. What I have not come to realize is my need to see him. I search for him among the audience in awe of the window of pleasure and pain. I shut him out with the thick scarlet curtains that adorn my palace, but seek him in the darkness of the night. The moon traveling in search for the light of the sun to give it purpose.

For a long time I haven’t had a purpose besides survive in a world that I know how to control. I use what I have to move and seduce, destruct the power of some for a little while. Make them beg for something only I can give them. It may seem twisted to some, but it gives me a high to know I can control them. It pushes me forward knowing I have the upper hand. The other option is unacceptable.

Now, my mind is starting to rouse with new purpose. I’m familiar with the symptoms, but I can’t diagnose the disease. This purpose can give new meaning or destroy the little I have left. It could shatter that glass window, or keep me enclosed forever.


Red Lights, Black Hearts
Copyright 2016, Fabiola Francisco

Other Titles by Fabiola Francisco

Perfectly Imperfect

Amazon B&N  iTunes Kobo

Restoring Us

Amazon B&N iTunes Kobo

Resisting You (Perma-Free)

Amazon iTunes Kobo

Sweet on Wilde

Amazon B&N iTunes Kobo

Whiskey Nights

Amazon B&N  iTunes Kobo

About the Author

Fabiola Francisco is a contemporary romance author from South Florida. Writing has been a part of her life since she was a teenager. Even at that age, she dreamed of happy endings with emotional twists. She currently has five books released, her latest being Whiskey Nights.
Her passion for books and writing has inspired her to write her own stories. She writes novels readers could relate to and grow with. She’s currently working on writing more stories that connect with readers on a deeper.
Fabiola also loves expressing herself through art and spending time in nature. In her spare time, she loves to cuddle with a good book and a glass of wine.

Author Links

Twitter  Facebook Reader Group  Web  Goodreads  Amazon author page

Blog Tour – Sweet on Wilde by Fabiola Francisco @AuthorFabiola

I’m excited to share Fabiola Francisco’s new release, Sweet on Wilde.  Add it to your TBR.  

Sweet on Wilde by Fabiola Franciscoamazon-goodreads


Screen Shot 2015-05-25 at 2.27.25 PM

Eight months ago, I made a deal with my best friend. This wasn’t your typical pact. No, we had to take a different route. The deal was that if we were still single by fall, we would join online dating. Yes…now I am that girl. Just me, though, because she met a guy and saved herself from the awkwardness of dating people you meet via the Internet.

Cheesy pick up lines.
Inappropriate messages.
Disaster dates.

I don’t want to be “Savannah, profile 8713,” but a pinky promise is a promise you keep. What I wasn’t counting on was meeting a guy at the local bar.

So what happens when you decide to open yourself up to new opportunities? You might just cross paths with someone who makes you believe in love. Parker Wilde brought out the best in me and understood the worst, but when an amazing opportunity presents itself and our lives take different directions, is being sweet on Wilde enough for us?

Sweet on Wilde

SW fan teaser

Screen Shot 2015-05-25 at 2.31.32 PMAmazon US

Amazon UK

Amazon CA

Amazon AU

Screen Shot 2015-06-18 at 2.42.07 PM

The music blasting from the speakers draws me, and I move my body to the beat as I sit by the bar facing the dance floor. Although Southern is a more laid back bar, it has a small area designated for the patrons that want to dance without feeling like they’re disrupting the flow of the service.

“Let’s go dance.” Parker is eyeing me mischievously, obviously enjoying as I move to the music. The stress he came in with has now totally eased out of his body. He is back to his relaxed, confident self.

“It’s okay. I’m fine here, not much of a dancer,” I lie because the thought of dancing with him throws me off.

“Really? You haven’t stopped moving. Come on,” he reaches his hand out to me. Taking a moment to watch him as he stands before me with his hand out, I can appreciate how good-looking he is. I take his hand and let him lead me towards the small crowd dancing in the center of the venue.

“Sweet Home Alabama” begins to come through the speakers, and as soon as everyone hears the familiar introduction, they get in position, ready to dance the steps taught to us from a young age. In perfect unison, we all begin the line dance, looking like something out of Footloose. As I’m turning with the beat, I notice Parker beside me, following along without missing a step. I look down at his feet, and smile, shaking my head.

Two more songs come on, each with its own line dance to accompany the music, and we all dance. The next song that comes on is a slower one, so I head back to the bar in need of a cold beer to cool down. Line dancing always gets me excited but it can be tiring. Before I make it out of the crowd, an arm jerks me back and turns me. I’m facing Parker, his smile causing my heart rate to speed out of control. “One more,” he says, beginning the two-step to Billy Currington’s lyrics. Leading me around the dance floor, Parker is confident, his grip on me firm as we move through the other people dancing.

“You know, for someone who mocks my boots, yours look quite worn and broken in.”

He chuckles, his grip tightening around my waist. “I may not be from Tuscaloosa, but I am a southern boy, Savannah.” His drawl heavier, making his point.

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Fabiola Francisco is a contemporary romance author from Miami, FL. She has always enjoyed writing. When she was young she began writing creatively. It was always a therapeutic way for her to express herself. She began with poetry, and throughout the years went expanding to short narratives until she finally decided to write a novel.

Her love for books has inspired her to write her own stories. Her books range from emotional to lighthearted humor. She is a firm believer in happily ever afters and the sometimes jagged path to achieving it. She hopes to continue writing more stories to reach readers individually.

When she’s not writing, Fabiola loves expressing herself through art and being out in nature. She loves to cuddle with a good book and a glass of wine.

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Other Books by Fabiola

Perfeclty Imperfect Cover



Review- Restoring Us by Fabiola Francisco @AuthorFabiola

Susi Reviews

Restoring Us

by Fabiola Francisco
restoring us cover



It’s been two long years since Ava packed everything and left the life she once knew far behind her seeking a new adventure. All, except for her broken heart.

Once upon a time Ava and Ethan were in love. Their relationship was perfect, and they both planned a future together, filled with promise and hope. It wasn’t until an unwelcomed event storms into their lives, tearing their plans and dreams away; leaving Ethan broken and Ava unable to recover.

Two years later, fate crosses their paths once again but the shadow of their haunted past lingers. Ava has slowly rebuilt her life, finally finding some normalcy in it. On the other hand, Ethan has sorted to releasing his guilt and remorse in questionable ways, but his thoughts never strayed from the memories of Ava.

Will they get a second chance to rewrite their story, or will the pain and rejection be too much for Ava to bear and furthermore forgive?



My Review

I’ve been reading many second chance romance books lately and they are truly my favorite.  I believe that everyone deserves a second chance. Restoring Us is a second chance romance that hooked me from the start.

I loved the entire cast of characters in this book.  Ethan and Ava are a special couple. Their chemistry sizzles.

The supporting characters are funny and complete this story with their playful banter and loving personalities.  Katie, Dan, Jessie and Aiden are lovable in their own ways.

Restoring Us is a different second chance romance though.  Ava and Ethan have been apart for over two years. During those two years, these characters have had a chance to grow up, mature and internalize their lives as well as the choices they have made.

Ava has returned and Ethan wants her back.

Ava is a strong young woman. Her strength is the result of her illness and it is her most admirable trait.  She is loving and forgiving making her a well rounded and ideal leading character.

Ethan, I loved him right from the start.  He is your typical guy.  His mistakes, questionable, but his love for Ava is unwavering and infinite. He wants her back and wont let anyone of anything stop him.

I had made my own predictions about this couple and I was happy to be wrong.  This story does have a happy ending and I was thrilled to read it.

Fabiola took me on the journey along with Ava and Ethan.  I enjoyed all of the ups and downs along the way.  Her story had the perfect pace making this not only a great romance story but a fun read too.  Fun?  Yes!  The 80’s themed party was fun and one of my favorite parts of the book.

This story was heartwarming, had love, steamy sex, and a perfect couple.

I gave this book 4 1/2 stars.  

I am looking forward to reading book 2, Aiden’s story.

Add this book to your summer beach reads list.  It is a winner!

Oh, I can’t forget, thanks for the drink recipe in the end.  I’m going to have to make it soon.  Ha!  I should plan an 80’s themed party too.

Buy Link

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About the Author

Fabiola Francisco is an independent Contemporary Romance author from Miami, FL. She has always enjoyed writing and found it a therapeutic way for her to express herself. She began with poetry, and throughout the years went expanding to short narratives until she wrote Perfectly Imperfect, her debut novel.

Her love for books has inspired her to write her own story. She writes stories readers could relate to and grow with. She hopes to continue writing more stories to reach readers individually.

Fabiola also loves expressing herself through art and being out in nature. On her spare time, she loves to cuddle with a good book and a glass of wine.

Connect with Fabiola Francisco here:




IG: @authorfabiola



What’s In The Author’s Bag? Fabiola Francisco reveals it all…. @AuthorFabiola

what's in the author's bag banner for blog

Have you ever wondered what your favorite authors carry around in their bags?

Well, this new segment on my blog will answer that question.

Here’s what Fabiola Francisco carries in her purse.


fabiola image


Curious about what I carry in my bag? Well here is a peek at those contents.
fabiola bag
I’m not one to carry lots in my purse, but I never leave the house without my wallet, hand sanitizer and lip balm.
I live in sunny South Florida so my sunglasses area must.
I also carry my tablet so I can read anywhere I go. Bookworm problems but you never know when you’ll have some time to spend with your current book boyfriend.
My phone also goes with me everywhere {along with my charger}. I love to be connected with readers all the time and my phone is  a big help for that. You can usually find me on Facebook or Twitter hanging out with readers and fellow authors.
Lipstick because a girl always needs some color on her lips.
And last but not least, I carry a journal so I can jot down notes for current projects or new ideas that pop into my head.
I’m out of the house a lot so these items help me to stay connected and continue to create stories for readers even when I’m not home.

Thank you Fabiola for participating and letting your fans/readers inside your purse.  Journals are popular for writers.  And, I too live in South Florida so I totally understand that we need our sunglasses. 🙂
xx ~Susi

Connect with Fabiola Francisco here:




IG: @authorfabiola



Books by Fabiola Francisco

perfectly imperfect1e906-add-to-goodreads-button31
restoring us cover
resisting you cover
sweet on wild cover

Release Day Blitz – Sweet on Wilde by Fabiola Francisco @AuthorFabiola

Congrats to Fabiola Francisco on her new release!

sweet on wild release day banner

Sweet on Wilde by Fabiola Francisco

Release Day Blitz

sweet on wild cover

Genre:  Contemporary Romance


Eight months ago, I made a deal with my best friend. This wasn’t your typical pact. No, we had to take a different route. The deal was that if we were still single by fall, we would join online dating. Yes…now I am that girl. Just me, though, because she met a guy and saved herself from the awkwardness of dating people you meet via the Internet.

Cheesy pick up lines.
Inappropriate messages.
Disaster dates.

I don’t want to be “Savannah, profile 8713,” but a pinky promise is a promise you keep. What I wasn’t counting on was meeting a guy at the local bar.

So what happens when you decide to open yourself up to new opportunities? You might just cross paths with someone who makes you believe in love. Parker Wilde brought out the best in me and understood the worst, but when an amazing opportunity presents itself and our lives take different directions, is being sweet on Wilde enough for us?

sweet on wilde banner

Buy Links:

Amazon US

Amazon UK  –

Amazon AU –

Amazon CA –

Join the Release Event that will take place on June 14th~

sweet on wilde teaser 1

sweet on wild teaser 2

Connect with Fabiola Francisco here:




IG: @authorfabiola



Cover Reveal – Sweet on Wilde by Fabiola Francisco @AuthorFabiola



Sweet on Wilde

Fabiola Francisco

Contemporary Romance

Release Date: June 7, 2015



Eight months ago, I made a deal with my best friend. This wasn’t your typical pact. No, we had to take a different route. The deal was that if we were still single by fall, we would join online dating. Yes…now I am that girl. Just me, though, because she met a guy and saved herself from the awkwardness of dating people you meet via the Internet.

Cheesy pick up lines.

Inappropriate messages.

Disaster dates.

I don’t want to be “Savannah, profile 8713,” but a pinky promise is a promise you keep. What I wasn’t counting on was meeting a guy at the local bar.

So what happens when you decide to open yourself up to new opportunities? You might just cross paths with someone who makes you believe in love. Parker Wilde brought out the best in me and understood the worst, but when an amazing opportunity presents itself and our lives take different directions, is being sweet on Wilde enough for us?



Sweet on Wilde Trail Kiss

Sweet on Wilde kiss


Connect with Fabiola Francisco here:




IG: @authorfabiola



New Release – Resisting You by Fabiola Francisco @authorfabiola

I’m excited to share this new release.  Resisting You is available today.  Be sure to one click it!

Resisting You by Fabiola Francisco

Contemporary Romance

Release date: March 8th, 2015


resisting you cover




Aiden is Chicago’s most desired bachelor. Women either want to tame him, or get lost in his touch. He’s a man who has it all: great job, money, and women.


When he meets Stacy, the one woman who doesn’t surrender to his inescapable appeal, he is faced with a challenge he can’t resist, an exhilarating chase he is determined to win.


The chase becomes a seduction neither of them can withhold. Will it last or are some habits too difficult to break?


resisting you teaser 1



resisting you teaser 2

Buy Links

Amazon US:

Amazon CA:

Amazon UK:

Amazon AU:




Connect with Fabiola Francisco here:



Susi’s Favorite 2014 Reads @helenahunting @jmdarhower @christina_lee04 @sylvainreynard @zlikeinzorro @christypastore @prodigalson_1, @debra_anastasia @MinaVaughn @alice_clayton @MetalBlonde @ChristinaLauren @KatBastion @StoneBastion @AuthorFabiola @MJLocklear @Marie_Coulson @Author_VVantiem @NickyD_White @EmmaChse @AuthorKatyEvans

Susi’s Favorite 2014 Readssusi's favorite reads 2014


I’ve read so many amazing books this year that putting this list of favorites together was quite difficult to do.

  Here are my favorites. They are in no specific order.  Congrats to the Indie authors who made my top pics!

How many of these books have you read?


by JM Darhower

by JM Darhower

5 stars

by JM Darhower

by JM Darhower

5 stars

by JM Darhower

by JM Darhower

5 stars

by Christina Lee

by Christina Lee

5 stars

by Debra Anastasia

by Debra Anastasia

5 stars


by Marie Coulson

by Marie Coulson

5 stars


by Victoria Van Tiem

by Victoria Van Tiem

5 stars



by Mina Vaughn

by Mina Vaughn

5 stars


by Jennifer and Morgan Locklear

by Jennifer and Morgan Locklear

5 stars


by Christina Lauren

by Christina Lauren

5 stars


by Karina Halle

by Karina Hale

5 stars


by Nicky D. White

by Nicky D. White

5 stars


by Alice Clayton

by Alice Clayton

5 stars

by Alice Clayton

by Alice Clayton

5 stars

by Alice Clayton

by Alice Clayton

5 stars


by Helena Hunting

by Helena Hunting

5 stars

by Helena Hunting

by Helena Hunting

5 stars

by Helena Hunting

by Helena Hunting

5 stars

by Helena Hunting

by Helena Hunting

5 stars

by Helena Hunting

by Helena Hunting

5 stars

by Helena Hunting

by Helena Hunting

5 stars



by Kat and Stone Bastion


5 stars

by Kat and Stone Bastion

by Kat and Stone Bastion

5 stars

by Kat and Stone Bastion

by Kat and Stone Bastion

5 stars

by Kat and Stone Bastion

by Kat and Stone Bastion

5 stars


by Christy Pastore

by Christy Pastore

5 stars


by Zoraida Córdova

by Zoraida Córdova

5 stars


by Fabiola Francisco

by Fabiola Francisco

5 stars


by Michelle Day

by Michelle Day

5 stars


by Emma Chase

by Emma Chase

5 stars

by Emma Chase

by Emma Chase

5 stars

by Emma Chase

by Emma Chase

5 stars


by Katy Evans

by Katy Evans

5 stars

by Sylvain Reynard

by Sylvain Reynard

5 stars

I hope you enjoy my selections!  I recommend each and every one of these books.  

Happy New Year’s and Happy Reading from Reading and Writing Between the Wines Blog!

Cover Reveal – Restoring Us by Fabiola Francisco

I’m excited to share this gorgeous new cover with you today.  Be sure to add Restoring Us to your TBR.

Cover Reveal~ Restoring Us

by Fabiola Francisco



Restoring Us by Fabiola Francisco
Contemporary Romance
Release date: January 11th, 2015



Two years.

It’s been two long years since Ava packed everything and left the life she once knew far behind her seeking a new adventure. All, except for her broken heart.

Once upon a time Ava and Ethan were in love. Their relationship was perfect, and they both planned a future together, filled with promise and hope. It wasn’t until an unwelcomed event storms into their lives, tearing their plans and dreams away; leaving Ethan broken and Ava unable to recover.

Two years later, fate crosses their paths once again but the shadow of their haunted past lingers. Ava has slowly rebuilt her life, finally finding some normalcy in it. On the other hand, Ethan has sorted to releasing his guilt and remorse in questionable ways, but his thoughts never strayed from the memories of Ava.

Will they get a second chance to rewrite their story, or will the pain and rejection be too much for Ava to bear and furthermore forgive?



Connect with Fabiola Francisco here:

