Pre-Order Blitz – Promise Me This by Christina Lee @Christina_Lee04

Pre-Order Blitz – Promise Me This by Christina Lee

Have you Pre-Ordered Promise Me This?

It is out next week on 10/7/2014.

As a fan of Christina’s writing, it is a pleasure to share this post with you.  Enjoy!

promise me this cover



Nate has developed quite a playboy reputation around campus. It’s not that he doesn’t respect or trust women; he doesn’t trust himself. The men in Nate’s family are prone to abusive behavior—a dirty secret that Nate’s been running from his entire life—so Nate doesn’t do relationships. But he can’t help himself around one girl…

Jessie is strong, independent, and works at a tattoo parlor. Nate can’t resist getting close to her, even if it’s strictly a friendship. But it doesn’t take long for Nate to admit that what he wants with Jessie is more than just friendly.

With Jessie, he can be himself and explore what he’s always felt was a terrifying darkness inside him. Even when Nate begins to crave her in a way that both shocks and horrifies him, Jessie still wants to know every part of him. Testing their boundaries together will take a trust that could render them inseparable… or tear them apart.


Pre-Order Link
Google Books

promise me this quote



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About Christina Leechristina lee pic

Once upon a time, I lived in New York City and was a fashion stylist. I spent my days shopping for photo shoots, getting into cabs, eating amazing food, and drinking coffee at my favorite hangouts.

Now I live in the Midwest with my husband and son—my two favorite guys. I’ve always been an avid reader—reading was actually my favorite time of day when I taught second and third grade.

But it wasn’t until I became a local newspaper columnist that something clicked. I finally realized I could turn my love of words into my dream of writing fiction.I write Adult and New Adult steamy contemporary romance. I am represented by Sara Megibow of the Nelson Literary Agency.I also own a hand-stamped jewelry business called Tags-n-Stones, which requires me to stamp letters and/or words onto pieces of silver. They go hand-in-hand perfectly.

  Follow Christina Lee on Social Media 



Release Day Blitz- The Prisoner by Rachael Wade @rachaelwade




The Prisoner by Rachael Wade

Series: The Replacement #1.5

Genres: Contemporary, New Adult

Release date: July 26th



The Replacement will be free 1 day only on release day!


My name is Christian Walker, and Elise Duchamp is my drug of choice.

No matter how hard I try to break the habit, it’s a lost cause. Okay, maybe I haven’t really tried to quit this particular habit. All I can think about is owning her. Making her mine. Can you really blame me? With that sinful body, luscious mouth, and wicked tongue, she’s every man’s dream, and she knows it.

No one is immune to her charm, not even me, a man who has everything—a beautiful wife, an office with a view, and more money than most people can spend in one lifetime. Only I know how to make her toes curl. Only I know her body better than the other men she screws in her free time. None of them can compare to me.

But the joke is on me. I’m the prisoner.

The one who will never compare to him. The one man who makes me see red. His name is stored in her cell phone. It’s the first one she calls out to, the first one she cries for when all hell breaks loose. Ryder Jacobson.

The name makes me cringe.

She loves him, and I love her. In my own way, I always will. But the bad guy doesn’t always belong with the bad girl. Sometimes the bad girl needs a good man to believe in her, to give her that final push toward ultimate transformation. I wish I was that good man. That I could be her happily ever after. I guess that’s the thing about prisoners, though. They’re left alone with their torment, and in the end, they have no one to blame but themselves.


The Replacement by Rachael Wade

Series: The Replacement #1

Publication date: January 27th 2014

Genres: Contemporary, New Adult


*Contains sexually explicit content and mature subject matter, including language and elements of abuse.*

A gritty New Adult drama about a young woman’s self-destructive quest to find purpose, self-worth, and love in a broken world.

My name is Elise Duchamp. I’m twenty-three years old and I’m known as the town whore.

No, not the kind who exchanges sexual favors for money. The other kind. The kind who gives it all away for free, whenever and however she likes. I am that girl. The one everyone whispers about and the one none of the girls seem to like, because all of their boyfriends either want to sleep with me or already have. Promiscuity is my thing—the kind that slowly, violently turns my insides black, but gives me something I need.

All things considered, I’m not completely reckless. I’m safe, and contrary to popular opinion, I do have a heart. I live in a world of careless choices, and with those choices come careless people. I cannot judge them, because I am one of them. I too bow down to the altar of the self-serving. I am not a good friend. I am not and never could be anyone’s girlfriend. I’m convinced any goodness in me shriveled up and died long ago.

But I am a replacement. That is something I know how to be, and this is a story of the lengths I’d go to in order to keep it that way.





About the Author

Rachael Wade is the Amazon bestselling author of The Preservation Series, The Resistance Trilogy, and the upcoming sci-fi series, The Keepers Trilogy. When she’s not writing, she’s busy learning French, watching too many movies, and learning how to protect animals and the environment. Visit her at and, or come chat with her on Twitter via @RachaelWade


Author Links:

Susi Reviews – An Acute Attraction by @AJWaltersAuthor

an acute attraction

Meet… …Working single mother Isabel Chambers. She’s not a size 12 or as you’ve probably guessed, a virgin either. …Marc Sanders an attractive, successful Harvard Professor of Medicine visiting Cambridge. He has a secret past that has been well hidden until now. An Acute Attraction is a heart warming, exciting and compelling story of love and romance, full of seductive, sensual and tantalizing emotions and images, sexual exploration and passion. Isabel Chambers is an ordinary, working, single mother of two, who needs some “me” time, so, kids sorted, she books herself into a hotel for a week of rest and relaxation. Marc Sanders is an American professor at Harvard University and is in England to present research results to Cambridge University. Two people, out for adventure and excitement, meet and begin a journey of fun, thrills, lust and desire. But, is Marc all he seems to be? What is he hiding?


My Review

It’s not often that I come across a book that I instantly connect with, especially on a personal level. But, those are the books I enjoy the most.  I guess I love this book so much because the main character and I have so much in common.  An Acute Attraction by A.J. Walters is that book.

First of all, I was immediately drawn to Isabel, the female protagonist in the story because there is so much of me in her.  I too once was the single mother of two boys who would do anything just for them.  And, just like Isabel, I am an educator.  Having gone through a similar experience in my life made this a book I thoroughly enjoyed.

A.J. Walter’s debut is about a “real” woman.  Isabel is not the perfect size 0 female.  She is the real, I have lived and I know what I want out of life woman.  I don’t always read about this strong type of character so this is another reason this was so appealing to read.  The story is well written and flows perfectly.  The characters in the story are well developed and extremely likable.

Isabel is off on a weekend getaway without her boys.  (Don’t we all dream about this?)  She is ready to come out of her shell and out of her to day to day lifestyle when she meets Marc.  Ok, let me tell you about Marc.  He is a professor. Yes, thanks to Sylvain Reynard, I have a thing for professors.  (A.J. Walters, you too?)  He is handsome, successful, rich and oh so sexy.  Marc is the total package! Their meeting results in instantly chemistry.  Adding Marc to her plans makes this weekend even better.

The story is told from Isabel’s point of view so it is humorous.  There were many laughable moments throughout the book.  There are intimate moments too.  These moments of intimacy were well written leaving enough for the imagination of the reader.

This book does end with a cliffhanger.  I can’t wait to read the continuation of Isabel and Marc’s story.

Congrats to A.J. Walters on her debut!

I gave this book 5 stars!

I searched for my Marc and found this oh so sexy and handsome gentleman.  Here’s my perfect Marc.  And here is my Isabel, the “real” woman in this story.  🙂

marc an acute attraction francis cadieux

Hello there Marc!

isabel an acute attraction














Buy Links:


Barnes and Noble

About the Author: A.J. Walters

A J Walters is a new contemporary romance author who has just made her first appearance on to the indie circuit. Having interests in history, romance and elements of erotica, she has brought all of these together in her debut publication; An Acute Attraction.

Wanting to break the trend of size 12 virgins in books, A J Walters has introduced a new real woman in Isabel Chambers. She’s a size 18-20, working single mother who now feels is it her time to start living her life again. At the ripe young age of 39, A J Walters also wanted to show that you can experience everything that a twenty-something would.

“I saw that a 39 year old isn’t quite at retirement age for fun, sex and finding love again. There are so many women out there that can be represented in books as well as the slim, innocent and beautiful types. Don’t get me wrong I love reading books with them in, but there is so many of them around now I felt it is time for something different. I’d like to think I brought my sense of humour across in it as well. I am ditsy, I suffer from ‘foot in mouth’ syndrome, but I can also be serious and sentimental. From the feedback I’ve had, apparently it makes for a great writing voice.”

A J Walters currently lives in North Staffordshire, UK with her 2 children.

Connect with A.J. Walters




Review: In Pursuit by Olivia Luck

Happy Release Day!

In Pursuit


Olivia Luck

In Pursuit Cover Olivia Luck


Eddie Neff needs space. Not the type that country stars croon about, but physical distance from her emotionally distant father and the tatters of a broken relationship. So when the opportunity to relocate her life and interior design business arises, the answer comes easily.

Adjusting to life with Claire, her gregarious new roommate, is more than simply testing comfort limits. With just one meeting, Eddie finds herself unable to resist the draw of Harris Grant, Claire’s brooding and overprotective older brother.

Harris doesn’t fit her idea of a safe relationship. He pushes Eddie to face her deepest insecurities and fears of abandonment. And Harris holds on to his own painful loss, unable to overcome personal demons.

Eddie and Harris must learn to conquer their internal struggles. But as they navigate their new love, outside forces fight to drive them apart.

Author note: In Pursuit is the first book in a two book series. Intended for 18+ readers.

My Review

I love books where the story and characters seem real.  You know the kind,  like you can see yourself as friends with the characters because they are so well written, you can relate with them.   In Pursuit is one of the those books.  From the moment that I started the book, I immediately connected with the characters.  Eddie (Edith) is a very likable, real young woman.  She is starting her life and career in a new city.  Her new life comes with a roommate, Claire,  your typical spoiled little rich girl. Then there is Harris, Claire’s brother which will take your breath away and finally, my favorite supporting characters, Sean and Luke.

In Pursuit is a witty romantic story.  Eddie, is starting a new life in Chicago where her decorating business takes off. When she meets Harris, sparks fly.  The interest in this delicious male is definitely there.  As she gets to know him better, she learns that the interest is mutual.  Everything is going well for her.  Her professional life is thriving.  She meets new clients and makes friends.  Everything seems perfect. Harris is perfect.  Their chemistry takes over and there is your hot and steamy love story.

Of course, all love stories have their obstacles.  Eddie’s past and her present post hurdles in this story. Claire, the roommate, seems to have a problem with Harris and Eddie among other problems of her own.  (no spoilers)

Cleverly written, In Pursuit will keep you hooked to the Kindle (in my case).  The right amount of suspense and angst make this a great read.

The story ends with a cliffhanger.  I can’t wait to see what happens to one of my favorite new couples, Eddie and Harris.

I gave Olivia’s debut book 5 shinning stars!

Eddie Neff and Harris Grant

Eddie Neff inspiration

Harris for In Pursuit

You can get your copy today!

olivia luck image
Olivia Luck lives in the middle of America with her loving husband and her obsession with writing. She wrote her first romance novel at age eight. When she’s not reading, editing, or writing, you can find her in the kitchen learning to cook. Olivia loves to travel and spend time with her family.

*I received and ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.