Crème de Vie (Cuban Egg Nog)

When I was a little girl, I looked forward to the Christmas Season for obvious reasons.  I loved the presents. However, it was during this time of the year that I would watch my Mom in the kitchen as she prepared her famous Crème de Vie or Cuban Egg Nog.  

creme de vie

It was a tradition to prepare bottles of this sweet and tasty drink and give it to the neighbors, family and friends.  I especially remember toasting on Christmas Eve (Noche Buena) with this drink in hand.

Now, my mother’s recipe is not original.  In fact, as I converse with friends and colleagues of Cuban descent, this recipe is popular in their households too.

Well, it is the Christmas Season.  So here is the recipe.  It means Creme of Life.  Let me warn you, drink with care.  You may not realize the effects until you have had too much.


  • 1 can sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 can evaporated milk
  • 6 egg yolks
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 tsp. vanilla
  • ½ cup white rum (you can add more if you love rum like me)

1) Make your simple syrup.  Start off by mixing the sugar and water together over very low heat.   Stir it constantly until the sugar dissolves – about 3 minutes. It has to be just low enough so that the sugar doesn’t caramelize, but makes a thick sugary water.

2) Add the egg yolks in a blender and mix with the condensed milk.

3) Add the evaporated milk slowly and mix completely.

4) Add the vanilla. ( Use pure vanilla extract)

5) Pour the mixture into the sugar-water and mix together.

6) Finally stir in the rum.

7) Let mixture cool.

8) Pour into glass bottles and refrigerate.  (It tastes better the next day)

9) Serve in shot glasses as an after dinner drink.

10) Cheers!!

If you have a variation to this recipe, feel free to share it with me.

Happy Holidays!


Susi Reviews – Bound by Wish and Mistletoe by Kat Bastion

My first review is a 5 star holiday novella perfect for this Christmas Season!

bound by wish and mistletoe

The holiday novella, Book 1.5, following the award-winning debut of Forged in Dreams and Magick in the Highland Legends Series:

Desperate to honor a life-long promise, Susanna MacEalan escapes her abusive clan with the fierce determination of never falling under the power of a man. Ever.

Aggravated by shallow-hearted pursuing lasses, Robert Brodie, commander of his clan’s elite guard, has foresworn scheming women. Forever.

When magick transforms Brodie Castle into a Christmas wonderland, the two despondent souls find solace in a most unexpected place . . . each other’s arms.

Amid a whirlwind of escalating events, Susanna’s traumatic past threatens Robert’s ability to protect the one woman meant for him. In a harrowing moment, as her fears and demons coalesce, will hope, faith, and love be enough to save them?

Susi’s Review

I’d like to start my review by saying that I read Bound by Wish and Mistletoe by Kat Bastion when it first released and I loved it. Real life has been quite busy for me lately so I felt that I had to reread this book in order to write my personal review. Now, rereading a book is like watching a movie for the second time. You always catch things you may have missed the first time. I can honestly say that I am really glad that I reread it because my journey into the Highlands was so much better the second time around.

First of all,  I am a Susanna and have my very own Robert. Just like the characters in the book, I too ran into my Robert during a tough time in my life. While my Robert may not be a Scottish Highlander, he is quite similar to this warrior in the book. So yes, you could say he saved me too. Susanna and I share certain traits as well. I am strong willed and like to get my way.

I most enjoyed how the love story of these two characters unfolded and carried out throughout the book. Of course I cannot forget to mention my other favorites, Isobel, Iain, Brigid and Skorpius. Their presence in this book made the story complete. Besides the love story, the new found friendship between the ladies brought a smile to my face.

Christmas is a magical time of the year and the perfect setting for this magical story set in an enchanting place. The symbolism of Christmas, of hope, completes the story of Robert and Susanna. It also brings hope to the other characters that I cannot wait to read more of in the next book.

This review would not be complete if I didn’t mention that Kat’s writing is so eloquent.  I was most impressed with the love scenes in this story. Wow, Kat, I am visual and your scenes do stimulate the senses as they are beautifully and tastefully written.

There is a beautiful message embedded in this story. I hope everyone that reads it discovers it. For me, the personal connection completed and made this story so perfect.

I enjoyed this book immensely and highly recommend it!
I gave this book 5 brilliant stars!
Thank you Kat for writing such a beautiful story.

My favorite quotes 

“You needn’t be afraid of me, Susanna,” he murmered. “I give you my word, every action I make around you will be for your protection…or pleasure.”

“Anythin’ you want me to have, you’ll offer. If I have my way, you will beg me to take it.”

“On a occasion, a person comes into your life and you doona know how or why, but you know them. You feel connected in ways you canna explain. I never question the uncommon gifts of friendship and love—I embrace them.”

“Susanna, please. If you keep shakin’ your ass against me like that, I might die right here in this chair.”

“Tonight is one of countless nights in many years to come where we will celebrate hope, faith, and love at Christmastime.”

“I dinna know people could be so happy,” she confessed, her voice soft to her own ears.

”I had no idea happiness was possible for me, before you.”

“No woman ever gained my interest, because none of them were you.”

“Everything is possible. When we least expect it and have given up all hope of findin’ what we want, suddenly it appears in the most unlikely of places.”

“Lass, I’ve gone easy on you tonight. I’ll tease and worship your body ‘til you shake with need, then I’ll give you the pleasure you crave, over and over…and over again.”

“You are the wish I made. The verra thing I’d prayed for.”

“Wherever you are… I am found. You’re the one I wished for. I prayed for you long before I met you.”

“Susanna, I wished for us under that mistletoe.”

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