Review – 100 Things To Do in Miami Before You Die by Roxanne Vargas & Maruchi Mendez @RoxyNBC6 @MaruchiMendez

100 things to do in Miami



Get ready to take in the rich flavor and diversity of Miami, one of the most vibrant cities in the country and a place with something for everyone! Whether you’re planning to explore our shores, indulge in our international cuisine, or check out the swampy river that is the Everglades, 100 Things to Do in Miami Before You Die gives you the inside track to the best spots, from popular to obscure, in the metro area. Discover festivals that garner international attention, ideal places to sip and socialize, historic sites, and international shopping destinations – not to mention places where you can throw down a game of dominos while sipping a café. Written by two Miamians for locals and visitors alike, this guide will help you make the most of a family vacation, romantic getaway, or escapade with friends. So strap on your salsa shoes and experience the magic that Miami has to offer!


My Review

I am a Miami native and I love the city I live in.  There are so many things to do here. One of my favorite things to do is to visit my favorite book store, Books and Books in Coral Gables.  While browsing this one of a kind store, I spotted this book, 100 things To Do in Miami Before You Die by Roxanne Vargas and Maruchi Mendez.

Well, I immediately flipped through the pages and decided I needed to buy it.  You see, although I live in Miami, there are many undiscovered gems I have yet to experience.  This little book is my new guide to Miami.

The book is organized by categories:  Food and Drink (my favorite) Music and Entertainment, Sports and Recreation, Culture and History and Shopping and Fashion.  As I went through this book, I checked off the places I’ve been to and the things I have already done in my wonderful city.  I was surprised to see that I have experienced many of them.  However, as an adult I am looking forward to revisiting many of these places and experiencing them through new eyes.  Just like a book, you always learn something new the second time around.

This book makes a great gift for out of town guests. It is also valuable to the locals.   Have you ever had friends over and can’t think of where to go?  I recommend you get yourself a copy of this book and keep it with you.  You will be amazed at the new plans that will evolve from the wonderful suggestions in the book.

Since purchasing the book, I have already enjoyed the Southernmost Winery in the USA, Schnebly’s Winery in the Redlands.  (stay tuned for my post & wine review)

I gave this book 5 stars!

Thank you Roxanne and Maruchi for your stellar suggestions.

You can find this book at Books and Books, #100 in the book, where you can find the pulse of Miami’s literary world.


Buy Link

100 Things To Do In Miami Before You Die






Throwback Thursday – Fun with Dick and Jane

dick and jane cover

Throwback Thursday: Fun with Dick and Jane 



How many of you remember this series of books?  I recently found several of them that I purchased at an antique shop in St. Augustine, Florida.  I shared them with my students who found the books to be quite amusing.  I never read them when I was in school.  Did you?

With innocent entertaining exploits and simple repetitive declarations, these charming characters helped millions of Americans learn to read.

These books were actually used between the 1930’s-1970’s in schools.  I can’t imagine using these books to teach students today.

“Look, Jane, ” said Dick.  “Here is something funny.  Can you guess what it is?”


Do you remember any of your childhood readers?

Feel free to comment.


Happy Thursday!





Moments in Time – Charity Anthology – 15 Unique Stories – Buy It Now!



15 authors.

Fifteen unique stories.

One cause.

“Moments in Time”, a charity anthology of short fiction comprised of fifteen novelette and novella length stories by fourteen authors, totaling nearly 200,000 words.

These are not excerpts, or cliffhangers, these are entertaining and enthralling COMPLETED stories ranging in genres such as Steampunk, Erotica, and Paranormal, to Contemporary Romance and Fantasy.

100% of money earned from the sale of this book goes directly to the WNY Independent Living, Inc. – a non for profit organization whose goals are to promote education, equality and empowerment to all individuals with all different kinds of disabilities.

BUY IT NOW ON AMAZON: Moments In Time: A Collection of Short Fiction

Author List:
Dominic K. Alexander
Kahlen Aymes
Daryl Banner
C.C. Brown
Chelsea Camaron
Claire Contreras
Karina Halle
Lisa M. Harley
Nicole Jacquelyn
Sophie Monroe
Amber Lynn Natusch
Erin Noelle
Joanne Schwehm
Madeline Sheehan
Ashley Suzanne

Moments in Time

“The Airship’s Heart” by Dominic K. Alexander

A captain’s young widow longs to avenge her husband’s death, so disguises herself as a boy and enlists in Her Majesty’s Navy to take a post on an . . . airship?

“Baby Special” by C.C. Brown

A gung-ho Marine learns to adapt to a situation beyond his control as his wife gives birth to their first child.

“Because You Are Mine” by Madeline Sheehan

Half human, half wolf, and promised to a purebred alpha wolf who wants her to submit. What’s a girl to do?


“The Benson” by Karina Halle

Ghost hunters investigate a hotel rumored to be haunted, and discover more than they bargained for.

“Dark Paradise” by Karina Halle

Distraught by her husband’s affair, a woman flees to Hawaii to lose herself, but instead finds something unexpected.

“Home” by Joanne Schwehm

Newly divorced Sophia DeMarco returns to her childhood home ready to pack up her past and begin her new life. What she discovers is there are parts in her past that aren’t so easily left behind.


“Maverick” by Chelsea Camaron

An ICU nurse takes a personal interest in a patient’s recovery, changing both his life and hers forever.

“One Night Away” by Nicole Jacquelyn

After chasing her kids around the house all day, a stay-at-home mom goes out for a much-needed night on the town and encounters a sexy man.


“One Night with a Cowboy” by Lisa M. Harley

What’s a sure-fire cure for a broken heart? A cowboy, of course!


“Reaching for the Stars” by Sophie Monroe

A shallow, self-centered party girl sets her sights on a rock-and-roll star for her happily-ever-after.

“Sapphire” by Ashley Suzanne

Traumatized by the abuse in her past, a hooker working in a strip club is shocked to learn that fairy tales sometimes do come true.


“Shouting with Silence” by Kahlen Aymes

An off-Broadway actress struggles with whether to continue an online relationship that has been a constant presence in her life. But when the enigmatic man she chats with refuses to allow her to truly get to know him, she is forced to face the fact that words—while powerful—may not be enough.

“The Slum Queen” by Daryl Banner

Though she came from the slums, she is now queen of a world far in our future. Ignoring the uprising that threatens her throne, she sets her focus on filling the hole inside her heart. But will she succeed before it’s too late?

“Uncharted Waters” by Amber Lynn Natusch

After years on the run from her abusive ex, Cristina seeks refuge in an unlikely place—Alaska. When a handsome fisherman enters her life, can she stop looking over her shoulder long enough to give him a chance, or will her past continue to dictate her future . . . a future full of solitude and regret?

“Unleashed” by Erin Noelle

A young shifter who has been captured and abused is eventually unleashed in more ways than she could imagine.


Throwback Thursday – Holes by Louis Sachar

Today’s Throwback Thursday book selection is Holes by Louis Sachar.  My students recently read this book and really loved it.  I read this to my older son when he was younger and enjoyed watching the movie with him as well.  This is one of the books that I keep on my bookshelf at school.  It is a most enjoyable 5 star read.

holes cover

And so, Stanley Yelnats seems set to serve an easy sentence, which is only fair because he is as innocent as you or me. But Stanley is not going where he thinks he is. Camp Green Lake is like no other camp anywhere. It is a bizarre, almost otherworldly place that has no lake and nothing that is green. Nor is it a camp, at least not the kind of camp kids look forward to in the summertime. It is a place that once held “the largest lake in Texas,” but today it is only a scorching desert wasteland, dotted with countless holes dug by the boys who live at the camp.

The trouble started when Stanley was accused of stealing a pair of shoes donated by basketball great Clyde “Sweetfeet” Livingston to a celebrity auction. In court, the judge doesn’t believe Stanley’s claim that the shoes fell from the sky onto his head. And yet, that’s exactly what happened. Oddly, though, Stanley doesn’t blame the judge for falsely convicting him. Instead, he blames the whole misadventure on his “no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather.” Thanks to this benighted distant relative, the Yelnats family had been cursed for generations. For Stanley, his current troubles are just a natural part of being a Yelnats.

At Camp Green Lake, the warden makes the boys “build character” by spending all day, every day, digging holes: five feet wide and five feet deep. It doesn’t take long for Stanley to realize there’s more than character improvement going on at Camp Green Lake. The boys are digging holes because the treacherous warden is searching for something, and before long Stanley begins his own search—for the truth.

Fate conspires to resolve it all—the family curse, the mystery of the holes, the drought that destroyed Green Lake, and also, the legend of Kissing Kate Barlow, an infamous outlaw of the Wild West. The great wheel of justice has ground slowly for generations, but now it is about to reveal its verdict.


Have you read this book?

Take this fun quiz

Quotes from the book:

“If only, if only, the moon speaks no reply;
Reflecting the sun and all that’s gone by.
Be strong my weary wolf, turn around boldly.
Fly high, my baby bird,
My angel, my only”

“I’m not saying it’s going to be easy. Nothing in life is easy. But that’s no reason to give up. You’ll be surprised what you can accomplish if you set your mind to it.After all, you only have one life, so you should try to make the most of it.”


Happy Thursday!




Question: Do You Read More Than One Book At A Time?

Question of the day?  Do you read more than one book at a time?


books are the hardest


I do this.  Yes, I read more than one book at a time.  And yes, it can be confusing.  I usually carry a paperback and my tablet in my purse so I alternate between books. Sounds crazy?  Taking notes as I read helps keep me on the right track and also helps me when writing a review.  Recently, I even added an audio book into the mix.

How many of you do this too?

Your thoughts?

Do you get your stories and characters mixed up?

 Feel free to comment. 🙂

Best closing lines – What are your favorites?

As a teacher, I am always looking for ways to keep my students motivated.  I recently had my students find their favorite closing lines from books they read.  They actually loved this activity and it got some of my reluctant readers to read and participate.  While they compiled their lines, I did too.

Here are some of my favorite closing lines from books. I have decided to mix it up since that is exactly what my library looks like, a little bit of this and a little bit of that. I love all genres.  **Note, if you haven’t read some of the books listed, these closing lines may be spoilers.


I used to dream of medals and championships, and now I dream of a blue-eyed fighter who one day changed my life when he put his lips on mine.

Mine, Katy Evans


Max stepped into his private boat and waved goodbye and sailed back over a year and in and out of weeks and through a day and into the night of his very own room where he found his supper waiting for him—and it was still hot.

Where the Wild Things Are, Maurice Sendak

a beautiful wedding

I looked into his eyes, as full of love and hope as they were the year before, “One down, forever to go,” I whispered back.

A Beautiful Wedding, Jamie McGuire


In the meantime, she would just live.

P.S. I Love You, Cecelia Ahern

bound by wish and mistletoe

You are loved.

Bound by Wish and Mistletoe, Kat Bastion


For a moment, neither of them spoke, and he found himself holding his breath just so he could hear hers.  “I love you, too, ” she whispered.  “Babe,” he said softly. “Yeah.”

Unbeautifully, Madeline Sheehan



So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.

The Great Gatsby, F.Scott Fitzgerald


Oh, my girls, however long you may live, I never can wish you a greater happiness than this.

Little Women, Louisa May Alcott

esperanza rising
It is no wonder that in Spanish, esperanza means “hope.”

Esperanza Rising, Pam Munoz Ryan


Lauren Marie Day, you have come into my life like a whirlwind, you have flipped my world, my thoughts and my heart upside down, you have woken something in me that I thought was long dead, you have brought me back to life, I love you more with every beat of my heart and I cannot and do not want to imagine my life without you in it.  I want to be with you forever, please would you do me the honour of becoming my wife?

Saviour, Lesley Jones


The offing was barred by a black bank of clouds, and the tranquil waterway leading to the utmost ends of the earth flowed sombre under an overcast sky — seemed to lead into the heart of an immense darkness.

Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad

What are some of your favorite closing lines?  Leave a comment.  I’d love to know.


What’s on my Kindle? Coming Soon.

Wow, I have been reading such wonderful reads these past weeks.  I don’t know which book to review first.

Here are the books I have just finished.  Reviews coming soon so stayed tuned.  By the way, they are all wonderful so go ahead and get them right away.

Just finished…

A Taste of Erotica by A.M. Harding


If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to have sex in a public place or to be taken to the brink of orgasm and held there, balanced on the edge of climax then you need A Taste of Erotica.

This book is a collection of seven short erotic stories, written with the express aim of stimulating the reader’s imagination and arousing both body and mind. Each story immerses you in a different scenario and leads you to explore a new thrill.


The Plan by Qwen Salsbury

Leave a comment to enter giveaway!

Day of Employment: 359

11:05 a.m.

Location: Cubicles outside Canon’s office.
Co-workers: Betting on how long Canon’s new PA will last.
Me: No doubts. Ms. Gum-smacker won’t last the day. I need to place my bet.
Manolo Blahnik’s New Fall Shoes: Mine. As soon as Madeline hands over my winnings.

Emma Baker has never spoken a word to Alaric Canon, nor has he to her. But she’s studied him every day across the office tundra for almost a year. Canon is hard and fierce, terrifying and beautiful. He’s also the most stern, unforgiving person Emma has ever seen. Emma’s co-workers run a betting pool for Personal Assistant terminations. There’s a separate pot for the day one leaves without crying. Not likely…Canon made a former Navy SEAL cry.

He has high standards and low tolerance. Everyone knows it. Everyone stays away. Everyone who can, that is. Except Emma. She can’t look away. Alaric Canon is the single most attractive man she’s ever seen. Bar none.

Canon has never noticed her. Not once in almost a year. She’s not even a blip on his radar. But she will be. His radar will be blipless no more.

It is a goal. Emma has a plan.


This next book has left quite an impression.  I can’t get this story out of my mind.

Clipped Wings by Helena Hunting

clipped wings

An emotional love story that follows the touch-and-go relationship of Hayden and Tenley; two young people who desperately want to love and be loved but are afraid to completely let go of their pasts.

As Hayden and Tenley navigate their newfound but slightly unstable relationship, they want to trust each other, but Hayden is hiding a dark and shameful past that he doesn’t ever want Tenley to find out about. And Tenley has secrets of her own that could make Hayden run away forever. When Tenley asks Hayden to put a beautifully elaborate tattoo across her back, the two form what they thought was an unshakeable bond. But when Tenley’s past shows up on her doorstep, will Hayden stand by her side…or run?

I hope you enjoy these books as much as me.


Sex on The Beach Cover Reveal / Contest on Goodreads

Cover Reveal Contest on Goodreads

Earlier today you were introduced to this new series, Sex On The Beach by Jenna Bennett, Jen McLaughlin and Jennifer Probst.

sex on the beach series

The books are set to release March 4, 2014.


For each book that gets to 500 adds, 5 pages of that novella will be released! 10 pages will be released after 600 adds, 15 pages after 800 adds, and 20 pages after 1000 adds! So, spread the word and be sure to add each book to your Goodreads list.





I am really looking forward to this new sexy series.

Go ahead and add it to your Goodreads TBR.


Review- Diary of a Dieter by Marie Coulson

diary of a dieter

Diary Of A Dieter (Confessions Series #1)

by Marie Coulson

Curvy girl, Charlene Winters, had it all: the great career, wonderful friends and a dreamy fiancé.

With her wedding day just three weeks away, Charlene is dealt a devastating blow. Suddenly finding her life, hopes and plans in tatters, the jilted bride sinks into despair and a tub of Ben and Jerry’s cookie dough. After discovering the depths of her fiancé’s infidelity and with the heartache still fresh, Charlene’s whisked away by her friends on a life-changing holiday. But how will this big fish cope now that she’s back in the dating pond and surrounded by slender trouts with Botox lips?

With best friend Adam thwarting her attempts at romance, and her girls Vanessa and Dana eager to set her up with a boy toy, Charlene decides the time for change is upon her. What she needs is a change of scenery, a change of dress size and maybe, a change of heart.

My Review

Hilarious, truly laugh out loud moments!

Let me just say that Diary of a Dieter has been one of the funniest books I have read in awhile.   This is truly the type of book that I can picture being turned into a movie.  I know that I would definitely go see it.

Charlene, the main character grows from a jilted bride to a princess with the help of her friends.  I love that her character is so real.  She has her insecurities just like any woman has.  She is a big curvy girl who has let herself go while dating Brad, her extremely germaphobic ex-fiancee.   A sudden unexpected Christmas breakup turns her world upside down.  Her best friends Dana, Nessa and Adam are truly lovable characters.  In fact, they are the perfect supporting characters.  They are there to help Charlene move on with her life and find her Prince Charming.  Her adventures with her friends were funny, well written and made the story totally enjoyable.

Adam, what can I say?  I loved him from the start.  He has been Charlene’s best friend for over 20 years.  Who knows Charlene better than Adam?  While Charlene only sees a friend in Adam, he sees who she really is and helps her realize this throughout the story. I guess I thought of Adam as the ugly duckling.  Read the book and you will see why.

I can’t forget to mention the Grandmother.  This woman is totally hilarious.  I know I looked forward to family moments when she would make an appearance and share her comical experiences on life and sex.  She has a way with words that will make your jaw drop.

Most of this story is focused on Charlene moving on with her life.  During that time, her experiences and encounters with men are entertaining.  I mean, some of the things that happen to Charlene on her dates are unbelievable, yet extremely funny.  So, let’s just say, “Watch out for denture glue.”

I cannot forget to mention that my heart skipped a beat while I was reading about the sexy band member with the lip ring.  OMG, Yes, Ollie and his band D.O.A. are mentioned in this story.  I am totally #Team Ollie. (from Bound Together & Burning Up)  I always love when authors bring in characters from other books they have written.

While this story is filled with humorous situations, there is a love story in there as well.  Every woman wants her Prince Charming and deserves a happy ever after.  I do hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did.

I gave this book 5 stars and highly recommend it.  It is a brilliantly written romantic comedy!

I look forward to other books in this series.

My Favorite Quotes

“I cannot believe that I am going to spend Christmas day as an abandoned bride! There has to be some unwritten law somewhere about that. Like never dump on their birthday, or Valentine’s Day, or the day their pet dies.  You know something like that. And then there’s all that cancelling and telling everyone that I got dumped!”ou

“Happily ever after should mean just that. That they make you so happy that you can’t imagine ever being happy without them.  They should make you walk on air, glide on air currents, and turn you inside out.  You are worth far more than ‘as happy as you can be.’ You Charlene Winters, are destined for an epic love story. You deserve one.

“What? You all think that just because I’m old, I don’t know a thing or two about sex? Good Lord. You’d think your generation invented the stuff.  I hate to break it to you, but while you were learning to walk young lady, I was crawling around on all fours.  Your father had a cock like a battering ram and more energy than a Duracell bunny.”

“You mean I’m not made of plastic? Wipe-able? Or maybe you prefer your women a little more two dimensional. Like a porno magazine! You should come with a health warning and a pair of fucking goggles!”

“If I’m in a restaurant, and I order steak, I expect to dine on a juicy peace of meat. I don’t want to gnaw on a bone. You, Charlie, are a feast for my eyes, a succulent sexual fulfillment for my appetite, and if you would just be quiet and stop fighting me, I’m about to enjoy some dessert.”

Get to Know the Author 

Follow Marie Coulson on Facebook  , Twitter,  and on Goodreads.

Happy New Year’s Day!

Happy New Year’s Day to all!  

Numbers 2014 from snowflakes. Celebration background for your posters

May this new year be filled with health, love and happiness!

Go out of your way and do something kind for others.  You will feel really good in the end.  One random act of kindness, can make a huge difference in the lives of others.

My inspiration for my message to you all comes from Gabriel’s Inferno by Sylvain Reynard, book 1 of my favorite series.

“Kindness is never wasted.”   ~SR 

Smile, be kind, love more!
