Blogiversary GIVEAWAY – Just Human & Still Human by Kerry Heavens @kerryheavens

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Enter to win both Just Human and Still Human

by Kerry Heavens

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Blogiversary GIVEAWAY x 2 – Fifteen Weekends and Unscripted by Christy Pastore @christypastore


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GIVEAWAY – Fifteen Weekends

and the newly released Unscripted by Christy Pastore



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Blogiversary – GIVEAWAY – How to Reprimand Your Rock Star by Mina Vaughn @MinaVaughn

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How to Reprimand Your Rock Star by Mina Vaughn

1.  Giveaway – Enter to win an eBook of How to Reprimand Your Rock Star by Mina Vaughn.

2.  Leave a comment on this post answering this:  Who is your favorite rock star?

3.  One lucky winner will be selected on Friday, 12/12 at 9 am via and will be notified via email.

4. No purchase necessary to win.

5.  Good Luck!  


how to reprimand your rockstar


In this fun and saucy romance novel, all-star college basketball player Thea dominates on the courts—and off—with a rock star who is determined to win her over.

Thea is a star basketball player at UConn on track to be Rookie of the Year. That is, if she can stay focused on the game. Lately that hasn’t been going so well, as her knee has been bothering her. But that’s not the only thing on her mind…

Ever since rock star Keaton Lowe surprised her in the girl’s locker room, Thea can’t stop thinking about him. On top of his status and enticing ways, he seems to know everything about her. But some of his actions cross the line, and Keaton needs to be punished. Will Thea keep her head in the game, or get distracted by her other favorite pastime—reprimanding her rock star?



About the Author

mina vaughn picMina Vaughn

Kink with a wink! Mina Vaughn is an international woman of mystery and a shoe whore with a heart of gold. When she’s not writing her unique brand of fun smut, she’s plundering Sephora for any pin up girl makeup she can find. Mina’s debut novel, an erotic comedy entitled How to Discipline Your Vampire is about a punishment-seeking vampire who meets a quirky Domme with a serious role play fetish, available now from Simon and Schuster’s Pocket Star. How to Reprimand Your Rock Star, a sexy New Adult contemporary romance about a basketball phenom and a world-famous rocker, arrives Summer 2014.  How to Punish Your Playboy arrives Spring 2015.

a34a9-twitterbuttonTwitter:  @minavaughn

Buy Links  How to Reprimand Your Rock Star:


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Thank you Mina for being part of my blogiversary!    ~Susi 



One Year Blogiversary – Giveaway eBooks and Paperbacks – Prodigal Son and Father & Son by Michelle Day @prodigalson_1

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ps son giveaway coverFather & Son giveaway pic

 Giveaway x 2!! 

Enter to win an eBook set of both

Prodigal Son and Father & Son by Michelle Day!

And, enter to win a signed paperback set of both books too. 


Giveaway (International)

1.  One lucky winner will win an eBook set of both Prodigal Son and Father & Son by Michelle Day. And, One lucky winner will win the signed paperback set of Prodigal Son and Father & Son.

2.  Leave a comment on this blog post answering the following question:

Who is your favorite book boyfriend?

3.  The winner will be selected via on Thursday 12/11 at 9 am and will be notified via email. No purchase necessary to win.

Good luck!

 Thank you Michelle Day for being part of my blogiversary celebration.  ~Susi

Prodigal Son Book One

MICHAEL JENSEN knows from the second MONICA PALOMA challenges him at the summer ball that he has to have her. Tall, handsome blond haired and blue eyed only child and heir to the Jensen fortune, he is used to getting what he wants by any means possible and is as shocked when she resists his usual tried and tested methods as he is to his actual attraction to her. He tended to be attracted to stick thin blond haired, blue eyed girls with the intent of keeping the Jensen gene pool alive and kicking when the time came to breed. Monica’s dark eyes, hair and curvaceous figure captured his imagination and wetted his appetite. His sights set firmly on her; he wouldn’t stop until she wore his wedding ring and took his last name.
Of Spanish decent, Monica lives at home with her parents and older brother. Strong willed but kind and loving, she detests the way her classmate Michael Jensen treats women as if they were mere playthings put on this earth solely for his amusement and is appalled that she finds herself attracted to him, even more startling had been the glint in his eyes when she stood up to him, looked him squarely in the eyes whilst putting him firmly in his place. While his efforts to capture her attention after the ball amused her, she steeled herself against the thoughtful gifts that arrived on her doorstep with regularity, if he wanted her as much as he professed, he’d damn well have to work harder to get her.
By the end of the following summer, the unlikely pair are married and expecting their first child. TESSA JENSEN is born, the apple of her father’s eye if only for the fact that her appearance made her every bit a Jensen. Michael proved himself an attentive husband and father, surprising both his parents and hers with his loving manner towards his wife and daughter.
Two and a half years on after a difficult pregnancy which put her on bed rest, Monica gave birth to twin boys MATTHEW and PAUL. Both boys were healthy, taking characteristics and colouring from each parent. Although Michael was in raptures that he now had sons and professed his love for his wife and the beautiful, blond haired baby that was Matthew, his joy soon turned sour when he turned his attention to the younger of the twins.
Having taken on his mothers’ colouring of olive skin and dark hair, Paul was nothing like the son Michael had expected his wife to produce, his dislike for the darker baby only heightened by the fact that he would squall each and every time Michael approached his crib. It was only a matter of hours after the birth that Michael announced his rejection of the child based solely on the fact that he wasn’t a true Jensen due to his colouring. After only four years of marriage, where his children were concerned Michael returned to being the stubborn, hard headed man he had been at school and Monica knew she had a battle on her hands.
She didn’t count on the battle being a lifelong thing for as Paul grew he began to exhibit her own stubborn nature and would challenge his father at every available instance leading to violent clashes between the pair.
Monica guided her children through their childhood and was proud of them as they progressed into adulthood. All three showed kind and thoughtful tendencies and although Tessa had given her relatively few problems, her sons Matthew and Paul more than made up for it. Her sons were stunning in appearance and used their looks to their full advantage with Matthew being the more subtle of the two, she only ever got to hear of Paul’s exploits which would put him directly in the firing line of his father’s temper.
Not one to back down and severely lacking the skills to bring his better judgement into play, Paul used the legendary Jensen temper to full advantage against the man he considered his sperm donor and would proceed to do things that put him firmly in the public’s eye. His affair with his teacher and the subsequent pregnancy was the straw that broke the camel’s back in forcing Monica to step back from her position of keeping the peace between father and son. As much as she loved him, where the teacher and pregnancy were concerned, Paul was on his own.



Father & Son Book Two

What has happened to Paul Jensen?
Paul is growing up fast. Taking steps to secure his financial future for himself and those around him, he struggles to do the same with the emotional side of his life. There’s only one woman he really wants. He just has to be man enough to step up and prove to her how much he’s changed.

About the Author- Michelle Day

Follow Paul on Twitter:  @ProdigalSon_1


Michelle Day on Facebook:


Thank you Michelle for the giveaway!  ~Susi