Blog Tour – Review/Excerpt & Giveaway – Unconventional (The Manhattanites #4) by @AveryAster

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From the NYT Bestselling author of The Manhattanites series and for fans of such films as Vicky Cristina Barcelona and Wild Things comes a ménage romance posing the question; can two men share the same woman forever?

They are the best of friends and the greatest of lovers. Two men and one woman, searching for fortune and fame, bound together by an eroticism their money and power can’t buy them. Luigi, the romantic alpha hunk. Rocco, the exotic bisexual. Jemma, the insatiable beauty who possesses them both.

From their first rendezvous in Milan, the three set out on a wicked course, jet-setting from the kinky underground sex clubs of Berlin, to the lavish palaces of Moscow, to New York’s high society in pursuit of pleasure. They have only each other to care for. That is…until a baby comes along and changes their destiny. But which of them is the father? And will they continue their poly relationship or give in to convention?


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Three Months Ago Isola di Girasoli,

Mediterranean Sea


On top of the cliff, overlooking the blue sea, I grabbed my boyfriend’s hand, pulled him to my side and asked, “Ready, bello?”

Rocco’s short nails grazed my skin. He’d been biting them all week. He always did when he was nervous.

“Jemma is going to say yes…” he whispered in my ear.

“Sì, of course she is.”

A few days before, we’d selected the spot.

He’d suggested, “This is where we’ll ask her to marry us,”

I’d agreed.

The view, the place… so magical and perfetto.

Inhaling deeply, I smelled the briny air filled with the faint sticky aroma of sunflowers. The ground was covered in them, and Isola di Girasoli had even been named after them. Growing on vivid green stalks, their bright yellow faces open, reaching up to the white sky for warmth and light. They were gleefully rooted about, almost as if cheering us on.

In a way, Rocco and I were similar to those flowers reaching for something—nourishment and love.

We got down on our knees, and the warm soil pressed under my legs. Glancing up at the woman we loved, we each took her hand.

Jemma Fereti. Tall. Striking. Ours. We called her dolce because she always tasted like tiramisu when we kissed.

As I studied her finger, the one I’d put the ring on, I thought about us…

For me, taking Jemma as my bride, and Rocco as my groom, meant forever. My life spent searching for intention would soon be complete. Together they made up my everything.

For Rocco, our union symbolized something he’d yearned for: a family. Hopefully for Jemma it would mean peace after her year-long battle with breast cancer.

“Amore, go on. Ask her.” Patience wasn’t Rocco’s virtue.

“Give me a minute—”

In private, we’d talked about the day for the past few months. We’d picked out the perfect engagement ring: a Tittoni Gems of Distinction twelve-carat pink diamond, a custom-made work of art from Manhattan for Jemma. And two simple gold bands for Rocco and myself. We’d planned the vacation: a week alone on the island, getting time away. Only the three of us. This was one of Jemma’s favorite Mediterranean locals. She’d grown up there with her royal friend, Prince Massimo Tittoni, who ruled over the small country.

Having Jemma’s hand in marriage was all Rocco and I ever desired. Over the past few years, we’d loved each other as a thruple. Our special togetherness had been all her doing.

Never in my wildest dreams had I imagined an open poly relationship with one woman and another man working out. Certain jealousy and games would poison the affair, but it hadn’t tarnished our lovemaking in the least.

That is till now. Rocco yearned for more, and frankly, so did I. Especially when Prince Massimo granted the Poly Marriage Act, legalizing the rights for those who loved openly to wed.

“Dolce…we’d like to ask you something…” I got the words out. I wasn’t one to talk much. Regardless, Rocco had insisted it come from me. After all, I’d been with Jemma for almost a year before we’d met him.

My boyfriend was the well-spoken one. The one in touch with his feelings. The man who’d glued the three of us together in ways which went beyond the boundaries of sex. He was the first and only man I’d ever had sex with, and I liked it. Oh, God, I fucking loved it! I loved him.

“My amore—” Uncertainty quivered in Jemma’s voice. My left hand reached deep inside my pocket. I pulled out the diamond and held it up to her, sparkling in the sunshine, and asked, “Will you marry us?”

With a smile, Rocco’s face beamed.

Her mouth dropped open, asking, “Huh?”


My Review

Unconventional is the first book I’ve read by Avery Aster.  I am happy to report that I loved it.  This book had all of the elements to keep me hooked.  You’ll find love, passion, lust, moments of sadness and happiness as well as a polyamorous relationship.  Yes, there is a lot going on in this book.  This is the 4th book in the series and while I haven’t read the others, I was able to follow along and understand the characters.  Avery did a wonderful job of introducing them and providing background at the beginning of the book.

The characters in this book are lovable.  Jemma, the female protagonist has survived cancer.  She’s a business woman who loves two men.  Yes, two men who are equally delicious and unique.  So as the title of the book states, their relationship is “unconventional” but wow, just wow.  Rocco and Luigi both bring their own personalities and love into this particular relationship.

Unconventional was a quick read and one that I truly enjoyed.  I’ve read several other books that include M/M relationships in the past but this book and its unique story have made me see love in a different light.

I don’t want to spoil the book because it is too good not to read.  I highly recommend this book.

Steamy, sexy, witty and overall a delicious read.

I gave this book 4 stars!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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About Avery Aster

New York Times bestselling author Avery Aster pens The Manhattanites, a contemporary erotic romance series of full-length, stand-alone novels, and the naughty new adult prequel companion series The Undergrad Years.

As a resident of New York City and a graduate from New York University, Avery gives readers an inside look at the city’s glitzy nightlife, socialite sexcapades and tall tales of the über-rich and ultra-famous.

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Release Day Blitz – Unconventional by Avery Aster @AveryAster

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From the NYT Bestselling author of The Manhattanites series and for fans of such films as Vicky Cristina Barcelona and Wild Things comes a ménage romance posing the question; can two men share the same woman forever?

They are the best of friends and the greatest of lovers. Two men and one woman, searching for fortune and fame, bound together by an eroticism their money and power can’t buy them. Luigi, the romantic alpha hunk. Rocco, the exotic bisexual. Jemma, the insatiable beauty who possesses them both.

From their first rendezvous in Milan, the three set out on a wicked course, jet-setting from the kinky underground sex clubs of Berlin, to the lavish palaces of Moscow, to New York’s high society in pursuit of pleasure. They have only each other to care for. That is…until a baby comes along and changes their destiny. But which of them is the father? And will they continue their poly relationship or give in to convention?


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A Love Poem


I’LL…unease you, totally tease you

MEN…look at me, want to make love to me

WOMEN…want to be me, hate me Let’s not dance around the subject

YOU…may lust after me, maybe even marry me, I’ll carry your baby

HOW DID WE…veer this far left, get so fucked up

WE…started the relationship out so right, ended so wrong Let’s try again

MAKE…..your dreams come true, alleviate your worst fears

PLEASE…warm my heart, try not to smash it, too Let’s mend our broken hearts

FLASHBACKS…to our passionate nights, to when you found me

AS LOVERS…we know no shame, we don’t place blame, we have this secret place in time

NEVER…hesitate to be the one, take my soul apart Let’s set our secrets free

FEELS LIKE…something so right, total submission and satisfaction

THESE DREAMS…like perfume on my wrist, are closer than this

YOU SAY…I’m crazy, that I’m in the danger zone Let’s open the door

I KNOW…I’m loving like never before, we belong together

MANY TIMES…I feel alone without you at my side, I speak of aberrant behavior

ARE YOU…hot tonight, feeling naughty I…want you, gotta have you

YOU ARE MY…devotion, lover

LET’S…be forever

About the Author


New York Times bestselling author Avery Aster pens The Manhattanites, a contemporary erotic romance series of full-length, stand-alone novels, and the naughty new adult prequel companion series The Undergrad Years.

As a resident of New York City and a graduate from New York University, Avery gives readers an inside look at the city’s glitzy nightlife, socialite sexcapades and tall tales of the über-rich and ultra-famous.

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