Wake Me… Poetry by Lauren

This poem is sure to get your morning started off right.

Welcome Lauren, my guest poet.



devour me pic

Devour Me 


Wake me with your kisses

your warmth

your fire.

Devour me with your passion

so intense 

full of desire.

Make by body quiver.

Make me glow in delight.

Waking up to you,

eternal bliss.

by Lauren

Transports of Delight by Benjamin McQueen @HisDelights

transports of delight cover


The collected short stories and poetry of erotica author Benjamin McQueen are finally here. Here for the first time you can immerse yourself fully in the world of a real life Dominant. See what it’s like to really live the life, understand the man behind the myth and get to know how the dynamic between a Dom and his Sub really works.


My Review

Have you ever wondered what thoughts lurk inside the mind of a real life dominant?  If so, then I suggest you read Transports of Delight, a delicious collection of erotic short stories and poems written by Benjamin McQueen, a real life dom. This collection contains Making You Mine and other erotic delights.

Making You Mine  follows two characters, a dom and his sub as they get to know each other through various erotic encounters.  I must say, after blushing several times, I felt every emotion along the way. While the story is erotic in nature, there is an innocence in the characters that captivates the reader. The story is well written in parts from the dom’s point of view. The sexual scenes are sizzling hot!  I most enjoyed the fact that each part of the story details another encounter filled with stronger emotions and anticipation.  I admit, I felt the same anticipation as the characters on this journey.  Each steamy encounter builds on the previous, leading to the ultimate encounter.

You will also read A Writing Life another short erotic story and an excerpt of his upcoming piece called Finding Alice.  The poetry in this collection is sexy and steamy.  Tastefully written, this book, Transports of Delight, will transport you to the world of a dom and his sub and may answer those lingering questions you may have on this type of relationship. I must say, reading Benjamin’s writing has made me understand the dynamics of this lifestyle.

I gave this book 4.5 stars and recommend it to lovers of erotica and those curious to learn more.



Buy Link




About the Author 

Benjamin McQueen is a real life Dominant.

Born and bred in the beautiful Sussex countryside, he currently lives near to the historic town of Arundel, West Sussex.

He has a love of all things creative. Find him at the local independent cinema watching foreign language films or under a tree reading Kurt Vonnegut. He drinks whiskey and eats pasta, far too much. Is obsessive about sports, only the healthy English created ones and loves The Jam, The Who and The Beatles.
Having been in the BDSM lifestyle for ten years he felt a great urge to put some of his world down on paper. Making You Mine is the first attempt at portraying this world. It’s his aim to show the true companionship of the Sub/Dom lifestyle. A life full of love, trust, devotion and discovery.
He lives with his dog Pangloss not far from the sea and spends most of his day humming stupid tunes and dreaming of the naughtier side of life.


Read his Interview on Smashwords.

Follow his blog page for more news about his writing at https://benjaminmcqueenerotica.wordpress.com

You can find Mr. McQueen on Twitter at  https://twitter.com/HisDelights /

Passion Between The Wines by Mark Davis – Poetry

April is National Poetry Month!


I am so excited to share this poem written by the magnificent and talented Mark Davis. I am honored and thrilled to have his sensual words on my blog. Thank you Mark!  Your words and talent are always a treat for the eyes and the mind.  


crave you



Passion Between The Wines

Read a page sip some wine
Love his erotic style
Hear a noise look to the door
See your partners smile
Smile back, invite him
Share the wine and word
Aware that when he reads them
His passion will be stirredKnow that he loves the days
When you sip and read
The effect the words have on you
Knows you’ll be in need
Book and glass down spread your arms
He enters your embrace
Deep wanting kiss, clothes removed
Your hearts begin to race The foreplay from the poems read
Ensures you are slick
Your hands wrap round his member
He hardens up so quick
Lifts you up and carries you
To your field of dreams
Place you down and ravishes
The room soon filled with screams

Later as you lay there
Secure in his hold
You softly thank the poet
For his words of gold
Your partner hears your word of thanks
“Thank him from me too
I love the sensual effect
His hot words have on you”

by Mark Davis
I hope your day is filled with passion!
About the Poet, Mark Davis
Growing up in Australia, I have always been a keen observer of the people around me and from schoolboy fantasies about my teachers or the older girls.. or whichever superheroine was around at the time, my mind never stopped coming up with scenarios that inevitably ended up with a mess somewhere. None of these fantasies were forgotten and as new experiences created new fantasies, and with the rich tapestry of new people I have met along the way I started to write these fantasies down, sharing both my erotic stories ,poetry and various other musings on life with a small circle of friends and now with you . I hope you enjoy and follow
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SMILES ————:-)  -Mark Davis
You can read more of Mark’s delicious and sensual words on his blog.  Be sure to check it out!  http://markdaviserotica1225.wordpress.com/
Follow him on Twitter too.  @markdavispoet

April – National Poetry Month – Our First Encounter

April is National Poetry Month.  During this month, I will share poetry submitted by various individuals.  Some poets have identified themselves while others choose to remain anonymous.  If you are up for the poetry challenge and would like to submit a poem/poems.  Contact me and I will gladly post your words.





Our First Encounter

Eyes meet
Across a crowded room
A smile
A sultry look
A smirk
A suggestive stare
Fire ignites
A lifeless body awakens

Two strangers
One night
A dance
A kiss
Emotional bliss
Passion awaits

A prelude
An ardent night
Eyes meet
Two souls on fire

A Valentine’s Poem by Thomas Snow @snowglobeman

We all love reading his beautiful words on Twitter.  Thank you for writing and sharing your Valentine’s Poem.    ~Susi

happy valentines day image


I have not bought you chocolates and flowers

I have not reserved a dinner table

I have not bought you a romantic card

I have not booked a night away

I have not done any of these things

Other loves will share their valentines

Other loves will sip bubbly champagne

Other lovers will exchange tokens

Other loves will declare and claim

I have not bought you chocolates and flowers

I have bitten your neck while caressing your shoulder and held you under shooting stars. I have carved your name on a tree and told the tree that I have given you my soul. I have talked with you until the dawn and been inside your body and your mind. I have kissed your book in a supermarket queue and written poetry about you with tears falling from my brutal eyes. I have bought you a dress to watch you dance and to rip it from your body to hear you gasp and sigh – I remembered your words to lull my soul to sleep. I have bathed you surrounded by candles and held your hair tight in a fist while kissing you with the awesome force of a storm. I have told you my secret childhood dreams and watched you sleep praying that you will be in my life forever. I have lit a candle in a  Parisian church and looked to the heavens when rain fell knowing your heart is mine. I have seen you grow in confidence and experience and have tasted the forever juice of your beautiful memories.

I have fucking loved you with a force beyond anything I have ever known and with a desire I did not believe could exist

I have not bought you chocolates and flowers


I love you

And my life is your Valentine

Thomas J. Snow

You can read more of @Snowglobeman’s beautiful and inspiring words on Twitter.

Follow him: @snowglobeman

Check out his awesome website too. www.snowglobeman.com

Thanks again for sharing! xoxo ~ Reading Between the Wines Blog