Paulo Coelho – Christmas Stories @paulocoelho @ninabocci

Books make wonderful gifts.  

Here’s one that is perfect for this Christmas season.  Christmas Stories by Paulo Coelho


This special edition of his Christmas Stories brings various Christmas tales. The stories speak of the joy, generosity, humility and the small-yet-large miracles that we experience in our day-to-day lives. Paulo’s words, observations and thoughts help those who have already set off along their path in life and, at the same time, encourage new readers to take their first steps.

About the Author

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The Brazilian author PAULO COELHO was born in 1947 in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Before dedicating his life completely to literature, he worked as theatre director and actor, lyricist and journalist. In 1986, PAULO COELHO did the pilgrimage to Saint James of Compostella, an experience later to be documented in his book The Pilgrimage. In the following year, COELHO published The Alchemist. Slow initial sales convinced his first publisher to drop the novel, but it went on to become one of the best selling Brazilian books of all time. Other titles include Brida (1990), The Valkyries (1992), By the river Piedra I sat Down and Wept (1994), the collection of his best columns published in the Brazilian newspaper Folha de São Paulo entitle Maktub (1994), the compilation of texts Phrases (1995), The Fifth Mountain (1996), Manual of a Warrior of Light (1997), Veronika decides to die (1998), The Devil and Miss Prym (2000), the compilation of traditional tales in Stories for parents, children and grandchildren (2001), Eleven Minutes (2003), The Zahir (2005), The Witch of Portobello (2006) and Winner Stands Alone (to be released in 2009). During the months of March, April, May and June 2006, Paulo Coelho traveled to celebrate the 20th anniversary of his pilgrimage to Saint James of Compostella in 1986. He also held surprise book signings – announced one day in advance – in some cities along the way, to have a chance to meet his readers. In ninety days of pilgrimage the author traveled around the globe and took the famous Transiberrian train that took him to Vladivostok. During this experience Paulo Coelho launched his blog Walking the Path – The Pilgrimage in order to share with his readers his impressions. Since this first blog Paulo Coelho has expanded his presence in the internet with his daily blogs in WordPress, Myspace & Facebook. He is equally present in media sharing sites such as Youtube and Flickr, offering on a regular basis not only texts but also videos and pictures to his readers. From this intensive interest and use of the Internet sprang his bold new project: The Experimental Witch where he invites his readers to adapt to the screen his book The Witch of Portobello. Indeed Paulo Coelho is a firm believer of Internet as a new media and is the first Best-selling author to actively support online free distribution of his work.​

Adultery by Paulo Coelho Promo Blitz @paulocoelho @ninabocci

Adultery by Paulo Coelho Promo Blitz

Books make wonderful holiday gifts.  Here’s a book to add to your own TBR as well as gift to that special reader in your life.

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In the latest novel from #1 best-selling author Paulo Coelho, a woman attempts to overcome midlife ennui by rediscovering herself in a passionate relationship with a man who had been a friend in her youth.

A woman in her thirties begins to question the routine and predictability of her days. In everybody’s eyes, she has a perfect life: happy marriage, children, and a career. Yet what she feels is an enormous apathy. All that changes when she encounters a successful politician who had, years earlier, been her high school boyfriend. As she rediscovers the passion missing from her life, she will face a life-altering choice.


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paulo coelho imageAbout this author

The Brazilian author PAULO COELHO was born in 1947 in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Before dedicating his life completely to literature, he worked as theatre director and actor, lyricist and journalist. In 1986, PAULO COELHO did the pilgrimage to Saint James of Compostella, an experience later to be documented in his book The Pilgrimage. In the following year, COELHO published The Alchemist. Slow initial sales convinced his first publisher to drop the novel, but it went on to become one of the best selling Brazilian books of all time. Other titles include Brida (1990), The Valkyries (1992), By the river Piedra I sat Down and Wept (1994), the collection of his best columns published in the Brazilian newspaper Folha de São Paulo entitle Maktub (1994), the compilation of texts Phrases (1995), The Fifth Mountain (1996), Manual of a Warrior of Light (1997), Veronika decides to die (1998), The Devil and Miss Prym (2000), the compilation of traditional tales in Stories for parents, children and grandchildren (2001), Eleven Minutes (2003), The Zahir (2005), The Witch of Portobello (2006) and Winner Stands Alone (to be released in 2009). During the months of March, April, May and June 2006, Paulo Coelho traveled to celebrate the 20th anniversary of his pilgrimage to Saint James of Compostella in 1986. He also held surprise book signings – announced one day in advance – in some cities along the way, to have a chance to meet his readers. In ninety days of pilgrimage the author traveled around the globe and took the famous Transiberrian train that took him to Vladivostok. During this experience Paulo Coelho launched his blog Walking the Path – The Pilgrimage in order to share with his readers his impressions. Since this first blog Paulo Coelho has expanded his presence in the internet with his daily blogs in WordPress, Myspace & Facebook. He is equally present in media sharing sites such as Youtube and Flickr, offering on a regular basis not only texts but also videos and pictures to his readers. From this intensive interest and use of the Internet sprang his bold new project: The Experimental Witch where he invites his readers to adapt to the screen his book The Witch of Portobello. Indeed Paulo Coelho is a firm believer of Internet as a new media and is the first Best-selling author to actively support online free distribution of his work.

Reading With My Mother – A Mother’s Day Musing

Today’s post is a bit personal in nature.

My mother and I had never been close.  I always had a closer relationship with my father.  Ever since I can remember, I just always felt more comfortable speaking to my dad, even about embarrassing situations.  As I grew older and had more things in common with my mother, such as becoming a mother myself, our relationship improved.  Still, that connection that many of my friends shared with their mothers wasn’t there.

For years, I would speak to my mother every day.  It was part of my ritual while I prepared dinner.  We shared news, family gossip and talked about cooking.

I am happy to share this post because through reading, my mother and I now communicate more often and have a better relationship than ever before.   When I first read Gabriel’s Inferno by Sylvain Reynard, I told my mom about it.  I immediately read Gabriel’s Rapture and mentioned that book to her as well.  We Googled and ogled some David Gandy (my professor) pics.  My mom was quickly interested and amused.  And yes, she is now a David Gandy fan too.  The moment the books were available in Spanish, I ordered them for her.  Gabriel and Sylvain Reynard entered my 77 year old mother’s life.  It was an amazing thing really.  My mother could not put the books down.  Our communication increased.  She would call me to tell me all about the book and where she was at that moment.  We talked about Gabriel and Julia as if they were real people. We shared the moments in the books together.  I reread the books along with my mother so that I would be right there with her.  This was the first time my mother and I had such an open and friendly relationship.  When my mother finally finished Gabriel’s Rapture, she predicted what was to come in the next book, Gabriel’s Redemption.  We waited months for the final book to become available in Spanish and arrive from Spain.  She quickly devoured that book as well.




This series, this trilogy, brought my mother happiness.  Not only did we discuss the book, but we discussed literature, the Italian culture, travel and even religion.  I had never had so many interesting conversations with my mom like I did after reading these books.

Since reading this series, my mother started reading other books.  Now, we don’t just talk about the weather, family issues and work, we talk about books and authors. My relationship with my mother has totally improved.  Books written by my favorite authors made this possible.

My mother is now going to read Beautiful Bastard (Un Tipo Odioso) by Christina Lauren in Spanish.  I brought it back from Spain.  I can’t wait for the conversations that book will bring.  Oh my, I am sure they will be very interesting.

beautiful bastard

I am thrilled to have established this new relationship with my mother.  It may have taken us a long time to get there, but I am the happiest I have ever been with my mother today.

Thank  you to those authors that have made this relationship possible.  Sylvain Reynard, Isabel Allende, Paolo Coelho and Christina Lauren.

For Mother’s Day this year, I am giving my mother books.  We need to keep our conversations about book boyfriends going.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers out there.

Happy Reading!

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