Susi Reviews Dirty Friends by Paige Steele @psteeleauthor

Susi Reviews Dirty Friends by Paige Steele

dirty friends


Dirty Friends


Best friends Cooper Brewis and Ryan Evans have grown up living a house apart from one another. They love pool parties, hot weather, sassy chick and the dirty track.

When Ansley Young moves into the house between, them both Cooper and Ryan become her protectors. Being best friends with the two biggest flirts in school, makes life difficult at times but she wouldn’t have it any other way. She will always be their biggest fan on and off the track.

After graduation the three are faced with moving away from each other.

Will one kiss ruin their bond or will it become something, Beautifully… Dirty?


My Review

It’s Summer and I love short and fun reads.  Dirty Friends is just that, a perfect read to enjoy while relaxing out in the sun or simply relaxing with a glass of wine.

This debut was an enjoyable read for me. I immediately loved the characters.  They were realistic and entertaining.  In this story, three friends enjoy their high school years together.  Cooper, Ryan and Ansley have great chemistry with each other.  It was easy to see how these boys would become so protective of their friend/neighbor.  Friendly banter between these characters also makes for a lighthearted read.

Additionally, I enjoyed the well written motocross scenes.  As a mother of two boys, I was able to picture their race outings as well as the atmosphere in these races.  The scenes in this book were clearly well researched and well written.

As the story evolves, time passes and the three friends embark on their own journeys.  Being apart proves to be more than expected for these friends. Then, there is a kiss, one that can make or break a friendship.

Ms. Steele, I was left wanting more.  I look forward to the next book in this series.  I can’t wait to see what develops and how their adult lives continue.

I gave this book 4 stars!

I love the cover too!  Your cover model is perfect!

Grab your flip flops, bikini, your Kindle and your beach chair.  Enjoy Dirty Friends, a perfect Summer Read.


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